Nothing or Forever
Battle of Shinjuku

Luluko PoV

Seven years since that day. I waited and schemed with Suzaku by my side. We both set our priorities. We needed a way to weaken the two superpowers sharing Japan. I have my personal vendetta against Britannia and Suzaku will hurt down Atsushi Sawazaki for his own reason which I have absolutely no clue about.

The only problem is Sawazaki is all the way in Beijing and the next best thing is General Cao, who oversaw the 'Protectorate of China'. We set the date to capture and then execute him for another time.

Now fast forward to today and it was the day I will launch my mission to kidnap and torture the knowledge of my mother death out of Clovis. God, I wish I have the power to just ask him to give me his secret. On the other hand, It wouldn't be as fun to reveal his inner nature.

It was all so perfect until someone decides to steal poison gas and getting Britannia on their backs again.

Now I have to bail her out again! Damn you Kozuki. If I didn't see the potential top tier pilot material, I would have left your terrorist cell captured or killed by the task force.

I can't believe I called out sick for this. Only to have amateurs divert my target.

I wanted to continue with drugging Clovis's favorite drink at his party and once he collapses. The medical staff on hand will send his 'dead' body to me. The mission was relatively easy for my standards and the only problem was either using baclofen, dimethyltryptamine, or both.

Oh well. I need to use those chemicals another time. A piece of shitzer...Schneizel is coming next month and he'll be glad to see me.

"Everyone form up!",I order my Black Knights to form rank. It took some time and untold loss of life, but I created my own small army. I remember when I first lead a terrorist cell when I was 13. It was completely anonymous as I decide the son of the late Prime Minister can earn me some trust.

I feel that their no restraint and only the desire to destroy. Nunnally is still my motivation to bring Britannia to its knees, but even I know, she would have restricted me. Now I have utter support from Suzaku or for Reuben Ashford case, turning a blind eye.

Our Knights of Justice, thanks to Suzaku influences, have risen to become a powerful army. A lot faster than if I were to do this alone. At least, that what I speculate.

Because would you rather want a mysterious mask girl or the son of the last Prime Minister who died a Martyr? Of course, I'm still on top in private but the reward is offered when he does well. He's the figurehead within the organization until I reveal my true identity to the world.

The majority of my Knights are Japanese and a handful is Chinese. Despite China 'protecting' Japan, the people to the west of us are just as oppressed. Especially at the lower tier of society.

I look into all their hardened battle-ready faces. They all rose out of the ashes of oppression to serve us. Today is the day Suzaku reveal who truly behind most of our tactical successes and I'm not just his mistress/advisor.

Now standing on top a platform of an abandoned warehouse. I look down at them. At what I slowly amass within 4 years. A force of 4 dozens Chinese and Japanese who I personally recruited and trained because I consider them useful and their loyalty to a common cause or whatever motives is in the proximity to be unwavering. There still thousands more elsewhere but they're pretending to be a different group or informant with other terrorist cells. While, this 4 dozen is the best of the best, after rooting out the weak and disloyal.

We have more guns and ammo for all my Knights presence and a few well-maintained custom knightmares. We have Sutherland's, Burai, Zhànshì, and Glasgow's in our arsenal. We did obtain a handful of Gunrus during a raid, but they were too ineffective in battle and repurposing them as sentry defense, We even handed a few to other terrorist cells as an offering of cooperation.

Spec wise, The Zhànshì are cheap but it far better in term of maneuverability. If the Gun Rus overwhelm you with numbers and firepower. The Zhànshì will rush at you from your flanks and swarm tactics. It's a version of the Alexander without the feature to crawl like an insect and unable to take a direct hit. Its armor can be pierced by small arms, unfortunately. It actually the perfect hit and run Knightmare, a glass cannon, that could stab a Sutherland from behind with it short chain sword and blow it to pieces with it shotgun. From a glance, it seems slower and a precursor of the EU Panzer-Hummel but with a 'head'.

