Kaoru felt like every breath was trying to kill him. "Definitely not a good idea," he winced. His could feel his injuries again with a new found vengeance, with every shift in movement now that his adrenaline was leaving him. "When and where did you learn to dance like that?" he heard Hikaru ask next to him. "Forever really," he replied, "I started dancing more back in Washington though." he finished trying to control his labored breath as he shut his eyes to suppress a groan. "I wish I could dance like that," he barely heard the other male say. "Maybe I could teach you." he smiled actually enjoying the thought of teaching the other one and being close to him.

Wanting to shift into a more comfortable position he attempted to push himself up only to breath in sharply before letting it out slowly which turned into a loud groan. "Shit that's not good." he thought internally as Hikaru called out his name in a panic. "It's okay. Just, just give me a minute." he groaned again trying to stop his body from tearing itself apart. "This is not okay!" Hikaru practically shouted at him, "we need to get you to the doctor." He concluded before standing up.

"No!" Kaoru shouted grabbing the others wrist as he got up from the couch causing the other to accidentally pull him from the couch with his momentum. "Dammit," he cursed as he landed on the floor gasping out weakly. "Hikaru, let go! I need to get you to the doctor." the ginger male persisted trying to pull his wrist free without hurting the other male in the process. "No," Kaoru repeated again, "no doctors. Please?" he all but begged setting his head on the floor as he continued to pant.


"Don't want him to show up." Kaoru replied.

Instantly he felt Hikaru stop pulling before heard a heavy sigh. "Well I got to help you somehow." he protested.

"Don't care." Kaoru argued stubbornly, "don't want him to show up. Doctors will call him."

"Kaoru pl-"

"No, please Hikaru. Just please… no." Kaoru sighed sadly closing his eyes as his breathing returned to normal. He couldn't help but feel incredibly tired as his eyes stayed shut and let little comments slide past his lips to keep the other male from panicking. He heard the defeat in the others sigh as he cracked his eyes open to look at him. "Fine I won't take you to the doctors."

"They can't come here either." he interjected.


"He'll know." was all Kaoru offered. "The less he knows the easier it will be. The safer you'll be." he thought to himself feeling the overwhelming sense of fear of something possibly happening to Hikaru because of him. "Alright," he heard the other conceded.

"Thank you." he whispered tiredly as he let his eyes slide close again.

Kaoru wasn't sure when he had fallen asleep but as he started to wake up he heard voices around him and began feared that Hikaru had lied to him and gotten doctors. "Dammit," he cursed as the crushing sense of betrayal settled over him and he felt the tears in his eyes. He couldn't control his emotions as a strangled sob broke out of his throat. "Kaoru!" he heard Hikaru next to him as he felt his hand be grasped by the other male and a slight shift in whatever he was currently laid on. "Hikaru, be careful." he suddenly heard Haruhi say next to him. "Why would Haruhi be here?" he couldn't help himself and opened his eyes.

Kaoru was surprised to find himself not in the hospital but rather a bedroom. The second surprise came when he saw not only Hikaru and Haruhi watching over him with worried expressions but all the other members of the host club as well. "Why are they all here?" he thought as he tried to sit himself up. "I would advise against that for the time being." Kyoya suddenly spoke up.

"Why?" he asked his voice gravely and thick. Haruhi held a cup of water to his lips as he took a gulp gratefully. "Well being the idiot you seem to be." Kyoya replied warning a snort from Kaoru, "Most people generally wouldn't dance with broken ribs."

"My ribs… how do you know?"

"My family is known for their medical and security capabilities as I told you. What makes you think that I would not be just as capable?" the other smirked as he pushed his glasses up his nose. "You mean you fixed them?"

"I would hardly call them fixed. The breaks weren't that bad from what I could tell. I simple set them and bandaged them. Now if you don't act like an idiot and try dancing again they should heal in a few weeks."

Kaoru was honestly at a loss as he thanked Kyoya as he turned to look at the rest of the group that had gathered around. "Alright, I won't dance or anything like that but one thing I want to know is why is everyone here?" he asked down right confused by their presence Kyoya he could understand as well as he could understand Haruhi's presence but the others…"I was with Tamaki when Hikaru called." Kyoya explained with an exasperated sigh, "and being the man he is he figured everyone in the club needed to know."

"Oh, Kaoru I'm so glad you're going to be okay," Tamaki proclaimed as he came into view with tears in his eyes. "Uh, thanks." Kaoru replied completely at a loss of what he should do. "When you're well enough we shall throw a party to celebrate." he proclaimed doing a complete 180 in personality. "Honey you'll be in charge of snacks. Mori don't let him eat all the cake. Kyoya we're going to need decorations…" on and on Tamaki went.

"He really is a big idiot," Kaoru thought to himself as he felt his eyelids growing heavy once again. Despite it all he couldn't help that maybe it was worth it to know he was cared about. He was further reassured as he started to close his eyes and he felt the warmth still intertwined in his own hand. "Yeah, definitely worth it." he thought with a happy smile as he squeezed the hand in his own as he fell asleep once more.

I really loved this chapter, my heart.

Anyways, continue to read and enjoy.

Thanks all you lovelies!