Chapter Twenty One: Will You Marry Christmas Me?

Time for the last A.N. note. What a very strange feeling :''-} It was my first story I've shared with all of you. I know I've made tons of mistakes, taken many inspirations and proved myself a total dumbass in smut scenes :p But I've earned myself those 14 favorites and 27 follows on my own and I'm damn proud of it. Thank y'all people, you guys ROCK :D!

And yes, thanks a lot to all the people who've reviewed my story- Vahditar, Ariana, Emily, Guest, renn.I.B. and a very special thanks to Nevermorea who indicated all the mistakes I'd done in the first chapters. I'm still trying to improve 'em :-}

There was only person left from Victor's past life I didn't reveal much about in the previous chapers because I was saving her for the end, hope y'all like it :-}

No more yapping, just enjoy...


My kinda Christmas Song for this Chapter?

-:-:-:- Underneath The Tree -:-:-:-

You're here where you should be

Snow is falling as the carolers sing

It just wasn't the same

Alone on Christmas day

Presents, what a beautiful sight

Don't mean a thing if you ain't holding me tight

You're all that I need

Underneath the tree. - By Kelly Clarkson.


"So, what next?" Aks asked, idly playing with Victor's chest hair after the third round of mind blowing sex. Victor wasn't used to being easy and careful at all this stuff but he's really tried for the past three nights they'd spent in X-Mansion. During Logan's self blame shit for killing their asshole of a father and smothering hatred and fear from all of them, Victor was still behaving himself just for his Mate's sake. They were both a little bit doubtful about Xavier letting them live in the mansion after Creed killed his best Frienemy- Erik Lehnsherr but Xavier still welcomed 'em with open arms.

"Depends on ya. Ya can stay here till Christmas or...longer if you want."

"What do you mean by 'I can'?" she raised her head from his chest and cocked an eyebrow. "Where're you going?"

Creed let out a sharp sigh and looked up to the ceiling."Three days ago, Sabertooth was just one second away from letting you get killed inside that fuckin' machine, Aks. I was just one step away from destroying my pack with my own fuckin' hands. That moment still gives me fuckin' creeps. You cannot trust a brainless animal like me around yourself in such delicate state. That's why, I want you to stay in the mansion without me until the pregnancy ends and then-"

"Hey!" she bored her gaze into his defiantly. "What the hell makes you think I'm gonna stay in the damn place without my Mate, huh? The goddamn manipulator fucked with my mind too and same goes for the half of Team Charles but it doesn't mean I need to keep my child away from its own father because of a dead mind-controlling freak. So get this through your 'brainless' head, mister, you're NOT going away from your Mate and your 'Cub' tonight, or any other night!"

Victor really loved this little spitfire. "Okay. But I'm still givin' you both a choice." he grinned.

"By the way," she rolled onto her back and looked at him over her shoulder. "What were your plans for both of us after getting out of the mansion?"

"I was thinkin' about Canada." he shrugged. "I have a cabin there."

Aks chewed her bottom lip."I have a question, Victor."


"Please don't get mad far as I've known your history with Canada, it's just given you a horrible past still live there?"

Creed left a cold breath. "Because my mother's memories are also connected to the damn place. The good ol' memories my mother used to take me and Luther to our Granna's house in Banff, to spend Christmas in. I remember alotta things from my last good Christmas." he dove into the ocean of pleasant memories. "Luther was outside all day, makin' a shitty snowman and I was helpin' Ma decorate the Christmas tree and then me and Granna prepared christmas cookies together." Aks liked the beautiful fanged smile that unconsciously played on her Mate's lips.

The smile suddenly disappeared. "Years later, when I came back to Canada, I went to Banff, to see what was left of my Granna's house now but found nothing but a goddamn piece of land surrounded by thick woods. The last token of my one good time in Canada was gone. But I did not let it slip out of my hands and bought the place, for building my own cabin there." he paused for a second. Aks was still listening to him. he pulled his Mate against his chest and continued.

"It's the only place in the world where I can get some peace of mind because I always feel that woman's presence all around me there. The woman who fought that monster for me and...died because of me."

"Wasn't your fault." She whispered against his chest.

"It was." an angry lump in his throat chocked his further words. "I-I had claws, i had fangs...if I'd shown a little bit of strength, maybe...I could save her.."

"Things don't always go as we want in our childhood, Victor." she said softly, recalling her own parents' death.

"That's what I tell myself every time to keep the burden away, the burden I've been carrying for years." he smirked and stroke her cheek with an index claw. "Time for emotional shit is over, let's get some sleep."


"So...what have you both decided?" Xavier asked the feral couple. "Do you two want to stay here until Aks's delivery? Because we'd be glad to have you both here."

"Well, I've left the decision on Aks. Whatever she decides." Victor shrugged and wrapped an arm around his Mate.

"So Aks, what is it?" Logan asked from the corner. Victor'd threatened to kick his ass everyday until his next birthday if the smoke of his cigar reached anywhere near his Mate.

