I'M ALIVE! Sorry for the delay, it's been an intense Writer's (slash life) block for the past couple months. But I think I've broken through both! As always, check out the lovely Gittana on tumblr, and come scream at me (thesirenserenity) about the new season.


We ain't ever getting older

We aint ever getting older


Adrien sighed and leaned his head against the girls' kitchen counter, his cheek pressing against the cold tile. His eyes followed Marinette's pacing through a small patch of the tile floor. Her hands were waving frantically in the air as she talked to Alya, who was leaning against the counter with a smug look on her face.

He stretched his arms out across the counter in a lazy stretch, blinking slowly at the abrasive kitchen light. He was slightly tipsy, enjoying the low buzz of the alcohol in his system and the sleepiness it brought.

They all still had their face paint on, Adrien noticed. Marinette's was running down her face more than usual, courtesy of the heat of the dance floor at the club. He was sure that his matched, as they had danced for a while longer after discovering Alya's 'accidental' publicity stunt. A couple drinks and dances later, they had made their way back to the girls' house to scatter to respective homes. Adrien hadn't gotten that far, following the raging Marinette, who had been dragging a smirking Alya, to the kitchen and planting on a stool at the island. Nino had wisely scattered, disappearing into the house.

Adrien had seen some of the comments on the multiple social media sites. Declarations of how adorable they were together, comments on their natural chemistry, and wistful hopes of them singing together littered the #ladynoir tag. He didn't see the problem, feeling slightly smug that everyone could see how amazing his lady was and believed that he stood a chance with her; they were rather adorable together. Just by closing his eyes, he could feel her back in his arms on the dance floor, her lithe body swaying against his.

"… you see the problem here, right Adrien?" Marinette's voice woke him out of his daydreaming stupor. Or was it a nightdreaming stupor? He wasn't sure, nor did he care.

He lazily lifted his head off the counter. "What problem?" he asked.

Marinette huffed, much to Alya's amusement. "Everyone is clamoring for us to sing together and they ship us!"

"So give them what they want; it could be fun to sing together," Adrien murmured as he snuggled back down into his folded arm.

He could see Marinette throwing her arms in the air in frustration, "I don't have any duets written!"

Adrien sighed, realizing that Marinette had worked herself into her frantic, worried mess. He shook off the dregs of his cat-nap and sat up, ready to reassure his partner and friend.

"Marinette, stop pacing and come sit next to me for a second."

He watched as she took a deep breath, calming herself, and then came around the island to plop into the seat next to him with a little huff.

Scooping up her hands in his, he turned to face her and met her gaze with his own. "Everyone loves you, no matter what you do. You have an amazing fan base that will stick with you. But, their suggestion could turn out to be something wonderful! It's a chance to write a whole new type of music. I'm not a trained singer like you, but no one's complained about my singing yet, and I'm sure that under your guide we could be wonderful. I'll follow your lead, no matter what." He could see the frantic anxiety draining out of her eyes as she began to relax.

"What if you guys did a cover? Just a special thing to give the fans what they want?" Alya suggested. "That way, you don't have to try writing duets yet and can experiment in the style. Though, I don't think it would be much different than what you normally write, you dork. You're freaking out over nothing, as per usual." Alya rolled her eyes affectionately.

Adrien watched the tension melt from Marinette's body as she began to process Alya's idea. Her nose scrunched up like when she processed lyrics, her finger coming to tap against the bridge of her nose.

Her eyes lit up and a small smirk quirked up the right side of her mouth. "You know, Alya, I think you are onto something."

Alya rolled her eyes, "Aren't I always, girl?'

"Of course," Marinette huffed. "All hail queen Alya and her brilliant ideas, like posting the video that started this whole mess."

"Hey, you guys were freaking adorable and the whole world needed to see it," Alya waved her phone. "Besides, you like to be challenged and stretched. So you're welcome."

Adrien's head had fallen back onto his arms on the table, a sleepy smile stretching across his face.

