
That's it, we finally made it up here.. It was peculiar at first, to see such a calm, but powerful force of nature at first sight. What she said to me... Saying that she was my real mother, was already making my mind jump from one place, to another. Another good thing is, that Zalok is back, which is relieving, since that four versus one at a mansion. Even so, nothing really matched what was going on here, or what I was going to witness, but all I knew was Keizen was only targeting Zhallo, which seemed to be one of them after all that time trying to figure out what was going on here.

Elise, over there was a bit enthusiastic about things. After all, being one of us is a very strange thing to be, especially with the negative stereotype going around humans. Although we do understand why. First off, our claws being as sharp as obsidian, our teeth basically a whole load of chainsaws, and breathing fire was our indicating mark, with wings for extra mobility, air or ground. After everything that happened so far, it is not too late to venture on into adulthood. We are now at the moment where we demonstrate everything we have done, and show it so that we may survive in this unknown dimension.

"Akaz!" Elise yelled to me, still wielding a gemstone while her white physique pranced around on the new moon. "Who is Rhenka!?" She asked frantically. I felt like she was acting like a child, who wouldn't stop bothering the parent about some kind of cave to explore, or some kind of artifact that he or she recently discovered. It was a good thing that Elise did not know about Rhenka either. He was a noble soul one day, and then after all that time disappearing, and never seeing me for my fourth birthday.. That was when he abandoned Gentau. Somewhere between the boundaries of life and death separated us, but now, its time to weave together the amends. Even though that he was a dragon right now, he has many things in common with me. One was being a human at some time between birth and another time, and then there was this thing... something that was mysterious and out of the ordinary. Sure, my infested arm was in that category, but we had some of the most bizarre methods of taking out targets, using one that everyone used, others weapons, or the thing that they did not have, was the art of Regrav. Most people call it magic, but we got deeper into the actual thing.

It has been very long since I saw one of the four Rebellion generals, as it has been about twenty to five hundred years. Davoskis, was like a brother to Zalok including me, Caughantis, helping almost each of us out, and Roa'urn tearing up the battlefield at any chance he gets. I snapped out of the memory, as Elise bumped me with her head towards my stomach, causing me to be knocked back. She had a confused expression, a very strange reaction to being ignored, as if she was playing around with me. "Can you please tell me?" She asked. "Who is Rhenka? Is he here right now?"

"I am right behind you." He said. "What do you think you are doing with my son anyways?"

"Dad, its okay, Elise is with us." I stated. "She was just eager to meet you, that's all."

"I see." Rhenka replied as he stared at Elise while she was bowing down to him in a very odd way. "Why is she doing that?"

"Trust me, she has different ways, of doing things as herself." Enuo stated.

"As... Herself?" I asked.

"Akaz, please be quiet." Rhenka commanded. "You better not make me punish you again."

"Alright, I will stop now." Elise said while backing away near me.

I do not know why, but he is more aggressive than me, wanting to tear pieces of flesh off the victim once he sees it. He claims that he is my Great Grandfather, but at the same time, my actual Father. Is that even possible, it just does not make any sense. Unless there was two sides. He would probably agree, as he does not know how or why I am a dragon right now, but he has already told his reason. The thought brought back that moment, where I was still in need of a host, but since Zalok wanted the body to be of a Draconian. Zalok walked towards me, and interrupted the memory. "If it was not that, you would of died at the hands of the prime minister." Zalok reminded. "Remember that."

I quickly refocused on the memory, seeing what the new me saw, a dense forest, the constant sound of death and destruction, and mostly the sound of rushing rivers, causing rocks to sometimes collide into each other. We were in the cave, as Arinias took to the skies, as we were both gone. i was still not out of the egg, but because of my soul freely roaming, I could see more than one perspective. The younger Arinias that I saw was really not fitting the description that holds his reputation. First time, he was just a natural dragon with one of the hardest scales that were almost unbreakable, but now, it added up, as he controlled the energy of the Lunar vault. To describe it in one word, was a Murderer, but not just that, more like accidental and then again, started a massacre that literally pummeled the population of humans all across the system. At least he is not here now.

Nothing, out of all of that made no sense to this event, causing a second moon to rise from the Sevaeric desert, but now I really do wonder. Where was this Draconian race from, and as Enuo mentioned while we were travelling to the second moon, Who is Raleigh?

(I changed the prologue since the old one did not really fit, and it made such a large jump between perspectives during the beginning of the story, sorry if you liked the old one better. I hope you do understand why I did this.)