Chapter Thirteen: Disbelief

For 35 days shells dropped from the sky on Atlanta. For 35 days the O'Hara sisters hid in the house where they cared for Melly. And then there was silence.

At the sound of hooves coming down the street Scarlett rushed outside with Ella following behind. Ella watched as Scarlett called out to the soldier on his horse.

"Are the Yankees here? Are they coming?"

"I'm afraid so Miss. I suggest you leave as quickly as you can."

"But we can't! Surely you won't leave us to the Yankees!"

"We can't hold them off any longer, we're retreating. Goodbye Miss and good luck."

Ella's mind was reeling as she stared after the retreating soldier. The sound of Scarlett's panicked voice brought her back into reality.

"That's it! Prissy! Start packing, we're leaving! The Yankees are coming!"

Ella grabbed Scarlett's arm.

"Scarlett! We can't leave, what about Melly!"

At the mention of her name, the sisters heard a cry coming from inside the house. They rushed up the stairs into Melly's room. At the sight of Melly, Scarlett and Ella looked at each other.

"I think Melly's having her baby."

"Right now! Of all the times… Prissy! Go and get Dr Meade, quickly!"

Ella and Scarlett tended to Melly as they waited for the Doctor to arrive, but when Prissy finally returned, she returned alone. After integrating her, Scarlett found out that the Doctor was busy at the train tracks and decided to go fetch the Doctor herself.

"Scarlett its no use, he won't come."

"Don't be ridiculous Ella. Melly needs a Doctor."

"I can manage. We can manage. I've been reading those books Dr Meade lent me. We will have to make do. Prissy will help me."

"Oh, but I... I don't… I don't know…"

"Spit it out girl!"

"I don't know nothin' about babies!"

The sound of a slap rang through the air.

"Scarlett! Prissy, go fetch some water."

After Prissy left, Ella turned to Scarlett.

"Was that really necessary? Do you feel better now?"

"Yes actually. Now, how do we deliver this baby?"

It wasn't easy, but eventually a weak Melly was holding her baby in her arms, all of them exhausted.

With one problem over, the sound of war and chaos could be heard from outside. They had to get out of Atlanta. While Ella started planning what they needed to pack, Scarlett took Prissy aside and made her own plans to get them out of there.


The sound of a horse and cart outside the house had Ella and Scarlett rushing outside. Ella stopped as soon as she saw who was there. Meanwhile, Scarlett rushed forward.

"Oh, Rhett! Hurry, we've got to get out of here before the Yankees come! The Yankees, Rhett!"

Rhett barely spared Scarlett a glance as he hopped off the cart and made his way up the path towards Ella who was still standing in the doorway of the house.

"Aren't you going to thank the man who has come to save you, Miss Ella?"

Ella's eyes narrow at the words of the man in front of her as she looked up at him.

"Scarlett, can I talk to you?"

With that, Ella turned and walked into the house. Scarlett huffed and brushed past a grinning Rhett as she went inside to join her sister.

"Why did you bring him here Scarlett?"

"Because we need him Ella!"

Those words had more meaning to Ella than Scarlett meant them to. Her irritation only grew at the thought that she needed Rhett Butler for anything.

"I don't need him!"

"How else do you expect to leave here?"

"We could manage just fine on our own!"

Scarlett just looked at her sister in disbelief. What had happened to her sensible twin?

"And you were going to carry Melly down the stairs yourself, were you?"

Ella glared at Scarlett, who smiles back in triumph.

The sisters made their way back to the doorway where Rhett was still waiting, his grin still in place.

"Is that any way to talk about the man who stole a horse and cart for you?!"

Ella glanced out the door.

"Couldn't you have stole a cart that doesn't look like it will fall apart any minute and a horse that isn't on its last legs?"

Rhett wasn't affected by Ella's cold words, in fact he only grinned wider in response. Seeing that her words didn't have the intended effect, Ella started up the stairs whilst calling out orders to Prissy.


Ella had never been so scared in her life. Escaping Atlanta as it descended into chaos, as the left-over ammunition was blown up creating ground shaking explosions, as the fire grew and the people left behind tore the city apart, it was something that Ella would never forget. None of them would.

Eventually they made it pass the city limits intact and headed across the countryside towards Tara. On the road they passed the retreating army. Once they had gone, Scarlett broke the silence.

"Aren't you glad Rhett? You can be proud you're not in the army. That you're smarter than all of them."

"I'm not so sure about that."

Upon hearing his whispered words, Ella glanced at Rhett from her place in the back of the cart, she wondered what he was thinking.

