AN: There's a long AN at the end for people that are old readers and people that have read my old works.

Just a heads up, while this is mainly a RWBY story with a strong The Gamer element, since games and game elements will be so big as a result, different characters and elements from various games will be included to broaden the myths and legends of Remnant such as the story of the Four Maidens. There may also be some self made stories and characters as well to fleshen the story.



The city of Vale, the only city mighty and influential enough to be regarded as a city-state. A kingdom. One of the few powers great enough on Remnant to be regarded as such, its influence expanded past its borders.

Some were well known, the island city of Patch, home to Signal Academy, a solid school for young, aspiring hunters as well as your everyday student.

However there even smaller communities, most of which actually remain unnamed.

Sometimes small villages, and other times nothing more than a peaceful cabin or cottage in the middle of nowhere. Places where hunters of all kinds like to just take root, away from the chaos and hustle of city life, where families can be made and people can live however they please, away from the ever-judging eye of society.

Remnant is a dangerous place, where you can die any day. Some felt that to offset this, they should have as many powerful kids as possible, to prevent the possibility of your legacy being lost to the ravages of time.

The Arc clan was one such family.

The recently deceased Aurum Arc was an only child and for the longest time, the only remaining member of the Arc line. The rich history of the Arcs, which had once contained some of the greatest military heroes in history as well as politicians who could charm even babies to donate their favorite toys for a better cause had been reduced to a single boy who was, tragically orphaned at a young age and yearned for family.

It was his dream to find love and make the biggest family that he could.

That was probably how he fell in love with five different women… and consecutively got them all knocked before attempting to convincing them that even if he had to be juggled amongst them, that he would make them happy, and would not leave their children wanting of love. He claimed that even with the potentially short life span of a Hunter, if he left enough siblings, that through their love for each other they would forever have family.

That they would never know the bitter loneliness that plagued his early years.

The lovely women in question, being Huntresses themselves, found themselves surprisingly open minded enough after severely beating their soon to be husband within an inch of his life and seeing how utterly sure of himself, that they claimed they would be willing to at least try.

And try they did.

Aurum wasn't a perfect man, but he managed to hold his word to make them happy.

He built large cabins with his own hands for the sake of his family, walls to keep out the Grimm, and created after only a month of sleepless effort to build a small village, just for him, his wives, and their soon to be born children.

Within months of each other, four of the five gave birth, with one Huntress suffering from an unfortunate miscarriage.

Even though her own baby was lost to the tragedy, and scarred by her fear of another accident, the woman loved and treated the four living children, all girls, like her own. As unlikely as it seemed they were a true family, one that no matter how odd they may have been to society, that none who saw their happy smiles could deny.

After a few years of coaxing and unable to live with her jealousy, as another two wives gave birth to two more precious baby girls, she was finally again blessed with child. This time she gave birth to a wonderful, healthy baby girl with the most striking sky blue eyes that the Arc family had ever seen.

But perhaps tragedy was simply in the Arc blood.

Aurum was poisoned by an unknown Grimm when he was off on a mission as a Hunter, needing the lien to help pay for new tools for their little family farm. It was a powerful, albeit slow poison. One that did not eat away at the body, but at aura itself.

A rare, never before seen Grimm poison aimed at the reflection of the human soul.

Aurum did not last more than four years as he slowly withered away from a fit, healthy man to nothing but a husk in front of his teary eyed wifes and daughters.

But Aurum left one, final legacy.

Just one.

With his last breath, he witnessed the birth of his first, final, and only son.

He was named Jaune, in hopes that maybe the light of his soul would not be worn away by the tragedies that would inevitably seek him. That perhaps if he was stained yellow and not gold, that shine wouldn't shine quite bright enough for fate to turn his way. That he could live a peaceful life an through him the Arc line could continue.

Little Jaune Arc would grow up without ever knowing his father, but always hearing about him. His sisters would retell their fondest memories of their daddy, who showed them how to slay the creatures of darkness that threatened their world, how he helped them with their first weapon swings, the camping trips, and occasional foray into the city of Vale.

He would always be told by his many mothers how he undoubtedly has his father's nose, his hair, the silly grin he would get when something tickled his funny bone…

To the females of the Arc family, Jaune was their precious treasure. A spitting image of his father and a kind and gentle child who represented the hope and light that Aurum left behind.

