Epilogue- "The Happiest Day"


Although the war had "ended" so to speak, the mentality of a soldier ready to be thrust onto the battlefield at any moment did not shut off so easily. With no troops to duck or ambushes to stage, the remnants of the Nohrian army decided that traveling back to their country would be easier done over land than sea. And even though Hoshido was technically just another Nohrian demesne now, no one felt at ease. Eyes darted to and fro during the long marches, weapons readied themselves at the slightest movement or faintest sound. Threats seemed to lurk around every bend and in every shadow. Returning home to the bleak, desolation they hailed from would be a blessed reprieve.


Back in Windmire, the soldiers were dismissed with heartfelt thanks for their services, wishes that their lives be peaceful, and as much coin as the Nohrian treasury could spare for them. It was not much, of course- Nohr was a rich kingdom in land, not money, but their soldiers deserved every coin paid to them, Xander empathetically declared. This victory was achieved by their blood, sweat and tears, after all. Nerr wondered to herself if Garon would've felt the same way. Not with Iago whispering in his ear, he wouldn't. But Xander was good at keeping the people he depended on happy. He himself admitted that to her one day, when he called her to his chambers.

It seemed improper, to be alone with the king in his room, especially considering the legacy the former monarch had left, but Nerr reminded herself that there was nothing odd about a brother and sister talking to one another. With the death of the old king, that title now fell to Xander, but it would still be several weeks before his coronation. There was so much to be done, so many people to talk to and territories to deal with before then. Garon's reign had been... sloppy, to say the least. Land agreements were not upheld, the royal treasury was in disarray. Iago may have been a sadistic, power hungry bastard, but at least he made sure people paid their taxes. It was only just beginning to dawn on the former prince just how much work had to be put into running a country, how many skills a person needed to have to juggle all the tasks that came with ruling.

"I assume that's why Father had advisors." Nerr did not look up as she spoke, plucking at the hem of her skirt absentmindedly. Firmly back in the role of "royalty" rather than "soldiers", Xander felt it would be prudent for them to dress the part. After all, why would the princes and princesses of the country continue walking around in full armor if they weren't expecting an attack? If they were calm and confident that everything was peaceful, the people would be too.

Nerr agreed without complaint (or any words at all, really), letting Camilla dress her however a princess was supposed to look at court. After months of living in armor that had come to feel like a second skin, heavy damask kirtles and tight lacing felt unbearably constraining, but she bore that cross with all the grace one would expect of a woman of her station. At least with her long skirts trailing on the floor, no one could tell she wasn't wearing shoes- the sight of bare feet in the castle halls may have sent some gentle-bred nobles swooning. Placing his quill back in it's ivory holder, Xander turned in his seat slightly to face her. Fine silks and linens looked as out of place on him as they would've on a horse. Her brother looked his most regal in a fine suit of armor. But then again, most people did to her.

"Yes. As horrible as those 'advisors' were, the bare minimum they did kept our country in relative order. But that regime is over, and I want no traces of it left. ...it's easy to say things like that when one thinks they can take on all challenges by themselves. Implementing rules, keeping order... those are the things I am good at."

"Don't forget rousing speeches... or boring lectures, depending on your audience." The blonde man smiled slightly at her teasing, a smile that Nerr did not return. She kept her eyes on her fingers, now lightly tracing the weave of the fabric. His smile faltering slightly, Xander cleared his throat, continuing.

"Yes, well... a country cannot be run with laws and speeches alone. Especially with so many territories and independent nations. Taxes, trade agreements... even agriculture... these things need to be discussed with the heads of those duchies. All the food in the world could be grown in Prozor, but that does the people starving in Windmire little good if their tariffs are too much for us to reasonably pay. People need to be placated; they need to feel that their voices are heard and that they are helping themselves by working with the monarchy."

"...okay." The king frowned at her slightly, his brows furrowed.

"Do you understand what I'm saying, Nerr?"

"You need an ambassador to sweet talk people because you're bad at it." Xander cringed slightly at her blunt tone.

"I wouldn't say I'm bad at it, I just-"

"I would. Explaining things is not coaxing, brother. The truth doesn't matter if people don't want to hear it; you have to make it matter to them."

"Well, you're very skilled at that, sister. Gods know you know how to get your way... Which is why I would ask you to be my ambassador." Nerr remained silent for a long time, her thoughts fuzzy and disjointed. She'd been trained for things like this since she was young, but... that was then. These days, she rarely knew what day it was unless someone told her. Sometimes, she'd be waiting for breakfast whilst helping Xander fill out invoices, only to realize later it was the middle of the night. Walking to the privy felt like a Herculean task. She hadn't slept in days. Was that really what he wanted in the person who was going to be representing, not just him and his reign, but all of Nohr? But the princess knew if she said anything like that, not only would he needlessly worry, but he would also think she was just making excuses.

"...very well."

"That's it?" The surprise in his voice would've annoyed her any other time. "You're not going to... fight this? Say it's too much responsibility?"

"Why would I?" She shot back, somewhat defensive. "And it's not. It's my duty to help ease the burden on your shoulders, Xander." Her brother smiled slightly at her words.

"I knew you would say something like. Camilla knew it too, which is why she insisted I not bring this up to you now." For the first time since the conversation had begun, Nerr looked up, confusion just beginning to permeate the fog in her mind.

"What complaint does Camilla have about this position?"

"Well, it's not a complaint, per se. She just thinks now isn't the time to thrust you into a position that carries such responsibility. She says you need rest, and that you are under enough stress planning your... wedding." Both Nohrian royals frowned at that, though undoubtedly for different reasons.

"There's no planning involved, Xander. It's just signing a contract and saying a few words in a church." As much as she wished she didn't even have to do that, it seemed the idea of not having a formal wedding ceremony was too scandalous for the lords and ladies of Nohr. Any time a group of nobles saw her and Gunther walking a bit closer that usual, they would begin whispering and laughing behind their hands. He assured her that doing things the "proper" way would quiet them. Nerr firmly believed that cutting a few fingers off the next person that smirked derisively at her would be more efficient, but it soon became clear that her betrothed was looking forward to a ceremony. How could she see the hope shining in his eyes and say no to him?

"You can't believe that's all that's involved, Nerr. A royal wedding is a grand affair."

"Not to me it's not. There's nothing 'royal' about this wedding. A Hoshidan spy marrying a peasant; hardly anything to write up a guest list for." Xander's jaw tightened at her words. The eight or so months they'd been fighting the war had been more than enough time for the truth of her birth to come to light and spread across Nohr. While some people thought Garon had done a kindness, raising one of those Hoshidan savages as a civilized member of Nohrian society, many more still believed that those underhanded savage ways were instilled deep in the blood, and that it was a disgrace to allow a byak whore in the Nohrian court, much less to actually allow her a claim to the throne.

While the Nohrian royals did all they could to put down such slander before it could gain footing, it had all but inundated the country's consciousness. Pamphlets were drawn up demanding they send the byak sow back to her country where she belonged. While everyone close to Nerr destroyed any such propaganda before she could lay eyes on it, it always found a way to reach her, slipped under her door at night, or left conspicuously on a table she was bound to pass. It didn't bother her nearly as much as her friends and family might've expected- she had been waiting on this day since the moment she herself found out she was not Nohrian by blood. When the storm finally broke, it came almost as a relief. At least now she didn't have to wait for the backlash. Xander was shaking his head, saying... something. She hadn't been listening.

"-less of what those... people think, you are still a Nohrian princess. This is an occasion for celebration, as well as an opportunity to make nice with the leaders of many territories. An invitation to a royal wedding is an honor." So he wanted to use her wedding as a chance to bolster political relations. That was... actually pretty clever. She admired her brother, making use of every resource available to him to ensure his reign would be a peaceful one. She did not mind being just one of the many tools at his disposal.

