Nothing or Forever

Summary: What if an event in the past cause Suzaku to not join the military but instead swear loyalty to the exiled princess, Luluko vi Britannia. How will this change affect the world? Fanfiction requests by Shiranai Atsune.

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Code 0

Suzaku PoV


I couldn't believe it. The attack came out of nowhere and the next thing I knew, most of my family and everyone that work for us. Gone.

The home I grew up in. My family shrine. The shrine I first met Luluko for the first...and second time. The first time I met Luluko vi Britannia,spoiled, arrogant Princess of an evil Empire. The second time, I met Luluko Lamperouge, devoted, caring sister and the first girl that not related to me, who I can call my best friend. A genius of a girl who really sweet and charming on the inside.

Nothing but a burning pile of debris as the former princess cry hysterically, knowing the only person left in the world is now gone. The only distinguishable feature is the front stone steps of my house as I remember seeing chalk drawings Luluko and I did just yesterday.

"No no! This can't be happening!",she screamed. I felt sorry for her. She was absolutely broken and what can I possibly do to help-no save her.

"Luluko we must go!",I try to convince her,"Nunnally died."

"Maybe there a bomb shelter underneath-"

"There isn't."

"She could be injured and-and trapped",she grabs my arm tightly.

"Think rationally",I spoke coldly. I must remain strong for her and mine sake.

"I DON'T BELIEVE YOU!",she attempted to run into the flame in a desperate attempt to search the still-burning house.

I quickly wrap both my arms around her waist to keep her from running directly into the inferno. Lulu frantically squirms, elbowed, and kicked me a few time before I did a quick turn and threw the princess in the opposite direction from the house. She landed roughly on the ground, ruining her dress.

"It can't be true",she gives up and pull her knee up to wept.

Maybe I'm too hard on her.

"Luluko, I'm sorry but we need to search for supplies and a safe zone",I kneel and was at eye level with her.

"Fine",she sobbed before the next thing she said was as clear as day," I. Will. Destroy. Britannia."

She looks directly at me and I instantly felt a chill run down my spine. Her eyes, when she first arrived, it was filled with sadness and rage. But now, all I see is hatred that almost demonic, lacking any bit of humanity in her violet orbs.

"Will you help me Suzaku?",she looked at me with a newfound determination.


Damn Charles, he wanted to kill Marianne children. I remember seeing the bombers, battleships firing into the harbor, and then one bomber strays from its flight path, directly to the Shrine her kids are at.

I was too late. At least it seems like it. The last thing I remember was looking up and seeing a black mass descend from the sky. My death was quick and painful as the intense heat evaporated me.

This definitely ranks one of the top 10 ways I died throughout my immortality. It seems to always involve fire.

Luluko PoV

I didn't feel anything but unrivaled hatred for my father and the unholy Empire of Britannia. I want to live long enough to see Britannia crumble. I want its armies and land razes like so many countries it subjugates. I want to see my father watch as the world around him falls apart. That when he has my permission to die.

But I can't do it alone. I need power, resources, a nation,and an army to accomplish my goal. And more importantly, I need allies I can trust. The only person I have left is the eldest son of the prime minister. So I ask him again.

"Suzaku Kururugi, will you help me destroy Britannia?"

I waited for him to answer me. I can tell he was hesitating.

Then a loud explosion from behind the house knock us off our feet and the next thing I knew I was being carried bridal style away from the scene. My ears were ringing and I was disoriented but he acted quickly as we leave the premise. I think he was yelling at me. Most likely to assure I'm going to be alright and that we're leaving.

Normal PoV

2 Days later

It has only been a few days since the bomb dropped. The prime minister son and former princess were heading to a government facility within central Japan were Suzaku father and most of the Japanese government are hidden. Within those two days, the children were scavenging for food and essentials. Luluko remains quiet ever since they left the shrine. She never brought up wanting Suzaku to join her again.

Suzaku can't help but be worried about his best friend condition until he spotted a soldier taking a smoke was near an armored military two were mostly taking back roads and crawling through bushes to avoid being caught in the crossfire. The soldier was only across the street and seem friendly.

Now an opportunity arises to get a ride to the top secret location and the moment he opens his mouth to tell her he was going to talk to him.

The docile girl started acting the one word a man should never say to a girl and another word that should not be mention to mediate a situation.