For Jaune, he was a shadow. A shadow so deep, so large, that every day he felt that he was drowning. From playing house and always being forced to play the father, to the pampering from his mothers who would ramble for hours on end about how they fell in love with Aurum, and how much Jaune reminds them of him, Jaune felt that one day, he would no longer be able to escape. To grow out of that shadow and become his own person.

Aurum had wanted such lavish attention and love.

But Jaune was not Aurum.

From a young age he knew that he was stuck. He loved his sisters, he loved his mothers, but although they loved him, they loved Aurum more. And he had become his father's replacement.

He found solace in some of the things his father had left behind, ironically enough. One, an old book, on a legend about the chosen ones of Gaia, a world that was hypothesised to have possibly been what Remnant had been originally called many a millenia ago. The other was a very old game system, with only one game remaining that the game could still run.

It was a simple RPG, nothing more than the generic story of a boy wanting to be a hero, who ended up fulfilling that wish as he saved his kingdom from destruction.

And Jaune loved every minute of it.

As simple as it was, it could have multiple endings, many different ways you could make and build your character, and Jaune lucked into building the most game breaking builds that were never patched out of the game.

In one playthrough he was a pirate, a juggernaut of an axe-wielding swashbuckler that could not be stopped, in another a sniper that could shoot the wings off a fly, and dealing truly massive damage in the form of crits, and even a few magic casters that could one shot most any foe.

He yearned for his life to be more like that game.

Perhaps if he worked hard enough, he could one day grow out of his father's shadow. That being a videogame character could open up the door to growing stronger than his father ever could. To be something more than his father.

A hero.

But even Jaune knew such things would be impossible.

I mean, even if he unlocked his aura, there was no way that such a thing could happen.

All he could do is dream.

You slept in a bed and had a comfortable night's sleep. HP, SP, & AP have been restored by 100%. Your Ailments & Status Inflictions have been cured.

This… had to be a dream…


Jaune stared at the message box floating in front of him.

He shook his head.

Pinched his cheeks.

Gave them a slap.

You slept in a bed and had a comfortable night's sleep. HP, SP, & AP have been restored by 100%. Your Ailments & Status Inflictions have been cured.

"...ha ha…. I'm… I'm not dreaming..."

A face-splitting grin bloomed on his face.

He whooped for joy, only for his bedroom door to slam open and a slipper hit him in the face, knocking him onto his back.

"Geez Jaune, you're ten years old. You should know better to make so much noise in the morning."

A pretty brown skinned girl, wearing a turquoise t-shirt that showed off her midriff and black yoga pants walked into his room, shaking her head as her large hoop earrings jangled merrily. A circle containing a white, five petaled flower with a yellow center was emblazoned on her shirt as well as a bronze lamp that resembled a pressed and elongated teapot hung from her hip with the same marking.

She plucked her missing slipper from Jaune's bed as the young boy rubbed his face in mock pain.

She rolled her eyes at his groaning before kissing his forehead lightly.

"There, I kissed it away. Better?"

"Yeah, but I really wish you'd stop throwing your shoe at me, Jasmine." Jaune huffed as he rubbed his reddened nose.

"That's because somebody has to keep you from waking up everyone in the cabins. I don't know how a little brat like you wakes up at 6AM all the time." Jasmine replied, chuckling. "How you manage to wake up like this without any Hunter training is beyond me."

"I'm ready for Hunter training's why. I was born ready!"

Jasmine pursed her lips tiredly.

"Jaune you know you don't HAVE to be a Hunter, you know. You're a smart kid and you don't have to fight. You could become anything that involves danger."

"But I wanna be a Hunter!" he protested, pouting as he crossed his arms.

For being acknowledged for the first time for intelligence, INT & WIS increase by +3!

Jaune blinked in surprise as the notification popped up in his face, almost making the young boy yelp in surprise.

He scrunched his face further in thought as he wondered if he should share the details of his current situation with his sister. However, the greedy child in him won out as he thought that it'd be nice to have his very own secret all to himself for the first time.

Having such a large family a his meant that he really didn't often get such a luxury as there were no secrets amongst family in the little Arc village.

Besides, he'd be fine. If things ever seemed or got too dangerous for him to handle he could just run to his family at the first moment. All of his moms had been Huntresses and all of his sisters were training to become one as well.

Jaune Arc was a very well protected child.