Although the head doesn't look like the Sutherlands or Glasgow's, it has a red cap on a silver cylinder with 8 red eyes around it. It was the first frame to incorporate 360-degree viewing during the China-Britannia War but lack the Factsphere Sensor of the Glasgow until later. But the height is to ensure a low profile as the armor is meant to protect from debris and shrapnel. But the legs are different in the term that it has a lot of power down there while not having to push too much weight up top. Its legs don't drop land spinners like standard knightmares, it drops treads like those on a tank. Those individual threads are all land spinners that can change direction on a whim. There only reserved for high ranking officers in the Chinese military and even then it mostly reserves to the Eunuchs and their loyalists. The standard armament is a single short sword used for thrusting and the other arm for range capability.

Except for I customize mines for longer range weapons and command capability. Out of all the Knightmare at my disposal, I choose the Chinese frame because it can outrun a Sutherland and outmaneuver a Gloucester. I upgraded it armor and weaponry to suit my needs. I for go the close quarter sword for dual wielding mini-Raiko cannon with belt feed ammunition because of they're no way someone going to block scattered shots. Then there the basic factsphere on it chest and the command pack on it back to keep a clear line of communication and minimize hacking. I kept my frame tactical with landmines(tripwire and detonator), smoke screen, EMP, and a compact sniper anti-armor Sniper rifle which happen to look like an updated Walther WA 2000. All the added attachment made it slower but not by much. As long as I never engage in close quarter, I always win a skirmish with intellect and pre-planning if I need to intervene.

If I need a little extra speed, I can use a program from Kyoto called 'overclocking' which in simple term makes the knightmare acceleration and overall speed faster for at most a minute. It a double edge sword because overclocking is overriding the system beyond its limit and overuse could cause internal malfunction. It worth it when the feature makes me nearly unhittable if only momentarily.

I own Kaguya for that. Now where the hell my Guren or my pre production Gekka? I deserve those Knightmare Kaguya! I'm still mad about not getting what the Holy Sword and Toudoh got!

"I'm sorry to announce this but the plan for Clovis is aborted", I hushed their disappointment,"It doesn't mean we're going home. The reason for aborting is because the cell we try recruiting went ahead with their plan when we told them to wait. So we'll go to help them."

I heard one of my knights calling them idiots and many agreements. I did go to them with a proposal to join months ago but they all decline but one person. It was more of a private deal but she owes us and we owe her for our service to each other. She needed to avenge her brother and I gave her the opportunity to kill those responsible. I was going to do it anyway. Now if she could ask for my Order aid and it just so happens she needed it now.

"Suzaku is currently behind enemy line and can't lead the operation. I meant at the moment, I shall be in command. But if I'm being honest, I was the one behind all the operation."

I hear words of disapproval, disbelief, worry, and a few of acceptance. A handful already knew who's really behind our successes. The reaction was to be expected because of Suzaku the one speaking to them on a personal level and getting to know each and every one of them like actual human beings. I, on the other hand, only care to use them as tools to bring down Britannia and then China. Their mundane lives don't concern me but I have to hide the fact.

"No way."

"I don't believe it.."

"I knew it."

"How the hell did the rest of you not figure it out."

"Zero? I thought she was the secretary!"

"Misstress, Ren. She's the mistress."

"EVERYONE SHUT UP!",A white haired teen stood directly below me.

" Thank you, Rai. Please give me a chance and you'll be surprised by how to control things", I explained", Once Suzaku comes back. He'll admit who really in charge of the battlefields. Now Alpha, Beta, and Gamma squadron. Hurry to your KMF, we have 10 minutes to prepare I'll fill you in once you're inside. Everyone else, Business as usual."

I saw the pilots of the respective squad got into their KMF as the support members head to their designative location to run logistic for me.

"Load my KMF!",I ordered,"Listen to any radio chatter from the Brits."

