Natsu's POV

There was a boring in my chest as I watched them sitting so close to each other. Why did it bother me so much? Lucy was my friend, we were always that close, and now that Sting was that close to her, I couldn't help but be upset. I didn't know why. Should I be...jealous, nah, Lucy can do what she wants. Just not with him, or any other guy, just me, she's mine. I would always sneak into her apartment through her window, she would kick me out most of the time, but sometimes she would be asleep, and I would lie down next to her wrapping my arms around her. She always smelled like strawberries and vanilla, so nice and sweet. Her smile could brighten the darkest of rooms and her laugh could life the spirits of all, including her own spirits. She was beautiful and graceful and... Wait did I, like Lucy?

Lucy's POV

I had only ever been this close with Natsu but he was sitting at the bar talking to Mira. Sting had his arm wrapped around me and was telling me about how he had been kicked out of Sabertooth because he punched the master. It was a funny story so I couldn't help but laugh. I didn't know he could be so funny. As he saw me smile I noticed a slight blush. Why is he blushing? I wondered could he like m? Nah, its probably because we've been laughing for a while.

"So there I was, lounging around the guild hall, when the Master walks up and starts to yell at one o the new members for not completing a mission. He was so loud that the entire fairy tail guild seemed quiet. I walked over and said 'Hey don't be so mean, it was her first mission' and he just continued to yell, and by this time, the new member was busting into tears, so I yelled stop again, but he didn't listen, so I went up to him and punched him in the face." Sting said

I couldn't help but laugh, I couldn't believe how selfless he was being then

"So, the master being the master, didn't take that lightly and picks me up like I was nothing and threw me, I mean actually threw me, out of the guild. Everyone was silent and then he just yelled 'sting, you are hear by out of Sabertooth' in a deep tone all master like. I just simply laughed and walked away. I had been meaning to quit for a while, so this gave me the perfect chance to do so."

"that's awesome" I said. I had put my hands on his chest while I was laughing, he blushed again. What was it with him. But I looked over at Natsu and he was staring directly at us, he looked…angry. I wondered why.

Sting's POV

As Lucy smiled I couldn't help it, my face was as red as a cherry. I hoped she didn't notice though. She was so beautiful, she smelled like Strawberries and vanilla, which were really nice. It had been almost two months since I joined fairy tail. Lucy was the first one to warm up to me. Yeah at first I only hung out with her to annoy Natsu, because seriously, I think everyone but Lucy and Natsu knows that he is head over heals in love with her. But over time, she became so nice, and I really liked hanging out with her. She was so sweet and selfless. She made me smile, what can I say, I was really starting to like Lucy Heartfillia.

I just finished my story about how I got kicked out of Sabertooth, and she seemed to really enjoy it. I looked over at the bar and Saw Natsu giving us the death glares. I knew he was jealous, but I no longer cared about that. I cared about her. She was everything to me now, she was really the only reason I ma staying in fairy tail. Off to the side of Natsu was Lisanna, staring at Natsu with puppy dog eyes, hoping for him to notice her and not Lucy. I was wishing the same thing. Over the past two months I had picked up many things about this guild. 1. Natsu was in love with Lucy only they both didn't know that. 2. Lisanna was in love with Natsu, only he didn't know that 3. I was in love with Lucy and had no idea who she liked. It was like a weird and confusing love…square?, I guess. Anyway. I knew she liked my stories so I figured if I kept telling her new ones, she would smile and laughing her way right into my arms and realize just how much I care about her. I think that I might have been falling in n love with her.

Lisanna's POV

Why was Natsu staring at Lucy, what did she have that I didn't have. She wasn't prettier than me and di had known Natsu longer. Why didn't he love me and not her. I kept staring at Natsu, hoping for him to look over at me, but he was only looking at her. I glanced over to Lucy who was sitting with Sting and realized that she was laughing with him. Hopefully they would end up together and Natsu and me would. I didn't hate her and would never do anything bad to her, but I did want to talk to her. Hopefully she didn't like him back. Lucy was one of my best friends and had been so m=nice to me since I came back from Ediolas. I would hate for her to break my heart unintentionally, and I knew she would hate it as well. I just didn't know what to do.

"Hey Natsu!' I yelled

"Oh, hey Lisanna, what's up?"

"I was thinking, maybe we could go on a mission, I need a little extra money"

"sure, just us two, or can we bring others"

I knew what he meant by others, but I would hate to tell him no, that would be so bitchy of me

"Yeah sure" I said and went to go pick out a job with enough money to split four ways. I figured it would be me, Natsu , Lucy and sting would come along for her. Maybe we could talk on the way there. I decided to go with a job that required taking down a monster that was terrorizing a town. We had all done if so many times before, so I figured it would be easy. It paid 400,000J so enough for each of us. AS I showed him the job, he walked over to sting and Lucy, who I guess said yes, and us four walked out of the guild all, all hoping to accomplish sometimes different. this would be a fun trip.