Hi y'all! I haven't been able to write lately but i thought giving you most of chapter 41 would make up for me being MIA. I hope y'all enjoy what I've written so far, I promise some tender moments are going to come up for Rose and Dimitri.

Chapter 41

Dimitri POV:

What could of set him off like that, Eddie wasn't the type to attack without reason.. I was lost in my thoughts when I walked past a group of guardians then I heard my name and turned to face them.

"Hey Belikov, Hathaway must be magical to have you and Castile at each other's throats." said the guardian with a grin.

Enraged I grabbed him by the throat.

"Don't you dare disrespect her like that again!" I growled with a chilling voice.

I released him but before I left, I gave him a warning.

"Next time, I won't be so nice." I said as I walked away

I didn't care if he reported me, I may not have fully forgiven Rose yet but no one was going to disrespect her like that. She was the mother of my child and I knew without a doubt that the only person she has even been with is me.

As I walked towards the house, I remembered our time together at the academy. Ironically things were simpler then, we knew why we couldn't be together. The reasons were simple.

"Oh Roza.." I whispered softly.

She loved me still after all these years, even after I left.. but I can't forgive her, not yet for keeping Kady away from me..

But I knew in my heart that I would never love another person the way I loved her.. she was my Roza..

I knew Lissa had picked up Kady from daycare in case my shift ran a bit late as it usually did.

As I got closer to Lissa's door, a piercing thought still lingered..

after what I did, after how I acted that night.. would Roza ever forgive me again..

we never really talked about the way I acted, the shameful way I acted.

As I was about to knock on the door, Lissa opened it with a half smile on her face.

Behind her was my little angel.

"Daddy! Daddy! You're home!" she yelled with joy.

"Yes I'm home angel" I said with a smile.

I could see Lissa smiling at Kady but it also looked like she had something else to say.

"Um, could we talk Dimitri?" said Lissa in a semi cold tone.

"Sure.. Lissa." i said knowing where this conversation might lead.

I brought myself to Kady level and held her hands gently.

"Why don't you go play with your Uncle, while I go talk for a few moments with your Auntie Lissa."

She nodded her head before she zoomed off to find Christian.

"Dimitri, you need to figure things out with Rose." said Lissa in a serious tone.

"Lissa with all due respect, that is none of your business." I said in a calm voice.

"Yes it is! Seeing as it involves Rose and my niece." she said firmly.

"Dimitri don't you see how much it pains her to know the pain she's caused you. I can see it in her aura, the pain she feels all the time.. You and Kady are her whole world." she said with a tender tone.

"She should've told me the moment she find out she was pregnant!" I said sternly as I tried to control my anger.

"Yes maybe that's true.. but to be honest Dimitri, I probably would of done the same thing if that had happened to me." she said with a harshness that I had never heard before.

"How can you say-" I said as I was interrupted by Kady's voice in the background.

"Uncle Chrissie, I'm gonna kick your butt again." she said with a semi serious tone, in that moment I could see Rose's influence on her crystal clear.

I shook my head with a slight smile on my face before I turned my attention back to Lissa.

"She's so much like Rose" she comments as a smile appears on her face.

"Yes, she has her mother's spirit.." I said calmly.

Lissa was clearly agitated at this point.

"You can't keep avoiding her name Dimitri! Do you honestly hate her that much now? That you can't even bring yourself to say her name?" she scoffed with a fury in her eyes.

Before she could say more, Kady came running out of the living room.

"Daddy! Daddy! You should see how I punched Uncle Chrissie in the face! I did it just like you taught me!" she said with pure pride.

She shook her head.

"I better check on Christian.. " she said with a chuckle but before she turned away.

"Dimitri this conversation isn't over" she said in a more serious tone.

I simply nodded, not wanting to argue further with her. I picked up Kady then I saw Christian come out of the living room with Lissa.

"You guys have to stop feeding her spinach behind our backs, her right hook is actually starting to hurt me." he said semi serious as he rubbed his right cheek.

"And Rose told me she wasn't going to show Kady how to make her punches hurt." he murmured.

I chucked.

"Actually I showed her how to throw a right hook yesterday." I said amused

"Either way it's good practice for you, that way you are always ready for the Strigoi." I said with a chuckle.

"I think I rather take a Strigoi anyday than her right hook." he said bluntly.

Lissa and I just started laughing.

I then looked at the clock and I saw that it was time to head home. I wanted to get there before Rose did.

"Tell your Aunt and Uncle goodbye angel, it's time to go home. Your mom's gonna be home soon." I said in a neutral voice.

"Okay, daddy. Bye Auntie Lissa, Bye Uncle Chrissie." she said somewhat sad.

"Bye angel" said Lissa and Christian as they waved goodbye.

I could see Lissa's eyes narrowing at me as I left their house.

I knew she and Rose would always be close but it was our business on how we handled things and how we solved our problems.

As l head over to Rose's house with Kady in my arms.

"Daddy, is mommy okay?" asked Kady innocently.

"My angel why do you ask that?" I asked her back as calmly as I could.

I was concerned if my angel could pick up on it, so would others.. maybe that's why Eddie reacted that way earlier..

Kady voice broke my train of thoughts.

"I don't know mommy has seemed different these last days.." she said with a worry in her eyes.

"Don't worry angel mommy will be fine.." I said as convincingly as I could.

Oh little did my angel know, that I was part of the reason...

She so innocent, so full of light.

Would she figure me if she found out how I treated her mother that night. I know I shouldn't of reacted the way I did.. I didn't want to hurt Rose but I was so anger. How could she of lied to me.. Kady sweet voice broke my thoughts again.