For calculated future planning, you receive +1 INT!

"What's with the grin baby brother?" Jasmine sighed, seeing a gleeful glint appear in his eyes.

"Nothing." Jaune replied, a little too quickly for Jasmine's taste, causing her to narrow her eyes.

"Alright but I'm watching you."

Watching his seventeen year old sister leave the room, Jaune quickly blurted out variou words to understand his powers.


Name : Jaune D Arc

Age: 10

Sex: Male

Class: Young Blessed One

Title: The Gamer

Affiliation: Arc Clan (Heir), Chosen of Gaia (Legendary)

Level 3

Exp: 122/550

HP: 230/230

SP: 190/190

AP: 670/670

Strength: 4

Vitality: 8

Agility: 7

Dexterity: 8

Intelligence: 15

Wisdom: 9

Charisma: 11

Luck: 1

Stat Points: 15

Jaune glared at the text in front of him.

"I'm not that weak!" he grumbled, dumping five points to STR.

He then glared at his truly abysmal LUK stat. Then sighed as he dropped five points into that as well.

No wonder he never seemed to get away with anything. His luck was literally scraping the bottom of the barrel!

Still, Jaune had to grudgingly admit that he had some decent stats going for him as a level 3.

Or so he hoped.

A quick muttering from the word abilities to skills, Jaune found more interesting things.

Status will now be updated in regards to the now unlocked Skills List!


Arc Clan Heir (Passive) - Lv Max -You are the sole son of the Arc Clan and without your passing none may claim such an illustrious title! Grants 1500 Max Ap. +5 to Vitality. 10% increase to all stats.

Aura (Passive) - Lv 1/? (0% EXP) - Thine soul unleashed, thy freedom seek. Upon thy temple, spirit doth reap. True thirst begins, ye hunger reigns. ◇●¤ begets the purest £□°■ . O'er horizon keep, will thy blade. Ye Beacon sleep. 30% boost to All Stats.

Blessed One (Young) [Class Passive] - Lv Max -You have been chosen by the fragmented and broken spirit of the moon. Base level growth has been raised from +2 to All Stats to +4 to All Stats.

Body Conditioning (Passive) - Lv 4/50 (41%) - Growing up outside of the protection of the borders of a Kingdom has strengthened your body. +4% EXP Gain.

Gamer's Body (Passive) - Lv Max - Your body is now that of a video game character. It no longer obeys the proper Law and Designation of the world. Your body is a temple, your Domain unchangeable, now and forever.

Gamer's Mind (Passive) - Lv Max -You possess an altered mind that obeys Parameters that is separate from the Standard Bias Measurement of the world. Immunity to all Mind Damage, Mind Debuffs, and Inner Discord.

Law of D (Passive) - Lv Max -You are one of the fated 13 pieces of ●¤ . You will gain the Parameter of ◇●¤ . +25 to VIT & STR every 10 levels.

The Gamer - Lv Max - Your life has now become a video game. Your Parameters now override the Predetermined Result of actions taken by yourself within your Domain.

"...whoa… Blessed One and Law of D are amazing… All the stat gains…" Jaune hurriedly wiped drool away with the back of his hand. "I gotta learn how to level up."

He ignored the corrupted text as trying to read it or think about what it could be resulted in sharp pains in his head.



Quest: Level Up!

Details: The world is your oyster! Go out find missions, quests, and battle fearsome monsters for shiny loot and tasty EXP and level up!

Reward: Bonus Level! Boosted (x2) EXP until Lvl 30!

Failure: Stay a loser until you hit 17 Years Old.

Time Limit: 7 Days.

Yes / No

"Well that's rude…" Jaune grumbled as he hit yes. "At least I have a full week. I'm only level three. This should be easy enough. I should recheck my updated status so I know my limits."

For understanding your abilities and limits, you gain +1 WIS!


Name : Jaune D Arc

Age: 10

Sex: Male

Class: Young Blessed One

Title: The Gamer

Affiliation: Arc Clan (Heir), Chosen of Gaia (Legendary)

Level 3

Exp: 122/550

HP: 360/360

SP: 250/250

AP: 2170/2170

Strength: 13(12.7) [Base:9]

Vitality: 18(18.2) [Base:13]

Agility: 10(9.8) [Base:7]

Dexterity: 11(11.2) [Base:8]

Intelligence: 21(21) [Base:15]

Wisdom: 13(13) [Base:10]

Charisma: 14(14.4) [Base:11]

Luck: 8(8.4) [Base:6]

Stat Points: 5

"Wow that looks complicated." Jaune grimaced. "At least I know the stats round up to whole numbers. Every last point is gonna help."