"Well, guys," Aks had a grateful smile on her lips. "You guys've already done a lot for me and Victor we would like to leave." she smiled at Victor. "This is my first Christmas with my Mate and my baby and I want to spend it with 'em both only, in our home."

In spite of a little disappointment, everybody welcomed their decision, except for Logan. Victor could smell a large amount of annoyance from him.

"So, where are you guys going?" Ororo asked.

They both looked at each other with a brief smile.



Ten days later

"One reason darlin', give me one damn good reason why I'm freezin' my balls out here at this time!" Victor growled as Aks pulled his arm to drag him with her on a snow covered road. It was goddamn 6:30 in the morning of Christmas and in stead of having a mind blasting christmas morning sex under the decorated pine tree, here they were, 40kms away from their cabin, marching down a fucking snow covered path.

"Oh just quit the whining, will ya?" Aks flashed a mischievous grin. "I'm taking you to your christmas present."

"Christmas present, my ass." he grumbled and yanked her into his arms. "My Christmas present should've been on my bed right now, face buried in pillows, ass jigglin' in the air and screamin' my name at every pump in." His leering grin turned her cheeks into damned tomatoes within a second. This guy can make me wet just by talking.

She cleared her throat and looked up to him. "Well, sorry to disappoint you, Mr. Creed, but I have planned something decent on our first Christmas together. So stop whining like a little child and come with me."

He let out another groan and followed her.

Her feet ceased outside a big rusty gate.

"Are you fuckin' serious?!" Creed growled out loud. "You woke me up in the damn starry morning, fucked my Christmas fuck, made me walk a thousand miles just to show me a fuckin' graveyard?!"

"Yup." His snarls left no effect on her. "Because that's where your christmas gift is waiting for you." she had a mysterious smile. Now he was also curious about this cryptic present.

"This better be good."


She opened the gate and he followed her. Most of the graves were covered with a thick layer of pearly white snow. They made their way between them, carefully avoiding stepping on sleeping fellas. Her feet halted in front of a very old grave under a tree. The upper half of the black granite headstone had a beautiful carved cross on side and lower half of it was buried in the snow, hiding the name and the date of death. Aks took off her gloves and wiped the snow off the name and date.

Victor's eyes narrowed at the words.

Sister Victoria,1809-1878.


"It's your mother's grave, Victor." she prepared herself for the biggest shock-face of the year.

Victor's narrowed irises looked at Aks at once and then back at the grave with a blank expression. What the hell was his Ma's grave doing here?! She should've been resting beneath the ground of Edmonton where that monster killed her! and..1878?

It's fucking impossible, isn't it?

".. B-But...1878..?" he couldn't keep the stammer out of his totally shocked tone.

"You never tried to know the history behind the ground you've built your cabin on, did you?"

"What do you mean?"

"What did you know about the place when you bought it."

"I-I didn't need to. My Granna had no other child. And the man I negotiated with told me that the old house was burned to the ground in an air-attack during WWI, that's it."

"I was right." she smiled briefly. "Victor, when you told me about your year old guilt over your mother's death, I decided to do something about it. I contacted Fury and asked for his help to find out about your mother's death. It was a damn hard task even for SHIELD to collect the pale documents about a woman who'd died a century ago but they still tried hard and what they revealed was damn stunning to my ears. Your mother, she did not die the night your father accidentally injured her with his axe. When he fled out of the village with your unconscious body in his arms, to avoid getting caught, she was still alive, counting her last breaths. Thankfully, a woman from the neighborhood heard her whimpers and screamed for help after seeing your mother covered in blood. She was admitted to a local hospital and your Granna was informed about it. Her condition was very critical and even the doctor was hopeless before the operation but still, she was miraculously saved. Your Granna brought her back here in Banff where she lived for the rest of her life, as a nun and after having a long peaceful life, she was buried right here, next to your Granna." she wiped the snow off the other tombstone.

Martha Smith, 1793-1854.


Victor was still too dumbfounded to say anything.

"Your mother did not die because of you, Victor. She survived that attack and lived for years after it. And when her time came, she died a peaceful death like all other good people in the world. My sole purpose behind the whole thing was just to get you rid of that damn guilt. I couldn't find a better present than this."

Victor's eyes glistened with a couple of tears he unsuccessfully tried to blink out. He shook his head in pure disbelief. How the hell did he earn such a good thing in his pathetic life? She went through all this trouble just to relieve this fucking burden of his he'd been horsing around for centuries? She's just...too fuckin' good.

"C'mere." he pulled her against his chest and kissed her forehead. "You shouldn't be so angelic to a monster." he said softly against her temple, looking at both graves, his Ma and his Granna. His Ma didn't die because of him. She lived a long happy life. Of course it was without him but that was necessary.

For the first time in life, he was feeling so lighthearted and...happy.

Sabertooth gave an agreeing smile.