"I'm certain Camilla will enjoy planning such a high profile event. Just tell me where to stand, brother."

"That actually... provides a very good segue for the real reason I asked you here. One of the biggest contributing factors in my decision to appoint you as my ambassador. I would like you to go back to Freesia."

"Another rebellion?"

"No... and I'd like to ensure it stays that way. I feel that it would be wise to make good on your promise to afford the Ice Tribe it's sovereignty, but Freesia holds other estates that do not fall under the Ice Tribe's territory, and those are still beholden to the kingdom. Since you already have a rapport with Chief Kilma, I felt it would be prudent if you were the one that spoke to him regarding this manner."

"I'm honored you think so highly of my negotiation skills, Xander." The king smiled wryly.

"Don't be. While I have all the confidence in the world that you are the only person for this job, my hand was forced by Chief Kilma himself. He sent me a missive saying that, while he congratulated me and wished me a successful reign, he would only speak to you and would send back the head of any other envoy I deigned meet him." Getting to his feet, Xander walked over to her, resting his hand on her shoulder. She could feel his thumb stroking her through the fabric of her dress, but remained silent. He'd been doing things like that a lot more recently, but she was sure that was just a manifestation of the new burdens on his shoulder.

"You are the only person I would trust with so delicate a duty, Nerr. I have fought by your side long enough to know that there is nothing I cannot depend on you for." A dark shadow crossed his face. "...how smoothly the country would run if I had you ruling beside me as well, little princess..." News that the "third" in line for the throne (first in line for the execution block, if most had their way) was to be married had spurred many of the nobles to demand that Xander hurry and find himself a wife as well. Nohr had always seemed calmest when the ruler was bound to a spouse- it only made sense that the people would want their peace solidified by a new queen and heir. Her heart went out to her brother, and she placed her own hand over his.

"One day, you'll find a woman just as eager to make sacrifices for you as I am, brother."


Journeying back to Freesia was almost... relaxing. The Woods of the Forlorn were not teeming with Faceless this time (that had probably been Iago's doing, too), and no blizzards slowed Nerr's retinue down. The frozen landscape was peaceful, the stars shining brightly and the blanket of snow absorbing and muffling all the sounds. If it weren't so unbearably cold, she would've wanted to live there. The colors of the duchy especially appealed to her. Although it had been happening less often with time, there would still be occasions when all the colors in Nerr's vision would suddenly burn with repulsive reds and oranges and yellows, like fire and blood and Ryouma's guts strewn across the floor like streamers... When that happened, everything seemed to become just as disgusting as her vision said it was, the smell, the sound, even the taste of the air wherever she was standing became unbearable as cold seemed to seep into her bones. Those onslaughts of red brought with them memories as well, bright crimson memories of people hacked to pieces and burning alive and rotting corpses shambling towards her, the killing blow so fresh in her mind she could still feel it and had to reach up to her chest to see if her hand wouldn't just sink in again. It never did. She couldn't reach in and feel her shredded heart and splintered ribs anymore. Her chest was always covered now- Camilla made certain that she show as little flesh as possible, lest someone perceive any exposed skin as a bullseye (it seemed she would never forgive herself for encouraging her little sister to wear such foolish armor...). No, all she felt now was cloth, the dark, ragged scar where the skin had somehow regrown over the gaping wound, and Azura's pendant.

She would never let her brothers and sisters, or anyone else for that matter, know it had changed hands, and always kept the gilt necklace hidden under her clothes. It was better that way, for everyone to believe a happy lie, that their sister had decided to remain in Hoshido and be happy, than know that there wasn't a body to bury. Lies were better for everyone involved- Xander always believed that. Especially when they weren't lies. When Gunther or Felicia (who was so happy to finally be able to show off her village to Lady Nerr!) asked if she was alright, that she was being so quiet, she could say she was fine and it wasn't a lie. The cool colors and soft light didn't hurt her eyes enough to trigger any headaches (or flashbacks), and when she woke up freezing, she could quickly remind herself it was because of the snow, not because she was dead and in Hell. It was the most peaceful she'd felt in so long that she didn't even mind when Felicia grabbed her hand and pulled her towards the gates leading to her village. Flora and Kilma were standing there, ready to greet the Nohrians, and the rose haired maid leapt into her father's embrace eagerly, laughing and crying tears of joy.

It had, Nerr realized belatedly, been almost ten years since Felicia had been home. And if what she had said back in Hoshido was to be believed (and why wouldn't it have been?), she'd known all that time was spent in the capacity of a prisoner. Yet she always smiled, always made the best of her situation. She needed to follow her maid's example. Flora seemed less excited to be cried over, but she returned her sister's embrace warmly, remaining silent and only nodding in acknowledgement when Nerr greeted her. It wasn't until Kilma had arranged them in their rooms did the blunette heiress timidly knock on the door, wringing her hands and dropping the temperature a good ten degrees just by standing in the doorway. Gunther had been the one to invite her in- Nerr was seriously contemplating just slamming the door in her face. Once she entered the room, Flora broke down, covering her eyes and choking out words as she wept. She hadn't said anything earlier because she was certain if she'd opened her mouth, she would've started crying right then and there, and her father would have none of that.

As the heiress of their village, she had to remain calm and collected at all times, not start blubbering like a child. But she was so happy, happy beyond words, to see them. Every since she heard that Nerr had been shipped off to Hoshido, she'd been living in fear that the princess wouldn't come back, that she would die out there and Flora would never know. And the moment she'd realized the knight standing before her wasn't a ghost or hallucination, her heart had almost burst with relief and joy. From the moment she'd learned of Gunther's apparent demise, she'd been consumed by grief- it had felt as though her own father had died, a pain and grief that would not cease consuming her. Touched by that heartfelt (if not incoherent) confession, the older man drew Flora into a tight embrace, letting her cry all over him and and freeze his coat where she was clutching it. Nerr waited out the excess of emotion by throwing a few more logs in the fire to try and combat the growing chill, sitting with her back to it so she didn't have to stare at the nauseating flames as she warmed herself. In the back of her mind, the princess still remembered Flora's tirade when they'd fought her tribalists. Her discontent at being forced to be a servant. And even though she had assured Nerr later that her hatred was directed at Garon alone, she still found it difficult to believe there would be any love lost over two of the people responsible for making her life hell.

But, like most other things she pondered, she kept those thoughts to herself, opting to once again go over the treaties that Xander had drawn up. It came as a bit of a surprise to learn that many of the documents she found the king writing had been composed in part by none other than her fiancée. Gunther had told her one night that Xander had asked him to be his senior advisor, but he had declined as politely as one one could deny the king. After all, the nobles of the land would be foaming at the mouth to learn a peasant was the one in charge of drawing up their laws and taxes. Nerr wanted to assure him that that wasn't the case, but... there was no point in lying to someone when they knew the truth. Which was a shame, because the old knight was actually very good at coming to fair agreements. Even Kilma agreed when she went over the newly proposed Freesian borders, wryly stating that he hadn't thought Nohrians capable of dealing with anyone with trying to bleed them dry. Yes, these lands would be enough for his people. It hurt to give up any of the land they'd claimed as their own since the ancient wars, but as the princess had firmly reminded him when they'd fought, sometimes it was better to give a little than lose everything.