It wasn't long before they reached the turn off for Tara and Rhett stopped the horse before dismounting and walking to the front of the horse. Scarlett and Ella followed suit, Ella standing beside the cart and Scarlett made her way to join Rhett.

"What are you doing Rhett?"

"I'm leaving, Scarlett, to join the glorious cause."

Hearing those words were the last straw for Ella. The shock and exhaustion from the day's events caused her knees to give way and she collapsed to the ground. Ella held her head in her hand. She couldn't believe it, Rhett was running away again. Eventually, Scarlett and Rhett stopped their arguing and noticed Ella on the ground.


They both rushed forwards to help Ella up, but she swatted Rhett's hand and stood up with only her sister's help.

"I'm alright, thank you Scarlett."

Rhett gazed down at Ella who was pointedly not looking in his direction. He could feel a slight sting where she had slapped his hand. He had hurt her again. He couldn't keep treating her like this, she didn't deserve it. For all he knew this might be the last time he saw her, it was quite possible he wouldn't make it through the last of this war on the front lines. Though he didn't let it show, desperation and fear over took him. He didn't want Ella's last memories of him to be like this. So, Rhett made a decision.

"Ella, can I speak to you?"

"I don't think there's anything to be said Captain Butler, except goodbye."

Rhett frowned at Ella's stubbornness. Of all the times for her to act this way, he thought exasperated. He looked towards Scarlett pleadingly who was looking at him, still wearing an angry expression on her face. Scarlett must have understood the look in Rhett's eyes because she pursed her lips, gave him a slight nod and walked towards the back of the carriage as though she were checking on Melly and the baby.

Rhett grabbed Ella by the arm and dragged away from the carriage so they couldn't be overheard. Rhett took a deep breath with the intention of talking to Ella, but instead noticed that she was still, stubbornly, refusing to look at him.

"Ella, please look at me."

Ella continued to look away from Rhett she could feel her eyes begin to water and she didn't want him to see. She brought a hand up to the side of her face, as if she were resting her head in her hand.

She felt strong hands gently taking hold of her wrist and lowering her hand away from her face. Ella looked down at the ground.

Then those big, warm hands carefully cupped her face and lifted it up towards Rhett. Ella closed her eyes.

"Please look at me Ella."

Ella frowned; she would not give him the satisfaction of seeing the tears welling up and pain that was surely visible in her eyes.

"Please Ella. Please let me see those beautiful blue eyes of yours."

Unconsciously Ella's eyes opened in shock. No one had ever called her eyes beautiful before, or any part of her. Upon seeing Rhett's face a tear escaped and fell down her cheek. Rhett wiped the tear away with his thumb before wrapping his arms around Ella and holding her against his chest. Ella felt as though she was in a dream as she listened to him whisper, I'm sorry in-between kissing the top of her head. She couldn't help but feel safe in Rhett's arms.

Once her tears dried, Ella leaned back and looked up at Rhett. There was so much she wanted to ask him, and she knew she may never have another chance to get answers. So, she decided to jump straight in.

"What is Belle Watling to you?"

"Nothing. I swear to you, she is just a friend and business partner. Nothing more. Nothing compared to you."

They stared into each other's eyes. Ella was looking for any sign that he was being anything less than sincere. While Rhett was looking for a sign of something else.

Ella felt like she'd been hit by a bullet when suddenly warm, rough lips were pressed against her own.

She pushed Rhett away and slapped him across the face.

She thought her heart was going to explode and as she stared up at Rhett, the rest of the world disappearing around her. She was tired, tired of pushing him away, of keeping her distance, of denying what she wanted.

Rhett thought he had ruined everything when Ella pushed him away and slapped him for kissing her. Perhaps this was a sign, this is how it was meant to be, he doesn't deserve her. Rhett glanced at Ella only to see her reach out and grab his face between her hands, lean up and kiss him.

Relief flooded through Rhett, along with shock and pleasure at Ella's bold actions. He wrapped his arms firmly around her waist, holding her against him as they kissed.

Ella wrapped her arms around Rhett's neck as she lost herself in the kiss. She felt like she was on fire, but the flames didn't burn, instead they emboldened her.

It was Rhett that finally broke the kiss and gazed down at Ella whose face was lit up with a bright smile, she had never looked so happy. Right there and then he decided, he wouldn't let Ella go, he couldn't let such a woman slip through his fingers. He couldn't help but peck her lips once more, before resting his forehead on hers as he whispered to her.

"When I come back, I will prove that I am worthy of your love."

To you and to myself, he added silently to himself.