I hop into my knightmare as it was finish refueling and repair. It wasn't long until everyone is ready.

"Zero, ma'am! Where do you want me?",Rai radio me. One squadron and I were going to head out via the tunnel and other 2 are loaded into trucks.

"Stay here", I commanded,"Handle the security detail and keep an eye out for any suspicious behavior. Now everyone else, Long Live Japan! Rebellion is justified!"

A chorus of the slogan between Chinese and Japanese Knights continue on for a minute as everyone got to work.


My black commander-model Zhànshì lay hidden within Shinjuku as I watch the news and keep track of the IFF signatures.

I could have gotten a better knightmare, but this death trap signature purpose is speed. It's could never stand up to a Sutherland or Burai directly. It can't take hits but the one thing is exceeding at running away. It to be expected of a commander to not fight on the frontline. I'm not saying I'm crap but that Suzaku job. Thus, I run away and hide.

"Gamma Squad, Head to D-3 and make sure the Purebloods don't get anywhere near the highway."

"Yes ma'am", a chorus of affirmation sound off.

"Beta Squad, Support the convoy. I want you to wipe all the law enforcements following them. I don't want to see a single cop car."

"Yes ma'am", they did the same as I watch all the IFF signal get to their respective place.

"Alpha squad, Hold out at Shinjuku."

"Yes, Zero!",More confirmation followed.

Now the pieces are set, it time for me to wait.

Normal PoV

The Pureblood transport ship was making it way out of Fort, Dawain. They were heading to the terrorists who stole from and kill citizens of Britannia. They all thought it was a simple capture mission. Jeremiah and a few others were going to race ahead to disable the truck without setting off the poison gas and watch out for ambushes.

Ironically, the ambush happens moments after they took off. Their transport received multiple anti-aircraft rockets from near point blank range at the vital area including the wings and exhale ports. The sender, 4 Burai, and 3 Sutherland's which got close by moving quickly through the underground. The pilot didn't have time to maneuver nor did the Purebloods who were in the hanger has time to deploy as they brace for impact.

Before the aircraft even hit the ground and forces from the base responded, the Black Knights disappear into the old subway system.

It didn't kill anyone but it certainly brought extra time.

"Who the hell shot us down?!",Jeremiah raged as he picks himself up within the transport craft.

"Everyone unload quick!",the pilot yelled over the coms and the pureblood immediately got into their KMF along with other crewmembers. It's a precautionary measure in case the down aircraft going to explode.

By the time they finished and the poison gas is in the ghetto.

Normal PoV

The table was turned on the law enforcement following that truck as the law enforcement were outgunned by the sudden appearances of 7 Knightmares, 4 Burai and 4 Zhànshì.

Knightmare police units were wiped out within minutes and every cop cars pull back ones the BKs fire on them. Even the police helicopter and SWAT units were ordered to fall back. This is normally the time the military intervenes. But any military units sent to aid are harassed by Gamma Squad as they used the city itself to ambush and divide.

Beta squad spread out to protect a wide area once the hostiles are dealt with. They hunted any authority, both military and law enforcement, that made it past Gamma squad. Each one of the pilots is highly skilled and consider to be as effective as any season Britannian veteran.

It's no wonder why the Black Knights are considered better quality freedom fighter by Kyoto than all of the other local cells. Luluko learns her lesson years ago about disloyal pawns.

Luluko PoV
Knightmare in a undisclosed area

It should be lunch by now at Ashford. I relax in my Knightmare, eating a chocolate bar attempting to fend off my growling stomach with the sweet treat. Once I was finished, I toss it in a full trash bag within my knightmare with wrappers of recent sweets, soft drink, and chips.

I have such a sweet tooth but at least I keep all my trash in a bag, unlike some people. He even has the audacity to tell me that I would get 'fat'. He slept outside that winter weekend.

"All that planning and I somehow didn't pack a sizable snack", I shook my head as my phone ring.