"Are you crazy?",Luluko drags him back into the forested area,"He may hurt us. No, hurt me! A former Britannian princess! In the middle of a country being invaded by my country."

She was whispering but it was too loud as the soldier look at their general direction. The princess and knight didn't notice him looking at them as they continue bickering.

"We're not walking the rest of the way to my dad. We need a ride and you need to head to the Ashford".

"But how do you know he won't try anything?!"

"He a soldier, who has enough common sense to distinguish between innocent and enemy. Seriously, Luluko calms down, you're acting crazy."

Meanwhile, the Japanese soldier silently prays to the poor boy, whoever he is for saying one of the many things to never utter to a woman or girl. You're crazy and calm down.

"CRAZY!?CRAZY?!",the 11th in line scream at the top of her lungs.

For the 2nd time, Suzaku felt insignificant in front of Luluko.

"Uhm..sorry, I-"


"Look I think-"

"Look?! YOU think?! Gawh! How retarded can you get?! Don't you see the bodies around us?! The mother dying trying to protect their child? We saw civilians willingly surrendering only to be shot in the back by soldiers?!"


"I WHAT!? I think Japanese soldier wouldn't do the same to Britannian in vengeance or pleasure? Face reality! Honor don't exist in war. Neither do paragon. The mere fact that you insist nothing will happen is naive! I lost Nunnally because the Emperor don't care about us. And in my eyes, you're trying to get us killed."

"I'm Not trying to get us killed!"


Luluko and Suzaku stop.

"Do you two need to be taken to safety I would be happy to help",The soldier approach causing Luluko to hide behind Suzaku all while whispering.

"If I die here and before I avenge my mother and Nunnally death. I will never forgive you Kugurugi"

"I would like if you can take us to Narita. Sir."

"The hideout? Why would you want to head there?",he asked.

"I need to see my father. The Prime Minister."

The Japanese soldier eyes widened and immediately spoke,"We gotta head over there immediately! Your father has been looking for you."

The man runs to the truck and quickly started it up.

Suzaku looks behind him at the cowering Princess,"I told you he nice."

"Shut up you dunce",she pushes him away and speeds walk to the truck.

The ride to Narita was grim as they pass towns burned to the ground and corpses of innocents left for the wild pack of animals and birds. Despite what the Japanese soldier who names is Yoji Itami, a sergeant in the JSDF, self-proclaimed otaku, and slacker. Attempts to lighten the mood to the ten-year-old in the truck.

"Suzaku, tell me. What would we tell Nunnally if she asked,what that smell as we pass body?",Luluko questioned the boy next to her.

"We're near a landfill",he spoke softly.

"What are you going to do once you see your father?"

"Tell him to stop fighting. Japan can't win against Britannian."

"I agree with you. Japan can't win, not now but in the future when the Empire focus is elsewhere",Luluko finished,"That when I will get my vengeance."

The Kururugi sensing it would develop into a full-blown argument kept his mouth shut.

"You never did tell me if you want to join my desire to obliterate Britannia. Did you?"

"We'll here."

The Narita mountain from the outside seems emptied at first glance until you notice civilians acting too uniform and constantly moving military supplies and manpower into various smaller tunnels and the main entrances itself to protect against surveillances from Britannia. Which mean the number of 'civilian' should be kept low to keep suspicion off the base. It would have been an issue if the place wasn't stockpiled years before.

Itami escort the two children to a secret front entrance. It was guarded by 2 long coat wearing 'civilian'. They nodded instead of saluting in case they being watched. Luluko was fearful as she hid behind Suzaku, one of the guards stared menacingly at her before taking a quick step forward and yelling,"boo."

The princess jumped back in fear.

"Not cool Aoki",Itami yelled at the one responsible before he shrugged.

As the trio travel deeper into the tunnel and actual uniformed Japan military personnel swarming about as they report the dire situation against Britannia. Many of the soldiers pay no attention to a Britannian. The few that did shot dirty glance before returning to their they walk to the command room, Suzaku realizes an important detail as to why Lulu was with him when she can easily ask Itami to drop her off near Tokyo.

"Lulu, tell me. I know you're smart enough to know that a Britannian Princess in enemy territory is suicide .So why are you here?",Suzaku knew Luluko well enough that her paranoia and intelligent would keep her far from a place like this.

