"Hey...you ok? Look I've tried calling you, texting you, I even stopped by earlier to check on you...I know this is hard on you Mich, but please, please get back to me. I'm worried about you. Just text me or something. To let me know you're ok? Andrea sighed. "I'm here for you. No matter what...Call me or text me when you get this message ok? I love you."

It had been a week since Michonne had seen her best friend, or anyone for that matter. She had locked herself in her apartment and refused to leave. She hadn't bathed and only ate what was necessary to live. Not that she deserved to live. She deserved to die. She wanted to die. Michonne decided she would do what her best friend had asked to let her know that she was ok. Well, not ok, but alive at the very least.

I want to die. she typed and sent it to Andrea


I don't have anything left to live for, I want to kill myself...I don't deserve to live. By now she had tears streaming down her face. I'm a monster

It's not your fault

Of course it is! I should have listened to my instincts! I KNEW I couldn't trust them and now...

6 months ago

"C'mon Michonne I've been with Angela for two months now. Don't be such a hard ass. You don't like her, I get it but she's apart of my life now. That means she has to be apart of Andre's life, you can't keep stalling their meeting, she's not going anywhere. So, how about this weekend? You can even come chaperone if it'll make you more comfortable" he snickered

Michonne sighed "Mike it's not that I don't like her, I don't know her. We've never met! Does she even have any experience with kids? What makes you think she's ready for this. Besides, two months isn't a long time."

"Do I have to beg? She really wants to meet our little peanut."

Michonne smiled over the phone and playfully rolled her eyes. Although she and Mike hadn't worked out, she didn't hate him or hold any grudges against him. They were just simply two people who fell out of love. Their relationship had always been fast paced and they just seemed to want different things as time went on. The one thing that hadn't changed about either of them was the love they shared for their beautiful peanut Andre.

Andre had just turned three last month and Mike had been trying to get Michonne to agree to letting the new woman in his life meet their son. "Ok, you win. I'll let him meet Angela, but ONLY if I'm there. If she checks out then who knows, maybe I'll let him stay the weekend with you two. Sound like a deal?"

"Deal!" He said excitedly. She could hear the excitement in his voice.

"No, Absolutely not!" Michonne snapped. "My son is not staying anywhere that woman is staying!"

"Michonne"...he sighed "You promised" he reminded her

She titled her head and looked at him as if her were speaking a foreign language. "I did no such thing. I said MAYBE. IF she checks out and she most certainly did not!" She said as she opened the door to her car and looked back to make sure Andre was still asleep in his car seat. "Look maybe in a couple of weeks, or months, or years. Shit Mike, maybe never! That woman is fucking insane! How can't you tell a psycho when you see one? And why the hell didn't you tell me she was young enough to be my daughter!?"

"Stop being dramatic she's seven years younger than you! And she's not a 'psycho' She's just...different. Hey, thanks for letting them meet, I wish he could stay but maybe next time. Just..think about it ok?" He pleaded

Michonne nodded "Ok, maybe next time..."

"She said what?" Andrea gasped over the phone

"She told Andre to call her mom...and that she wasn't "A cool step mom" but "A strict step mom who demands respect." Michonne explained "And worst of all, she said it with a big stupid grin on her face. I don't trust her but I trust Mike.."

"What did you say?"

"I didn't say anything! I couldn't, I was in shock, hell, I'm STILL in shock!" she said. Her phone started to beep in her ear letting her know that she was receiving a call on the other line. She looked at the caller ID but she didn't recognize the phone number that was being displayed. She furrowed her brows "Hey Drea, I'm gonna call you back, I need to see who this is. Bye, love you."

"Hello" The person on the other line had been silent for a few seconds before finally speaking.

"Hey babes, It's Angie." She said in her creepy monotonous voice. "Well, you know me as Angela. Mike's girlfriend. We met yesterday." she giggled. "I went through Mike's phone to get your number, I wanted to apologize for how I acted at dinner meeting my stepson, it's just...I got carried away. I've always wanted a son. I'm not trying to take yours from you, but maybe I can be apart of his life?"

Stepson...she's acting like they're already married... "Ah, yeah, well honestly Angela, you overstepped your boundaries...but I do appreciate your apology and I do accept it."

"So, will you let Andre stay next weekend?" She asked "Well, it's not like you have much a choice. I'm moving in with Mike and next weekend is his weekend with 'peanut'." Michonne could hear the smirk in her voice. She was mocking her. "It was nice talking to you babes, but um...I think I've said all I need. Bye bye!"

Michonne stared at the phone after Angela hung up with her mouth agape. Once again in stunned into silence by this woman.

1 month ago

It had been five months since Michonne met Angela, five months since her son had been seeing that woman every two weeks, five months since she and Mike no longer spoke unless it had to do with their son. A perfectly good friendship ruined by a woman who was a genius at playing the victim. Angela had convinced Mike that Michonne was still in love with him and that was the reason that she wasn't fond of her. Of course that wasn't the real reason. There was just something about her that rubbed Michonne the wrong way. According to everyone else, she was being paranoid. Even Andrea had suggested that she give the woman another shot.

Mike was blinded by her. She had him wrapped around her pale, bony ass finger. Angela was a seductress, she could manipulate a man into doing or believing anything she wanted. That was exactly what happened to Mike. Her couldn't see the type of person she really was. All she had to do was bat her lashes, let him have his way with her and he was hypnotized. Michonne was starting to wonder why she ever thought she could trust him.

She didn't want that woman anywhere near her son, but Andre seemed to like her a lot. Every time he returned home from Mike's house, that's all he talked about. Angie this, Angie that, "look what Angie bought me." She wouldn't stop her son from seeing the woman just because she didn't care for her. That didn't seem fair to him. So, she clenched her jaw and dealt with the woman. It didn't seem like Mike had any plans to get rid of her so, she would just try to remain cordial with her.

1 week ago

Something wasn't right. Mike wasn't answering his phone. He always answered the phone when it was his time with Andre. He always answered! Angela wasn't answering either. Michonne had called them both a dozen times at least. Why the hell aren't they answering?

Michonne quickly called Andrea.

"Mich! What's up hun?"

"Andrea! He's not answering the phone. They're not answering their fucking phones!" She was starting to panic. This wasn't normal. Something was wrong she could feel it.

"Woah, calm down. What are you talking about?"

"Mike! And Angela! They have my baby why the hell aren't they answering? Something's wrong!"

Andrea chuckled at her friends state of panic "Relax, they're just in a sex coma or something."

"I'm being serious Drea! I have to go there and see what's going on."

"Hey,wait! It's 10pm, and you're talking about driving two hours away to hickstown King's County? You have work in the morning Mich. Calm down. They'll get back to you when they see how much you've been calling."

No matter how many times Andrea told her to calm down, she simply could not. She knew something was wrong and she intended to find out what. "I'm going. You can either get your ass over here and come with me or not, but I'm going!" She said seriously "Are you coming or not?"

Andrea was stunned at how serious she was. She could tell by the tone of Michonne's voice that this wasn't a joke. She sighed heavily "I'm coming"

A/N: I'm sure you can tell by my writing that I'm new to this fanfic stuff but bear with me people. I Will try to get better. No Rick in chapter one but he'll definitely be in chapter two. This story will have a lot of angst so if that's not your thing then hopefully you'll still read it haha. Anyways, Thanks for reading and please leave reviews to let me know what you think. I know where I want this story to go but I welcome your suggestions and tips on how I can improve this.