"No." Was Lukas' immediate answer to this whole thing. Nope, he absolutely did not wish to do this. It would be a very bad decision on his part. No matter how many times Lukas said he refused to have any part in this, the Dane still persisted, telling him how it was a matter of life and death. "C'mon Lukas!" He whined, "Please?" The man in question only sighed, denying Mathias once again, even though he knew Matt would just keep at it until Lukas agreed. After all, that's how it always went.

You see, Mathias sort of just burst into Lukas' house (though, that was nothing new at this point) and asked him for a favor. That's where Lukas could tell his day was about to take a turn for the worst, and boy, was he right. In short, Mathias needed a fake date-and fast, too. Apparently, he and his family were going on a vacation, one thing led to another, his family had started teasing him about how Berwald was dating someone and he was not, and Matt just had to open his big mouth and say that he was indeed seeing someone, and when asked who, blurted out the name of his best friend on accident. He then proceeded to send the next five minutes apologizing to Lukas periodically, trying to tell him that he was just the first person to come to mind.

"But Luke, it'll only be for like, two weeks!" Mathias tried to reason, "After that we don't even have to think about it ever again." he looked up pleadingly to meet his friend's gaze, to which Lukas just shook his head. The Norwegian was on the verge of caving in to Mathias' childish request. Mainly because he was just sick and tired of hearing Mathias whine about his own stupid screw up. Also because the Dane was staring at him with those big puppy dog eyes, that he knew Lukas couldn't say no to. That was probably his one and only weakness, and god, did it cause him a lot of problems.

He stayed silent a moment longer, before sighing once again and finally giving the answer Mathias had wanted to hear from the beginning. "Fine," Lukas said, sort of reluctantly. "As long as you stop calling me Luke."

Mathias immediately perked up at that, quickly pulling Lukas in for a bone crushing hug. "Thank you thank you thank you!" he beamed, relieved that this had ended in his favor. Though, it was kind of obvious it would. Mathias knew that Lukas had a soft spot for him buried under that cold, almost stoic exterior.

Lukas weakly tried pushing Mathias away, but his attempts were in vain. Matt only hugged him tighter, and the Norwegian let out a small groan. Don't be fooled though, he absolutely adored the other' hugs. Not that he'd ever admit it. They were always just so warm and inviting, and overall just really comforting. But alas, now was not the best time, as Lukas was mentally assessing the situation he'd gotten himself into. Gee whiz, he'd just made a huge mistake.

For quite awhile now, he knew he'd felt some things for Mathias. Things that made him want to be more than friends. The thing was, they were 'besties' as the Dane had put it, and Lukas didn't want to ruin that. Despite constantly telling him how annoying he was, Lukas loved spending time with Mathias. Hence them being friends. If it were anyone else, he'd probably tell them. But with Mathias, things were different. Firstly, the feelings were only subtle from what he could tell, so, no big deal. Right? Plus, Lukas tended to overthink things, so that played a huge roll in it. I mean, there were endless possibilities as to how that situation could play out.

But then again, he was supposed to be 'dating' Mathias now, wasn't he? Perhaps there was a reason his name came to mind first? Alright Lukas, it's time to stop. He knew he was grasping for something that certainly couldn't be there, but that didn't stop him from just thinking, 'what if?'. Maybe, just maybe, there was a chance that Matt could quite possibly feel something for him…

He immediately ruled out that possibility. There was no way. There couldn't be.

It was then that he realized Mathias had been talking to him this entire time, and he'd been doing god knows what, thinking about this and that. "Er...yeah." He said, not really sure exactly what it was that had been said to him. Mathias had a funny look on his face. "Were you even listening to me? This isn't like you, Lu, be more attentive!" His friend teased, the weird facial expression melting away and being replaced by a more gleeful one. Lukas playfully punched Matt's shoulder, then muttering out a small apology, to which Mathias only laughed and gave him a rather rough pat on the back.

"Anyway, as I was saying," he began, and Lukas made sure to actually listen this time around. "We're leaving on Saturday. I'm sorry it's such short notice, but I promise you'll have lots of fun. I'll make sure you do—oh, and if you want, I can help you pack too. It's the least I could do after bugging you like that." Mathias told him, sounding very sure of himself.

Lukas scrunched up his face slightly in thought. If they were leaving on Saturday, that only left him tonight and tomorrow to pack all his things. How nice. Of course, Lukas was usually very good and efficient when it came to these kinds of things, so it wouldn't be too much of a problem, but still. Running a hand through his hair, Lukas let out a soft sigh. He accepted Mathias' offer, figuring that hey, he could probably use the help. Matt was his best friend, and practically lived here, so it's not like he wouldn't know where anything was—and really, it'd just be nice to have the extra help, because if they finished tonight, Lukas could just relax all day tomorrow and think about the mistake he'd made. Hoo boy.

The two eventually made their way upstairs, Mathias watching as Lukas pretty much tore apart the closet as he searched for his bags. Soon enough though, Lukas had pulled out a moderately sized bag along with a suitcase as well. Time to get to work.

They were there for quite awhile, gathering everything Lukas'd need. While he rummaged through his drawers and all, Matt was there to fold and pack away everything his 'date' wanted to take on the trip. Thankfully, Mathias already had his things packed, so he didn't have to worry about that when he returned home. Which was good, because by the time they finished, it was nearing midnight.

Both men were exhausted, and honestly just ready to sleep. "It's late," Lukas said, and Mathias just nodded, letting out a small yawn. "You can stay the night if you'd like. You know I don't mind." He offered, and Mathias gave a sleepy smile. Oh yes, he certainly knew Lukas didn't mind. There have been times where he'd drunkenly stumbled in at three in the morning, only to wake Lukas up, and have the Norwegian guide him into the guest bedroom for the night. There's also been a times where Matt either just wanted to visit, or felt lonely or something like that. All in all, it didn't really bother Lukas. Aside from being woken up at three A.M., that is.

"Ah, thanks dude. I was actually just about to ask if I could stay over tonight." Mathias admitted with a small chuckle, and Lukas gave a slight smile. "Anyway, I'm off to shower then I guess. G'night, Lu!" He cooed. Lukas rolled his eyes. "Goodnight. Don't call me 'Lu', idiot."

Mathias had left the room by the time Lukas had finished his sentence, leaving the Norwegian alone in his room. It was finally quiet, which was music to Lukas' ears. He rather enjoyed the silence. Sadly, it was something he didn't really get when Mathias visited.

Since he had agreed to 'date' the Dane for, what was it, two weeks? He'd have to put up with Matt's nonsense nonstop, he realized, causing him to let out a lengthy sigh. Despite that though, he was kinda happy. Lukas did enjoy spending time with him. After all, they were best friends. Really, Lukas found that Mathias always brought out the best in him, y'know? They were just about polar opposites personality wise, Mathias being loud and boisterous, while Lukas was more quiet and reserved. But Mathias brought Lukas out of his shell. Since meeting the Dane, Lukas had become more social, and might I add, daring. Because of that, he'd had lots of fun trying new things, and meeting new people.

Along with spending a whopping two weeks with Mathias, Lukas also came to the realization that they'd have to do romantic-ish things to make this façade of theirs believable. Oh yeah, Matt's family was expecting them as a couple. Instead of freaking out, Lukas urged himself to stay calm. Enough thinking. Maybe he should just go to sleep. Yeah, sleep sounded nice.

He stripped himself down to his boxers, not really caring if he got a shower at all tonight. There was always tomorrow. Groaning softly at his own stupidity, Lukas flopped onto his bed, quickly curling up beneath the covers. God, what had he just gotten himself into?