It was only two estates that weren't even affiliated with the Ice Tribe, Nerr pointed out- that was hardly losing anything. Besides, this had nothing to do with oppression; just taxes. The chieftain had laughed heartily at those words, as though she'd just made the funniest joke he'd ever heard. Death and taxes- those were the two inescapable truths in life. Later that night, while Felicia was busy showing everyone around the village and introducing them to everyone she came across, Nerr slipped away, retreating back to her room. The window was close enough to the fireplace that she could look outside and still be relatively warm. There was a flask in her bag on the bed. She could've gone over and downed it in one swallow and let it's warmth crest over her as well, but... moving felt like work. Too much work and not enough reward. Nerr pressed a finger against the frosted glass, the cold sending a shiver up her spine even through her gloves. Granted, they weren't very thick, so that was likely a contributing factor. The smell, but not feeling, of cold air behind her drew her attention away from the snowbanks outside, and she looked over her shoulder just long enough to see Flora approaching her. She'd have locked the door, had she thought about it.

"Are you still giving me the cold shoulder, Lady Nerr?" Was that supposed to be a joke? She didn't even bother asking, continuing her silent vigil of the falling snow. The blunette girl stopped a foot or so behind her, and sighed. "I deserve that, I suppose. I didn't think that what I said would hurt you so badly, but... I should have. I know what kind of person you are."

"Flora. If you honestly think I care about some perceived insult from almost a year ago, you sorely underestimate how much shit I've dealt with since we last spoke. I'm trying to siphon money to Duke Shura on the sly to help him rebuild Kouga while still convincing people I'm not affiliated with the Hoshidans; do you think I have the energy to spare to make you feel bad?" Flora cringed slightly at her words, though her tone was bordering monotonous.

"...honestly, I don't think you need to waste any energy on it at all; you do a good job slipping barbs into every sentence." Nerr's stomach bubbled with guilt and frustration. Her siblings and retainers had had enough time to get used to her cold demeanor, and were usually adept at avoiding anything that might trigger her knee-jerk reactions, but her former maid still thought of her as the laughing, energetic girl who had been locked away in a tower. She let her head slump forward to rest against the glass, hair falling into her face. It was tied back into a loose bun held in place with a snood, though it still seemed to always get in her face. She didn't bother tying it up anymore- it always came loose anyway.

"I'm sorry, Flora. I shouldn't be taking my frustration out on you." The maid stayed quiet for a long time.

"...you look tired, Lady Nerr. And your hair is all messy. Aren't Felicia and Jakob doing their duties?"

"Their duties have expanded exponentially since we moved to the castle." She didn't bother telling the other girl that she didn't let them do her hair. She hadn't let anyone else near it since she'd left the Norther Citadel- it didn't feel right when it wasn't Flora.

"Oh. Well... I'm sure they're doing as much as they're able to. And they probably don't regret it. After all, who would miss that horrible prison we were assigned to?" Nerr wished she could draw her head inside herself, like a turtle. She hadn't been to the citadel once since returning to Nohr. It wasn't that she hadn't wanted to- she simply felt... torn. It was still her home, but... it would feel so empty. Lilith and Flora wouldn't be there. And she had grown accustomed to always having her siblings near. But she missed her room, she missed looking out at the mountains that encased the fortress, and the angle of the constellations. Flora was still talking, her voice quiet and unsure.

"Em... Lady Nerr? I know this might sound very strange, but... would you mind if I were to fix your hair up a bit?"


"It's just- When I see you looking so disheveled, it reminds me of the day you finished your endurance training. You were filthy and ragged and half dead, and I couldn't stand the sight of you like that... I combed your hair while you were unconscious; it was driving me crazy." Nerr wanted to ask why the sight of someone else's tangled hair would bother her, but the blunette had always been very peculiar about making sure everything was neat and tidy. Even more so than Jakob. Once, when she had first come to the citadel, the princess had found her folding and unfolding the same pillowcase at least five or six times. She would always nudge chairs into exact positions and spend ridiculous amounts of time buffing the same spot on a mirror. Felicia said she had always been like that- she couldn't stand things not being orderly. Well, it wasn't as if Nerr was going out of her way to keep her hair in disarray, so she agreed. Smiling widely, Flora produced a comb from her pocket (she'd been planning this from the start...) and asked the princess to sit down in the chair closest to the fire. Wasn't that too hot for her?

"No, it's fine. You get cold faster than I overheat." She pulled the beaded snood loose, before unclipping the hairpin that always remained in place. A slight noise of dismay escaped her throat as she looked at the worn brass. "Oh, your hairpin is broken. What happened to it?"

"...war." Silence seemed to fall between them for a moment. Maybe Flora had simply assumed she wouldn't wear something so frivolous on the battlefield. No sane person would. Nerr took the mangled ornament from her. Most of the stones were missing, and one of the wings had been broken off completely. Even though her sisters had bought her a multitude of new hairpins- enough to wear a different one every day of the month- she continued affixing the battered brass to her hair every day, like clockwork. Honestly, the fact that there was anything left of it at all seemed a miracle. It was broken, ugly, and barely recognizable for what it had once been... but it was still there. Nerr's head automatically leaned back as she felt the comb tug at her hair- she'd forgotten what it felt like for someone else to pull at it.

"Well, I'm certain Sir Gunther can buy you another one. After all, it's only natural for husbands to shower their wives with pretty trinkets." The teasing tone in her voice was so much that she could hear the other girl smiling ear to ear.

"My love is not something that needs to be bought."

"I know. But he likes doting on you. I'm sure if you mentioned you wanted something, it would make him happy to get it for you. That's how men are; they like doing things for the women they love." The princess looked over her shoulder, pulling the comb from Flora's hands as it remained tangled in her hair.

"How would you know that? Have you been married off while I was away?" The maid's teasing smile turned sad.

"No..." She said quietly, retrieving her comb and turning her former mistress's head back to face forward. "Father says there aren't any suitable candidates and I agree."

"Then how-"

"From observations. I've picked up on a lot of things from watching men. You'd be surprised how love can make them perform even the most demeaning, menial tasks with a smile..." She trailed off, her voice tight. Nerr didn't know what was bothering her so much, and even though a little voice in the back of her head said to be kind and ask, she really didn't want to know. But even if she had felt like sticking her nose into Flora's business, the other girl seemed to perk up quickly. "Oh, but don't let my rambling get to you. I'm truly very happy for you and Sir Gunther, milady. You two have been dancing around this for far too long."

"Us... two?"

"Why, of course. I saw the way he looked at you back at the citadel. Truth be told, I thought it was a bit... untoward at first, but then I realized he was much too chivalrous to be some lustful deviant."

"Heh. I wish you could tell my sister that..." The combing stopped for a minute, though the other girl still held her hair.

"...I want very much for you to be happy, Lady Nerr. You and Sir Gunther were always so kind to me; indeed, kinder than my own family at times. He always made me feel like I was so much better than I thought I was, and you... you always made me feel special. You were the first person who ever liked me more than Felicia, and I know that sounds petty, but when you're always compared to someone else... you start to crave that recognition." She began combing again. "I'm sorry, I'm rambling again. Please, just ignore me."

"Flora... would you like to come to my wedding?"

"D-do you mean that, milady?"

"Yes. Your father will probably get an invitation from Xander- apparently, it's going to be some big to-do, but... I'd like to invite you personally as my guest. And Gunther's as well; gods help me, after you launched into that spiel about missing him, he practically adopted you..." An icy wind blew through the room, and Nerr shivered violently, almost not catching Flora's quiet sniffling.

"I... I would be honored to attend your wedding, milady. Thank you." She was still freezing, but... her heart felt a little bit lighter.


