oki so so tish is my frist sory so plz b nic!1111!1!1111! (Yeah. We can tell.)
btw teh aliances r the 1s whit firsar nd gaystip
Caphter Oen: Prlouge (Yeah. Because Chapter 1 and the Prologue are the same thing.)
N Tundercln one day a quen was havin her kits n the hole caln was woriy (Good opening. :P ) abut her cuz al luved her cuz (Why do we LOVE her?) she was kawaii and hot (Oh, marry me!). So JayFeather was n the nusrey delverin kits (Great.) and than ti was over (Great summary!)
"SparkleDust (What in the world!?) u hav for kits but tree deid (You named your kits already? Are you naming them loner names?!)" he siad sadily the hole clan creid 4 her (Holeclan! What?) "Noooooooooooooo!1!11111!1!1!1!1!11" BrakenFru creid he was SparkleDusts mat "Taths oki cuz tihs was my fav nyway (You are Rainflower!)" Sparlkesust sid "wtha suld we nam sh (So the kit is a sh?)" "Luk she (It is a she!) haz a sun patreen on his (It is a Tom now... with sun patterned fur?) shulder!1!1!111!1!1!2 Spuderlud ceid (How do you ceid?)
"Ohhhhhhhhh yah!1!111!1!" Sparlkedus t cerid "we'll call he Sunit (Yeah! Sunit! Let's all cry Sunit!)
Soqw a new grat cat wuz bron butt (BUTT?!) none knu ti yet (Ti it?)
Hwo did u liek it pleaaaaaasaa leve a review :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD (We loved it! Amazing! I bet no one will flame it! I will do this mostly when the author makes more chapters.)