I own no one but the girl in the black cloak. All characters belong to Rowling. Please tell me if you like the idea.

Delphi's Comeback :

Delphi sat in the Azkaban cell, staring at the wall, playing with her silver blue hair. The guards thought she was driven crazy in her 2 years in Prison. She spoke and giggled to herself. She seemed to converse with someone, but there was nothing in the cell. At times she sobbed and swore revenge. Dementors were no more used to guard cells but Delphi's cell had three or four as extra security. And Dementors were renowned to cause such effects.


Scorpius was roaming about his house till he reached his father's study, he heard a girl's voice in there. The door was closed. Scorpius decided to do some eavesdropping and pinned his ear to the door and listened:

'What do you want me to do?'

'You know very well Draco, just take me to her.'

'But how? You know its not possible.'

'Is there anything not possible for Lord Malfoy?'

'Please, stop doing this. I can't take you. I'll get in trouble.'

'Pity. She used to say you were the best brother. She used to say you were close. She said you meant something to her. I see she was wrong. You are a pathetic coward! I just want you to get me in. She may not be anything to you, but she is my everything! Please Draco, please. Its a Request. I need her. I miss her.'

Scorpius heard light sobs.

'Fine. Its not something a gentleman would do. Keeping a little girl like you away from her only living family. Truthfully, I know how it feels when your backbone is snatched away from you.'

'Oh Draco! I knew you would understand. So you agree to the plan.'

'What is my advantage?'

Scorpius heard the girl snort. 'Now comes the Malfoy spirit. Well second in command if the plan is successful.'

'Ok. Agreed.'

'So I will be back in two days precisely. 4 hours earlier than this. Goodbye till then.'


He heard a click. The girl probably had apparated from the room. Well no one could apparate from the manor other than Malfoys themselves. He was curious about the girl, what was her plan? Who was her family? Draco would be second in command and to whom? Where was the family of the girl? He decided to ask his father. He knocked on the door.

'Father, its me.'

'Oh Scorpius, come in.'

He looked around the room, he could see no trace of anyone there.I thought I heard a woman.'

'You are mistaken young man. There was no one here. I was alone.'


'Is that all?'

'Um. Yeah. See you later Dad.'


He shut the door and moved out but stayed hidden in a corner of the corridor. Slowly the study door opened. And a figure in a black velvet cloak with green and silver piping stepped out. The clanking of heels told him it was the girl.

'You were correct. Scorpius probably overheard us. It was lucky I had the cabinet.'

'I am always correct dear Draco. See you soon.'

The girl blew a kiss at Draco and left.

Scorpius rushed to his room. Albus needed to know about this.



Delphi was shrivelled up closely in a ball, pulling her legs to her chest. The stone door to her special stone cell opened.

'Hello Delphini. How are you doing.'

Delphi's eyes widened as she tightened her grip on her legs pulling herself closer. She looked down at the ground, her back facing the door. Today is another probable Friday. She had lost counts of days other than Harry coming to her cell once a week, every friday. She loathed him more than ever now. He had got the evil aroused in him ever since she was captured.

'Don't you know its basic courtesy to reply when someone speaks?!'

She felt a jolt of pain in her back, where the wound hadn't healed from Harry's last whipping. Harry struck her for the second time, digging at the wound with the tip of his wand, causing it to bleed.

She groaned loudly, and in quick movements turned to face him to protect her exposed back from him.

'Potter, please! I've had enough! Two years, two whole years. Can't you see all these scars on my body you have caused!? Isn't that enough for that scar my father had given you?'

'Ah no Delphi' he cooed in mockery,' you do not understand.'

He pinned her to a wall, and with a charm restricting her movement, he placed a hand on either of her cheeks, cupping them. His wand was tucked into a pocket of his robes. She struggled to free her face, as his lured closer, she could feel his hot breath on her face and it made her wince.