Jaune quickly jumped to his closet and changed into long sleeved orange shirt, a thick black vest, and jeans. Jumping into the slippers by the foot of his bed he quickly scampered out of his room, heading for the kitchen.

"I'll get killed if they find out, but I need to find some weak Grimm outside if I wanna level quickly. My stats should be good enough to fight something and worst case, my Aura Points are ten times my HP. I got some wiggle room." Jaune muttered as he dug through the drawers for a kitchen knife that his family would not notice missing.

As a family of mostly females, the Arc Clan actually kept a PLETHORA of weapons around the house, in case of unsavory intruders. While most of them had some sort of lock that Jaune didn't know the codes for, there were a lot of knives and small daggers of assorted types scattered through the five cabins that made up the Arc Clan village.

Still being the youngest, Jaune was TECHNICALLY not allowed to touch any of them without permission or in an extreme emergency.

And being a loser for seven years of his life seemed drastic and emergency-like to Jaune.

"Still, I don't know where they keep the good knives." Jaune pouted as he whisked his head from side to side, doing his best to make sure that Jasmine or any of the other Arcs were awake/keeping an eye on him.

He stared hard at a meat cleaver wondering just how good it would be against a Grimm.

Due to close and focused scrutiny, a new skill has been created!

Observe - Lv1/10 (8% EXP) - Through Observation, may the Parameter of Objects and Denizens of the world be visible to you.

Lv 1 - Allows you to see the Name, Level, and Title of Denizens/Foes

Allows you to see the Name & Basic Parameter of Objects.

Cost: 5 AP

Jaune smiled like a madman.

'Information is power' was his sister Belle's favorite saying, and personally he couldn't help but agree.

And now he had a skill that would give him information on anybody and anything, and it wasn't even max level yet! AND IT ONLY COST 5 AP!

Spamming Observe on multiple drawers of knives of variou kinds, Jaune finally came down to two knives.

Shore Cleaver

+20 Damage

+5 STR

Stainless Steel Honesuki

+10 Damage

+2 AGI

Applies Bleed (Stackable to 5) for 5DPS per Stack (Lasts 15 Sec, Stacks do not refresh)

While the damage of the Honesuki knife wasn't anything to write home about, its Bleed effect was NOT something to be ignored. Just by landing one hit with the triangular kitchen knife would add a whopping 75 damage. It also added a small AGI buff to help land those hits faster. Meanwhile the Shore Cleaver which was just a very well crafted meat cleaver with rippling patterns that rose from the edge to the spine of the knife. It simply had the best damage and the highest stat boost out of all the knives he could get his hands on.

Most of them only did a measly bonus 3 to 5 damage, so Jaune felt pretty happy with his find.

"Ok. Bag. Uh, Backpack! Inventory?"

Another window appeared in front of him now, with a large grid of small squares, a surprisingly respectable 12x12. At the top it also displayed to Jaune that he had 0 Lien. Not too surprising considering that he got neither an allowance nor had he even finished one quest or killed one monster.

Shoving the knives into the inventory slots, as the blades curiously rippled out of existence, he turned to the fridge to grab some food he could take with him and eat quickly.

It didn't take long for him to shove a dozen apples into the inventory, happily noting that items could stack. He also made a few simple ham and cheese sandwiches, casting Observe on it all to note that while the apples restored 30AP, the sandwiches provided a +2 VIT as well as a solid 100HP.

Now a solid 160AP shorter and munching on an apple, Jaune quickly left the cabin as quietly as he could, as the rest of the Arcs should start waking up soon and not wanting to be seen leaving the safety of the village walls without permission or supervision.

He could get away with it for a couple hours as he was known for lightly wandering around the edges of the village and just a little beyond the walls, which was all the exploring he was allowed.

He just had to avoid being out for longer than three hours or the matriarchs of the Arc family would have his ass on a platter.

Surprisingly, it didn't take Jaune too long to come across his first Grimm.