Marinette's hand fell on top of his hair, burrowing its way through the locks and scratching his head. His back arched in satisfaction and he moved his head closer to her hand.

Her giggle rang through his ears. "I guess we better get to covering a duet then, kitty. You willing to help me?"

He blinked up at her sleepily, "'course, M' lady."


Adrien woke up burrowed in his bed, the comforter wrapped up to his chin. He nuzzled back down into the fluffy pillow and smiled, the thought of Marinette in his arms dancing through his head. She was such an amazing friend and a talented musician. Even though she was trained in vocal music, and him in orchestral music, her knowledge was immense and he always learned with her. They had spent over an hour pouring over popular duets, before he had called Natalie to send him a ride.

They had selected a couple options, but none of them sat right with either of them. Marinette was adamant about not picking a lovey-dovey song and sticking to something more neutral, saying that she didn't want to feed the fans more.

Adrien unplugged his phone and pulled it into the cocoon of covers, setting it against the pillow in front of his face. Scrolling through youtube, he found himself searching the band that sang one of the songs they danced to the previous night.

Just something I can turn to, somebody I can kiss

I want something just like this

He smiled to himself, remember how she felt in his arms. How she seemed to know exactly what step he would take and what to do to compliment it. How her voice intermingled with his, their noses touching. He would give anything to sing with her again, and thanks to the fans, they were now looking for a duet to cover.

Adrien flipped through the American group's youtube channel, playing a few of their songs. They seemed to be a pop take on EDM music, and had two main members who wrote and performed the songs.

He noticed that one had a girl's name featured in the title. Clicking on it, the music filled the room.

Hey, I was doing just fine before I met you

I drink too much and that's an issue but I'm okay

Hey, you tell your friends it was nice to meet them

But I hope I never see them again

It was catchy, the beat making him want to snap and clap along. Juleka would have a blast making a cover to this. Or maybe they could do a body drumming thing?

The girl's voice came in a little while into the song.

You look as good as the day I met you

I forget just why I left you, I was insane

Stay and play that Blink-182 song

That we beat to death in Tuscon, okay

Adrien smiled at the catchy chorus, and how their two voices intermingled. It was not too 'lovey-dovey,' as Marinette would say, but it still had a lot implied. It could be a really cool cover, without stretching their capabilities. Plus, this was the same group that sung the song that had started this whole shenanigan.

Adrien copied the link and sent it to Marinette.

To Marinette: "Good Morning Bug-a-boo! Check out this song, it's the same band as the song we got famous with. Could be a good enough excuse for all the lovey-dovey lyrics ;)"

He continued to scroll through their music, listening to the next song on the list. They had a very similar style to something the AK's would produce.

His phone binged over the music.

From Marinette: "WOW, this might just be perfect, kitty. I like it a lot. I'm surprised I haven't heard this song before? WHERE HAS IT BEEN ALL MY LIFE. Working on a cover now."

He smiled at her enthusiasm, wishing he could have watched her reaction as she listened to the song for the first time.

Another text came in right away.

From Marinette: "What are you doing today? You should come over cause I need my partner in crime to do this."

Adrien's face lit up as he read the text. He quickly checked his schedule and replied.

To Marinette: "I'm free! I'll be over as soon as I can get my ass out of bed."

He added a cute cat emoji and sent it, stretching his arms out of his comforter cocoon. Untangling his legs from the bed, he rolled onto the floor and huffed. Peeling himself from the floor, he made his way to the bathroom for a shower and much needed teeth brushing.

His phone binged at him.

From Marinette: "Can't wait to see you!"

Adrien grinned, letting the words of the song wash over him.

We ain't ever getting older

No we ain't ever getting older


Closer - Chainsmokers

And the cover I envision them doing is the "Walk of the Earth" Cover! Check it out.

Follow, Favorite, and Review! Come find me on tumblr, I'm always looking for more mutuals and friends.