A/N: Part 2 of the Smut with the mostly just set-up, next chapter comes the hardcore part so it'll be pretty long. I hope you all enjoy this installment, and below are some links to things mentioned so you get a physical look. They are NSFW and 18+ so be aware.

Gag Binding

Disclaimer: I do not own and/or make money off this work of fiction. All characters belong to Hiiro Mashima.

Natsu looked down at Lucy's unconscious body, his breathe coming out in heavy pants as he felt the heat still rushing through him. When he had arrived from that mission and smelled the scent of Lucy and feminine cum, he had expected to find her in his house with one of the girls from the Guild Hall, not on her own with a toy. Still, he'd been pissed that she'd turned around and done this to him after all the times she'd yelled at him for breaking into her home.

He'd gone on the mission to surprise her with a rare book of spells, she'd been giving him presents lately after all and he felt like it would make her happy. Now here he was, above a naked, unconscious Lucy, hard as a rock and still wanting to fuck her senseless. Deciding he would do just that, he also decided he would have a bit more…fun, with her while she was unconscious.

He had never told her but he was a rough lover, and was very much into rough sex. What she'd experienced was just a taste of what he liked, and she'd seemed to like it as well. This made him hopeful she could handle the rest of what he would do to her…when she woke-up of course.

Moving her gingerly so as not to wake her up, he moved her to a different place that wasn't wet with her own juices…one of his chairs. Setting her down on it, he looked her over before a smirk slowly pulled apart his lips. He had plans for her, and he knew she would like it when she woke up.

His hands moved her limbs slowly, her legs were bent and her feet set on the end of the chair. Looking her over once more he moved towards the bed she'd been on, rummaging under it until he found what he was looking for, rope.

Pulling out the hemp rope he'd bought he looked it over making sure that it was long enough and soft enough so it wouldn't seriously hurt Lucy if she struggled or moved against it. When he decided it was the right length he walked back over to her, and started first with her legs, wrapping and tying the ropes until it looked the way he wanted, then he cut the rope and moved to the next leg, repeating the process. Once done he decided to change her location again, picking her up in his arms once more he brought her to the bed, laying her out on her knees, using the ropes to tie her legs to the bed posts with just enough slack so he could roll her over if he wanted to. Next, he brought her arms back, bending them at the elbows he tied them together so she would have to grip her biceps if she wanted to grab something. Looking her over he licked his lips, she was spread out perfectly for a feast and feast he would, but first he needed to add the final touches.

Crouching down to the floor he pulled out a box he'd been hiding under it, glad that unlike him Lucy wouldn't poke through his things, because this…this was something he had been saving for when he finally got the courage to make his move on her. Now here she was, at his mercy, and he wanted tonight to be special, after all, she'd made the first move hadn't she?

Opening the box he pulled out a few items, the first one being a sort of gag mask for her lower face, which had the option to be a ring gag or a cork gag depending on the user's preference. For now he opened her mouth wide, putting the gag mask in her mouth and buckling it behind her head, looking at her body once more he felt his cock jump in excitement for what he had planned for her.

There was one piece left for the surprise, and it was inside the book he'd gotten for his last job. He had skimmed through it, wondering what the spells were like inside of it, and had come across one he'd wanted to try for sparring but now, now it had another use. Picking up the leather bound book he flipped through the pages to the spell he wanted, grinning with fangs when he saw it.

"Alright let's see, so to use it I just have to say the words, seems pretty straight forward. Let's read it all just to be sure though, don't want any nasty surprises."

Sitting in the chair Lucy had previously occupied, as it was his only one, he read the pages on the spell, concentrating on it because it was very important that he get this right, since it wasn't exactly telling him what would happen if he got it wrong. He mouthed out the words a few times before nodding to himself, and standing once more.

"I hope you enjoy your present Lucy."

With that he recited from the book, keeping his eyes focused on the words he was saying.

"From one comes more, to feed the flames, the touch as one, though many are same."

A shudder worked down his spine as he felt the spell take effect, eyes closing because he wasn't sure what would happen and didn't really want to watch the process. Eyes opened though when the feeling was gone and he looked at four clones of himself, all grinning back at him. Though they were clones they all had the same mindset and would all feel what the other could feel.

"alright then, time to wake-up the princess."