Beacons Black Flag

A/N: Hey everyone its SirBeatdown101 here with another fan fiction story, this expresses my praise for Both black flag and rwby, and I'll be doing a back and forth between this and "The Conduit of Remnant" story I released not to long ago, so please check that one out when you get the chance

BTW this is set four months after the black flag ending, and Edward never had a daughter.

Also can you pitch me semblance ideas for Edward and Adewale that would be nice, thank you

Disclaimer: I do not own Assassins Creed Black Flag which is owned by Ubisoft, or RWBY which belongs to the talented Monty Oum of RoosterTeeth may he rest in peace.

Speaking: "Kenway"

Thoughts: 'Kenway'

Chapter 1: Beacon gets some new students.

In the Great Inagua where the pirates of the infamous Jackdaw reside, along with many assassins who made the great Inagua a temporary base of operations. At the mansion on the hill overlooking the ocean, a two figures stood at the front door. One is a welsh pirate with blonde hair, blue eyes, and had an assassins outfit that he took off the corpse of a rogue member. The other is an African ex-slave, with a bald head, brown eyes, and wearing a Mayan style assassins garb. These two were none other than Edward Kenway and Adewale Lemuel. (A/N: I made up the last name.) Both men are respected pirate assassins, Edward Kenway is the captain of the well known Jackdaw and Adewale is the captain of his new ship, the Freedoms Cry. The two assassin members were waiting patiently for their mentor and leader of the Caribbean assassins, Ah Tabai.

On the steps of the front gate, a man approached his two apprentices. "Captain Kenway, captain Lemuel, thank you for your patience," says Ah Tabai. "Yes, now what matter of business have you called us for Ah Tabai," Adewale asked in a polite matter. Ah Tabai nodded and said. "Yes the issue is in regards of the observatory, one of the assassins guarding it have reported seeing strange images of a forest with black creatures." The news shocked both Edward and Adewale. "What do you mean 'seeing images,' like the skull is sending images without blood?" Edward asked with haste. The mentor nodded and continued. "Yes and I want you two to join me on my voyage to the observatory, due to your history interacting with the object. Will you join me?" both Edward and Adewale just glanced at him, before agreeing to his offer. Ah Tabai smiled. "I knew you'd agree, let us part as soon as possible," he said. After the meeting all three assassins made it to the Jackdaw and headed for the observatory.

~The Observatory~

The three assassins headed inside the ancient tomb, feeling the cold air inside. In the middle of the massive room stood Edward, Adewale, and Ah Tabai who were looking at to skull near the edge of a small cliff. The skull had no glass vial in it, yet a memory could be shown of creatures with bone like spikes and armor. Instead of the picture being in the usual gold color, the image was showing all the colors you'd expect from a forest. "Well this is some type of sorcery right here," Edward said with curiosity. Ah Tabai explained. "These images have been showing up for some time, none of the assassins dare to go near for fear of being torched." "Adewale chimed in. "What forest are we seeing right now? These creatures look like they've came from down below the earth itself." it was then the scene changed and the picture showed a castle like building over looking a massive city in the distance. The three stepped back in awe of the scenery change. "What is this beautiful scene?" Edward spoke out ,but was soon silent as the skull on the stand started to glow brighter and brighter. "What is going on?" yelled Ah Tabai.


A swirling portal shot out of the skull and made its way closer and closer to the three. "We must move now, my friends," Adewale commanded. The trio turned around towards exit and ran. While Ah Tabai and Edward was able to make it to safety, Adewale was feeling a force that was dragging him to the portal. "Kenway!" Adewale desperately called for his friend while being pulled back by the wind. Edward heard his cry for help and turned back to grab Adewale's hand. "Don't worry Ade I wont let go," Kenway assured his long time companion. Unfortunately for the pirates, the suction from the portal started to get stronger. Eventually the portal proved to much for the two, both Edward and Adewale got dragged inside the vortex. As soon as they passed through, the portal closed and the skull shattered. As the portal closed, Ah Tabai came out from his hiding spot with a worried and confused expression on his face. "What in gods name is going on?" he says to himself. Ah Tabai approached the shattered skull and noticed that the pieces were smoking out of existence. "Edward, Adewale may god have mercy on you on where your going," prayed Ah Tabai who looked at the spot where his two apprentices used to be.

~Beacon academy~ night time~

In the office of a certain gray haired coffee drinker, a weird presence was in the air. The man everyone new as headmaster Ozpin, felt this weird presence and looked around his office.