"Mistress Zero", Rai contacted me.

"Just Zero", I responded.

"They made it safely", He told me,"And I got something to tell you."

Rai, an amnesia enigma from one of Clovis's pet project. We rescued him from an underground lab under the settlement four months ago. There no record of him and it worries me greatly. I wanted to interrogate him in order to bring back some memories. Refrain seem like an immoral but good option. Unfortunately, Suzaku steps in and try the nicer, pacifist route. Offering him a place in the Black Knights. Of course, he accepts because how is he going to support himself? How would he know I wouldn't execute him?

Hell, I still don't trust him after 4 months of loyal service. But it doesn't matter because I distrust everyone equally. The exception is Suzaku, myself, and my maid.

"Make it quick."

"The capsule. I remember. It isn't poison gas."

Normal PoV

The truck moves off ramp and toward the alternate route. It was an underground tunnel which leads directly to Shinjuku with the recently deploy Black Knights covering them. A red Glasgow follows the truck closely from behind.

The Knight of Justice came out of nowhere and took out most of the squadron and law enforcement following them.

"Pilot of the red Glasgow's", the Kozuki look to her radio,"This is Zero."

"Zero?",She answered,"How did you receive this frequency?"

"That not important!",She raises her voice,"Warned the other! Britannia going to come down hard on the ghetto. What in the trailer isn't poison gas! Don't release it until it safe."

"What do you mean?! Answer me!"

Luluko cut off.

"Damnit! Why does she keep doing that!",I quickly switch to Nagato frequency,"Hi, Nagato."

"What is it, Kallen?"

"I just got word from Zero. Under no circumstance are we to open the capsule", she stated.

"Why?", he retorted,"When the hell was Zero ever in charge!"

"I don't know!",she yells back,"Eyes on the road!"

"Crap!",Nagato swived to the right after narrowly avoiding a wall.

"Nagato! We need to warn everyone to get ready," Kallen immediately dial every terrorist in Shinjuku and a few in surrounding area about the situation.

The message was simple but enough to get the point across.
Evacuate the civilian.

Fortify the Ghetto

Who wants to kill Britannian?

We only got less than an hour.

Command Room

Clovis couldn't believe it.

Code R is gone and he has to fight his way to reach it. The silver lining is that he has the right for full deployment against a terrorist 'fortress'. Which means authorizing the use of airstrikes to turn Shinjuku into a pile of rubble. There's no way those scums have any anti aircraft weapons right?

There already talks from Pendragon to replace him with a better Viceroy which he's okay with as long as Code R and its staff coming along with him. He didn't know running Area 11 would be such a huge headache especially with the Black Knights and boundary tension with China.

"I want an entire battalion fully deploy! I want the entire ghetto leveled before we move in", he yelled as every officer get to work. Clovis will send a cleanup crew after.

"There no way Zero getting out alive this time", a military advisor spoke up,"I recommend carpet bombing sir!"

Luluko PoV

I ran the numbers.

48 Black Knights
22 knightmares including me.

75 Shinjuku Terrorists all combat roles
3 Knightmares

45 Unaffiliated (Civilian taking up arms)

103 Other Cells
25 Knightmares

Total Manpower:271 troops and 50 knightmares.

I have a sizable backup outside Tokyo but there needed to lay low and pretend to be separate cells. it would throw off the real number of the Black Knights. Clovis would consider me more of a threat if Black Knights were found across Japan, then he'll put more emphasis on hurting me down.

Britannia Forces are 7000 soldiers with 500 knightmares and air support. Additional reinforcement is expected.

My man is heavily outnumbered by the hundreds of thousand of soldiers in Japan. Britannia needed a lot of soldiers to contend with China at its borders. If I remember correctly, Britannia has a population of a billion people in their Empire and out of those, tens of millions are in the military and most are fighting in the EU and the Middle East.