The girl hiding behind him started speaking but it a tone he only heard around Nunnally and only Nunnally,"I wanted to make sure you will be okay before I leave. If I know you were in any danger. Even I wouldn't know what to do…I can't lose another I care highly for."

"I appreciate it",the three eventually got to the command center. Where everything is far more chaotic. Men ran around as the most prominent part of the storm of words are.

"We lost another town."

" 5th Company is being routed."

"We can't hold out much longer."

"We lost contact with Tokyo."

"Massive casualty civilian and military at Nagoya."

It was mostly bad news with good news sparse and far between that mostly about successful evacuation or Tohdoh successfully winning a battle against a regiment with only 500 troops.

The Prime Minister son ask one of the less busy soldiers were his father was and was pointed to another room.

"Stay here Luluko",he said,"keep an eye on her Itami."

"No problem kid", he picks up a doujinshi on a nearby counter.

"I swear Nunnally and mother. I will avenge you.",Luluko hissed under her breath. She looks over to the sergeant as he kept reading what she assumed are comic books, not paying the slightest attention to her.

'This may be a bad idea but I need to know he's okay',she thought and slip away from the otaku.

Approaching the door she opens it and found herself in a very long hallway to a wooden door. After running to the door and quietly opening it to see the room the Prime Minister was in felt more like a home or apartment than an office or anything military related in an underground base. It has wood floors,shoji walls, with a few traditional decoration like a wall fan and swords hanging on the wall or a cabinet. She also noticed the noise in the main control room is muffled from here.

"You can't keep fighting father! Please, innocent lives will be lost!",Suzaku pleaded before getting viciously backhand. Luluko hid around a corner watching them. She was infuriated by how the prime minister was treating his son.

"Foolish child! You wish to dishonor your own country! Those Britannian Princesses or princess must have made you weak minded. Don't you see boy! This the right course of action and if you don't see it",he dials another number,"Then I will use the 3rd Princess she will surely demoralized them when I send a hand back to the Emperor."

"YOU BASTARD!",he yelled in rage, the soon to be a knight of Luluko grab a Japanese sword and ram it into the abdomen of his off guard father. The phone was dropped in shock as the man clutch his hands around the blade in his stomach. He looks into his son frightened and regretful emerald eyes in pain and shock.

"Why~?",he was in disbelief.

"No no no. I-I didn't mean-"

"You didn't kill him",the two Kugurugi turn to see the princess with a stern face.

With all her strength, the little girl rush toward the Prime Minister and with the palm of her hand, push the blade further in until the tip pieces the man back and cloth. Suzaku was absolutely stunned by the turn of event as the Britannian princess jump back before the Prime Minister try to grab her. She looks into his eyes with zero remorse and emotion. As the life drain from Suzaku father and his blood decorate the floor.

She said,"man like you what make this world a horrible place. Man like you only think about pride above all else. That is why I kill you."

The man drops his head and his eyes closed signifying he passed on. A calm and collected Luluko turn to her traumatized Suzaku.


The princess sigh,"Listen to me. I want you to say, Luluko vi Britannia killed my father."

"N-No you didn't. I did",he stuttered.

" only wound him. I'm the one that killed him. I don't want you to carry the guilt. So please, if this gets out…I want you to say,Luluko vi Britannia killed the Prime Minister",Luluko face was saddened,"please. I beg you."

"I can't say it",tears started to fall. Luluko bravely steps in front of the crying boy and took both his hands in hers.

"Suzaku. Look at my hands. It the one with blood on it",she raises both their hands in front of them,"Just say it."

"*sniff*Lu-luluko vi Br-itannia...k-killed m-my father."

"Say it properly."

"Luluko vi Britannia killed my father",he spoke clearly this time.

"Thank you Suzaku",she smiled and allow the boy to cry on her shoulder.

The sound muffled the sound of chaos in the main control room was silent before the sound of applause were heard. The two perk up and distinctly hear Toudoh name being chanted.

"Toudoh?",the princess uttered before footsteps heard the door.

"We should call you Toudoh the Miracle Worker my friend",Taizō Kirihara congratulate.

"I'm sure Geben going to be happy to hear about this",Toudoh answer back,"But we'll far from winning the war."

"Crap! Suzaku, we gotta hide",the princess started to look around the room for a mean of escape.

The underground 'apartment' didn't have any Windows that lead outside or any immediate mean of escape. They were trapped.