In the commotion of the next few weeks, it was easy for Nerr to forget her wedding was being planned. She was much more concerned with issuing invitations for Xander's coronation, which was to be held the week after, often taking a carriage to the surrounding demesnes to invite the dukes and duchesses that presided over them personally. With the slaughter finally over, it seemed peace was slowly returning to Hoshido as well. Shura (Duke Shura, it was easy to forget), her eyes and ears across the border, told her that Princess Hinoka had finally come out of hiding and was working to pacify the growing anger and sorrow overtaking the land. The only saving grace was that there were no Nohrians there yet making use of the lands, for they would surely be hacked to pieces on sight. She had sent her former retainer an invitation to her wedding, as well as daimyo Izana (who accepted with a long, scrawling letter expressing his delight at being able to see a Nohrian wedding up close, and asking how many dozens of gifts he should bring).

She wanted to invite Hinoka, but despite the countless nights she spent, quill positioned over the parchment, empty glasses and bottles littering the table, something stayed her hand. Fear, most likely. Fear of rejection- why should anyone be happy for her when she was responsible for all their suffering? After those nights of sitting at her desk, immobile for hours, she did not join her family at breakfast, staying in her room with the curtains drawn and the candles and wall mounted torches snuffed out. Gunther was good about tolerating her... eccentricities... When she put the lights out, he didn't relight them, or throw the curtains open like he used to back in the citadel. He just brought her whatever treats Jakob had made for her (he also reminded her that her steward had cooked it personally, as though that might entice her), and left her to her darkness. He didn't even complain when she turned their bed into a nest of blankets and pillows that no normal person could sleep in without being smothered. She could rest easier when she was buried in a cocoon, sight and sound muffled by an impenetrable darkness... No people, no problems, no thoughts... it was like being dead.

Alas, the world did not stop simply because she pretended she was sleeping deep within the earth. The castle seemed to be growing smaller each day, but that was only because of the influx of nobles who had come for the upcoming ceremonies. As a princess and the king's ambassador, she was expected to meet with them all, and she did so with a great deal of poise. Some of the lords and ladies looked upon her fondly, remembering her from the fete almost three years ago (she could not say the same). She had grown into a lovely, charming princess, and they were grateful for the part she played in ending the war. Others, through their cold eyes and tight smiles, clearly wished she had perished alongside the old king, their sycophantic voices barely containing the disgust they felt bowing and curtsying to her. Who'd have ever thought a Hoshidan savage could be polished into a refined court lady? The muscles in Nerr's cheeks remained rictus as she absorbed their thinly veiled insults, but the haughty nobles must have seen something in her expression, for they usually drew away from her, quickly averting their gazes to the floor.

She didn't know why; she was smiling, like she had always been taught to. She was a gracious and noble princess. She smiled.

Camilla often commented on those "overly arrogant pieces of chattel", as she called them when she took measurements for Nerr's new gown. They thought themselves invulnerable because they came from noble houses, felt as though the kingdom relied on their continued existence. It did not, and if one more person whispered about "Princess Byak-sama", they were going to learn just how disposable they really were. She tuned out the older princess's threats, zoning in and out as Camilla interrupted her own raving with details about the flowers she was ordering and the foods that would be served at the banquet that would follow the ceremony. She'd have to get another dress to wear to that. Everything would be so beautiful, like a scene from a fairytale. Camilla grabbed her hand suddenly, and it took all of Nerr's willpower not to flinch. The first princess was staring intently at her fingers, or rather, what was missing from them.

"That wretched old man still hasn't gotten you a ring."

"He's been busy." Her justification came as second nature by now; her sister had been complaining about that fact nonstop (though Nerr was certain she was just looking for something to complain about, and would in fact be very upset once a ring was purchased). But it was true. Her brother had approached Gunther again, requesting he give in and accept a position as a royal advisor (all the ministers clamoring in his ear were beginning to drive Xander up a wall), but this time, posed it as an ultimatum. He could either join the royal cabinet... or he could call of his wedding, because if he wasn't good enough to be the king's advisor, clearly he was not good enough to marry the king's sister.

That would've been funny a long time ago. Nerr would've laughed and laughed until her sides hurt and tears ran down her cheeks. Now, she told Gunther that, if Xander so adamant about this, it was best to just give up and give in. After all, what would the big bad nobles who disagreed with his position do; gossip at him? Oh, so scary. He had laughed at her words, the worry and anger darkening his face fading slightly. She was happy she could at least do that for him. But with newfound power came oh so much responsibility. They went days without seeing each other, each assigned to duties that could not wait. It felt almost like those days before she'd gone to Valla. Nerr was afraid to sleep in an empty bed, because if she woke up and he wasn't there, that might mean that Gunther was still dead and she had just imagined everything. That would mean the war hadn't escalated though, so maybe she could just run off to the Infinite Chasm and throw herself in and avert all the deaths that had transpired because of her actions.

It was best not to sleep when those kinds of thoughts took root. Or go near windows.

The sight of open windows often reminded her of that rotting paper door she'd opened as she dragged herself out of hell; when she threw herself out of it, she'd ended up in an idyllic heaven. The droning whispers in the back of her head sometimes convinced her that it would be a good idea to try it now (it might have the same effect). She'd gotten her foot on the sill one day- all it would've taken was a good lean to tumble out, but that had been one of the few days Gunther hadn't been at Xander's side, reminding the ministers vying for the king's attention to stop shouting and form a damn queue. He had pulled her back, hands around her waist, lifting her up, before she'd even realized what was happening. The anger and fear in his eyes made her want to curl up into a ball and die. She was just tired, she tried to explain, forcing her cheeks to stretch into an apologetic smile. Probably sleepwalking. The next time they slept in their room, she noticed the boards nailed over the window. Not enough to block out the light... just enough to ensure a person could not squeeze through.


It was so easy to forget she was getting married in a few days that she forgot entirely until Xander approached her after his levee one afternoon. Due to the schedules of certain nobles and ministers, some of them would not be able to remain in Windmire until his coronation next week, so they had to move it up. That was fine; why was he telling her? That seemed like the kind of thing Gunther took care of... Her brother looked away, shame darkening his eyes. Since everyone of import was already planning on attending her wedding, it seemed prudent to... schedule the coronation for that day. Nerr remained silent for a long time. ...that was fine; why was he telling her? Again, dealing with those kinds of problems was her fiancé's duty. The king seemed... surprised? Dismayed? by her reaction. Had he been expecting her to cry and make a fuss, exclaim that he was ruining her special day? The king was far more important than some middling, adopted princess. The flowers and banquet could be used for his ceremony instead; Camilla would be heartbroken if all her planning was for nothing.

Xander reached out, holding her wrist to keep her from walking away. As grateful as he was that she was being so accepting of the situation, their sister's efforts would not be for nothing. Her wedding was just going to be held earlier, in the morning, followed by his coronation. That way, they didn't have to prepare two banquets- Nohr wasn't made out of food, after all. That sincerely took Nerr by surprise. She had expected him to say that, unfortunately, there would be no wedding. She would've been fine with that; she and Gunther had long filled out the forms legally binding them. In her heart, they'd been married for ages. That was more than enough for her. But no, Xander let his hand slip down to hers, brushing his thumb over her knuckles- he wasn't going to ruin her special day. He wasn't heartless, despite what some people were already saying. He just felt bad that she had to share the public's eye with him when it should've been hers alone. Every bride deserved to be the center of attention, after all. Nerr slipped her hand from her brother's grasp, reminding him that she never liked being the center of attention.

