Hello fellow readers TheNiemand her.

Now what brought me to make this particular story? Well I have seen and read many reaction fics and strangely, the RWBY fanfiction place focus solely on only one story, mostly, although they are so many good fanfiction out there, just smaller.

So to give some smaller fanfictions here some screne time I will the cast of RWBY react to some nice little fanfiction here.

Date of Chapter 04.09.2016

Blake strode through the library in search for a quiet place to read her newest book of the Ninja of Love series as her team was once again disturbing the silence of her sanctum with 'Remnant the Game'. This time playing with the good hearted but clumsy leader of Team JNPR.

She loved her team, she really does, but sometimes she just need a little time for herself where she can read her books in peace. And despite what Yang said, her smuts aren't the only books she read.

Holding back a groan as she heard the sound of a couple making out, Blake dived true another row of bookshelf's.

Seeing something in her periphery sight she did a double take.

There was an unremarkable brown wooden door.

Curious she opened the door, thinking to find just a closet with the cleaning supplies she was surprised in what she found.

It was a nice furniture room with many bookshelf's and many big comfy looking couches.

Raising a delicate eyebrow, she entered the room and took a curious look at the many books in the bookshelf's.

She noticed that all of these books where covered in hard band and where pretty plain and had no writings or pictures on them. The only variation these books have where the color of the band.

Shrugging she took one of the books from the shelf and flopped on one of the comfy chairs and turned to the first page of this new book.

After all, you should never judge a book by his cover.

Patch was a beautiful island with a village on the seaside. Since it was an island, it became easier to keep most Grimm away and the place was relatively safe, and the fact some of the best Huntsmen in Remnant lived there…well, one lived there, and the other was often on mission far away and/or too drunk. Anyway, their presence certainly made the village peaceful. And with spring, the sound of birds and the color of the flowers certainly made the place livelier and even more beautiful. With the colorful glowers, especially roses, covering windows and vases.

Blake let out a yelp as big hollo-screen appeared in front of her and showed her the island of Patch. She looked from the book to the screen and back to the book. The screen showed her just everything what she just had read.

Picking the book up she began to continue to read further, all the while keeping an eye on the screen.

To her surprise the pictures began to move according to what she was reading. But her surprise changed to fear as she realized that she was reading a story of her partner Yang and her team leader Ruby and Jaune as they meet as children.

But that wasn't right. Jaune and Ruby meet on Beacon for the very first time.

Her curiosity overcoming her fear she continues to read the book and she got more nervous as she read the passage where Yang activated Jaune's aura as he was hit by a stone to the head.

"What is going on here?" She asked into the room "Why would someone write a story about how Yang and Jaune meet as children?"

"Oh a guest" Said a new voice from behind.

Reacting on instinct Blake jumped from the coached and draw her weapon pointing the gun to the source of the voice.

Standing there was the most ordinary looking man she had ever seen. He wore a old-fashioned gentleman's west with matching places and half-moon reading glasses connected with a chain to his blazer.

He wore a gentle smile and had a shine of curiosity in his eyes.

"It warms my heart to see another booklover enjoying the virtues of the written words" He said in delight "And especially one so young"

"Who are you?" She demands holding her weapon tighter "And why have you brought me here?"

"You are mistaking sweet child" He assured her gently "I haven't brought you here, you were the one you came here in the first place"

"Have you wrote this book" She asked, holding said book she just read in the air for emphases which one she meant

"No I have not my child"

"Stop calling me that, stop holding me hostage"

"Hostage!" The man reared back as if he was hit by lightning "I would never do something like, I don't hold you here and you are free to leave whenever you please"

To punctuate his statement, he stepped aside to clear the path to the door from where she came.

Giving him one last suspicious glance Blake dashed in a blur to the door and leaved the man behind.

Who just sighted sadly.

"Hey Blake, so quick back?" Yang greeted her partner from the board game she is playing, making the rest of RWBY and JNPR looked up from whatever they were doing.

"What do you mean quick, I was gone for almost more than an hour, and you four are still playing"

"What do you mean" Ruby asked "You were just gone for five minutes"

"Where were you Blake" Weiss ask.

"You would not believe me when I would tell you" Blake answered.

"Maybe we would" Jaune said "After all what can happen in five minutes

(One explanation later)

"So you want to tell us that there is a creepy old man in the library who writes books about us" Yang said.

"He wasn't really old but yeah"

"Uh uh, Let's break his legs" Nora suggested with a her usually glint in her eyes.

"Nora" Ren chided.

"Why don't we take him on then?" Suns voice asked from the side, as he and his team SSSN approached them.


"I give monkey boy right, between the twelve of us I don't think that one old man should be much of a problem" Yang said as she pushed her fist together.

"Yay lets kick some butts" Ruby cheered.

