Based on a amazing pic I found on Deviant Art of L and Near, but I don't know who its from or what its called, sorry. Will be Translated into German.
L walked along the balcony that circled Wammy's, book in hand. He was heading to his favorite spot, a isolated part of the balcony that held two chairs and a table with an clear umbrella, overlooking the forest that stretched from the back of Wammy's House. He loved coming out too that spot during the night, when it was raining, and when it was snowing, because the stars looked amazingly warped and beautiful under the umbrella. The tree's covered in snow, especially at night, was gorgeous. Listening too the rain pit-pat on the umbrella and the ground and the roof, it was breath taking..
Yes, Indeed, his favorite spot.
And it was close to his room.
With hardly anyone around.
Except for now.
Because low and behold, Near had decided that, he, too, would like this spot, and was balancing a puzzle precariously on the railing of the balcony, and himself was sitting on a stool he had dragged from God knows were.
L begrudgingly sat down, knowing it did no good to pout. L wasn't about to find another place to read. (Near) wasn't going to move even if he asked him. If he complained to Roger or Watari about it, they, instead of making him move because he rightfully should, because everyone knew this was L's spot, would lecture him on how this was everybody's home, and Near could sit wherever he wanted to sit.
So he had to tolerate Near.
After about ten minutes of reading, L decided that he didn't mind Near too terribly much, because Near was being quiet and doing his puzzle. Though he would have liked it more had Near found somewhere else to sit.
Or he was okay with it until Near accidently flipped his puzzle off the edge of the balcony. Near had lunged to grabbed the puzzle, not that it would have done any good because all of the pieces would have fell anyway, and ended up falling off the balcony as well.
L shot out of his chair, book discarded, and managed to grab Near and save him from a four story fall.
L pulled Near back up onto the balcony, with and 'What the Hell?!' from Mello, who had been hit on the head with the puzzle pieces and board, and a 'The sky is falling!' from Matt.
L did a quick check to see if Near was okay before a 'What is going on out here?!' from Roger, had him pulling Near into his room.
"What made you think it was a good idea to place your puzzle on the railing of the balcony?!" L scolded Near, "And what made you think I was a good idea to try to catch it?!"
"I wanted to see you..." Near mumbled
L's gaze softened, recognizing the innocent intent behind his grey eyes.
"Oh, Near you could of just asked if I wanted to play with you. But still, that was a very dangerous thing to do! If I hadn't caught you, you could have died or been seriously hurt!"
"Are you gonna tell Roger?" Near asked
"No. then we would both be in trouble, you more so than you already are, since your puzzle landed on Mello's head. Just don't do it again, okay?"
"Okay. Can I sleep with you?"
"I suppose."
Later L went back out in the rain. Near was asleep in His bed, and he wasn't remotely tired.
And there was his book.
Soaking wet and ruined.
He wanted to finish that book.