The day finally arrived, the day she'd been dreaming of since she was a child. She was sure everything would be beautiful; Camilla had such an eye for detail. She was used to waking up long before the first tendrils of light even began snaking out across the sky, so there was no need for Jakob or Felicia to drag her from bed. She had been a bit shocked to see Flora enter her room, wearing her old apron over the dark velvet dress she'd donned for the occasion, her arms filled with brushes and combs and powders and pomades. She was hardly going to leave her mistress at the mercy of a butler and... Felicia... on her special day, after all. At once, Jakob jumped down her throat, reminding her that he'd been taking care of their ladyship throughout the entirety of the war and that a bit of makeup was hardly a challenge for his considerable skills. Felicia was just happy to be working side by side with her sister again- just like old times- and was grateful she no longer had to handle the hairpins. They looked sharp enough to stab somebody with. It did indeed feel like old times, sitting there as her servants fussed over her, tossing back the few remaining dregs of wine in her glass. If she closed her eyes, she could pretend she was back in the Northern Citadel. She was getting ready to go to the fete- she was still excited for it. She had been practicing the cotillion for weeks... A knock on the door broke her from her revere.

"Nerr? My dearest darling? I have your dress. And I also have a surprise for you~" Camilla's syrupy sweet voice dripped into her ears, and she shuddered at the analogy. A quick nod and Felicia dashed to the door, unlocking and opening it. There was the eldest princess, her hands piled high with blue brocade. Elise bounced around her feet like a puppy, holding armfuls of flowers. Laughing, she dashed into the room, depositing them on Nerr's lap.

"So many guests brought you flowers! I picked the prettiest ones- they can go in your bouquet!" Leaning down as far as she could (which was difficult when Flora was holding handfuls of her hair and braiding them into tight plaits), the middle princess pressed her lips to the top of her sister's head. She looked back up at Camilla.

"Is this my surprise?"

"Oh no, dearest. I have two much more lovely flowers I think you'll like to see." She stepped aside to reveal... Hinoka and Sakura, each of them holding a large, white box. Her empty glass fell with a dull thud to the plush carpet. She'd have expected the sun to sputter out like a candle before she thought she'd see her blood sisters standing in the doorway of her room. She'd never sent out that invitation. She'd never had any correspondence with either of them after leaving Hoshido. It was easy to forget they existed. Both Hoshidan girls fidgeted uncomfortably, starting when Camilla forced them into the room, taking their packages.

"Now now, we can't have you there blocking the door; what if someone sees our lovely sister in a state of undress? That simply won't do." The click of the lock seemed to break the tension. Still squirming awkwardly and looked down at her feet the whole time, Sakura approached her, trembling so violently it looked like she was having a fit.

"Uh... u-um... I-I j-just w-wanted to s-say... um... con-congratulations on, erm... g-getting m-married, nee-s-sama..." Her stuttering hurt Nerr's ears, but she could just make out the gist of what the other girl was saying. Sort of. Her lips curled up at the corners, much more natural than when she was facing courtiers and ministers.

"Thank you, Sakura. That's very kind of you to say." In sharp contrast to her even, almost nonchalant gratitude, Elise bounded up to the other girl, grabbing her hands tightly and laughing. She'd been laughing more these days, her smiles almost back to their full luminance.

"It's so great, isn't it? For a long time, big sis was really sad, but when Gunther came back, she got happy again, so when they finally get married, she'll be really happy and will stop scaring everyone when she pretends to smile!" Nerr cringed internally. It was easy to think that, because she was young, Elise didn't notice what went on around her, but that clearly wasn't the case. Gentle people were very empathic. Hinoka seemed to have been biting back her words for a while, but that breathless rant apparently spurred her to say her piece.

"It is great. Weddings are always a cause for celebration in Hoshido. Imagine my surprise when I get a missive from King Xander inviting me to my little sister's wedding..." Camilla heaved a long suffering sigh, resting her hand on the other princess's shoulder. She towered over the Hoshidan woman.

"Believe me, Empress Hinoka, you are far from alone in your shock and dismay. I found out about it almost the same way you did; from Xander storming into my tent one afternoon a few months ago and launching into a full blown tirade. The horror, the humanity, of finding out my precious baby sister had gone and pledged herself to some-" She broke off her rant, just noticing the icy stare Nerr was shooting in her direction. "...man. Some... valiant- ugh- soldier who Nerr cares for- urk- very much..." Elise laughed at her sister's obvious disgust, and even Sakura tittered behind her hands at the sight. Hinoka remained sullen.

"At least you had some warning; this just came out of the blue for me."

"Well, I didn't exactly have an opportunity to tell you, now did I, sister?" Nerr had returned her attention back to looking straight ahead as Jakob began brushing powder onto her face. It wasn't to even out her complexion or make her paler, or any of the things court ladies often complained about. She could feel him trying to fill in the jagged gouges that had been dug into her skin. It must've happened when she was fighting father, or when the Yato shattered and some of the bronze shards struck her face. Even though Elise had used the antique Hestia staff that she'd inherited to heal her shattered bones and mend the ruptured organs that continuously dragged her back to death, the magic did not heal the skin. When she'd finally looked into a mirror upon returning to Nohr, it seemed like a ancient mask was staring back at her, riddled with cracks and ready to break apart at any moment. Sometimes, they still bled. Hinoka seemed to take note of the deep scars as well, the way her face unconsciously screwed up in disgust before she looked away. Nerr ignored her discomfort, continuing her thoughts.

"I might have run after you that day you left Izumo to tell you of the happy news, but I didn't think you'd react kindly to me having feelings for a Nohrian."

"Wait, what?" Camilla looked back to her, eyes narrowed. "What do you mean, the day they left Izumo? Are you telling me... ugh! You mean for over a month before I found out, you were... ugh!"

"We didn't do anything; there was no time. It was an engagement in name only."

"Would that I could believe you, dearest. Oh, I knew I should've gotten you a chastity belt when you started blossoming... maybe there's still time!" Behind her, Flora and Felicia giggled as they threaded pearls through the braids in her hair. It still fell out, leaving her collecting handfuls from her pillow and clothes and combs, and now that there were so many mirrors around, she had noticed that many of the strands were gray, standing out starkly against her otherwise dark locks. Jakob was muttering something about that being his first choice for a wedding present. With the tension somewhat lifted, Hinoka walked over to the table where the box she had brought lay. She moved to open it, but stopped.

"I... You're right, Nerrida. I wouldn't have been okay with that. I would've thought that it was terrible and you were being forced into some awful arranged marriage because... because Nohrians are evil. But I know that's not the case now. I... want you to be happy, too, sister. So I brought you something, but... I guess I didn't think it through."

"Something like what?" The Hoshidan girl hesitated, but opened the box, pulling out a long bright red robe patterned with various flowers. Elise gasped in delight, rushing over to run her fingers over the vivid silk.

"Oh wow! This is so pretty! It's a kimono, right?"

"Uh, yeah. It's a traditional wedding kimono. When I got the invitation from King Xander, I just ran out and got it made without thinking... I should've realized you already had everything planned out already..." Nerr wanted to point out that she hadn't planned anything out, that it had all been Camilla and her older sister wouldn't take kindly to anyone else trying to butt into her plans. Still, despite the color burning her eyes, she recognized it for the lovely gesture it was.

"I'm truly thankful that I have a sister that cares for me so much she ran across the country to bring me a wedding dress. I must be the most beloved woman in all the world, and I have no idea what I've done to deserve so much..." Her Hoshidan sister's face turned as bright as her hair as she looked away, mumbling something about her being welcome. Camilla reached out, rubbing the sleeve between her finger and thumb as if trying to assess it's quality.

"Hmm... this truly is a lovely piece of couture... And I know Nerr would look absolutely beautiful in it... Seems a shame to let it go to waste..."

"Oh! Oh, I know!" Elise jumped up. "She can wear it to the coronation. She's gotta change out of her wedding dress for that anyway! And that way, everyone can see how pretty Hoshidan clothes are!"

"Oh... I-is that really a g-good idea?" Sakura looked up timidly. "I mean, a-a lot of the people we p-passed didn't seem to like Hoshidans t-too much..."