A red portal started to form in the middle of his clockwork style office. "What is this?" Ozpin screamed, as the vortex grew bigger and spat out two unconscious figures. The portal closed, leaving behind a blonde man and a black man laying on the floor. Ozpin was shocked from the display, but snapped to reality and checked both men for a pulse. He sighed in relief that the men were breathing, pulled out his scroll and called for glynda to bring the two to the infirmary.


In a single room, the two assassins rested in their hospital beds. Adewale was the first to open his eyes and searched his surroundings in the white room. "Jesus where am I? Is this heaven? I was for sure that I would be going downward," Adewale mumbled to himself. He looked to his right and saw his long time friend laying down, stirring in his sleep. Adewale jumped out of bed and made his way to Edward, ignoring the soreness in his body. He shook Edwards shoulder. "Kenway wake up my friend," it was then Adewale realized that Edward didn't look like himself, he looked… younger. His beard was no longer there, his few wrinkles that were once around his eyes are gone, and most importantly he was shorter. The African man then checked himself. He noticed that he was shorter in height, he felt his head and realized that he had a bit of fuzz of hair. " My hair was gone as soon as a went into my second decade, how could this be?" Adewale said in question. Edward started to open his eyes, the first thing he saw was a man who looked similar to his ex-quartermaster. "Adewale?" Edward questioned the man. Adewale answered. "Yes its me, but you might be shocked once you take a look at yourself," Edward was confused and took a look at his body. "What has happened to us I look like I'm 17 again!" he yelled. Edward got up out of his bed and noticed his equipment was gone. "Where are we Ade? What happened two us?" he asked. Ade replied "I don't know for all we know this could be in heaven, and it appears that we are younger as well," "I think I can answer your questions," Edward and Adewale turned to the door to find a gray haired man with glasses and a cane walking towards them. The assassins got into a defensive stance. "And you are?" Edward asked. "My name is professor Ozpin and I'm the headmaster at this school, come with me boys we have a lot to talk about," he replied. Ozpin turned around and headed out the door, in which the assassins reluctantly followed.

~Ozpin's office~

The Ozpin led the two to out of the elevator into his clock office. Edward and Adewale marveled at the size and shape of the room. "What kind of place is this?" Edward asked. The two went over to the chairs at the desk where Ozpin sat on the other side. "Now that we're here can you tell me your names? I'll start, my name is Ozpin," Ozpin said, not knowing that the unknown men used eagle vision to check him out. Both assassins felt like they could trust the man since he gave off a deep blue energy. "My name is Edward Kenway," Edward introduced. Adewale was next. "And I'm Adewale Lemuel." Ozpin smiled and asked "Now can you tell me if you remember anything on how you got here?" Ozpin said.

Adewale was hesitant to answer but knew if he was gonna get answers, he would need to tell him the truth. "Well we were at an ancient temple where a mysterious hole in the sky brought us here," Ozpin was confused about his reply and then said. "I have a feeling your not from this world, do you know anything about Remnant?" Edward and Adewale shook their heads. It was then that Ozpin explained Remnant, dust, aura, Grimm, huntsman and the kingdoms. "I know this is a lot to process but in return I want you two to tell me about your world," he demanded. Edward looked at Adewale to confirm if they should say anything, the African nodded and Edward started to explain earth, the technology, and the war between assassins and templar's. (he made it very clear who's the good guys)

"So to recap, your assassins who fight for freedom and peace against slavery, tyrants, and warlords who want the world under their feet," Ozpin stated. "Yes that is true, does your world treat people with my skin color with distaste?" Adewale asked hoping for a good answer. The headmaster shook his head and answered. "No you would be most welcome here, but sadly this world treats a different race with hatred, a race called Faunus who have animal features such as ears and tails of certain animal." Adewale both happy and displeased with the answer. "Now can you tell us where are our equipment is," Edward chimed in. Ozpin pointed at a chest case on the right side of the room.

"your equipment is in that chest but before you retrieve your stuff I want to ask you a question," Ozpin asked. The two listened closely at the man. "Would you two be willing to attend my school? Cause from the way you made it sound, you may not be able two make it back to earth. My school will teach you all about remnant and train you to fight the monsters that reside in this kingdom. I will provide you better weapons money and a room at our dorms," Ozpin asked. Adewale turned to Edward "Should we? We may never see home again," he says. Edward just replied. "I guess so this might be fun after all." they turned to Ozpin and said yes. Ozpin grinned "good I will ask some friends to proved you better weapons. Until then I will have my assistant Glynda lead you to your room, I expect you two to not cause trouble while you're here." "Thank you Ozpin, I hope we can repay you someday," Edward thanked. "Well your welcome, and on behalf of the academy. Welcome to Beacon," Ozpin said.

End of chapter

Well thank you for reading please follow, favorite, and review.

SirBeatdown101 is signing off