Which means my situation to retake Japan is far more difficult. I have to crack a deal with the Enuch to succeed but that counter productive since they'll most likely use me to gain the other half to exploit. Luckily, I have allies within China think to Kaguya. I can't stop owning Kaguya, could I? Or was it the other way around.

I thought about my de facto sister. She really instrumental in where I am today.

Now how will I take down the air force?

"Antiaircraft missiles launcher ready!",A knight reported in.

"Good evening, Everyone ready?", I commanded and got a wave of affirmation.

Two dozen Britannia Bombers flown into Shinjuku airspace in V-shape formation unaware of what to come.

Once the bombers got within range, they have the go ahead to start the carpet bombing only to be met with the surface to air missiles.

"Evasive Maneuver!", A pilot yelled out but it was far too later. Ten Missiles fired from hand-held rocket launchers and 8 of those find their mark. Six of them were lethal as either the bombers exploded or were forced to land. The other two hit but weren't enough to destroy them resulting in the other 18 stills being able to drop their payload.

Then, fortunately, part is that Luluko knew the flight path of the bombers. It results in the area being bombed to be void of life as her anti aircraft crew is able to reload and fire again, this time taking down 8 more. Now dropped to 10, they fall back knowing another volley will destroy them.

Clovis Generals and military advisor know that their air capability could overpower the air defense but at a great cost. That assuming the Black Knights doesn't have another trick up their sleeves. The last time they try to rush in thinking the enemy were few, the homeland lost several battleships and near escalation of war with China when the battle fleet pursued Zero and the rarely seen, Infinite.

It noted that the men firing them are well trained and could fire 4 missiles in a single minute if they have enough supplies which they most likely do. Since the Black Knights are the second most well-funded Terrorist cell next to the JLF and a Chinese based terrorist cell in 3rd.

Airdrop is not an option until those anti-aircraft weapons are dealt with. It isn't likely a successful landing zone can be created under accurate anti air fire.

Artillery is used but the damage is minimal due to Shinjuku having many covers from its tall buildings and underground tunnels. What artillery is good at is keeping the enemy head down long enough for one hundred KMFs and a thousand soldiers with supports to mop up what's left. The next line is VTOL, APV, and Tanks heading toward the ghetto as well.

Luluko watched the IFF radar and waited for the right moment to detonate the IEDs. They needed to be in optimal range in order for the plan to work. There very few area for the Knightmares to enter Shinjuku and she blocked most of them. Ever roads and underpass have been blocked with debris and removal of them will take a while. One of this area is a bridge that appears to be safe since it been swept to make sure, not explosive are on it.

The secret princess knows that the same trick she employed would be countered. But Clovis Advisors aren't as tactical savvy.

"Just a few dozen meters", she narrows her eyes, ready to get the order. It was a single white flag she used for a marker during the last operation. It was used to take down a small army.

Then the mass of soldiers stop.

"Nice try!",Clovis sneered,"I'm not falling for the same trick-"

Luluko can't help but smile that he fell for her trap.

"Alpha and Beta Squadron! Engage enemy group R-2!"

In an unexpected turn of events. 14 Knightmares ascend out of the pile of rumbles, holes hidden by broken down cars, and even from the water underneath the only intact bridge leading into Shinjuku.

"All unit engage!", Clovis ordered,"Kill them!"

On the battlefield, the Black Knights proved to be a worthy opponent as the unprepared Britannia found themselves torn into from the rear. The Black Knights hurry pass them as they shot down anything deemed a threat as well as running over unfortunate enemy vehicles and soldiers.

By the time the Britannia can react, the 14 KMFs disappear into the city with several squadrons of Sutherland in pursuit. Luluko detonates the IED with minimal damage to the army but helped to slow the advance now their holes in the ground.

Luluko got ready and order her Knights to move in a certain direction.

"They're here! Unit 2! Ambush them!",Luluko ordered.