"Sakura is right. It's not a good idea to draw attention to her for being Hoshidan-"

"Sister. These people will think of me as they do regardless of what I wear. I would be honored to wear your beautiful gift for all of Nohr to see. My heart may be Nohrian, but the blood that flows through it is Hoshidan." Hinoka sniffled slightly and looked away, but not before Nerr saw the smile tugging at her lips.


Nerr had never been in a cathedral before. She'd seen pictures of them and read about the services held to thank the gods for their gifts, but she'd never actually set foot inside one. The closest she'd ever come to visiting a holy place had been her journey to the Sevenfold Sanctuary and her brief stint in Izumo. Neither of those places felt quite like this, however. The tall windows depicted various scenes, both of daily life and the ancient tales of the dragons, their intricate tracery barely noticeable amidst the rainbow of panes set within them. The giant rosette the hovered over the pulpit like a halo bathed the massive room in a gentle, pastel light.

The pews were filled with people, nobles and dignitaries and rich merchants and even, she would learn later, artists of renown, musicians and actors. It was, after all, a grand social event. A place to see and be seen. The seats nearest the front of the church held her family and friends. Elise and Sakura walked in front of her- it seemed the youngest princesses had somehow switched dresses before coming to the church. Sakura was trying her hardest not to trip over the ruffled hem of her gown, while Elise was trying to keep from skipping too fast in her kimono. They scattered rose petals over the deep burgundy carpet, the gentle smell rising up to mix with the burning incense and beeswax candles.

Nerr's hand rested on Xander's elbow as he stood beside her, and he gave her a little tug to coax her to start walking. If given her way, she'd have run off in the opposite direction. It wasn't that she had "cold feet" as they said, but the sight of all those eyes piercing through her, judging her... she wished she could go back to her room and hide under her mountain of blankets. But that would be selfish. This wasn't just her day, after all. At the end of the long aisle, standing in front of the pulpit, she could feel Gunther's gaze on her before she could see it. The one pair of eyes in the room that weren't in some way judging, that never found her lacking. Eyes that cherished her. She felt like she would dissolve and melt into the floor under his gaze. Jakob stood by his side, serving as best man at her request (Gunther had assured her that the steward would probably hurl every insult in the book at him if he had asked, though Nerr wholeheartedly disagreed). Her other retainer's expression seemed stormy, but as he looked at her, drawing ever closer, his gaze softened, though not without a hint of melancholy. As they finally reached the pulpit, Xander took her hand, brushing his lips against her knuckles on last time.

"I wish you all the happiness in the world, little princess."

"Your blessing assures I will have it, brother." As the king took his seat, she was left to face her betrothed. It felt so strange, so surreal, to be standing there in her blue polonaise (because blue meant a happy marriage, Elise had chimed as they decided on colors), a long veil pinned to her hair. Since she was a child, all Nerr had dreamed of was having a happy wedding day. Being rescued from her tower by a dashing knight in shining armor and living happily ever after... And it seemed that now, she could check so many things off that list, but... in her fairytale books, the journey to "happily ever after" was never paved with so much sadness, so much loss.

Would Ryouma have insisted on walking her down the aisle if he'd still been alive? Would Takumi had even come? She wished her mother could be sitting out there, smiling at her. And... a small part of her even wished her father, the man who'd stolen her away and kept her hidden from the world, could be there as well. After all, had it not been for him, she would never have ended up in Nohr in the first place... It was so easy for her thoughts to take a dark, spiraling turn... A large hand, clad in soft leather gloves, lightly gripped her chin and drew her attention back. Gunther was smiling at her, his eyes alight with love and joy. He looked so handsome in his newly smithed decorative armor, every inch the fairytale knight she'd always viewed him as. For the first time in weeks, she smiled back. It was small, and hurt her cheeks... but it was sincere. To think she hadn't wanted to deal with the stress of a wedding; she'd won a war, for the gods sake. What was this compared to all she'd been through? She recited her vows perfectly.


The streets were so crowded leaving the cathedral, the sun had already begun to set by the time they made it back to Krakenburg. The rabble of people, pushing against their carriages, brought them to an absolute standstill. A mix of faces peered in through the window, most smiling and excited, though there were a few surly scowls thrown into the mix (those, she had noticed, seemed mostly gathered around her brother's carriage). A few children, their eyes bright but their faces smudged with dirt, managed to climb up to her carriage. The royal guards looked poised to chase them away- with force, if necessary- but Nerr ordered they stand down. Handfuls of flowers, some with ragged petals, others with dirt still clinging to their roots, were shoved into her window. She could just imagine the sneers the more arrogant nobles would've given the street urchins. The princess accepted their gifts thankfully, opening the window further and leaning out slightly to press a kiss to each of their dirty cheeks. Bubbling with laughter, the children ran off, and as she sat back down, absentmindedly brushing the dirt from her dress, Gunther leaned over and pressed a kiss of his own to her forehead, a deeply pleased smile softening his features.

"What are you smirking about?"

"My lady does such adorable things..." It was a miraculous change, to feel good about herself for once.

It was a blessed relief to finally be back inside the castle, though there was no time to relax. She'd no sooner made it to her room than Felicia began unlacing her dress. Flora was with their father, she explained. He'd insisted she sit beside him to watch the coronation. Nerr asked the maid if she wouldn't rather join her family, and she shook her head hard enough to send her peach hair flying. Be surrounded by a bunch of puffed up lords? No thank you. Besides, as royal retainers, she and Jakob got to sit on the sidelines, which offered them a much better vantage point. Stripped down to her shift, Nerr picked up the elaborate kimono she'd been gifted. It was exceptionally heavy for such a delicate looking garment. While she understood the basics of slipping on a robe (having worn something similar in Izumo), the sash that held it closed was another matter entirely. It seemed even heavier than the kimono, appeared to be more than five feet long. Felicia took one look at the sash, blanched, and dashed from the room, assuring her mistress she'd be right back. She did return shortly, with Hinoka in hand. The Hoshidan woman grinned a bit as she saw her sister trying to make heads or tails of the blue belt.

"Having trouble with your obi?"

"That's what it's called?"

"You've got a lot to learn about your roots, Nerr. Turn around." She did so, though not before handing the "obi" to her sister. Despite her voice being slightly muffled, Hinoka spoke as she went to work wrapping the long cloth around the other girl's waist. "You know, Nohrian wedding aren't really that different from Hoshidan weddings. I mean, there are some differences, but I went in there expecting there to be a live sacrifice and goblets of blood."

"No, we don't do that until the honeymoon. It's a fertility ritual."

"...you're joking, right?"

"Yes, Hinoka. I'm joking. We're going to Cyrkensia for our honeymoon. To see 'Ondine's Lament'. No sacrifices involved." The other woman sighed slightly.

"I know I shouldn't think like that. You wouldn't have anything to do with a country that was evil, I know that, but... I've spent my whole life hating Nohr and hearing nothing but horrible things about it... I guess I internalized that."

"I'm sure many Hoshidans have. Given the generations of bad blood between our people, that's hardly surprising."

"Yeah... But I'm glad that at least most of those horrible things I've heard aren't true. It kinda made me sick at first, knowing that you were marrying a Nohrian soldier. One that probably fought against our father in the last war, but... you looked so happy today. I never thought about it before, but this was the first time since you came back that I'd ever really seen you smile... I'd forgotten what that looked like..."

Hinoka's hands stopped tugging at the obi, and a quiet whimpering sounded behind Nerr's ear. She turned to face her sister, aware that her sash probably wasn't tied. The older girl was fisting away her tears, but they kept coming. Nerr reached out and pulled her into a loose embrace (she didn't know how much she could move without the obi coming undone). Hinoka stiffened for a moment, but then relaxed in her grip.