Name: Gorebuck

Lvl: 5

Title: Advancing Horns of Shadow

Jaune was positioned in a tree looking around from high ground when he spotted the Gorebuck. It was a deerlike Grimm known for their speed and piercing horns, but they were undoubtedly the DUMBEST Grimm in all of Remnant. They did not have the brains to turn mid-charge and are easily sidestepped and only cease charging when they run into an object, such as a tree. However this meant that they often end up slowly blunting their sharp horns and slowly losing their offensive power the longer they remained alive.

Being level five this particular Gorebuck had very dull horns and was missing one half the right side horn entirely, causing it to tilt its head to the left and move diagonally as it trotted dumbly below Jaune.

Seeing the opportunity present itself, Jaune leapt down, luckily perfectly sinking his blades into the Gorebuck's neck, killing it instantly.

UNLUCKILY, he also landed poorly from a tall height taking large 143AP Damage as he would have normally broken his ankles.

"Ow! DAMMIT!" Jaune hissed as he massaged his ankles the best he could.

270 EXP Gained! (392/550)

Skill Gained!

Sword Mastery - Lv 1/10 (14%) - Mastery over swords of all kinds, from daggers to longswords. 10% Damage Bonus. Damage Bonus increases by 10% per level.

Backstab! - Lv 1/5 (84%) - Deals a bonus 50/100/150/200/250% damage depending on skill level. Increases crit chance 10/20/30/40/50% depending on skill level. Costs 30 SP.

Improved Crits! - Lv 1/20 (47%) - Crits normally deal double damage. Make that more powerful with an additional 5% damage per level!

"Ugh, those skills are pretty good, but I didn't level up. Come on! I want that boosted exp reward so bad." Jaune sighed as he picked up the kitchen knives. "Huh. Oh! That's right! They drop loot!"

Jaune happily picked up 15 Lien and a Grimm Mask Fragment.

It appeared that the Fragment was a low quality crafting item, but Jaune honestly had no idea what you could use pieces of Grimm for.

It just seemed… odd.

Jaune didn't even know that Grimm could leave body parts behind.

"I'd think that we'd have some kind of trophies lying around here and there if that was the case… at least two of the moms are always out on a mission at any given time. Maybe it's from The Gamer skill. It dropped money too after all. And that definitely doesn't make sense."

Jaune wandered further into the forest, unfortunate enough to not come across another Grimm.

He grumbled as he spammed Observe dozens upon dozens of times on random trees and plants around him, leveling it up to 2.

Observe - Lv2/10 (3% EXP) - Through Observation, may the Parameter of Objects and Denizens of the world be visible to you.

Lv 2 - Allows you to see the Name, Level, HP/SP/AP, and Title of Denizens/Foes.

Allows you to see the Name & Lesser Parameter of Objects.

Cost: 5 AP

"This is seriously getting bad… I guess I should start heading back soon… how have I not found ANY more Grimm? Is this why the time limit is seven days?"

Jaune sighed in frustration as he munched on another apple. He had already been eating a lot of apples to recover AP due to his Observe spamming, just so he'd hover near full just in case. Jaune found it interesting that no matter how much he ate he never felt full. But he didn't really feel hungry after two hours of walking, even before he began eating the apples, so perhaps it was also explained by Gamer's Body.

Most video game characters only ate for stat buffs after all.

A loud shriek of fear in the distance suddenly made him drop the half eaten apple out of surprise.



Quest: Save the Damsel!

Details: A cry for help is heard in the distance! Prove yourself worthy of being a hero! Take your first step in proving that you're truly Hunter material! Save the girl and gain bonus rewards for fulfilling bonus objectives.

Reward: 5000 EXP, Gauntlets of Sunrise. Bonus: +Affection with [?], +Affection with [?], Perk [?], Skill Book of [?].

Failure: Death. Death of [?]. Death of [?].

Time Limit: Intervention by [?]

Yes / No

"...DAMMIT!" Jaune cried out as he bolted full speed at the origin of the screaming.

If he didn't succeed, three people would die.

The choice to save someone's life was on his hands.

He prayed that he would not fail as he hit Yes, arms pumping desperately to reach the location on time.

Your actions have resulted in the creation of a new skill!

Dash - Lv 1/50 (17%) - Allows for either a short 1 second burst of double AGI for 15 SP or increase running speed by 30% for 1 SP/Sec.

It didn't take long for Jaune to get visual on the situation.

