This story begins 6 months after Hotel Transylvania. It is inspired by Devotion by Sondardo and Acceptance by Unanimous Persons. Any other reference to anyone else's work is unintentional.

This is a prequel to my story, The New Vampires. There will be references to that story, and will be some questions answered.

Cover art is by NightLiight on Deviantart. She does amazing work.

Chapter 1

The First Taste

Mavis and Johnny were sitting on the roof enjoying a beautiful March night. Johnny had wanted to take Mavis away much earlier, but she hadn't yet gotten her passport. She received it about a month ago, and he began planning how to tell her about her first trip. He finally decided that this was the night.

"So, Mavy. Do you still wanna travel the world?"

"What do you think? I want to spread my wings and fly," Mavis said as she turned into a bat and started to fly around, before landing back on his shoulder and staying there a minute before he grabbed her, and she changed back.

"I'm glad to hear that," Johnny said as he reached into his pocket, pulling out something. "We leave next week." He pulled out two plane tickets. He was taking her to Hawaii.

Mavis was ecstatic. She jumped almost 10 feet in the air, before landing on top of Johnny, kissing him. Johnny had went into town and got her an iPod, which she began to play what she thought was "traveling music". "Johnny! I can't believe this."

"Believe it. Your father already knows about our trip." There was one thing about the trip that Johnny had not asked him yet. He had something big planned, but needed to wait to tell Drac. It would be a complete surprise for Mavis until he told her. "Can we go inside?"

"Of course." Mavis held him close and they levitated back inside the hotel. "Johnny, something is on your mind."

"Yeah. Just anxious about traveling." Mavis gave him a look that said she knew he wasn't telling her the truth. "Yeah, I thought you wouldn't buy that. Ok, I'll tell you," he said while thinking about the trip, but not of everything. "On our way back from Hawaii, we are going to make a stop off to meet my parents and my family."

"Are we going to tell them," she hesitated for a moment before adding, "Everything?"

Johnny had something big planned for before they would get back to the mainland, so he wasn't worrying about the whole "my girlfriend is a vampire" thing. "Eventually. The plan is to be at their place for about a week. We can start by hiding it, until they like you. That shouldn't take much," he said as he hugged her, "especially with my sister." He didn't know what they would find a bigger surprise; the fact that she was a vampire, or what he had planned for Hawaii.

"How are you so sure about Jenna?"

"The last book she read before I left the last time was New Moon." Mavis shook her head. They had watched the first Twilight movie together, and Mavis thought it was a complete joke. The only thing she did like about it, was that it did portray vampires and werewolves in a decent light. "Yeah, I know. But she is my baby sister." The two shared one last kiss before Johnny went to see Drac. There was something he had to ask him before they left, and Johnny knew there was no time like the present.

One of the suits of armor told Johnny that Dracula was in his study. Johnny went there knocking and asked, "Drac, you got a minute?"

"Sure, Jonathan. Anything for you."

Johnny entered and saw him sipping on a blood beater. It still freaked him out a little when he saw the blood substitute on his fangs. "Drac, you know we're leaving next week for Hawaii, right?"

"Of course. I hope you two have a good time. Just not too good of time."

Johnny blushed at hearing this. "That's what I need to talk to you about."

Drac now looked panicked. "You're not planning on getting," Drac paused searching for the best word to put it, "intimate with my baby girl, are you?"

Johnny was stunned and began to turn red. He had wanted to be intimate with Mavis for a while, but knew that the time wasn't yet right. He was willing to wait forever for that time to come. "No, but don't think that I don't want to." Johnny instantly regretted saying this and began to turn even redder. "No, I didn't mean it like that. It's just there is a custom in the human world that I wanted to follow here as well."

"I don't like where this is going. Does this involve my Mavy-Wavy?"

"Yes. You see, before a human asks for a woman's hand in marriage, the guy is supposed to ask her father for permission."

Now it was Dracula who was embarrassed. "Jonathan, forgive me." Johnny looked crushed as he thought that Dracula was killing his dreams instantly. "No, my boy. I don't mean it like that. Forgive me for taking this the wrong way. Nothing would make me happier than to see you and my baby be wed."

"Thanks, Drac. I love her so much, and you as well." Johnny said as he hugged Dracula who looked like he was a little uncomfortable with it.

"So, when do you plan on asking her?"

"I think when we're in Hawaii. I know it will stun my parents when we see them."

"I'm still not sure about that, Jonathan. You must be careful how much you will reveal to them."

"But, Drac. They're my family. If they can't accept you guys for who you are, then I don't want them in my life."

"My boy, I hope you two have a great time. Just the thought of more humans finding out about us still concerns me."

Johnny knew that he wouldn't be able to quell Drac's fears, so he just let it go. The two exchanged goodbyes and Johnny went back to Mavis's room.

He entered without knocking, after the shrunken head said that she was waiting for him. As he opened the door, he asked, "Mavis, you decent?" He entered to see her lying in her bed, with her shoes off, but still dressed. "You wanna go watch the sunrise? I got something I wanna try."

"A sunrise with Johnnystein. How romantic." The two headed back to the roof. Mavis hid in his shadow, but the sight of the sunrise still inspired her.

