A/N: This is it. Thank you so much to everyone who has stayed with this story, to everyone who supported me though this. Namely my mum and sister, who helped me a lot with this. I have started another story, a Charmione one, if anyone is interested. thank you again, for everything. It breaks my heart to end this, but its a good place to. I love you all. -Bookworm

Ginny POV:

They had decided to only wait until she finished Auror Training. They had argued about it for weeks before settling on August 10th as their wedding day.

And after a long three months of Auror training, and becoming an Auror, they were finally getting married. Draco had been working overtime, he had gotten so many more clients during the summer. Ever since the Malfoy Manor had become a Wizard Museum, restoring the Malfoy name, many people had employed her fiancé.

The Weasley's had gone to see the Museum the first day, it had been transformed since the last time Ginny had been there. It didn't even look like Malfoy Manor anymore. Hermione had been with them though, and as soon as she saw the ballroom, she asked if they could leave. Draco had stayed clear of her until he was sure she was okay, not wanting her to relive what had happened. When Ginny had breeched the subject, he had explained that he blamed himself for what had happened.

He had later apologized to Hermione, who forgave him instantly, saying that she had forgiven him a long time ago. Since then, they hadn't revisited the Manor.

Draco and Ginny had settled into living together nicely, their routines fit together, and they had been able to see each other every day. Ginny had yet to be sent on a mission, and she had made it very clear that she would refuse to do any while she was on her honeymoon, which had made the head of the department laugh before agreeing.

Ginny, Hermione, Luna and Molly Weasley were now in Ginny's old bedroom in The Burrow, getting ready for the upcoming ceremony.

"Ginny dear, can we please see your dress now?" Her mum asked, Ginny had not let anyone see it yet, she had kept that her best kept secret. Ginny grinned, they had finished her hair and makeup, and every other girl had her dress on. Ginny let out a relenting sigh.

"I suppose it is time for that, but just Hermione to help me, alright? Everyone else, clear out." She said, her mum began to protest, but a look from Ginny made her nod and usher Luna and herself out of the room. Hermione gave her a curious look, which made Ginny grin.

"It's a surprise for mum." She said softly, and Hermione nodded. Ginny had found her mum's old wedding robes in the attic, in perfect condition still. They were pure white, with silver fastens on the front, the sleeves went past her hands, and would flow behind her as she walked. There was a short train, which was enchanted to repel dirt and mud, which Ginny had redone just to make sure she wouldn't ruin them on her own day. Hermione helped her get them on, then took a step back to look at her.

"Ginny… Where did you find these?" Hermione asked softly in awe.

"In the attic." She said with a mischievous grin, and Hermione caught on immediately and let out a gasp.

"Ginny Weasley, you're going to make your mum cry." She said sternly before smiling. "Draco might just cry too." She said, and the pair giggled slightly.

"Okay, let them in." Ginny said, gesturing to the door and referring to the women behind it. Hermione went over and opened it slowly. The two women stepped inside, and as soon as her mum saw her, she stopped in her tracks, her hands going to cover her mouth.

"Oh my…." She said softly, and Ginny bit her lip a little, hoping that it was okay that she was wearing them.

"Mum?" She asked, taking a step forward.

"You look so… Beautiful." Molly sobbed, and Hermione and Ginny both rushed forward to hug her.

"Oh mum please don't cry, we have to get out there soon." Ginny said, smiling even though her mum was crying. She was happy that her mum was happy. "Mum, I love you, but you have to pull yourself together." She said, and her mum laughed.

"I know, I know." She said, wiping her eyes and taking a deep breath. Hermione cast a charm that fixed the makeup that had run, and made the red spots on her eyes disappear.

At that moment, they heard Ron through the door.

"Are you lot ready?" He asked. "Blaise, Draco and I have been ready for like an hour." He groaned.

"Yes Ronald, we are. You get downstairs, and tell Draco to get to the alter." Ginny said loudly. They heard a couple footsteps go downstairs, and Ginny looked at her mum.

"Okay dear, I should go sit down, your father will meet you downstairs." She said, and gave her daughter a kiss on the cheek.

"Okay mum.. I love you." She said softly, she suddenly felt very nervous. She and the other two women made their way downstairs and met her dad, Ron and Blaise to walk down the aisle. Ron took Hermione on his arm, and Blaise took Luna on his. Her father looked at her for a moment.

"You look beautiful sweetheart." He said, giving her a hug before offering her the crook of his arm. She slipped her arm into his and they waited to start walking until they heard the tones of the wedding march.

They made the walk down the aisle slowly, she kept her hand gripped on his elbow, and everyone stood and turned to her. She smiled at the sight of Draco at the end of the aisle.

Draco POV:

He could hardly keep the tears in his eyes as Ginny walked down the aisle toward him. She was wearing gorgeous traditional wedding robes, and she looked amazing in them. He clasped his hands in front of himself. He was so nervous, his hands were shaking.

She finally reached him at the alter, and Arthur passed his daughters hands into Draco's, they then turned to face the wizard that would be administering the ceremony. Draco glanced over at Ginny, she was grinning. He smiled then turned back toward the wizard.

"These two people have decided to join themselves together today, forming a union that can never be broken, but by death." His speech went on for a couple minutes, Draco was hardly paying attention, his eyes had strayed from the wizard and landed onto the woman beside him.

"Now, can you claps hands?" He asked, and they did as they were told, the wizard then lifted his wand, and a stream of gold shot out and wrapped itself around their hands and wrists. He could feel the magic binding them together, it felt warm, and unbreakable.

He squeezed Ginny's hand lightly, and she smiled up at him.

"Now, have you prepared your items?" He asked, and they both turned to the people right behind them, they had opted to use rings. Many people decided to use bracelets, necklaces, or even watches to signify their unions. They had decided to use rings, since Ginny was an auror she didn't want anything that would get caught on anything during a mission.

He turned back to Ginny, and placed a simple band on her finger that had a small diamond in it. She then placed a wide dark band onto his hand that had small emeralds embedded in it. They then kissed, and their union was official.

Turning to the crowd, they walked down the aisle as people clapped, they made their way into the reception area and took their seats for dinner.

Molly had gone all out for the meal, making all their favorite foods. Ham, dinner rolls, pies, everything that Draco had ever complimented her on. They enjoyed dinner before standing to take the first dance.

Hours later, people began to say goodbye, and Draco and Ginny made sure to thank everyone for coming to the wedding. Once everyone was gone, the Weasleys and Malfoys made their way into the Burrow to spend some time together before they left for their honeymoon.

Ginny and Draco changed out of their fancy clothes, into some pajamas, and met everyone downstairs. Molly had made some tea, and passed it around to everyone. Draco looked around the room, watching his new family. He smiled at the thought, his new family. He loved this family more than he had ever loved his, and he had just joined it. He pulled Ginny close to him, he loved the woman that had perched herself on his lap. He had a new family, the perfect family, with Ginny Weasley.