
Chapter 09

Working Fast

A door in a hallway of Le Grand Paris opened and a cat eared hood poked out. The ears on it twitched a bit before Chat Noir, with his cape flowing behind him, exited.

The sword wielding magician was being wary, very wary after the incident with the marbles upstairs and the near catastrophe that had just been avoided with help from Chloe of all people, which Ladybug had been super unhappy about.

Granted the current situation was her fault, she did upset one of her closest friends and created the invisible menace the two magic wielders now hunted.

Though maybe in part Ladybug because it had something to do with Chloe. Beyond the current situation, there was that whole situation with Rose, Prince Ali, and the FLOWER card.

But it's not like she's perfect. Chat reasons to himself, as he stalks down the hall, the incident with that camera guy and the TRAP card is proof of that.

It had been some time since the incident with the ARROW card and then there had been 2 cards since then, both of going to Ladybug for the win.

As for their relationship… well they weren't waging war with each other but it wasn't as good as Chat feels like it could be.

There was a creaking noise and Chat spun around sword bared.

If the area is a bit darker then this would fit into a horror movie Chat thought rather cynically. Then the lights above him went out and his eyed widened and felt the rug get ripped from under him making him stumble.

The next few minutes were arguably for lack of a better word a shit show.

The Akuma tugged on his cape, threw things at him, she even threw a fire extinguisher at him. The only thing Chat had going for him was that the Akuma was after his ring and with a fist grasping a very sharp sword, that is very difficult.

So, locked in this conflict Chat couldn't do much. Then from down the hall came a shout "Lucky Charm!" And then there was light, pink light being cast from the lamps above which now were by a red screen covered with black spots and yet light still passed through them.

Chat blinks in the sudden light and then he hears Ladybug call out "FLOWER" and then there's a sweet scent filling the hall and flowers just everywhere.

Seriously it was like a bomb made of air fresheners just exploded.

And then the petals started to hit something Chat couldn't see.

He also noticed that one petal was waggling in the air that moved around like it was stuck on something and by good luck Chat remembered what Chloe had tried to share with them earlier about the broach.

Acting quickly Chat swung out with his sword aiming carefully so that he didn't actually hit her or worse and Chat watched as he cut through her sweater sending the broach flying into plain sight and Chat was quick to cleave it with his blade.

The Akuma screeched as the purple-black butterfly wormed free he chanted "Corrupted one, you, bound by darkness and destruction's power, I bind. A concept I name of the form you give, in this I have mastered you, now take the guise I command, HIDE!"

There was a green flash of light and the card formed.

As the magic began to fade and everything was fixed Chat sighed as Sabrina came to and Chat heard the tell-tale chirp, he'd begun to associate with their Miraculous letting them know they were start to run low on magical power. A quick glance at his ring showed it wasn't him.

"You should get going my lady" Chat said softly "I've got this."

Ladybug nodded and then there was a sound from behind them as they suddenly became aware of yet another slimy presence.

"Leaving so soon Ladybug, aww I'm hurt."

The two looked at the speaker in alarm (Sabrina still a bit out of it) and they could tell right off that it was Chloe no doubt hurt after Ladybug brushing her off earlier and that might have influenced her now as she was wearing a spandex onesie in black with red dots.

The two quickly ran for it to try and get some breathing room.

And naturally the malevolent laughter followed them.

Hitting the stairwell Chat went down, while his Lady went up and after a minute Chat realized this… Antibug was primarily after her which in this case works to his advantage.

Chat pulled out his new card and tapped it with his sword calling out "HIDE!" And he vanished from sight.

Moving up the stairs quickly Chat quickly saw the door for the roof wide open and heard a voice that was not Ladybug call out "Lucky Charm!"

He reached the door and wow that was a big sword. That was an anime level sword. And Antibug was going at it with Ladybug.

Chat gave Antibug a considering look knowing they didn't have much time. If Ladybug got found out that would not be good for anyone.

After a moment Chat decided that her earrings were the best bet and stepping out onto the roof Chat pulled out another card and focusing his magic Chat watched as it hovered above his hand with a glow and he said "BUBBLE" and two little bubbles appearing above his claw-gloved hand.

Then focusing, he said "Cataclysm…"

And black energy arced around the little bubbles and Chat blew on them sending them out making sure to follow a few seconds after.

They reached Antibug just as she backhanded Ladybug with the sword like using a tennis racket.

Then as the villain raised the sword high the bubbles reached her ears and popping transferring the destructive energy to the earrings and turning them to dust and setting the butterfly free.

Reaction was immediate as Antibug froze, sword falling from her fingers, and she dropped like a puppet with its strings cut.

Chat was already at the butterfly though dropping HIDE's magic "Corrupted one, you, bound by darkness and destruction's power, I bind. A concept I name of the form you give, in this I have mastered you, now take the guise I command, TWIN!"

There was a green flash of light and the card formed while Ladybug stared at him wide eyed the question "where did he come from" written all over her face.

"You should go my Lady" she only had one spot left.

Then from the door, "What in the world is going on here?!" there was Mayor Bourgeois.

The two magic wielders shared an annoyed glance. So far, they had managed to avoid dealing with the man for various reasons but apparently that was over.

There was a chirp from Chat's hand and glanced down to see one of his paw pads gone and he sighed.

"Go on my lady I've got this" he nodded to her.

Ladybug gave him a doubtful look concerned for various reasons but Chat nodded.

"I can handle this" and it was true his father had trained him for dealing with figures like the mayor, hell he's dealt with the mayor on more than one occasion.

Not that she knew that but still. So, after one more concerned look that warmed Chat's a little bit (his lady was concerned for him!) she took off and Chat turned to the mayor and sighed.

He was going to have to make this quick.

Author's Note: Hello there everyone! Here's the new chapter for MiracuCaptors. I decided to do a time skip to give the fic a bit of a jump as well as give a bit more reason for experience gained. The drawing is something I made myself and is viewable on DeviantArt and my pillowfort blog. Thanks goes to my beta reader Warmach1ne32. Not much else to say. I don't own Miraculous Ladybug or CardCaptor Sakura in any way, shape, or form. Reviews welcome.