This idea came to me and I thought it'd be fun to write so here we go.

The team getting together and having a few drinks seemed like a good idea at first. But now it seemed like a terrible idea to Kai. He brought Skylor along because he was sure the others wouldn't mind. Now Kai could handle a few drinks, he knew his limit and he knew he had to drive afterwards, so he drank very little. But his girlfriend on the other hand…

"Kaiiii." Skylor dragged out his name. Kai sighed, "Yes, Skylor?" He replied. "Did you know that," Skylor let out a loud belch. "Did you know that I love you, you big cuddly porcupine." She finally finished. Kai let out another sigh. "I know, Sky. I love you too." He replied. Skylor smiled a somewhat crazy smile. She stared blankly for a moment, before looking to Kai.

"I have a serious question babe." Skylor said. Kai rolled his eyes, he even let out a small chuckle. He'd be lying if he said this wasn't somewhat funny. "Go on." He said. "Do you think Jay accidentally electrocutes your sister when they're having se-"


"Whattt? It's a legitimate question." She said. Kai didn't know how much more of this he could take. "Hey, porcupine?" Skylor said. "Yessss?" He replied slowly. "Where are we going?" She asked. "I'm taking you home." Kai answered. "I don't wanna." Skylor pouted. "What do you mean you don't want to!?" Kai asked. "I wanna stay with you." Skylor said.

Kai let out yet another sigh. "Fine I'll take you home and stay with you. That sound good, babe?" Kai asked. "Yes sir." Skylor did a little salute.

Eventually Kai made it to her apartment. He helped her inside and laid her on the couch. "Thanks for the help. You're so strong." Skykor complemented him. "No problem, Sky." He replied. He was about to walk to the recliner so he could take a seat. His plan was to stay for a little bit, then leave, and come back in the morning to check on her.

Before he could make his way to the recliner though Skylor grabbed his hand and yanked him. This caused him to fall and land on top of her. The brunette turned more red than his jacket. "Where ya think ya going, Spikes?" Skylor asked. "I was just..going to sit down." Kai said. Skylor grabbed his collar. "But I wanna have some fun." She whined.

"Skylor, you're drunk. That wouldn't be right." Kai said seriously. "Don't be silly you can rock my word anytime." She said with a smirk. "Skylor!" He was turning redder and redder. Kai loosened himself of her grip and got off of her. "Maybe when you're sober. But for now you need to rest." He sat in the recliner. Skylor folded her arms and rolled toward the back of the couch.

"Fine, party pooper." She said upset. Kai let out a somewhat sigh of relief. "Kai." Skylor said. "Yes Skylor?" He replied. "Your shoes are untied." Skylor said. Kai went to tie his shoes but he saw that they were tied. He groaned. He couldn't believe he fell for that.

Skylor let out a muffled laugh into the couch cushion. Kai let out a little chuckle. Again she may have been acting out of it, but it was pretty funny. Kai decided to turn on the tv. He thought Skylor had fallen asleep quickly.

"Whatcha watching, spikes?"

He was wrong.

"Vacuum cleaner infomercial for the shark…vacuum…" Kai didn't know how to change the channels with Skylor's remote so he really had no choice. "You don't know what you're doin, babe. Give it here." Skylor reached her hand out. "No no I got it." He said as he fiddled with the controls. "Kai, gimme the remote." Skylor said. The brunette groaned. "Fine."

He tossed her the remote. Skylor barely caught it. "Hahaha you're so silly, Kai. And cute and stuff." Skylor then let out this weird giggle. But she did eventually change the channel. "Tada!" Skylor threw her hands in the air to celebrate. Of course this caused the remote to fly out her hands and almost hit Kai.

After her little celebration Skylor went limp and passed out on the couch. Kai looked over, worried. He walked up to her and his concerns went away when he saw her peacefully snoring. He let out a little smirk. "Come on let's get you to bed." He picked her up bridal style and carried her to her room. He laid her on the bed, turned off the light and left.

Skylor woke up the next morning. "God my head is killing me." She said looking around. "Wait…how the hell did I get in my room." Skylor got out of bed and walked into the living room. She slowly dragged her feet and squinted her eyes. "I guess I had one too many-" she paused.

She noticed Kai laying on the couch, his arms and legs spread everywhere. She then smirked. Boy was she lucky, she thought to herself. Skylor walked up to him and gently woke him up. "..Hey, babe." She said. Kai rubbed his eyes. "H-hey, Sky. Sorry I crashed on your couch. You were drunk so I put you to bed and stayed the night to make sure nothing happened." He explained.

Skylor sat on Kai's legs. "Heh, it's totally fine. You're a great guy ya know?" Skylor said. "You would've done the same for me." Kai smiled. She gave him a kiss, and he returned it. "Your breath reeks." He said. Skylor punched him in the arm. "Shut up." She smirked.

Okay so that was pretty short but I really wanted to write it. The next one should be much longer and I hope you enjoyed.