"Heh. The first time I tried to hug you, you fought tooth and nail to get away from me. What happened?"

"...it takes me a while to warm up to people. Even longer when they say hurtful things about my family. But they say absence makes the heart grow fonder."

"...yeah. I just wish Ryouma and Takumi could've been here to see this...!" She began sobbing harder, and Nerr patted her head lightly.

"As do I, sister. As do I."

With her kimono properly secured, Nerr led her sister to the Nohrian throne room. Given the crush of people filling the halls, it seemed prudent to take the back chambers used by servants. Camilla had shown them to her upon their return to Nohr, insisting that all the royals needed to know where they led to in case they needed to escape the castle quickly. Although she'd spent months getting to know the corridors (it was easier than running the risk of having to stop and talk to people in the main halls), the maze-like castle was enough to almost get her lost. The only saving grace was that, even in the dark, must halls, they could still hear the chattering of people already gathered in the throne room. The entire massive hall was filled with hundreds of thousands of candles that filled the room with a warm light. Slipping out through a door hidden behind a tapestry, both princesses moved quickly to join the rest of the royals. Tucking herself between Camilla and Leo, Nerr turned to look at her brother. He was seated upon the massive stone throne their father once ruled from, a long ermine cloak fastened around his shoulders. He was no longer wearing his iron circlet.

The last time she had been in this room was before being sent to Chevalier. She had informed King Garon that his daughter- his real daughter, that he loved- had returned to them. She wondered if Azura, her spirit or consciousness, was watching this unfold. ...probably not- her ghost was probably still in Hoshido, admiring the view. Nerr did not blame her- if she had died, she would want her spirit to stay home, too. Hopefully, Ryouma and Takumi and their mother were keeping her company. The murmuring echoing throughout the room quieted substantially as Gunther, carrying the ebony crown of Nohr, ascended the many stairs leading to the throne. It had been repaired and refitted, and now shone brightly against the candles. There were priests and priestesses present, and the room fell silent as they prayed to the Dusk Dragon to deliver peace, wisdom and prosperity to both the king and all of Nohr. Gunther's voice commanded attention as he called upon Xander for his oath of leadership. Nerr could not have been more proud of either of them.

"Do you solemnly swear to guide, and govern, and protect your people to the best of your ability?"

"I do."

"Do you solemnly swear, to the best of your power, to uphold honor, justice, and mercy for the people under your rule?"

"I do." The new royal advisor turned to the gathered nobles.

"Lords and Ladies assembled: I present to you your undoubted King, who has sworn you his loyalty. You who have come to give homage; will you do the same?" One by one, the leaders of each of Nohr's expansive territories and duchies walked up to the throne, taking a knee and swearing their fealty to their king. Even Kilma, decked out in fine furs, knelt before the new king and swore his services to the kingdom.

"From here forward, let it be known that Garon Von Krakenburg, King of Nohr, is to be succeeded by Alexander Von Krakenburg, Nohr's crown prince and rightful heir. He will rule over our great country and guide us in this new era of peace." With the procession finally over, Gunther took the crown and set it atop Xander's head. "Please, my liege... accept this crown as a symbol of your reign." Xander inhaled deeply, perhaps taking a moment to adjust to the weight of this new diadem. But he smiled graciously, just as regally as one would expect from their king.

"Thank you, Sir Gunther." He let his voice rise so the crush of people in the throne room could all hear him. "As king, I vow to rule with dignity and kindness... and to always lead our beloved Nohr down the path of peace."

The room burst into applause, though it seemed the loudest, most eager clapping came from the small group of royals off to the side of the throne. Elise seemed to be competing with the room at large to see who could clap louder. Her hands probably smarted. She was winning, though. Xander got to his feet and began the descent from the throne. Though he was crowned, the coronation was not yet complete. After all, it was only nobles and those of high status who were present in the throne room, but they were not the extent of Nohr's subjects. The new king began making his way to the balcony overlooking the castle's massive courtyard, where the smallfolk and main population of Windmire were awaiting their king's first public address. Nerr's siblings rushed along after him, pushing her and her Hoshidan siblings ahead. As she fell in step alongside her elder brother, the words slipped from her mouth before she could stop them, an old force of habit.

"It seems you're a king now, brother." His violet eyes fixed her with a scrutinizing stare.

"Is that pride in your voice, or disbelief, little princess?"

"Pride, of course. I've never met anyone more worthy of the title than you." Leo nodded, clapping his older brother on the back, a terribly inappropriate gesture, but one no one would dare call him out on.

"The role fits you quite nicely, brother. Here's to a fresh start for Nohr. With you at the helm, I know our kingdom will rise to greatness once more." Camilla sidled up to the young king, pinching his cheek affectionately. Only she would have the audacity to dote on the sovereign like a little child.

"I just know our Xander will bring hope and prosperity back to this land. Isn't that right, Xander?" In the face of all the praise, Elise's jubilant mood seemed to diminish. She sniffled quietly, dabbing her eyes with the corner of her long sleeve (she was still wearing Sakura's kimono- probably the only reason she didn't wipe her nose with it).

"I just wish Azura could've been here to see this..." Xander paused for a moment and rested his head atop the youngest princess's head, a sorrow darkening his eyes.

"I wish that as well, Elise. But I'm certain that wherever she is, she's happy now."

"It still would've been nice if she'd at least said goodbye before deciding to wander the earth." Leo griped. "But no, she makes us get all attached, then vanishes like a wave upon the ocean." The Hoshidan princesses had been very quiet, a melancholy falling over them as the conversation turned towards their sister. They too assumed Azura had decided to find somewhere peaceful to live out the rest of her days.

"It's pretty fitting, actually." Hinoka said quietly. "Azura always was one for mystery. Vanishing without a trace is exactly the kind of thing I'd expect from her."

"S-still... I, uhm... a-agree with Prin- I mean, K-King Xander. I-I just know she's h-happy wherever she i-is..."

" 'You are the ocean's gray waves'..."

"Huh? Did you say something Nerr?"

"I said, Xander's getting ready to make his speech." Their brother had taken his position on the balcony, and Camilla went to work quieting Elise, who was already squirming with excitement. One of Gunther's no-nonsense glares stilled her far quicker than her sister's gentle coaxing. Nerr smiled a bit- Elise was going to have to get used to those looks. Xander's speech, though eloquent and thoughtful, reminded the princess too much of the lectures he used to give her when she was younger for her to pay much attention. She practically knew the whole thing by heart; she'd helped him write it, after all, staying up late many nights trying to help him decide what needed to be said, and what sounded most contrite.

He spoke to bolster his people's morale, informing them that peace was finally upon them and they no longer needed to fear their husbands and wives, sons and daughters, losing their lives to the destruction of war so long as he reigned. There would be no more hunger, no more widespread famine- with Hoshido conquered, their bounty would begin to flow into Nohr, and those who needed it most would be the first to benefit. Families would never have to bury their children again because the harvest was not kind. Though Xander made sound like there was unconditional surrender against Hoshido, she knew that was not the case. Most of Hoshido still remained it's own autonomous empire, just like the Ice Tribe. It was mostly the acres of land closest to the border that Garon had been after, and Xander agreed that available farmland was what they needed most of all, content to give everything else up for that. Still, he let his people relish the pride of knowing they had won the war. Behind her, Hinoka's hands had balled into tight fists as she was forced to relive the humiliation of her country's defeat. Fortunately, Xander did not dwell on regaling the amassed crowd with war stories.