'Your parents, they've done so much to me! Too bad I couldn't punish them for their wrongs before their deaths. But I feel it is only right that this beautiful face of yours is scarred along with your body, to show the sins your parents did. You must be punished for their deeds as your are the piece they left. Well you have your own crimes too' he stroked her right cheek, tracing a long scar left nearly two weeks back. His other hand reached around her waist as he pulled her close to himself, his wand still in his right hand. All her body could do was obey.

'Leave... Me! Harry why do you?! You can't!'

'What can I not, Delphini?' he sneered enjoying the young female tense up.

'You've got no right to punish me. What the hell have I done!'

Harry leaned in closer to her, his face inches away from hers. 'You ask what you have done? You tried to bring the darkest wizard of all time with his crazy follower back. Do you know how much trouble it was for me to kill your father? And a young boy died for you. Craig. Your crimes are uncountable. Trying to correct that man...! You deserve a Dementor's kiss. Well you shall get that once I'm done avenging all he had wronged, first in the list being me.' with this his wand changed into a whip and still holding her waist he placed a strong blow on her calf.

She shrieked in pain but Harry only grinned. Another blow landed on her thighs followed by another shout.

She looked into Harry's emerald eyes with loathe, terror, disbelief and what not. Her voice turned to a hoarse whisper as she spoke in short breaths trying to subside the pain.

'Please, stop!'

Harry gave a cold hearty laugh and threw her to the cold stone floor. The charm broke and she used her hands to break her fall face first on the floor. She could move but was too weak to do so. She had tried to struggle in the beginning months but she didn't try now, after all Harry had a wand and however good she was at wand less magic, it could not be more successful than a sworn enemy with a wand; as she was weak and helpless already. In quick succession two strokes landed on her back opening old scars, as it was no bit of her skin on her back was devoid of scars, thanks to Harry. She let out a gasp as it struck her and gathering all her strength she turned to face Harry's scornful grin. Summoning all her energy she glared into his eyes and spoke, 'That Man was my father! All I wanted was to see my parents! To be with them! To know what love is! To know what it was to be stand by a father's side! To know a mother! To be in her warming arms! And its all for you! It is just because of you my Father is DEAD! If he'd lived, he would have saved mum! I'd have a family! And you say wanting a family is a Crime? How much had you tried to get your parents back! I guess you know what being on orphan feels like! You tried to get your parents back, didn't you!? And when you couldn't get them, you didn't know how to, what did you do? Made another orphan! You avenged your parents fine, but you forced another innocent child to be an orphaned! You ruined so many lives! You even forced Cedric into Death! And blamed my father when it was that Wormtail who killed him! Even I felt alone and cold! Atleast I didn't try to avenge my parents! James, Albus and Lily as orphans was not what I wanted! They don't deserve your punishment. They are innocent children, just like I was, barely months old! Atleast if not family you had friends! I had none! No one! Alone and cold I lived, with only hope I'll get my parents back!'

Harry sat stunned unable to react to what the woman shedding tears in front of him said. He never thought that way. Delphi continued, seeing he had not reacted.

'I could have easily killed you! My father had killed first when he was sixteen. But my first murder was committed at the age of ten, let the reason remain. I wanted to be happy with parents, not take away someone else's parents! And its not that I was a secret to you. You knew about me through the connection with my father, but you never believed it! My father had gone to kill you but failed. You would have been with your parents! But you with conscious intentions killed my father!'

'You are turning monstrous Delphini.'

'Yes Harry, yes! I am a Monster! One you made! One who never got anything! One who would not even be killed, nor will be allowed to live! If I deserve punishment, so do you! Much more than me! How many have died FOR you? How many had you forced to fight? How many? You are the reason to what I am! You! Only you! You cold blooded heartless murderer! I atleast did not ruin young, innocent children's lives like you ruined mine! Atleast I am not taking advantage of a helpless captive to just subside the anger of so called injustices. What would you get by whipping me? You have ruined my whole childhood. I'd heard you were kind hearted and selfless! Let me re tell it! If I deserve hell, you deserve much more! My father killed all, he did not leave innocent children to suffer and turn for revenge the same way! You were tortured by the Dursleys weren't you? I too had to take all that from my guardians. You had Hogwarts to escape to, friends to cheer you up! I had none! A lonely little girl surrounded by only teachings of revenge! But I didn't seek it! I didn't turn into a cold heartless parent killer like you!' Delphi shouted into his face as he looked at her surprised. She had never dared to speak to him that way.