A small pack of Beowolves had two girls surrounded, a blonde girl of Jaune's age with long wavy hair like sunbeams and a little girl who looked younger than Jaune himself in a little red handcart, sleepy silver eyes slowly filling with fear as she understood the drastic situation she and the blonde were in.

Jaune instantly appeared behind the Beowolf closest the the blonde girl, which already had a clawed paw raised to strike.

"EAT BACKSTAB!" Jaune spat as he shoved the Honesuki into the Grimm's back before letting go and performing a two handed swing with his Cleaver into the point where the neck of the Grimm met its shoulder.

The Beowolf slowly turned around as if in shock as it began to fade away into nothingness. Turns out that although the skill is called Backstab, it applied to all attacks to the back of the opponent, as Jaune noticed two flashes of -30SP appear in his vision.

150 EXP Gained! (542/550)

Unfortunately, that realization distracted him long enough to be unable to pick up his Honesuki and be struck aside, launching him into a tree. He lost 220AP from the first blow and an additional 24AP from crashing into the tree, causing the blonde girl to shriek in terror as she fell back, tears beginning to stream down her face as the boy that saved her was suddenly tackled out of her vision.

1583/2170 AP

Jaune grit his teeth as he shakily got back up, Cleaver pointed at the remaining Beowolves. He had gained a huge blow against the pack as he managed to instantly take one of the Grimm out of the equation, but had lost the element of surprise and was left fighting seven more, disarmed of one of his weapons and forced to protect two girls who clearly weren't in a state to fight even if they had the training to do so.

A brief flash of absolute terror struck his heart before he became eerily focused and calm.

Gamer's Mind has rewritten Inner Discord (Terror Stage 3). Standard Parameter restored.

No, he could still do this.

150/250 SP

He didn't have to win.

The Quest stated that there would be an intervention from an unknown person.

Hopefully it was one of his family members or a family member of the two girls, preferably a Hunter.

10 Dashes total if he gave up fighting to be a pure distraction, with some minor hit and run strikes here and there.

5 Backstabs if used economically, he could theoretically cut down a few Grimm.

Jaune had no idea how fast his SP would recover, if it even did at all. There was a mild numbness in the body that made it obvious to him that SP was likely Stamina Points. He needed one Dash to get his Honesuki back. That knife was huge for his DPS at the moment. If he struck with both blades at the same time, maybe, just maybe, it would only take enough SP to count as one Backstab.

But his advantage was that all of the Beowolves were currently fully focused on him because of his sudden arrival, and he was only 8 EXP from a level up, which would complete his first Quest and give him another level on top of that.

"...and I can take about seven hits with Aura alone… I can do this…"

He dashed behind the Beowolf that tackled him and picked up his dropped Honesuki and used the remaining third of a second to amplify the power of his Backstab as he crashed into the Grimm like an arrowhead.

120 EXP Gained! (662/550)

Backstab! has leveled up!

Backstab! - Lv 2/5 (9%) - Deals a bonus 50/100/150/200/250% damage depending on skill level. Increases crit chance 10/20/30/40/50% depending on skill level. Costs 30 SP.

You have leveled up!

Your SP and AP have been fully restored!


Name : Jaune D Arc

Age: 10

Sex: Male

Class: Young Blessed One

Title: The Gamer

Affiliation: Arc Clan (Heir), Chosen of Gaia (Legendary)

Level 4

Exp: 122/800

HP: 360/640

SP: 430/430

AP: 2920/2920

Strength: 18(18.2) [Base:13]

Vitality: 24(23.8) [Base:17]

Agility: 15(15.4) [Base:11]

Dexterity: 17(16.8) [Base:12]

Intelligence: 25(25.2) [Base:18]

Wisdom: 20(19.6) [Base:14]

Charisma: 21(21) [Base:15]

Luck: 14(14) [Base:10]

Stat Points: 10

Quest Complete!

Quest: Level Up!

Details: The world is your oyster! Go out find missions, quests, and battle fearsome monsters for shiny loot and tasty EXP and level up!

Reward: Bonus Level! Boosted (x2) EXP until Lvl 30!

You have leveled up!

Your SP and AP have been fully restored!


