Hello everyone! I am very new to this and have never written a fanfiction before so I hope it is up to standard! It is a Zollie fanfiction but at the moment they have still broken up... Tell me what you think and if I should continue!

Ollie and Zosia stood in the staffroom arguing

'Zosia, are you okay?' Ollie asks again

'Fine' Zosia mumbles

'Are you sure because you are looking rather pale'

'Would everyone stop asking if I'm okay, I am fine!'

Zosia suddenly grabs onto the chair next to her as a dizzy spell comes over her. Luckily Ollie doesn't notice as he is busy paying attention to the voice in the doorway:

'What is going on!' Jac shouts

Zosia stands up tall before the world swallows her up and her fragile body falls to the floor.

'Zosia!' Ollie exclaims

The two doctors rush to her side as Zosia struggles for breath.

'Can we have some help in here!' Ollie shouts through the open door as Jac checks Zosia's airways. Suddenly, Zosia's body becomes limp and her eyes close.

'She's not breathing,' Jac places two fingers on the young doctors wrist 'No pulse. Starting chest compressions.' She announces as a Mo, followed by a team of nurses and a bed, run into the staffroom. Mo realises the situation immediately:

'Crash team!' She yells whilst putting an oxygen mask over Zosia's mouth.

Ollie grabs nearby scissors and cuts her scrub top open as Jac sticks the rectangular probes to her chest.

'Charge to 150' Jac orders as Mo charges the machine

'Charging,' Mo replies 'Clear? Shocking.'

Zosia's body jerks as a shock is sent through her

'And we have a pulse' Jac sighs 'Let's get her to the side room, find out what's going on...'

Ollie gently lifts her onto the bed and wheels her away.

What do you think?! I am open to all opinions... Please review and tell me whether it's worth continuing...