In an instant, terrorists with small arms, anti heavy armor weapons, and heavy machine guns appear from the alleyways and within buildings. The Britannia was taken off guard as one by one they fall. Even the one who ejected was hunted down by 'hunter group' whose main purpose is to track and either kill or capture the down pilot.

Clovis reel back from the shock of losing a dozen knightmare within minutes.

"Curse Zero! Damn Infinite".the prince collapse into his throne chair as his hands grip the armrest tightly,"Stay close to each other! I don't want another pursue until I say so!"

The army continued their advance cautiously as they keep a close eye on everything around them. Every now and then, their skirmishes throughout the ghetto but the overwhelming number easily locate and route their enemy. The noose is slowly closing on Luluko forces at a steady rate.

"At this rate, the entirety of the Black Knights will be trapped in the center!",an advisor reported happily.

"I recommend ballistic missiles", another advisor added in,"Once we find the holdout, it would only be a matter of time.

"Check every corner and every rock! I want the tunnel sweep now!",Clovis orders in anticipation. It was unclear how many of the Black Knights were killed but causality is light considering who he's up again. Normally, Zero or Eternal would have emerged victorious or grant Clovis a pyrrhic victory for the last 4 years,"Victory is mine!"
It was so easy, but the problem is as they push closer to the center. The less the terrorists attack. The superior sum it up into successfully wiping out the enemy as they move along.

"Your majesty! We need to fall back!",a squadron leader reported in,"The ghetto is rig-"

The transmission cut off abruptly. What Clovis saw from the outskirt of Shinjuku is a synchronize explosion which is caused by explosive packed into hidden locations like cracks, inside rumbles, cars, and even within walls of buildings and pillars.

The explosive themselves weren't plentiful but were they placed to guarantee the maximum amount of damage. The roads craved under infantry platoons, VTOL is crushed by falling debris, Knightmare squadrons are crushed by buildings, entire skyscrapers become unmovable roadblocks, and a lot of dust was kicked up. A 10 stories concrete and glass building fell forward, within the general direction of the G-1. The tower missed it by 50 meters.

Clovis watches the scene, gritting his teeth. The dust and debris obscure the visual in front of them.

"We lost a third of our forces!"

"Casualty is mounting! The Black Knights are attacking Lazlo squad! 2nd Company under attack from all side!"

"Look out!"

That when it happens, the G-1 and it surrounding unit came under fire from the dense G-1 command room and communication system were targeted. A hail of bullets and missiles came at them before they can react. The command room was fired on by armor piercing bullets until it breaks, causing the occupant to duck underneath including Clovis who was tackled by a royal guard.

The staff on hand took cover as rounds from a KMF sniper rifle broke the G-1 defenses. What next was a single truck charging towards the G-1 it self with several dozen KMFs and vehicles carrying Black Knights and other terrorists personal? The predominant non-knightmare forces are Black Knights who rode in humvees and APC. While the rest are in civilian vehicles including smaller trucks, cars, and a few motorcycles.

Inside the dense cloud, Britannia forces are fighting a desperate battle as the Black Knights seemingly commit hit and run attack and disappearing. They fire from out of sight and disappear. The IFFs and communication system are down with the last word being the G-1 under attack.

A Chinese Knightmare sped past an entire squadron and fired on them. They responded in kind only to have it disappear again. The squadron fire in its general direction and received overwhelming fire back.

"Enemy at 5 O'clock!",a somewhat strange voice spoke over the comms.

It strange because it didn't sound Britannia. Unfortunately, no one has the time to look into it as the remaining forces in Shinjuku are under attack from every direction.

"I'm under attack at the town center!", a female voice.

In a fallen skyscraper, Luluko can't help but smile at the chaos. As she speaks, the Britannia are turning on each other while the bulk of her forces are assaulting the G-1. The few remaining are stirring chaos within the ranks of the soldiers still alive. Her Black Knights back at the command center are currently pretending to be the military officials calling false order to confuse the already disoriented soldiers.