"This is it?" Jaune asked Team RWBY, JNPR and SSSN stand before the unremarkable brown wooden door.


"Doesn't look like much" Sun said

"Of course it doesn't, you dolt, a pedophile would hardly want to stand out" Weiss chided.

"What are we waiting for let's kick some butts" Yang said and open the door charging in the circular room.

Only to stop shortly after they entered the room. The man nowhere to be seen.

"Here is no one" Ruby said as she looked around the room.

"He wasn't there the first time I entered" Blake answered

"How delightful you brought your friends with you!" Came a joyous voice from the corner.

Turning to the source all hunters in training brandish they weapon. Coming from between the bookshelves came the same man Blake saw before with a cheerful smile on his face.

"I didn't know that the youth of today would still appreciate the arts of the word, how marvelous! And they are so many of you there" he cheered as he clapped his hand together in joy.

"Enough with that you ruffian, tell us what are you doing here and why are you writing books about us" Weiss said as she brandishes her rapier.

"Yeah and why are you decorating your hideout so old-school, why not decorate it in a more modern way, like in white" Neptune added.

Not sooner he said this word the whole room began to shift. The bookshelves began to slide into the walls and the wooden blanket of the walls rotated and changed into white walls, the rills of the wood closing.

The comfy old looking chairs are replaced with a more modern looking, but as comfy looking chairs and even beanbags.


"Holy Sloth-Pancake"

"What in hell"

Exclaimed the hunters as they saw the room shifted to look more like Neptune whished it to be.

"Did you do that?" Jaune asked the man before him "And who are you anyways?"

"You can call me the librarian and no I didn't do that, that was your blue haired friend over there" The now identified librarian answered "I think you all have questions for me"

"Uh hu"


"More than one"

"Well then we all shall take a seat, because that would take some time" He said as he walked to where the chairs are and an old-stylish Armchair rose from the ground.

Taking a seat in it he waited for the rest of the hunters to do the same.

"Now that we all have calmed down how about I began to answer your questions, but just one at a time and each only one per round" He said.

"What do you mean by that?" Yang asked with a little head

"That means that before you can ask your next question you have to wait till everyone else has asked they own" He answered with a smile "Which you just did, oh and follow question count as one, like to explain or clarify something"

Looking dumbstruck, Yang quickly glared at the man as her fiends suppressed they laugh at her.

"Next question"

"How did you change the room and summoned the chair" Nora asked

"I didn't, it was the room, the room bent to the wishes of the users and give them everything they asked or whished for, within reason"

"So let's say I want a huge plate of Pancakes then" Nora began and with a puff appeared in front of her. Nora light up like a Christmas tree as she saw the pancake goodies before she frowned "Hey! Where is the syrup" Puff "Thank you!"

She said as she poured the syrup on her pancakes and devoured them in a blink of an eye.

"Why are they books about us in there?" Blake demand

"A now we come to the core question now do we" He said with a mirth "But to understand this question I have two questions of my own. Are you familiar with the saying 'Books are the windows to another world?'"

Everyone signaled that they have heard this proverb.

"Good and are you also familiar with the multiple dimension theory"


"I think I heard it somewhere"

"Good and that explain your question"

"What? No it doesn't" Blake exclaimed

"Sweet child fiction in one world is reality in another" He answered simply

"Wait, are you telling us that this books are alternative universes of us?" Sun asked as he stood up. Placing a hand on each shoulder his teammates took him back down.

"Yes I just said that"

"But that's impossible" Weiss said. "And why should they be here in form of books?"

"A excellent question" He said and Weiss winched as for wasting a question "You see every universe, every world and every land is connected. Be it the idea of a famous author to write it down as a book, from a movie director directing a hearth filled movie, a clever gaming designer inventing the biggest game hit who hold its place in the market for generations going on. Or the simple mind of a little fan in form of a self-made fanfiction" He said and looked with a twinkle in his eyes at Blake, who blushed at the implication.

"Wait does that mean we are somewhere in another universe just fictional characters?" Ruby cried

"Yes I just said that, but is that really so bad?"

"That means that then I am a hero in one of these story's?" She asked hopefully

"I think I can count this as a follow up question and the answer is the same, yes"

"Why are you showing this to us?" Ren asked the most sensible question

"I didn't"


"No, you twelve just stumbled on an accident into this room, you see this room appear in many different multiverses and universe that sometimes some of the world characters just simple stumble upon this room. You just happen to be one of them."

"What is this room?" Pyrrha asked this time

"This room is a Time and relative room in space, in short a T.A.R.R.I.S. This room do not really exist but is still there"

"And what is so special about this room?" Neptune asked

"For once it can bring matters from nowhere here her and the flow of time is different here, one hour in this room is one minute in the outside world. At the same time your body get into a half stasis, which means you just age the amount of time passed in your world. And everything you eat and drink here will not be added in your body."