"But I have a great plan to cheer her up daddy!" she said excitedly.

The excitement filled her whole body and she beamed with simple joy.

"Oh and what is that?" I asked curiously.

"Well, we could throw a party for mommy with Auntie Lissa, Uncle Chrissie, oh and with Uncle Adrian. And Grandma and Grandpa too!" she said with joy as she clapped her hands.

"Hmm." I said silently as I thought.

"Oh.. do you not like it daddy?" she said softly as her eyes filled with sadness.

"Oh no angel! I'm.. I'm just not sure how your mom would react." I said trying to find the right words.

Rose always knew what to say, even when it seemed that there was no right thing to say. In times like this I missed her desperately, I missed her ability to understand. She always tried to understand even if she was angry or furious at you. She understood why I took off so many years ago, even when it caused her so much pain and so much heartbreak.

"Are you okay daddy? Mommy looked the same way.. she looked sad in her eyes." she said with a curious look.

I was taken back by her words, how could a child of 4 years be able to see so much. She was just like her mother.. She had the ability to look straight into her loved ones soul, she could see through the walls.

"Oh, Roza.." I said softly

"Daddy.. Why do you say mommy's name in a weird way?" she asked curiously.

I didn't realized that she heard me.

"It's just.. um.. the way you say it in Russian angel. It was my way of showing her my love for her… when we first met" I said softly.

"O-h, then why don't you use it anymore daddy?" she asked with wonder in her eyes.

Her question caught me by surprise, I didn't think she would notice something.. so small. It was anything but that to me and Rose, when I said her name like that.. her eyes would shine with love and joy.

Kady question made me only yearn more for Rose, I missed her despite everything.

"Um.. daddy only uses it on special occasions." I tried to say in a neutral tone as I lied.

I saw the wheels turning behind her eyes as her eyes widened with excitement again.

"You can use it at the party daddy!" she yelped with joy.

"We'll see angel" I said as I kissed her forehead.

Rose POV:

I just finished my shift and couldn't stop thinking about Eddie's reaction. He was always so understanding, how could he not understand this time. He was one of the people who never judged me..

I was consumed by my thoughts as I walked towards my house. I didn't know how long I could go on like this with Dimitri, it seems to open my wound more and more each day. I always thought the darkness would take me to the brink of insanity but this takes the cake.

When I arrived at my door, I thought here comes World War III. As I entered the door, I saw my angel come running to the door instead.

"Mommy!" yelled my angel with joy as she jumped into my arms.

"Hi angel, i missed you." I said as I picked her up.

"Mommy you were only gone for a little while" she said sweetly as placed her head on my shoulder.

"I know but I still missed you" I whispered in her ear.

I had forgotten that Lissa picked her up early, so Dimitri could spend some more time with her. I searched for Dimitri as I walked further into my house and found him in the living room sitting on the couch.

I walked over to the couch and sat near Dimitri.

"I love you mommy and daddy." said Kady with all the love in the world as she looked at us.

Kady grabbed Dimitri's and mines hands and put them together. We stared into each other's eyes, I took in his deep brown eyes and I could see him looking as deeply into mine but then he broke the hold a moment later..

We both looked back to Kady.

"We love you too angel" we said tenderly.

Dimitri cleared his voice and looked at Kady.

"How about tomorrow afternoon you hang out with your Auntie Lissa and Uncle Christian, while me and your mom talk about some important things?' he said tenderly.

Kady shook her head up and down in excitement then frowned.

"What's wrong angel?" I asked curiously.

"Well, you and daddy sure seemed to have a loooot of serious talks.." she said as she furrowed her brows.

Dimitri and I just chuckled.

"Oh sweetie don't worry about that, it's just grown up stuff." I said calmly.

"O-kay but i'm keep an eye on you two." she said as she cutely tried to narrow her eyes.

I put my hands up.

"Alright, I'll try to behave angel." I said trying to be as serious as I could.

I looked at the clock and saw it was almost time for Kady's bedtime.

"Angel it is time for a bath so that you can go to bed." I said as I walked towards the stairs to get her bath ready.

"Can i have my pink rubber ducky with me mommy?" she said with pleading eyes.

"Only if you promise not to splash too much water." I said playfully.

"I PROMISE MOMMY!" she yelled in excitement as she hugged me.

She then ran to her room for her ducky, I turned back towards Dimitri.

"I'll be right back after I put Kady to bed." I said calmly.

"I can help you with that… if you want?" said Dimitri cautiously.

"That would be great, she loves it when you read her to bed." I said

"But no westerns." I said firmly as i gave him a pointed look.

"Rose you're depriving her of knowledge." He said wide-eyed.

"No they are too gory for her Dimitri." I said while still giving him a pointed look.

He grunted, he knew I was right.

He stood for moment in silence, pensively thinking.

Oh no. That's never good...

"What about Little House on the Prairie? It's a children's book and a western" He said smugly.


(mental facepalm)

"Fine." I said as I rolled my eyes.

"But only one time a week or I might go crazier than I already am." I said already regretting this.

"I can work with that." he said with a smirk and glimmering eyes.

I just shook my head as I went up the stairs to give Kady her bath.

I know the ending is a bit mundane but it seemed like a good place to stop. Hopefully I can find time to write the following chapter and have it posted before mid-june.

Oh! I would love song suggestions for this party Kady wants to have. What would the gang be listening to? What song do y'all think fits Rose and Dimitri? What should Kady's favorite song be?

You can leave your suggestions in a review or PM me directly too!

Have an amazing day everyone!(: