I'm just gonna say, been a while since I've seen FMA buuuuuuuuuut I still wanted to try this. It is an AU and it's slightly dark. This is only a prologue.

Colonel Roy Mustang absentmindedly walked through the streets of Central. Sure, he could've taken the car but his anger was over the limit right now and the last thing he needed was an accident, so Riza Hawkeye took it for him. He was having a nice dinner when some bastards came in. They were pigs and they made his blood boil, the way they talked about some woman they saw, like she was a piece of meat. What was worse was it was Hawkeye.

He promised Hawkeye to be more tolerant and to not lose his temper so easily, not that it was that hard. He just chose not to control it.

Roy stopped suddenly. What the...? Where was he? He must've taken a wrong turn... He turned back from the alley he was currently standing in. The man started walking back towards the street.


A trash can fell over and Roy turned back a little surprised. "Who's there?" He demanded.

No response.

Maybe it was just a stray dog or something. Nothing to be worried about. He sighed and turned back seeing a flash of yellow and black. That was not a cat... He stepped towards the street where the blur was and saw nothing with all the people there.

"Sir!" Hawkeye pulled up stopping in front of him. "There was a robbery two blocks from here."

"And? That's not my concern, send the message to one of the lower ranks, have them do something about it." Mustang replied running a hand through his hair. It was getting late...

"No, it's about what he took."

"And what was that?"

"A classified folder about the Ishbalan civil war and some classified documents regarding the philosophers stone." Roy stiffened thinking back to the blurred shadow, was that the culprit? ok

"Thank you." He went to reach for his wallet and realized suddenly, it wasn't there. He growled a little more than irritated. "My wallet's gone..."

Hawkeye sighed and replied with a small smile. "I'll inform the Colonel of your situation."

Roy gave a look of unamusment before the two left. Neither of them saw the pair of golden eyes watching them as they left.

Short but it's just a prologue so... yeah.

Reviews are appericiated :3