I do not own the rights to Gilmore Girls. All characters are the property of Amy Sherman-Palladino.

Rory's day started off like any other day, except today was Paris and Doyle's engagement party. Hartford society events were a part of Rory Gilmore's life whether she wanted it or not. She was one of Paris's best friends and her maid of honor. As if on cue, her phone rang. Juggling her coffee and strawberry pop-tart, she answered.

"Hello, Paris."

"Are you on your way yet?!" Paris asked frantically.

"No, remember I stayed at my grandparents' pool house? I can be there in 10 minutes."

"Okay. Fine. I need you here soon. I think people are avoiding me."

"Imagine that? People avoiding your authority." she rolled her eyes and sipped her coffee.

"Rory! Now is not the time for your sardonic comments."

"Alright, alright. I'll grab my things. See you soon."

Paris practically hung up before Rory could finish saying soon. Rory could hear her berating someone about where they were putting the flowers before the phone went silent. She could not imagine what it was going to be like at the wedding. Rory finished off her coffee and grabbed her dress bag, makeup bag, and purse. When she got to Paris's house, a maid opened the door and had a terrified look on her face. Rory could hear shouting coming from the back of the house.

"Has she been like this all morning?" she inquired as she handed the maid her things, "please put these in Paris's room for me." The maid nodded and scurried off to avoid the wrath of Paris.

Rory spent the afternoon running interference with Paris and the event staff. Eventually she was able to convince Paris that she had to get ready.

Once the party started, Paris calmed down. Doyle and Paris greeted guests as they began to arrive. One guest though, Paris was not expecting.

"Tristan?" as she walked towards him, he smiled. He still looked the same, but older.

"Paris, it's been a long time."

She looked genuinely confused, "What are you doing here?"

"My parents sent me in their place. They're away in Europe."

"I heard you were back in Hartford. I just didn't expect to see you socializing."

Tristan's face fell, "I wasn't planning on it. I've been out of touch with Hartford society for quite some time. I heard the party was for your engagement though and we've known each other for a long time. I figured why not?"

"I'm glad you came. We should catch up some time. I'm sorry I can't talk to you longer, but I need to find my fiancé." Paris turned to walk away, but then turned back for a moment, "Also, be nice to her when you see her."

Before he could ask who she was referring to, she rushed off across the room. What was that all about? Tristan stood there thoroughly puzzled. He decided to find a quiet room to get away from everyone. He really did not want to talk to anyone else he knew. Of course, he found himself in the music room with a grand piano. He sat down on the piano bench and pressed a couple of the keys. The door opened and he turned to see who was disturbing his peace.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know anyone was in here." the girl said rapidly as she turned to leave. She hadn't even seen his face. His breath caught in his throat. He knew that voice.


Rory Gilmore stopped dead in her tracks when she heard that name. "What did you just call me?"

"Mare, is it really you?" He had stood up and come closer to her. She still hadn't turned around.

All of a sudden, Rory felt things she hadn't felt in years. She was afraid to turn around and see him again. She felt like she was 16, despite the fact that she was nearly 30 years old. His hand gently wrapped around her wrist and he turned her towards him. Tristan Dugrey. How did he have such an effect on her after 13 years?


Before she could say anything else, he closed the distance between them and kissed her gently, but she could feel his hunger for her and it scared her. He didn't know if she had a boyfriend or a husband and in this moment, he didn't care. He just wanted to touch her and see that she was real. He felt her press her hands against his chest and he backed off.

She was blushing a bright red, but she didn't look upset. "You haven't changed a bit, have you?"

"Well, I figured I owed you a kiss. Since the last time we saw each other I wanted to kiss you, but your goon of a boyfriend was staring at us." He quickly glanced around to see if anyone was watching.

"Don't worry. I don't have a boyfriend. No one's going to beat you up, except maybe Paris."

He looked at her curiously, "Yeah, what is going on with you two? You're friends?"

"We have a lot to catch up on."