Harley Quinn lay on her back in the plush bed she shared with the Joker, arms and legs spread out and a light snore vibrating through the room. The Joker nudged the sleeping woman with his hand, and her eyelids fluttered open.

"Good mornin', puddin'," Harley smiled.

"It's time for breakfast if you want to eat with me before I leave," the green-haired man said, squeezing Harley's breast.

"You goin' out today, Mistah J?" She asked, placing her hand on his thigh.

"I'll be gone all day. The boys will make sure your safe," the Joker replied. "Come on, get up, you lazy little sloth."

Harley smiled and rolled out of bed. She walked over to the Joker, and took his hands in her own. Standing on her tiptoes, she kissed his red lips deeply. He gathered her hair in his hand, and she couldn't help but moan a little against his lips.

Harley broke the kiss gently and followed the Joker into the kitchen, where one of the servants put down two plates heaped with eggs, bacon, and hash browns. The Joker ate quickly, while Harley picked at her food.

"Gotta go, Harls," the Joker said, kissing the woman on the top of her head. "See you later, dollface."

"Bye Mistah J, be safe!" Harley called.

As soon as he was out the door, Harley jumped up from her place at the table and went back to the master bedroom. Her heart was pounding, and her hands were trembling. She gave a silent thanks to the gods that be that the Joker was out for the day, as she fumbled with a cardboard box, trying to open it without damaging what was inside. When she finally succeeded, Harley pulled out a slender stick and an instruction booklet from the box and raced to the bathroom.

She was late, and had been for five days. Her period had always came and went like clockwork, so the last five days had been torturous for her. Harley had bought the test in secret under the guise of needing her "monthly unmentionables", and had hidden it under the bed until the Joker left the house.

Hands shaking, Harley read the instruction booklet that came along with the test. She took a deep breath, sighed, and sat down on the toilet. She held the stick under her urine stream for a few seconds and started the timer on her phone for three minutes. She slumped over on the toilet, and closed her eyes as tears threatened to spill down her cheeks.

"I can't be pregnant," Harley whispered.

She had never felt more afraid. Harley had always wanted a family, but the Joker was firmly against the idea. The last time she had even brought up the idea of having a baby, the Joker had slapped Harley's face and knocked her into their bedroom mirror, shattering it and leaving deep cuts on her back. He had apologized and promised that they would talk about it again sometime, but Harley had known better than to bring it up.

She couldn't even remember when she could have possibly conceived. Harley knew she had been a little lax with taking her pill, but the few times she had missed it didn't seem significant enough to be causing her this much stress and fear.

When the timer on her phone went off, Harley jumped. She sighed, and forced her eyes open and down to the test. Two small pink lines stared back at her. Harley let out a muffled cry, and threw the test to the ground as tears streamed down her cheek.

She spent the rest of the day in a kind of limbo, not even bothering to change out of her pajamas or put on makeup. Harley wandered from room to room, unable to concentrate on any one thing for more than a moment. When she opened a magazine and the face of a smiling infant stared back at her, she had started a crying spell that lasted nearly an hour. The Joker's men were baffled by the change in her behavior, but knew better than to ask questions.

Around nine in the evening, Harley lay down on her side of the bed. It was covered with feather stuffed pillows and soft blankets, a stark contrast to the Joker's side, devoid even of a pillow. Just after getting comfortable, Harley heard the familiar sound of the front door slamming, and the Joker's voice in the front room. She listened carefully, and decided that he didn't sound angry.

When the bedroom door flew open, Harley tried her best to smile at the Joker. He looked her up and down, then sneered.

"What's wrong with you?" He asked. "You look like shit."

"Um, well, Puddin'…" Harley stammered, searching for the right words to use. "Puddin', I'm pregnant."

Time stood still for just a moment before the Joker reacted. He flew towards Harley at lightning speed, and pushed her roughly against the wall. Putting his hand over her throat, the Joker growled in her ear.

"You little slut. You did this on purpose."

"I didn't, I swear!" Harley cried, struggling to breath. "Please, Daddy, you're scarin' me."

"You better be scared," the Joker snarled.

With his hand still pressing on her throat, the Joker delivered a series of rapid punches to Harley's stomach.

"You're going to kill it," Harley sobbed. "Please, Mistah J, please stop!"

Harley weakly fought against the Joker's grasp. Finally, he moved his hand away from her neck and she crumbled to the floor in a heap.

"It's fine, everything is fine," the tall man growled as her paced back and forth. "I know a doctor that can…fix you right up. It'll all work out in the end, my dear."

Harley struggled to stand. When she found her footing, she placed one hand firmly over her sore stomach and pulled herself up to her full height.

"No, Mistah J. I'm not gonna get rid of it. I want this baby. I…" Harley hesitated for moment. "I'm keeping our baby."

The Joker stared in disbelief at Harley for a moment. She was trying to make herself look big, but the fear in her eyes was evident.

"Please, Puddin'," she whispered, taking the Joker's hand. "Please. I want this more than I've ever wanted anything. And you always say I can have whatever I want."

The Joker painfully twisted Harley's arm behind her back.

"I'm not going to be responsible for your little fuckup, Pumpkin ," he snarled.

The Joker threw Harley facedown on the bed, and pulled down her pajama shorts in one quick motion. Before she could react, he thrust himself inside of her and began to pound in and out of her. Harley whimpered, and tried to get away, but the Joker's hands on her hips were like a vice grip.

"You. Are. Mine. You do. What. I. Say," the Joker said through his tightly set jaw, each word punctuated by a painful thrust.

Harley sobbed as she struggled under the powerful man's grip. Finally, he came with a grunt and the hold on her hips relaxed just enough for Harley to get away. Shaking all over, with tears in her big blue eyes, Harley pulled up her shorts and darted out of the door. One of the Joker's men tried to stop her, but the pale man emerged from the bedroom, adjusting his pants.

"Let her go," he ordered. "She'll be back."

Harley ran until she couldn't run any more. When she looked up, she realized she was in an unfamiliar part of Gotham, and her cell phone and wallet were back at the hideout. Harley caught a glimpse of herself in the window of a nearby coffee shop and sighed. She looked deranged, with her messy hair, still in her pajamas, swollen eyes, and a bruise blooming on her cheek. She sighed, and decided she only had one option.

Harley went inside the coffee shop and tried her best to smile at the waitress behind the counter.

"Can I use your phone?" Harley asked, trying to keep her voice steady. "I…don't have my cell."

"Sure thing, honey, under one condition," the waitress replied.

Harley looked at her questioningly.

"You aren't going back to the guy that gave you that, are you?" She asked, gesturing to the bruise on Harley's cheek. She took phone from its base and handing it to Harley.

"No, I'm not going back there. Not now," Harley whispered.

The waitress took the phone from its base and handing it to Harley, who

dialed the number from memory and waited a moment before hearing a voice on the line.

"Hey, Ivy, can ya please come get me? I'm at…Jack's Coffee. I'm….I'm in trouble, Ivy. Big time."

Harley put her hand over her stomach.

"It'll be okay, little one," she thought, tears springing into her eyes again. "Mommy promises."

A/N: Thanks so much for reading. Please let me know what you think in a review. I appreciate any feedback!