Name : Jaune D Arc

Age: 10

Sex: Male

Class: Young Blessed One

Title: The Gamer

Affiliation: Arc Clan (Heir), Chosen of Gaia (Legendary)

Level 5

Exp: 0/1300 (x2 Boost until Lv30)

HP: 360/810

SP: 620/620

AP: 3260/3260

Strength: 24(23.8) [Base:17]

Vitality: 29(29.4) [Base:21]

Agility: 21(21) [Base:15]

Dexterity: 22(22.4) [Base:16]

Intelligence: 31(30.8) [Base:22]

Wisdom: 25(25.2) [Base:18]

Charisma: 27(26.6) [Base:19]

Luck: 20(19.6) [Base:14]

Stat Points: 15

"... I can do this… I can win… I WILL WIN!" Jaune leapt back dodging a blow as he poured 10 Stat Points into AGI and 5 into STR.

Dash to Backstab.

130 EXP Gained! (130/1300)

Dash to Backstab.

100 EXP Gained! (230/1300)

Dash to Backstab.

140 EXP Gained! (370/1300)

Dash to Backstab.

125 EXP Gained! (495/1300)

Dash to Backstab.

160 EXP Gained! (655/1300)

Dash to Backstab.

90 EXP Gained! (545/1300)

Jaune fell to his knees as he slew the last of the Beowolves, having used 310 SP in such a quick burst was surprisingly exhausting, but not too surprising as he had used up exactly half of his Stamina in less than a half minute.

"Is… is it over?" one of the girls asked, timidly.

Jaune couldn't tell which one, still trying to catch his breath.

"I… think so. That should be…"

He tensed.

Where was the Alert? When he Leveled UP, the Alert appeared so immediately.



It couldn't be…


The pack leader! How could he forget! All the Beowolves that he fought were obviously just pack grunts if he could dispose of them that quickly.

The trees blurred in his vision as a vicious blow struck him in the side of his head as he was launched into the red handcart, eliciting twin shrieks of concern and fear as he bowled the smaller girl over.

Critical Blow Sustained!

-2970 AP!

"Huh, your hair's red." Jaune muttered more to himself than the girl in his dazed state, "It's so dark it looked black from a distance…"

Gamer's Body has reimposed its Domain. Degradation (Concussion Grade 2) reverted. Standard Parameter restored.

Jaune blinked as his head instantly cleared and rolled back onto his feet.


Name: Lesser Alpha Beowolf

Level: 13

Title: One Leader Under Evil (Boss)

HP: 4030/4100

SP: 1805/2300


"...Oh poop."

The Alpha Beowolf roared loud enough to make his ears ring and his hair to fly back wildly from the wind pressure alone. Jaune's vision blurred and his mind went white.

Gamer's Mind has rewritten Inner Discord (Fear Stage 4). Standard Parameter restored.

Jaune thanked the Gamer Skills in his head. It saved him three times already. That meant he would have failed three times had he been a normal person.

"But I'm not…" Jaune used Dash and struck the inner forearm of the Alpha with the Honesuki. "...I'm not normal."

Another blow, another Bleed Stack.

"...I'm going to be a Hunter."

He winced as he took a glancing blow, the claws of the Alpha demolishing his remaining 290AP and taking 140HP damage as well.

AP has run out!

AP will not recover for 5 Min!

"No matter what…" Jaune shoved a sandwich in his mouth and simply swallowed, Gamer's Body allowing him to ignore the logical need to properly chew his food, "...I'm gonna be a hero! BACKSTAB!"

He Dashed around ducking under the Alpha Beowolf's attempt bite his head off and driving his blades down on the back of the Alpha's neck.

Another stack.

Using the Cleaver as an anchor he shoved another sandwich in, ignoring the need to choke as Gamer's Body once again cleared his throat for him.

Jaune latched his legs around the neck and shoulders of the Alpha, using the many jutting bones on its back to lock his legs in securely as he brought the Honesuki down again and again.

"Backstab, Backstab, BACKSTAB!"

The skill leveled up between the first and second Backstab and because he was targeting such a vital spot, every single Backstab crit for what seemed to Jaune to be triple damage.

The Grimm roared in pain as it clawed at Jaune's back trying to pull him off. The boy grit his teeth in pain as he invoked Backstab until his SP ran out. Once it ran out though, things changed.

SP has run out!

All Stats reduced to half for 5 Min!

"No…" Jaune muttered as the Beowolf ripped him off his head.