Johnny wanted anything in the world to be able to show her a sunset. He had told her that they can be even more beautiful that the sunrise. She longed to be able to see one, but it would be almost impossible since the existing light would burn her. "Are you willing to try something?" Mavis nodded at him, and Johnny pulled out a small tube of some sort of lotion. "This is called 'sunblock'. Humans use it, because over time the sun can burn us, and cause cancers." He rubbed some of the oily lotion on her skin as she pulled off her glove. "Just trust me, my zing." Johnny began to pull her hand into the sunlight. Immediately Mavis retracted it when she felt the warmth of the sun on it. "Did that burn you?"

"No," she said surprised, "I just expected it to."

"Let's try that again." He began to pull her hand back into the light. "Don't pull it back until it is unbearable."

To Mavis's surprise, she didn't get burned. She felt a warmth in her hand, but no burning sensation. She began to cry. "Johnny, I can't believe this. I won't need my umbrella any more, and I can go out in the daytime."

"I wouldn't go that far. To cover you from head to toe would get expensive, quickly. You should probably still use the umbrella and a hat. But as far as your arms and legs, this should do nicely." The two shared a moment looking at the horizon before the sun began to burn the untreated portions of Mavis. The two went back into her room.

"Johnny, I can't believe this. This will make our trip even more perfect." Johnny still wasn't going to tell her about the big surprise still to come.

The two embraced and pulled each other close. Johnny then locked lips with Mavis. Something told him that this was the right time to take their relationship to another level. He started caressing her lips with his tongue, and when he felt her lips open, he inserted his tongue into her mouth. As he was licking her tongue around the inside, something stabbed it. He had accidentally caught one of her fangs.

The instant taste of human blood inside Mavis's mouth was heavenly and addictive. She began trying to suck every drop she could get from his tongue. Johnny felt this, and was overcome by a feeling of passion. By chance he opened his eyes, and was horrified by Mavis's. Her eyes were not the big, beautiful blue ones he had been hypnotized by, but were narrow red slits. Johnny began to scream and gasp for breath. He was able to separate their lips, but still had lost some of his color; not from blood loss, but rather fear. "Johnny, that was incredible."

"Which part? The kiss, or you trying to swallow my tongue?"

Mavis's eyes had returned to normal. "What happened?" Mavis asked.

"I tried to deepen our kiss, and got one of your fangs with my tongue. Then you started to try and," he paused for a second, "I don't know what you tried to do."

Mavis started to stare at his neck. She could see the bulging of his neck where his carotid artery was carrying the divine liquid into his brain. She stared to lick her lips, and her fangs grew to almost twice their normal size. He eyes flashed between her normal blue ones, and the red slits that terrified Johnny. "Mavis, what are you doing?"

Mavis realized what had happened, and she was terrified by it as well. She ran out of her room and in desperate need of her father. She had tasted human blood for the first time, and contrary to what her father had said, it didn't taste fatty and disgusting, but heavenly. "Why did he lie to me about that? And why do I crave more of it from him?"

As Mavis entered Dracula's study, he instantly recognized the horrified look on her face. "Honeybat, what's wrong?"

"Dad, why did you tell me that human blood was so bad?"

Now Dracula had a similar look on his face to the one that she had. "What happened?"

Mavis was embarrassed to reveal what she had to, but knew that if she wanted answers about this, she had to tell him everything. Dracula was actually relieved when he heard the whole story. He was afraid that it was much worse; that either they had been intimate, or she actually had bit him. "It was an accident, honey. You didn't mean to."

"But I wanted more."

"I wish I knew what to tell you, but there is nothing that I could. It's just your inner monster trying to get out. But you can beat it."

"Daddy, I almost lost control. I wanted to bite Johnny's neck. Had I not seen the terrified look on his face and ran out, I don't know what would have happened."

"But you didn't. That's all that matters." There was a knock on the door. "Who is it?"

"Drac, it's me," Johnny said, "Can we talk?"

Dracula whispered to Mavis, "Go hide. I think you need to listen to this, but let him think that he is only talking to me." Mavis relented. Dracula knew that if Johnny and Mavis were going to wed, then he needed to know everything. Dracula then said at his normal volume, "Come in, my boy."

Johnny entered and still looked scared. "Drac, what happened to Mavis?"

Dracula tried to lie, but Johnny knew instantly. "You're right. She tasted your blood, and was hooked. From what I gathered, it was an accident."

"How do you know that?"

"Come out Mavis," he said and Mavis came into view. "We need to be honest about everything."

"Johnny, I'm scared," Mavis said. "I wanted your blood, and almost didn't stop myself."

"Mavis, I knew this was a possibly." Both the vampires were stunned. "But I still don't care. I would give anything for you, even my life."

"No," Dracula said. "Johnny, no matter what says, you must resist. She mustn't taste your blood. You must stay away from her."

"But I love her, and I don't want to be separated from her."

"I didn't mean permanently. Just until the taste leaves her pallet. Mavis, you must drink about twice the amount of blood beaters as normal for a few days, and you should be fine."

Johnny was nervous, "Do you think this will affect our trip?"

Dracula turned to Mavis, "You should be fine in a few days, but it is your decision," he turned to Johnny, "both of yours."

They decided that Johnny would stay away from Mavis for three days, and she would try to ween herself. If after the three days, she could control the urge to feed upon Johnny, they would still travel as planned.