I don't own Pokemon.

Chapter 10: Birth Times Three!

The final month arrived and Brock was counting down the days to when Ash was going to go into labor.

The brown-haired teen went to check on his lover as he was sleeping in the living room since they decided that it would be best if he was on the first floor as opposed to the second floor where they would have a lot of trouble going down the stairs when he was in pain.

He found the raven-haired teen rubbing his belly and kind of sitting up in his bed.

"Ash, everything ok?" asked Brock, sitting next to his lover.

"I feel some discomfort and like I have to pee." replied Ash, attempting to get up from the bed, but they heard a gush and the bed suddenly got very wet.

As soon as that happened, the chocolate-eyed teen moaned out in pain from the sudden rush of a contraction hitting him.

Brock got up quickly and got Ash's mom and explained what happened and before they knew it, they were rushing the teen to the hospital for the delivery of their children.

(At The Hospital)

They were rushing the teen into the hospital and explained everything before the nurses and doctors hurried him off to the Maternity Ward and did an exam to make sure that everything was alright with him.

Before they knew what was happening, Ash was being rushed into surgery for a C-Section since his body wouldn't stand up against delivering three babies in a row.

Brock was with the raven-haired teen as they started the C-Section and before long, the two of them saw their children and smiled.

The squinty-eyed teen was taken out of the room and was shown his children before he grabbed the others and showed them their children.

The teen went to see his lover and Ash was sitting in his hospital room with a hand on his belly and looking down at it as he missed having his children inside him.

Brock hugged him and the teen returned his hug and soon was taken to see their children and they were very happy to see how healthy they were too.

Ash and Brock hugged and kissed each other as they were very happy about having their children together.

After everything was finished at the hospital, Ash and Brock along with their children went home to start their lives together as a family.

Hope you enjoyed Chapter 10! Happy 7th year anniversary to me! See ya later!

AshKetchumForever-Action first-Think later!