"That means?"

"You just get the taste of it but you stomach will still be empty"

"Oh" Neptune said a little disappointed.

"But on the other hand if you rest her for one hour while in your real world just one minute has past you will be as relaxed as if you had rested for one hour"

"That is amazing" Weiss exclaimed "The amount of training we could do her if we can shorter our rest time, the studying we can do when we sleep here and study in our world. We could use the whole day and never have to waste any precious time in sleeping. Oh that's just delightful"

"I don't think that he would let us use his room for sleeping Weiss" Yang said as she was a little weirded out by her teammates action. The others also skidding away from her.

The librarian laughs at the antics "Oh please no you can use this room to rest, it is therefore after all, but please I have to ask that you study in your own world, because that would be just unfair for your classmates"

"Isn't shorting the time to rest not cheating too?" Scarlet asked

"Not in the slightest, you use coffee to stay awake longer than you can. It is the same Principe for me" and in an afterthought added "And that counted as a question"

Cursing under his breath Scarlet berate himself for his slip up.

Sage now asked his question "What are you doing here?"

"I am working here?"

"As what?"

"You see, while it gives different universes and just a handful of individuals knows that they exist, some of the more daring ones like to interfere in the affairs of another world"

"And what has this to do with all the books here?" Pyrrha asked

"Seeing that every question from now on would be a follow up question I don't mind your interruption. You have to understand that melding in the affairs of other worlds is forbidden, when you do it too strong. Light interferences here and there in form from hints or leaving a special book laying around, that's all right. But directly interacting or manipulating the events of the other worlds is plain and simply forbidden"

"Why?" Ruby asked "When they would help the people why should that be forbidden?"

"Because little red one, would bring the world out of balance, not to mention the other incidents in the past"

"What do you mean?" Jaune asked

"Normally anyone who is strong enough to travel to another world widely outclassed any fighter or person on the world they visit. They either bring technology or inventions to which the world is not ready, use fore knowledge to bring themselves in a favorable position or outright play god in the new world"

Taking a deep breath, he continued "And that lead to chaos and destruction of the many worlds and in order to prevent that an inter universal council has been established and decided to what is allowed and what not. And to prevent from anything like this to happen again we just forbid the direct interaction of other world" Holding a hand up to stop Ruby from interrupting "I know that some of them want to do good deeds, but the matter is that if we allow that for anyone we will then start soon allowing that for everyone, do you understand what I wanted to say?"

They did, the law has to be uphold for everyone, even for the good guys. They don't like it, but they understand it.

"But that doesn't explain why you are here" Blake said.

"Right, excuse me. Now I am one of the watchers who control the other words and see if someone interact to strongly in the worlds and have to decide if they interference is allowed or not"

"You all alone?" Weiss asked

The librarian laughs "Of course not, they are hundreds of different rooms like this out there and everyone is reading a different book. And if we see a world where someone is meddling to strongly in it we mark the book and sent the name to others to double check if we have to interfere or not. If we have fifty approval of intervention, we will take care of this world."

"What do you mean by that?" Jaune asked nervously

"It is different from case to case. Sometimes the accuser just gets a warning and then be bound to his world of origin, sometimes we have to rewind the time of the world, and let me tell you, it is way harder than it sounds like. And in the extreme cases of repeat offenders we have to kill them" He answered them plainly, as if the thought of killing someone isn't much of a burden.

"I know it sounds brutal but sometimes there is no other solution"

"You are one of those killers?" Yang asked as she readied her gauntlets

"Oh heavens no! I am an intellectual, not a fighter. I just search for them not fight them. And do not worry, your being here is absolutely legal. You are just not allowed to bring any books out of here"

Calming down a little bit Blake asked another question after a moment of silence.

"Why are the book covers blank?"

"Ah, excellent question, that is to prevent us from reading a book twice, once we finished the first chapter a tittle will appear on this book. And when we finished illustrations will appear on the cover and in the book itself"

"Any questions left?"

No one seemed to have any questions left. They just stared uncertainly at each other.

The librarian smiled even wider.

"Now that your thirst for answer is stilled, how we do something about your curiosity" He said as he walked to one of the bookshelves.

"What do you mean by that?" Ruby asked.

Pulling one book out and holding it in the air he asked with a bright smile he asked

"Who want to see another world of yours?"

That was the first chapter, nice intro, if I can say myself. And thoose lines in bolt are from the Fanfiction 'Blondes' from SleepinEye, I ask for his permissision, well although I adopted this story now so it is mine, well...whatever

The next chapter will be from another fanfiction, Also with the original authors permission, the reason is, I dont have the complete data of Blondes now so bear with it for a while.

Next chapter hopefully comes out today, or tomorrow