The bitch did a good job.

"I ain't no angel." she pulled off to look into his eyes with a sweet smile. "I'm just a good Mate." Victor smiled down at her.

Yeah she undoubtedly is.

Her hand went into the inner pocket of her coat and a couple of white roses came out. She gave 'em to him.

"What am i-" Aks rolled her eyes at his total ignorance about giving respect to the dead.

"Put 'em on the graves, Victor."

"Okay." he smiled sheepishly and did as she said.

"Rest in Peace, ladies." he whispered as he placed the flowers on the snowy surface.


She smiled widely and slipped her arms around him for getting a tight embrace but something dug in her chest before that.

"Ouch, what the hell is that?"

Victor smirked. "Had planned it with two glasses of champagne on a 'candlelight dinner' in a five star hotel but.." he took a red velvet box out of his pocket.

Aks covered her mouth with both hands as her eyes fell on the little christmas present of hers.


"First of all, it's not gonna be one of those grandass weddings because I'm no Prince Charming who's gonna get on his one knee, shower you with tons of red roses and sing some shitty romantic song for ya. I'm just doin' it for my Cub so.."

he opened the box and held it out. It was a dazzling oval shaped ruby on the platinum ring but it wasn't the only shock of the night. The second one was coming up next.

"Ms. Akradee (Akriti) Sharma, kya tum mujhe shaadi karogi?"- Will you marry me?

Her mouth and eyes turned into three perfect Os. "YOU KNOW HINDI?!" the ring was forgotten for a while.

He gave one of his good old evil grins. "Didn't I already tell ya I'd been in all the wars?"

Shit, how did she forget about India-China War and lndo-Pak War?

"So...did you understand everything I've ever said about you?"

"Every dirty single bit of it." another canined grin.

"Oh shit!" she blushed deeply. "Am I gonna get punished for that?"

"Abso'damn'lutely!" he frowned playfully. "But before that...answer my question." the eyes came back to the dazzling Ruby.

"Well..." she gave a mock cogitation. "Of course it's a Yes!"

He grinned and slipped the ring into her finger before pulling her back into his arms.

"No fuckin' tears this time." he growled softly.

She laughed and nodded. "Okay." her big brown eyes froze over the shining ruby. "It's so beautiful."

"Hell yeah it is. That's why that damn sales girl cut 10 fuckin' grands off my card for it." she laughed at his grumble and looked back to the ring.

It's definitely going on Facebook tonight.


"Now just Look. At. That.!" Aks's eyes followed Victor's up to a bunch of leaves and berries on a branch of the snow covered tree they were standing underneath.

"Is that a Mistle-" before the damned sentence could be completed, Victor caught Aks's lips in a fiery yet loving 'Christmas Proposal' kiss. Aks's hand stroked the back of Victor's neck as their tongues fought a sensual war of dominance. Nothing could be more perfect than this at the moment. Love, Respect and Commitment, she's gotten all these three things today. Love? What she and Victor shared was a whole lot stronger than love and she didn't need to hear it from Victor's mouth. As far as it was about respect, she's already earned it from him and today, the ring gave her the commitment she desired once.

The kiss drew to a soft close with a deep nuzzle, taking in each other's scents. "The best Christmas ever!" they both laughed breathlessly.

"C'mon, let's go home." Victor wrapped his protective arm around his freezing Mate as they both walked back towards the gate. Victor looked over his shoulder at both graves one last time.

His two angels, who made the early few years of his life memorable until his other side emerged and his father made his life a living hell at such a small age. Their hatred towards his animalistic side forced him to hate them back. During his upcoming endless years, that hatred made him develop into an Alpha predator who just knew to shed blood for blood. He'd lost his humanity somewhere in this whole time.

Someone needed to give it back to him and that's where Holly came in, another angel who pulled his lost human side out and taught him how to live, laugh and love but that horrific death of hers, it shoved the human back in and pulled the real animal out forever. The animal who dreamed once he was a man. But the dream was over now and the beast was awake. He despised humanity and came for everybody without mercy because it was his nature. He'd forgot to live, laugh and love. All he knew now was just take and kill. He declared himself cursed by the angels and believed he would never be loved by any of them again. But he was wrong.

An angel entered his living hell again who did not hate his animal like others. She pulled the lost man out again and taught him how to control his beast. She cried for his wounds and cared for his good. She took his seed in her womb and fought the whole world to protect it. She was walking down the white path with him at the moment and he was never letting this beautiful angel go who loved the man within animal.


For Now ;-}


Yeah you heard me right peeps ;-} what did ya guys think? I'm gonna let this story end with so many loose ends? I know you guys wanna see more of Logan's slowly developing feelings for Aks and VictorAks's super feral child's super feral birth and gawd what'll happen when their relationship goes against the biggest feral danger who's come back from the ancient times. I've planned all of it in a SEQUEL. Just a little wait ;-}!

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone :D!