Hello everyone! I'm Mistyecho, though you may call me Misty. This is my very first story and I hope you enjoy it.

Disclaimer : I don't own Warriors


The sky was deeply empty, as always, for clouds seldom appeared in this world. and the wind whirled quietly about. The sound of her paw steps echoed around, although there were nothing for them to bounce on in these vast plains. Rippledance paused at a clear pool, tilted her head in and gazed at the water.

A whisper of wind blew into the pool, and stirred the still waters. Droplets sprayed around, and she put her paw in to calm the ripples, only to cause another chain of movement across. It felt so familiar, so calm that she wished for a small fragment of a heartbeat that she could stay in the moment for ever. The breeze had quieted to a low hiss, and pictures started to form on the surface. A large battle, fought in a army of dark pines, fIooded with the sound of yowling and cries of pain. Her eyes wandered to a starry cat, her dappled tortiseshell and white coat translucent, whose warm amber eyes were filled with tenderness as she treated a tom's broken leg. Rippledance smiled at the cat in the pool, remembering her own memories and how many times she'd repeated that action. Her actions were practiced and quick, but Rippledance could see the terror and upset in her soft eyes. She closed her eyes for a moment, feeling the wind rush past her fur.

At this, her focus was distracted by the scenes in the pool, and her ears gently pricked forward with anticipation and worry. A blue-grey she-cat -Bluestar- padded up to her and whisper in a low and worried tone.

"We're losing ground and we need all the fighters we can get right now. I know you don't usually fight, but could you still help? "

Although the medicine cat looked up in surprise and a bit of fear, she answered with a steady nod before recieving the instructions to go where to help. The tip of Rippledance's mouth turned down in a frown as she watched the tortiseshell advance toward the battlefield. A dangerous job, especially for a inexperienced medicine cat who had little time left. The tortoiseshell's steps at first were slow, but her pace quickened every fox-length she took. Soon, the medicine cat was running at a pace that would match any cat of LeopardClan across the forest. She slowed down for a bit and stopped abruptly at the side of the clearing where another tortiseshell wrestled with a pale ginger she-cat.

Rippledance immediately regconized the tortiseshell, and her eyes narrowed into slits of hate. Mapleshade. The one who tortured and then killed her. Her head then turned to the pale ginger cat, and she scoured her memory for the name before recalling the word Sandstorm, Firestar's mate. Sandstorm leapt at the dark forest cat, but Mapleshade quickly twisted her sturdy body around to avoid her opponent's attack. As the she-cat crashed into empty space, Mapleshade seized her chance and flung herself onto Sandstorm, pinning her down. Horrified, Rippledance almost turned her head away before a lithe blur of brown, black, white and orange sprinted across the clearing distracted her. The medicine cat leap on top of Mapleshade and with painstaking effort, tore the Dark forest cat off.

"Why won't you let me kill the cat that stole your love?" Mapleshade tauntingly meowed.

"There was nothing to steal. Sandstorm made him happy!" The medicine cat yowled back. And in one swift move, Mapleshade curled her claws over the tortiseshell's throat and tore it open, leaving a bloody mess. Rippledance cried out loud and turned away, knowing Sandstorm would avenge her death.

Lightning and thunder shook the sky as Rippledance hurried away from the pool. A mass of stormclouds gathered around in a circle, and covered the moon. Her ears felt battered from the sound of thunder and her eyes tired from the occasional crack of light. Slowly a beam trickled down and Rippledance watched with awe as a figure appeared from the beam. A lithe, dark tortiseshell with a white belly stepped out slowly into this world.

"Spottedleaf. Welcome to this world where every cat comes when they leave forever." Rippledance mewed with a soft yet sad smile.

Spottedleaf only looked at her in bewilderment. Rippledance knew how confused she was when she came and she knew all the questions Spottedleaf wanted to ask because she has been there.

"I'll explain." Rippledance mewed. The only words that she could think of to comfort the medicine cat.

And Spottedleaf smiled back.

That's all for today! No Flames in the reviews please.