Prologue: Retrieving the Game

Okie, so I recently finished the RPG When England's Away and, naturally, I needed to make a fic out of it. This isn't going to be like other fics based on APH RPG games, as those mostly take place at that time/place/in that universe. However, this takes place years after When England's Away. Actually, I don't think there are any fics like this. Not that I've seen, anyway. England, go!

England: Italy's Driving does not own Hetalia, as it belongs to Hidekaz Himaruya. She also does not own When England's Away, as the concept of the game belongs to it's original owner and creator. Along with Hidekaz Himaruya.

Ooh~ So thorough.

England: *blushes* Shut up.

What? What did I- Oh. GET YOUR MIND OUT OF THE GUTTER, BOY! Anyway, onto the story.


The meeting was going as it usually did: No one was paying attention. Mainly because France and England were fighting again, and America was running bets on the outcome and injuries. Most were screaming encouragements for whomever they had bet on. America was counting the cash. Of course, the fight was rigged so he'd end up with all the money, but those betting didn't need to know that. Never bet against the house. Of course, fate just had to interrupt. America groaned as the fight stopped because a computer fell on top of the two participants. On it was a note. Silence reigned as Germany picked a note off the laptop.

" 'Dear Countries of the world, before you is a game that we would like you to play. Recently, we noticed that a certain Nation *couchCanadacough* was making fun of his brother for his fear of ghosts. It would seem, that Canada has forgotten what made America afraid of ghosts in the first place. As a result, we made your experiences into a game! Plug the computer into the projector, 'cause all of you are going to be playing!"" Germany read. Canada, who now had everyone's attention, shrunk under America's glare. "P.S. None of you are allowed to leave until the game is over. America, Japan, hacking it to get to the end does not count as playing or finishing. Neither do cheats." The aforementioned Nations shrunk under the other's gaze.

"Well it's not like we were thinking of doing that," America said indignantly. Germany just stared at America, "OK, yeah. We were."

"Ve~ Does anyone know how to connect the laptop to the projector," Veneziano asked. America sighed and stood up.

"Useless, the lot of you Old Worlds…" America easily hooked the computer to the projector, making the large screen show a menu with a young America and Canada on it. America sucked in a breath and looked up at the others, smiling weakly, "Here we go." With that, he clicked the start button.


Okie. Really short prologue. Don't worry, the fic won't actually be that long as the game isn't that long. If you were wondering, I am going off of the 2.0 version, not the original. So. Yeah. Enjoy!

Until Next Time, this is ID saying; That's All Folks!