A/N This is just a little something that I conjured up a long time ago and am now writing to help me get back into writing again. I often wondered why no one did this as it would have saved a lot of people in Middle Earth some grief. I hope you enjoy it.
The War of the Last Alliance had been won. For twelve long years, the Dark Lord Sauron had afflicted the lands of Middle Earth. Now, it was finally finished. With the deaths of so many innocent heroes such as Gil-galad and Elendil who fought to ultimately destroy Sauron himself, peace could finally be restored to Middle Earth. Just one thing stood in the way of securing peace for good: the destruction of the One Ring. As long as the Ring remained, Sauron would be able to return. The only thing to prevent him was for the Ring to be thrown into the pits of Mount Doom itself where it had been forged long ago.
Elrond walked swiftly over to Isildur who had struck the fatal blow to the Dark lord by cutting the Ring off his finger with his fallen father's sword Narsil. No longer bound to the Ring, Sauron's spirit had fled thus freeing Middle Earth from his evil clutches. Elrond was closely watching the young adan who was holding the One Ring in his hand, staring at it like a new-found treasure, and the raven-haired warrior knew that time was of the essence. He knew that the Ring was treacherous and that the longer it was allowed to remain, the greater the risk of it seducing the minds of those who held it; especially those of men, bending them to its will allowing Sauron to rise to power once more.
"Isildur, follow me, quickly!" Elrond ordered, beginning to speedily make his way to the entrance of Mount Doom where the Ring would hopefully be destroyed forever.
Looking at Elrond reluctantly, Isildur eventually did as he commanded, following him from a short distance. Even now the Ring was beginning to work its dark magic against the new king and Isildur was slowly falling under its power. Why am I following this elf? I am king now, and with this ring of power I will be able to protect my people forever. His thoughts becoming darker, more resentful, with each passing moment.
Nevertheless, he continued following Elrond, each step seeming to be harder than the next one. It was almost as if the Ring was becoming heavier, weighing him down, slowing his progress on the long trek up. If Isildur didn't know any better, he would have thought that the Ring knew the intentions of both Elrond and himself. The intention to destroy it. Finally, entering the cavern ahead of him, Isildur saw standing at the ledge waiting for him, Elrond.
Elrond heard the young king enter and, unbeknownst to Isildur, felt the internal struggles that he was having regarding the Ring. It was just as he feared, the Ring was already taking hold of his mind, bending it to its will. He knew it would eventually happen but he hadn't thought it would be so soon. Elrond had come to the painful decision on the way up that if it came down to it, he would do anything it took to make sure that the Ring was destroyed today; even if it meant the slaying of his brother's kin in the process. He would not allow Middle Earth nor its people to once again suffer at the hands of Sauron.
Looking in his dark eyes, he saw that Isildur was losing control over his own mind and willpower. Soon it would be very difficult if not impossible to make him willingly destroy the One, but throw it in he would; one way or another.
"Isildur, cast it into the fire! Destroy it!"
The young Gondorian king heard Elrond in the distance. He wanted to throw it in for he did not like the feeling he was getting the longer he held onto this Ring. It was as if it was controlling him, whispering to him to leave. Slowly Isildur approached Elrond. Yes, he would destroy it, he would rid Middle Earth from the last remnants of the Dark Lord forever. Hesitantly he put his hand out to toss it into the fire; but just as he was about to let it fall from his hand into the cracks below, he recoiled as though he had been burned.
What was he thinking?! No, he would not destroy it. This ring held great power, the ability to control people, to bring death to their enemies and to make sure his lands would be safe from all that would do them harm. He lost his father, brother and even his sons among hundreds of his people to help protect Middle Earth. The Ring would be an heirloom to his children and their children. Looking up at the elf lord standing next to him he sneered, "No. I will not destroy it, it is mine, my own. It is... precious to me." Turning he started walking away.
Elrond had known in his heart that Isildur would do this even though he had hoped he wouldn't. He could not allow him to take this ring with him and without realizing what he was doing he reached out and grabbed him. "I will not allow you to take this ring Isildur. One way or another it will be destroyed, whether by your hand or mine. Now throw it in, don't be a fool!" he yelled out, his own voice sounding harsh to his own ears.
"I will not destroy it. This ring will protect my people. It will avenge my father! Think of the power we will have wielding this!" Isildur cried, trying in vain to free himself from Elrond's grasp.
"Listen to yourself, you are not yourself! This ring will destroy you and all that you love. Now throw it into the fire!"
Isildur refused, clasping it tighter while attempting to break free from the elf's grasp. Elrond knew that it was futile trying to reason with him as he was now too far gone. The only way to rid Isildur of the Ring was to throw both over the edge. He would not touch the One Ring himself; for who knew the temptation it would bring, to bear two rings of power. However, Elrond didn't want to have to kill him so he tried one last time to reason with him, "Isildur please listen to reason, the Ring must be destroyed. You are not yourself. Do not let it twist your mind!" Isildur did not listen and only fought harder to be let loose.
Soon the two were entangled limb in limb in a dance of death. Isildur had succumbed to the power of the Ring, and would do anything to keep it; even if it meant killing Elrond, and Elrond would do anything to free Middle Earth from the last grasp of Sauron; including sacrificing Isildur.
As they fought on, the Ring gained power and strength as it fed off the combatants, who were friends and allies only a mere hour ago. Elrond could feel himself getting dangerously closer to the edge and knew that if he didn't stop this madness he would die and Isildur would take the Ring for his own. As he felt his foot beginning to slip, Elrond took a risk and with one final struggle he managed to turn himself around and shoved Isildur over the edge. Elrond watched as both the Ring and its bearer fell to their death in the fiery pits below. "I am sorry, but I had no other choice my friend," he whispered before he turned and walked out of the cavern to regroup with the others.
Making his way slowly down Mount Doom, Elrond felt many emotions raging through his mind. Anger, sadness and guilt. Anger at Sauron for all his destruction, the deceit, the evil that he had caused. Sadness at all the death that had been dealt that day all for the sake of peace. He had lost friend and kin; including his king and sworn brother Gil-galad and the former king of Arnor and Gondor, Elendil, and now Isildur. Guilt for the death of Isildur at his own hands. Elrond told himself he had tried everything he could to free his friend from the clutches of the One Ring; but alas it had not been enough and he was left with no other choice but to destroy both. As he reached the bottom he saw many faces looking at him with a mixture of concern and confusion for they had seen Isildur follow Elrond moments before.
Círdan approached him and placed a hand on his friend's shoulder. "Where is Isildur Elrond?"
Not even bothering to look back at Círdan, Elrond's voice was cold, emotionless, in shock. "He fell into the chasm along with the One Ring."
Círdan lowered his eyes. Without even looking into Elrond's eyes he knew what had transpired between the two and he felt his heart sink for his friend. "You did what you had to do. The Ring would have destroyed him in the end, no matter what, and then Middle Earth would eventually be faced with the tyranny of Sauron once again."
Not responding, Elrond only nodded his head as he walked off to tend to the wounded. As he began the long process of tending the injured he knew it would be years if not longer before he would ever be rid of the guilt he harbored deep inside of himself. For the thought weighed heavy on his mind; in the end, was he any better than the rest of the kinslayers?