A/N: Damn, I think this is the longest one yet. Sorry for taking so long to write it, I've just been distracted by school and other stuff. The order for the rest of the requests is: China, England, Norway, Poland, Italy, Germany, India, Canada, Romano, Belarus.

The camera faded up, showing a bedroom. The bed was made perfectly, the Rammstein bedsheets had sharp creases in them and the pancake-shaped pillow hadn't a single speck of dust. On the wall behind the headboard were several posters, one of Culcha Candela and three of different animes. On the bedside table sat a glass of water and a speaker. On the other side of the bed was a birdcage, and inside it was a yellow canary, chirping softly.

A man walked into view from behind the camera, taking heavy, confident footsteps. He was tall, built well, with white hair that greyed in comparison to his snow-white skin. He sat on the end of the bed, smirking. He raised his head, and shockingly red eyes glinted at the camera.

"Hey there," He said in a raspy voice. "If you're watching this, I'm... Well, technically I've been dead for a long time."

He barked a laugh. "I'm Gilbert, or Prussia. Dunno if you guys in the future will have heard about me, but I used to be a country, located mostly where Germany is now.

"Prussia - the country, not the personification - doesn't exist. By all known rules of our world, I shouldn't exist either." He shrugged nonchalantly. "But here I am. I like to think it's because of my overwhelming awesomeness," He chortled, "But I know that's not true. There's something keeping me alive, though my country is long gone."

Gilbert leaned forward, the bedsprings creaking. "Which makes me think this whole thing isn't as hopeless as Alfred says. I like the guy, and he's smart, I'll give him that, but I think he has this one wrong." Gilbert paused briefly, then continued. "However, other nations like us have died. Germania..." A sad look passed over his face, but it left as quickly as it came.

"So maybe he's right, and we're all doomed. I guess we'll have to wait and see."

Gilbert reached for the glass of water on his bedside table, and took a long gulp.

"So, in case we are all doomed," He continued, "Here's my video."

Gilbert gave another smirk, this time a rather wistful one, then continued speaking.

"I've actually gone by many names in my life. First I was the Teutonic Knights, and oh boy was that a trip." His voice was fond, seemingly remembering something. "But that whole time was trippy. Everyone was embarking on some quest or another, and every week someone would claim they saw a vision from God. It actually got kind of annoying after a while." Gilbert laughed sheepishly. "And then I was Prussia, the awesome moniker I still go by today. My country lasted a hell of a long time; a lot of my friends and fellow nations from that time sacrificed themselves to form Germany, so in comparison to them I've survived a long time.

"And then world war two, and that bastard Ivan, and I became East Germany. The real land of Prussia became part of the Soviet Union, just sort of dissolved into some other nation. At this point, I was the personification of East Germany, not Prussia."

Gilbert paused, thinking. "I have mixed feelings about the time I spent in the Soviet Union. Any Western nation will tell you communism is hell, and I mean yeah, a lot of it was hell. But some things just made more sense in the Soviet Union. I don't know, maybe I'm still a little bit brainwashed," He sighed. "The one thing that really motivated me to get that wall down was my little brother." Gilbert's lips curled into a smile when he mentioned his brother.

"I know what you're thinking: 'weren't you terrified of that Russian douche canoe?' And I can proudly say no, I was not. I chased that guy around when we were little, he can't intimidate me." Gilbert spoke grandly, but there was something in his eyes that contradicted his statements.

"Anyway, after that came reunification, and I should have died. But somehow I didn't. What the fuck, right?" He shook his head. "The fact I'm alive is basically a miracle. And if I've learned anything, it's to graciously accept acts of God. So I cross my fingers and don't question it.

"That's a little bit of my life for you. Now, to business: the thank yous goodbyes." Gilbert sighed, shifting awkwardly on his bed. He fiddled with the covers.

"First of all, my little brother Luddy." He grinned here, joy spreading over his face as endearment took over his voice. "I'm honestly tempted to say this part in German, but I'm gonna do it in English, because if you die first I want everyone to know how much I love you." His voice caught, and he coughed before continuing. "You're the best little brother ever. You've always been there for me when you could, letting me crash on your couch, eat your food and drink your beer. I know I'm kind of annoying and I probably hinder you a lot, so thank you for putting up with me. I'm not a perfect person, but I always try to be the perfect brother, and even though I don't say it often enough, I love you. I used to say it a lot more when you were younger," He shrugged, "But you don't remember.

"If... If I die first, don't be too sad, okay? You knew this was coming, we all did. Ever since Berlin, we knew, and you've had a lot of time to prepare, so don't grieve too much. The other nations need you now, need your strength." Gilbert was starting to choke on his words, his voice thick with suppressed tears. "You'll be fine, alright?" He smiled weakly.

He had to take a few minutes to recover, wipe his eyes and snuffle loudly. He cleared his throat, and except for a tinge of red in the corners of his eyes, he returned to normal.

"Anyway," Gilbert mumbled, "Moving on. Roderich.

"You're an asshat and a prick most of the time, but you've helped me out when I really needed it, and when I couldn't give you anything back. So thanks for that, I guess." He sighed, scratched the back of his neck. "And okay, I'm sorry for being a dick to you. There, I said it.

"Elizaveta. We've had ups and downs over the centuries... But I just want you to know, I always cared for you. Not once did I shrug and say, 'not my problem' if something happened to you. And I know you're independent and you don't need me, but that won't stop me from caring. Even if you get on my nerves sometimes. Though," Gilbert laughed shortly, "I probably get on yours way more.

"Feliciano. Let me tell you, I'm so glad my brother met you. You're an amazing friend. Take care of Luddy, 'kay?" He winked.

"And Kiku. I don't know you all that well, but you seem pretty chill. I'm trusting you to be there for Luddy if I'm not, alright? So don't let me down."

Gilbert sighed, then fell silent. The only sound that could be heard was the quiet chirping of a yellow canary in the background.

"Um," He coughed, "Watching Alfred and Matthias' videos, I realized how... Prepared I am. They're terrified, go back and watch them and you'll see I'm right. But me? Not really.

"I guess I'm lucky, you know, having had so much time to get used to it. We all knew the world was going to end one day, and that we'd die, but science said that wouldn't be for a long while, so everyone else is caught off guard. I just feel like, 'oh, here we go. It's finally happening.' Not like I wanted this to happen, hell no." He sniffed here, and blinked a few times. "But it's not a shock.

"I'm fine with dying, actually. It kinda feels like it's my time, you know? The sad thing is, it's not anyone else's time." Gilbert's voice wobbled, then he let out a short sob.

He stared off into space, glaring hard at something behind the camera. His Adam's apple bobbed as he gulped frantically, trying to push the sobs back into his chest. This went on for a few moments before he gave up. He hung his head, hiccuping and crying, hands shaking as tears dropped onto them.

"I'm afraid," He choked out, "But not for myself. I'm afraid for everyone else. I'm afraid for Luddy, I'm afraid for Feli, I'm afraid for Toni and Francis. I'm not afraid of death, I'm afraid of life. Having to live on a bloody battlefield, but unable to fight the enemy."

He wiped his eyes, and took a deep breath. "And, of course, having to live without me, because I'm just that awesome." He laughed sadly.

Gilbert cleared his throat a few times, gulped, sniffed, wiped away tears. He sighed softly, peaceful in his calm fear.

"I should probably end this now," He said, after a couple seconds of sitting in silence. "Gotta leave from for other people."

Gilbert sat up straighter, clasped his hands in his lap. He smiled, then said, "Schuss."

He then got up and walked behind the camera.

The screen cut to black.