Even in the ruined state, the Japanese can still figure out where they're at, unlike the Britannia. She heard a soldier saying,"I don't know where we're at! I can't read Japanese commander!"

"Look out! It a red Gl-", a knightmare, separated from his group was taken down by a slash harken. The Red Glasgow continue to tally up the death counts against the isolated unit.

The Shinjuku terrorists, knowing their own backyard, knew where to attack with ease.

If this wasn't a serious operation, Luluko and the Knights making a false claim over the enemy radio frequency would have been one of their comical highlights.

'The dust cloud should settle enough for the enemy to realize they're fighting their own', Luluko contemplated,"All unit within Shinjuku! Retreat! Head west and aid in breaking the line. Unit R-2, P-1, and P-3 move the Poison Gas through the tunnel. Guard it with your life!"

Meanwhile, Clovis and some crew members were able to make their way to the stairs, still under small arms fire. The window of the G-1 long gone as well as the top cover. The entire command area filled with bullet holes and bodies.

They weren't able to see or hear what happening on until they reach the secondary command hub. It smaller and often limited to use but it's blast proof and fills the role nicely. The radio was just a jumble mess of dozen of people speaking at once. It was difficult to distinguish who's fake or real. It only too them less than a minute to finally reach the area.

"Is that the-", Bartley's eye widened,"Your highness! It's that witc- poison gas!"

He caught himself before the secret leaked.

"Don't fire on it!",Clovis commanded knowing that if the poison gas capsule gets destroyed, there a higher chance of witnesses seeing 'her'.

Outside, the Black Knight begin their charge with the truck, supposedly holding the poison gas, directly toward the G-1 with covering fire from the terrorist cell. The Britannian nearby focus their fire on the hostile forces before they get too close. A few Knightmares and a dozen terrorists lost their lives in the charge.

Then, the Knightmare deploy smoke bombs and split off with the others, leaving the truck behind. The driver agrees fully to the plan, it was his duty to make sure everyone else lives. Clovis knew the intent by it was too late.

The Black Knights packed the truck full of explosive, enough to level a small city block.

"I'm sorry Kallen, Oghi...I'm coming to see you Naoto."

The truck rammed into the G-1 and exploded soon after, consuming the G-1 and nearby units in a massive fireball.


"We have to find another way!",Kallen's voice was heard as she begged her comrade to reconsider.

At the mouth of a subway tunnel, Black Knights unloaded the capsule and replace it with sakuradite explosives.

"Takeshi Nagata", Zero spoke with a sober tone,"Is the self-destruct wireless or manual?"

"Manual", he said as he took one final look at the picture,"Someone has to do it."

"Let me!"

"Ohgi!",Kallen screamed when she heard his brother best friend.

"Let Nagata do it", Zero commented,"I hate sacrificing men in such wasteful manner but know what you do here today will make you a hero to Japan. If you succeed, Japan will no longer have a Viceroy. I and my Order salute your bravery for going through with this. SoJapan will salute. You will be remembered, Nagata."

"Thank you, Zero."

Luluko hates the idea of Clovis dying before she gets to him. Unfortunately, She doesn't have a choice in the matter when a single death can bring about more recruits and increase the notoriety of the Black Knights. It the best option with the most to gain despite her dislike of tactics involving suicide. It really a win-win situation for everyone but Britannia and maybe China if the next Viceroy isn't as soft as her brother.

The princess leaned back in her knightmare and smiled.

See Suzaku, I can pretend to care about the pawns", She laughed,"I hope you're okay."


How long ago did I write this?

I have been working on other fanfic so that's why.

Not much to say other than R&R. Also, Death Note(Netflick) is a great comedy. And my addiction to Fate/Grand Order and the Fate series is slowly overpowering Code Geass. Sorry, Emperor Lelouch...Hail the Saberface!