' You killed my parents and have now captured me and abuse my mind and body. You use me physically. How many times is it that you've tried to play about with me, physically? How would you and Ginny feel if someone scarred Lily the way you have scarred me and do all you do to me? My parents keep a watch on me from the stars! So do yours! Do you think they're proud of you, who is here pinning a woman seventeen years younger than himself, abusing her based on her birth, after killing her parents. Keeping her in a place where not a drop of sunlight has shone into her eyes. Every Friday night coming and locking yourself in with her and abusing every inch of her till she breaks and begs while you laugh your heart out at her pathetic condition. My father was a much purer soul than you twisted brute!'

'Crucio!' Harry shrieked as Delphi finished. He was angry, not because it was a lie. It was the truth. All Delphi said was right. Too true. He hated to think of it that way but it was true. Voldemort would've never done something as disgusting as he was doing. He unknowingly had started feeling a lust for Delphi, and wanted her to do the same, which was not possible, she was as firm as her father. He loved to hear her scream his name with agony. Punishment was an excuse. He did it for his own pleasure. He could never want Ginny to scream that way, but Delphi was perfect. He saw her still rolling in the floor with the effects of his spell. He picked her up by her neck after straightening his own robes and slammed her hard to a wall and left the cell in a temper. Delphi was whimpering from the new bleeding wound on her forehead.

She didn't know how long had passed, she had her head on her lap. The blood had dried but the scars on her legs and back hurt. She whimpered. She must have had an impact on Harry. Or else he didn't leave so early.

She heard the door creak open.

The girl in the black cloak stepped in followed by Draco. Draco shut the door behind him and stood by it. The girl approached Delphi with hesitant steps. 'Del? Is it you? Del!'

'Bella, you?'

The girl in the black cloak was certainly joyous by the fact Delphi remembered her. Delphi didn't notice Draco by the door.

Bella took off the hood covering her face. She was a replica of her namesake, Bellatrix, Delphini's mother. The girl moved forward and extended a hand. Delphi reached for the hand. The younger girl pulled her up on her feet and caught her in a tight embrace. It hurt every bit of her body in her grip, but Delphi didn't complain. She hugged her back, she felt warm tears on her shoulder. She felt her own eyes filling up. Suddenly Bella noticed the scars and blood on Delphi. She released her sister and looked her in the eyes. It was dark in the cell but Delphi could see the fire in the younger girl's eyes.

'How Del? Look at yourself! You, you are so ... so badly scarred. Who did this! Tell me Del! Speak to me! Torture is not permitted in Azkaban, so why?!'

'Bella please' Delphi said, gently holding Bella's shoulders to stop her from quivering with rage,'Calm down. Its nothing.'


'It was him, wasn't it? Harry Potter?' said Draco trying to control his anger.

Delphi turned to him, she had not noticed him before. She had an expression of loathe and happiness at the same time.


'What is he here for Bella? Why!?'

'Delphi please, forget-'

'How Draco how?'

Bella looked from Delphi to Draco and back to Delphi. 'Del, Draco please. You can sort out later. Lets get out of here.'

'How Bella?'

'Hold this first' Bella said to her, opening a snake-shaped hairpin which was holding a lock back. At her touch the pin started wiggling. Bella held on to her shoulder and said 'Special portkey to Malfoy Manor. Wait for us there.'

With a flick of Bella's wand Delphi disappeared. She pulled her cloak hood back on and they walked out of the cell. No one would ever know she was gone. Both were fuming at Harry and swore revenge...





To be continued

please review. Tell me if you guys like the idea.