"On this day, as I assume my father's throne, I vow to steady our course. The night sky is dark, but that is what allows the stars to shine so brilliantly..." Nerr closed her eyes, letting his words wash over her. Most Hoshidans seemed to be under the impression that darkness oppressed everything it fell upon. Azura had certainly believed that. But they were fools. The darkness softened the harsh things that bright light made so sharp. The darkness taught people to appreciate every glimmer afforded to them. She'd grown up in darkness, both the oppressive kind that carried fear within it, and the gentle veil that soothed her. As Xander finished his speech, Gunther walked up beside him, addressing the gathered crowds.

"People of Nohr, I give you Alexander Von Krakenburg, son of Garon Von Krakenburg, your true sovereign. What say you all?" The roar of the crowd was deafening.



The coronation feast and her wedding banquet had been rolled into one giant, overwhelming celebration. When she had first left the citadel, Elise had promised that, once the war was over, they'd all experience a true Nohrian celebration together. Well, she had made good on her promise, but the truth was, the whole ordeal had been... overwhelming for Nerr. Several times, she felt everything flare up, the colors blinding, the smells nauseating... Shutting her eyes tightly to ride out the horrid sensations only instilled worry in the people around her, and downing glass after glass of whatever smalled vaguely alcoholic only made eyes narrow, so Nerr took the first opportunity she had to excuse herself and slip away. Everyone probably thought she was going to her room, and while that seemed like the logical choice- the one place where no one could bother her- her feet carried her through the winding corridors and out of the castle. She'd only been outside the castle walls by herself once before, that first week after returning home, when she was sent to face the Ice Tribe and quash their rebellion. If she wanted to, she could walk all the way back to Freesia. She'd done it before, before she even thought she had the ability to face the world alone.

Back then, she was certain she'd die just from being on her own. Now... she'd already defeated death. What else was there to be afraid of? Still, she didn't think she'd get very far in her heavy kimono. So she just walked, mapping out her path by establishing where the least amount of people were. After about twenty minutes of walking, she found herself trekking through a light forest which opened to a massive lake. The waters were so calm that they reflected the bright stars shining above. She'd met Azura at a lake like this. Had she been ready to head to Valla even then? Nerr wondered, if she walked out into the middle of the lake, would it pull her back to that deserted hell? She didn't want to think about it. Only ghosts lived in those dead lands. She wasn't ready to join them quite yet, despite how she felt most days. The pendant she wore under her shift had absorbed enough of her body heat that she no longer registered it. She closed her eyes.

"yurari yurureri... utakata omoi meguru hakari..."

Her mother had sang something like that to her as she lay dying- even Lilith knew a similar song. Maybe it was a lullaby from her childhood? Maybe that was why it always sounded so familiar when Azura sang her song.

"You are the ocean's gray waves... Destined to seek life beyond the shore, just out of reach..."

For a moment, she thought her voice was echoing back at her, but then realized that those words weren't even the same language as the ones she spoke. Opening her eyes, the princess got to her feet. Maybe she should've been afraid of the ghostly apparition standing up to her hips in the lake, but Nerr had seen far too many much worse horrors to be anything but mildly curious. Slowly, she approached the figure, lifting the hem of her kimono so it wouldn't get wet as she stepped into the water. Her bare feet nearly froze. Despite it being early spring, northern Nohr was nowhere near warm yet.

"Hello, Azura. Are you going to drown me?" The Nohrian princess braced herself for what she would see when her sister turned around. Ghost stories told that it would never be pleasant, with empty sockets dripping blood or gaping holes in lieu of mouths... or just no face at all. Azura's face, however, looked the same as it always had, right down to that bemused expression.

"...why would I drown you, Nerr?"

"That's what the Crying Woman does. A woman wearing white, standing at the water's edge, weeping... she drowns people who come across her." A slight frown tugged the songstress's lips down.

"I'm not crying. I'm singing." Nerr smiled slightly.

"I know. I'm just teasing you." She fell silent for a while. "...I have your necklace. Would you like it back?"

"No. I'd like you to throw it in the lake so no one can ever find it again. It's power may be great, but it's price is even greater. I wouldn't want you to get it in that stubborn head of yours to use it."

"I hardly sing as well as you." Still, Nerr reached into the neckline of her shift, fingers brushing against the rough, uneven burn scar over her heart, and pulled the gilt pendant free. It took some doing to get the thing from around her neck, what with her piled up hair being in the way, but she managed. She glanced at Azura, who stared gravely at it and nodded. Winding it up over her head like a slingshot, the Nohrian girl let go of the beaded chain mid rotation, and it flew out across the water, hitting the surface with a very quiet splash. The songstress sighed slightly, and smiled at her sister.

"Thank you, Nerr. I'm glad I have you as a sister."


"Would you close your eyes for me?" A long time ago, she would've said no just to be contrary, or at least asked why. Now, she just did as she was asked.

"Sing with me a song of birthrights and love that light scatters to the sky above... Dawn breaks through the gloom, white as a bone... Lost in Thoughts All Alone..." Azura's sweet voice echoed hollowly, though there was no way the acoustics of the forest would allow for that. When Nerr opened her eyes, there was nothing there, not even the faintest ripple.

"Goodbye, sister..."

"Nerr!" A familiar voice called out to her, and she looked over her shoulder to see Xander approaching her. He'd cast off his heavy cloak, though he still wore his crown. She wondered if he would sleep in the thing.

"Where are your retainers, Xander? We can't have our king sneaking away on his own- that's a good way to get assassinated."

"One could say the same for you, little princess. I thought you were going to your room to rest?"

"I said I was going to retire; I didn't say where to." The king nodded thoughtfully.

"I suppose that's true. And I also suppose you've spent long enough cooped up in a dreary castle. I cannot fault you for wishing to experience your freedom without the weight of a war on your shoulders." She nodded slightly, and turned back towards the lake. It seemed so calm. She would've loved to slip under the surface and just lay there for a while, but that would ruin her kimono. "By the way, sister... were you singing earlier? I swore I heard singing..."

"...perhaps. I was mostly just... lost in thoughts, all alone..." Xander came closer, stopping as the water lapped at his boots, but close enough that she could feel his heat behind her.

"Perhaps when all the hectic has died down a bit, we could play a duet again. It has been too long since I've heard your violin, and I would appreciate the chance to practice my piano."

"I would love that, Xander." He placed his hand on her shoulder, and the warmth of his touch seemed to soak into her bones.

"Then let us return home, little princess. Your husband will set up a hue and cry if I don't bring you back shortly." Still gripping her shoulder, Xander led his sister out of the water. Nerr sighed and closed her eyes, letting him guide her. All things considered, today had been a good day. She was married to the man she loved, her brother was king, and it seemed peace had finally been won at last. Tomorrow might not be as good, nor the day after it, but another good day would come, no matter how hard it was to believe that sometimes. There would be more good days, more happiness...

And everything would be fine.


A/N- I'm done with this. I'm bored with keeping a schedule, and I'm bored with this story in general. I know I said I was going to do both branches, and I've actually been writing the Birthright branch (for a few months), but in truth, I'm not sure if I'm going to post it. Writing this fanfic has been so much fun. Posting it online... not so much. Wondering if anyone was reading this, to say nothing of actually enjoying it, kind of made writing feel like a chore rather than a hobby. I was always wondering if people would be offended if I said something negative about a character they liked, and it gave me a headache. And even though 90% of the comments I got back when I got comments sounded more like complaints that I was misrepresenting someone's favorite character, I still appreciated all of that because it meant the people reading actually had an opinion of my work. Posting chapters (that I tried my hardest to write well) and getting no reviews kind of slowly drained me of all that initial excitement I got when I first started posting. Even "fcuk this shit, u suk" would've been better than nothing because then I would know that people were still reading, people other than me.

But regardless of opinions, regardless of reviews, I thank you all so much for reading my first published fanfic all the way to the end.