He had no way of knowing how much health the Lesser Alpha Beowolf had left.

No AP.

No SP.

"It doesn't matter. I'm not… I'm not letting you lay a single dirty paw on these two." Jaune gripped his knives harder. He could FEEL the stat drops even without having to look at his Status Screen.

"I'm not gonna lose like this… I don't wanna fail… no. I'm not gonna fail! I'M JAUNE ARC! EVEN IF I DIE, YOU WON'T LIVE TO ENJOY IT! SO COME AT ME! COME AT ME AND DIE!"

There was a flash of light as a large sword suddenly flew out from the trees, bisecting the Grimm who was also easily on his last wind, slaying it instantly.

A tall figure dressed in grey, a tattered red cloak flapping softly behind him dropped into view.

"Heh. Nicely said, kiddo. Ya did well to hold out against something like that, brat. Thanks, ya little hero."

Boss Defeated!

3000 EXP Gained!

First Boss Milestone Achieved!

1500 EXP Gained!

x2 EXP Boost Applied!

3000 EXP Gained!

1500 EXP Gained!

Quest Complete!

Quest: Save the Damsel!

Details: A cry for help is heard in the distance! Prove yourself worthy of being a hero! Take your first step in proving that you're truly Hunter material! Save the girl and gain bonus rewards for fulfilling bonus objectives.

Reward: 5000 EXP, Gauntlets of Sunrise.

Bonus Objectives Completed!

Defeat the Pack alone! [X]

Save both girls! [X]

Bring the Pack Leader's HP under 70% [X]

Bring the Pack Leader's HP under 20% [X]

Bonus Reward: +Affection with [Yang Xiao Long], +Affection with [Ruby Rose], Perk [Mark of the Surviving Hero], and Skill Book of [King's Roar] gained.

Level up!

Level up!

Level up!

Level up!

Level up!

Level up!

Level up!

Jaune didn't even get to see his Status Screen pop up before he passed out from fatigue.


AN: Hi, I'm KSLCross.

You might know me from certain stories as, "Of Another D'Arc" and "My Life Can't Lose Its Normality!" which seem to be my most popular works.

And honestly, thanks for that. It's actually pretty humbling to know that they had so much support.

I gave up writing fanfictions for a few years because that time that I used to put into writing fanfics, I poured into writing essays and short stories for the sake of scholarships to pay for college.

But now… I'm done.

Which frees up a LOT of time, but now I've decided to put about a year of my life into seeing if I can actually make anything significant out of my youtube and twitch channels, which you can see in my author bio.

Actually checking me out would help alot. I actually make a lot of fun videos and I'm pretty funny in person when I rage or rant.

But back to me and writing and fanfictions.

I miss RWBY. I'll admit I also miss Oreimo, but not really enough to write about it. Maybe I could do a crossover using the two at some point. But aside from that, prolly no more "My Life Can't Lose Its Normality!"

So this is the plan.

I'm rewriting "Of Another D'Arc". I love the character interactions I've made in it, and I tried to stay true to characters while creating fun moments and serious ones as well. But I need to put a new twist in it. Something to keep my interest.

Ever heard of the korean comic (manhwa) "The Gamer"? I figure the game aspects would inspire the RPG lover inside of me and keep me invested for a LONG time.

If you're reading this on my new story, then here it is. I got off my ass and made it.

If it's on "Of Another D'Arc", or "My Life Can't Lose Its Normality!" then go check it out. There's gonna be a hella of a lot more backstory and character developments, new story arcs and ideas and concepts that I feel would be interesting and/or fun and true to the world of Remnant, especially now that the world is a bit more fleshed out.


I hate what RoosterTeeth did to RWBY.

Hell. Cinder is fucking some asshat's Mary Sue horseshit that cannot be stopped or outplayed even for a moment. Even when things should go wrong for her, she PLOTARMORS her way through everything and just destroys everything while what COULD have been an intense 3 season arc was compacted into one season.

Canon became shitpost.

The spitting on Monty's grave is fucking real.

At least, that's my opinion, you know, cuz Pyrrha's totally supposed to get disintegrated and die when Monty's original plan stated that nobody from the main cast was supposed to die for at least 8 seasons. Makes sense Rooster Teeth. Can't even listen to the plans and wishes of a dead man.

I hope I can help do the series more justice than that.

Please enjoy.