Luluko spotted a bathroom and a low hanging air vent large enough from two ten years old to get, though. The only problem is that it screw shut. She then thought of something insane but it might just work.

The raven hair girl drags Suzaku toward the door that presumably two people are going to enter. They hid behind the door and hope the sight of the dead Prime Minister can buy them time to slip out unnoticed. She figured Suzaku would have stood around waiting for them to arrive and receive his punishment or have it covered up.

Once the door opened, hiding the two kids from view, whatever jubilant mood they have beforehand was wash away as the man of miracle and the house of Kyoto member spotted the prone form of Genbu Kururugi. Luluko grabs Suzaku hand and they gingerly sneak out the room, crouch and speed walk down the hallway, and sprinted out. They past soldiers who continue to carry on their day like before and some outright celebrating with sake and singing.

Who knows the ramification of not seeing the killer. It became apparent when the alarm sound and the next thing they heard is,"ALL PERSONAL! The Prime Minister has been assassinated! All personal search for anyone suspicious and bring them back alive!"

The entire mountain was in an uproar as the man armed them and search for the assassin. The two children were frightened beyond belief as JSDF search every corner and every crevice for the intruder. They expect the assailant to be either a traitor or a sneaky Britannian. But they didn't know the culprits were half the size of an adult.

Luluko and Suzaku were ignored with the occasional passerby telling them to be careful or if they saw anyone acting shady. Luluko tries wiping the blood on her hands away whenever she can,but the residue stayed behind.

That when they got to one of the secondary entrance to the base they were halted by a JSDF private asking about why the dead prime minister son was leaving with a Britannian.

Fortunately,the 3rd Princess lied her way to leaving,"My friend want to get some fresh air. We just say his father body. H-We*sob*"

Luluko started to sob uncontrollably with Suzaku guilty or from the soldier's perspective,traumatized expression adding to the effect.

"Okay okay",he calmed,"You can leave. Just be careful out there."

"*sob*thank you",Luluko walk out hand in hand. Once they were far enough,Lulu stops sobbing, wiped the tears away, and smirked to Suzaku surprise. They climb a ladder and opens the trap door to a wood cabin.

"There no turning back now",They were outside and sighted the town below. The mountain air is cool and breezy. The landscape is heavily forested, barely affected by the artificial tunnels below.

"What next?"

"Come join me. Destroy the Empire responsible for all of this."

"I don't know if I should."

"There no one left for you to go to. No family and no friends. Nothing and no one to live for. The Ashford family are loyal to my mother and by extension me. They will take us in. And from there I will find the mean to take my revenge",she spoke calmly with a slight tone of longing,"I can't do it alone. I need you Suzaku."

The Japanese boy thought about it for a while before coming up with his answer and kneeling to the Princess surprise and amusement,"Remember that speech I made that embarrassed you in front of Nunnally and Kaguya?"

I think it fits the moment",Luluko knows the specified incident Suzaku refer to.

"I Suzaku Kururugi,vow my loyalty to my Princess Luluko Lamperouge. Her white knight in shining armor."

"And I accept your vow. Now raise my Knight. Its time for us to leave."

"How are we going to leave?"

"Itami left the keys in the truck",Lulu guided her knight to where the truck is parked. She memorizes the location in case they need to escape.

"We can't drive."

"If I can handle myself in a KMF simulator then I can drive...Just find a pile of books or a log for me to sit on and you man the gas pedal and break",she listed,"We only need to keep the stick shift on drive and Tokyo will be in our sight as long as we take the back road and avoid patrol from either side."

Suzaku can't help but sweat dropped at his princess reasoning and plan.

Deep down he couldn't believe he agreed to join Luluko on her vendetta. But it too late to turn back now.

'I can't believe I killed I must convince myself...Luluko killed my father not me. Luluko killed my father. Luluko killed my father. And I can't hate her for it',The white knight looks up at the sky,'I think I made the right choice.'

A/N: Luluko in Nothing or Forever is a more extreme, darker version of Luluko in Alternate Rebellion.

Luluko in NoF:

-More dependent on Suzaku(Luluko in AR knows Suzaku is a threat if he doesn't join her and need to be dealt with)

-If she messes with her opponent. It more sadistic and crueler and make everything Luluko in AR seem justified and merciful. Which is saying A LOT.

-Trust issues besides Suzaku.

-Have a far more intense hatred for Britannia.

Now R&R.

Lady Zero commands it.