Here is the next update! Hope you enjoy!

Enigma woke with a massive yawn and froze. She leaned over and swatted Mystery, trying to get him to wake. She got a "Five minutes more..." mumble but she persisted, and in the end, managed to wake Mystery, who was starting to complain when he saw what Enigma had seen. "Hey! You do know all dragons need their beauty- What is that?". Coming across the horizon was an entire fleet of foreign ships. Not only did they look ferocious, they were huge as well. "Dragon trapper ships..." murmured Enigma. "Dragon trappers? They trap dragons? And then what do they do with them?" Mystery exclaimed all in one breathe. "Well, they bait dragons, trap dragons and all the dragons can do hope for a merciful death... either they get killed straight away, or they get tortured..."Enigma explained grimly. "But! But that's cruel! Plain cruel! Why would they do that? We don't do anything to them!" "I'm thinking either you're not very smart..." Mystery gave her a glare, "or you haven't been out and about very often." "I was in those caves for most of my lifetime you know..." (With an air of superiority but losing his dignity) "Huh. Wonder where they're going... I think we should follow them..." Mystery was shocked, understandably. "They might see us and they might trap us..." "Oh stop being such a worry wart... we'll fly higher up, so if they do look up they'll think we're birds..." "Good plan and everything but what if they still think we're dragons? What if they use those nets? What if we're caught? Are they going to torture us?" "Slow down there, we haven't been caught yet or anything you know... And I don't plan to either..." But he heard the 'yet' and it instilled further fear in him. "Come on... It will be just like a little adventure!" "With real danger" he grumbled. "Well, you coming or what? 'Cause if you don't, I'll just leave you here..." Mystery had only just got his first real friend, and he wasn't just ready to let her out of his sight. (Is that me shipping them...? *Enigtery? Mystnigma? Thor almighty I'm terrible at making those names*) "All right, I'm coming..." he sighed. "Cheer up lazy bones! If we get caught maybe we'll just get killed really quickly!" "Oh thanks, that really cheered me up..." drenched with sarcasm. His thoughts of Enigma changed, and he knew she was as mysterious as her name sake. He followed her to the edge of the ledge. By now, the fleet of ships had just gone past the ledge, and was now heading towards the thick wall of mist on the other side. Enigma realized it was probably because of the mist that she couldn't see where she was yesterday. As soon the last ship in the fleet was a tiny speck in the distance, both dragons took off and rose higher. They dipped into the clouds, enjoying the sense of freedom that came with flying. For a while, they didn't talk, they just followed the ships below them.

Eventually the ships cast anchor close by to a largely inhabited-by-humans island that looked tropical. Then they saw some dragons leaping over the palm trees, not aware of the dragon trappers. "We have to do something," hissed Enigma to Mystery. "You don't say... how about we attack from the air?" "That's a great plan and all, but there are too many ships... besides they could shoot the nets at us..."

"We have to do something... well; we could ask the other dragons for help..." Enigma was shocked, before Mystery seemed very worried about the trappers trapping them, but now he was deciding to help without caring about the danger! Her views of Mystery changed as well, and it was settled he was just as much of a mystery like his name sake. "Well, we should try at least..." "Ok so here's what we're going to do..."

There it is. Well, next update is next Friday! (Hopefully)

Thanks to Flame of the Dark for helping! :)
