Ahh! Last chapter!


Kara and Barry both held hands as they stood on the street half past eleven, with Eliza in the house asleep and being the adult supervision for the children. "You ready?" Kara asked.


"To lose."

"Shut up," He laughed. "I'm ready."

"Let's get going."

Barry and Kara both began running their best at their top speed. They ran into a time portal tunnel and began running faster as the past years events, shown briefly around them, passed with each second. Seeing their destination they held their hands tighter and made the jump out of the tunnel.

They landed in their spot just as the brightness faded away. Not to their surprise, they saw their younger selves sitting on the couch. Past Barry and Kara looked a little scared and shocked to see who it was at first, but then stopped when they saw it was them.

"Kara?" Past Kara asked.

"Hi." Future Kara greeted. Cringing she said, "Crap, Barry, why didn't you tell me I dressed like that? A nerd?"

"I figure you've heard that growing up," Past Barry stated.

"Why do I look like a soccer mom with the skinny jeans and simple t-shirts?" Past Kara asked. "What happened to me?"

Future Kara rolled her eyes, now recalling how the past her was so amazed and confused about future her. "Children."

"We have more?" Past Barry asked. "How many?"

"A boy!?" Past Kara shouted.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait a minute." Future Barry held up his hands. "We only came here for two reasons. 1, we just remember older us visiting."

"The girls just celebrated their tenth birthday." Older Kara stated before either past self could say anything. "And trust me, it's a long and insane bumpy road. But that's why we came here. We wanted to let you know...everything's good."

"Are we suppose to do this, Barry?"

"Well seeing as we were in your shoes when the now-us came, yes; it's fine."

"Oh, okay. So, Kiki and Allie are alive? We didn't kill them?"

"Nope. They're perfectly, healthy little girls." Barry told Barry. "They're so smart," He said in a admiral voice. "And they're both totally different but totally the same and best friends."

"How?" Past Kara asked.

"Allie is a ball of electricity. She's got this lively spark in her that keeps everyone in the room awake." Barry explained to past Barry and Kara. "She can be a wit at times and not exactly like the rules but she knows when it's okay to be serious and when she has to follow them, usually having to be told three or four times before she gets it in her. She likes people around a ton of people. When she's upset she blows up in anger, but that will temper down with time and guidance. She has a few times shown her powers in public,"

"SERIOUSLY?" Past parents shouted.

"Yeah and you used things to keep both alien and meta powers down, but she's going to want to use them more often. More so her plant manipulation than electrical." Barry finished.

"Nichole is a little sweetheart," Kara began. "She's very laid-back and prefers to observe everything around her. She's a bit shy and timid but she warms up after a while. Expect her to turn invisible at family parties." She laughed. "She follows the rules without being told twice, she knows a lot of pop culture facts from listening to everyone and watching Decades and history channel."

"The Decades channel and history channel?" Both past parents expressed.

"Yeah, who'd knew she'd be into that? Prepare for her to talk about shows that you both knew growing up and tell Eliza and Joe to prepare too since Nichole knows their teenage year shows." Kara laughed. "She is a hug bug. When she gets upset, hug her firmly and rub her back. That always makes her feel better."

Both parents nodded at their future selves. They believed them of course, but still had doubts.

"You'll be fine. You get a couple of bumps on the road. But everything will be fine. Just keep doing what you are doing." Barry told them.

"When do they get potty trained?" Past Barry asked.

"Normally I wouldn't say, but three." Kara answered. "And I'm only saying that because I know how you are both feeling right now." Both of them smiled. "That will be a million times better. They'll have a few accidents, like three each, but they're so good and get it right away."

"They're happy?" Past Kara asked.

"Over the moon." Future Kara told her.

"Are we happy?" Past Barry asked.

"Happier than ever." Future Barry said.

Both past parents looked at one another before looking at their future hands. No rings. Both future Barry and Kara had taken them off right before leaving the house, wanting to make it a surprise and not seem like past them had to force a proposal. "We're still together?"

"Yes we are, Barry." Future Kara told Past Barry. "Just keep doing everything that you both are doing. Forget this visit happened and keep doing as you need too."

"Great." Kara said to her future self. She hugged her, future Kara hugged back, "Thank you!"

"Of course." Kara said to her younger self just as both Barry's hugged one another too. "Now, one thing if you don't mind."

Barry and Kara walked up the familiar stairs and to the nursery room. The door was already cracked opened a bit so they just pushed it opened and walked into the room. Both year old baby girls were wide awake. The music box that Kara played for them softly to help place them to sleep was still playing. She walked over to one crib and picked up Allie. "Hello, my little birthday girl." She greeted and kissed her cheek. She felt the jolt of electricity, but she had grown custom to it. "I forgot how little you were."

"Kiki's even tinier." Barry held up the year old blonde. "Hello, birthday girl," He cheered and kissed her on the nose.

The two spent a half hour in the room holding their little girls. Sitting in the rocking chairs and rocking them as they relived their lives. Nine years from now it'll be ten years of these beautiful little girls, one handsome little boy and another beautiful baby girl to join them. Their lost baby too. Plus the friends they had encounter to join Team SuperFlash family (Kassie, Miguel, Marco, Vinessa, Jill, Jules and Winnie, etc) and expand the family.

"Get ready little girls," Kara said as she booped Nichole's nose. "You are in for an adventure."

"A wild one." Barry told them, adjusting the blanket to cover Allie. "But we're here for you. We always will be."

Sometime later, the past and future parents all hugged again. Future Barry and Kara then went off to return to their time.

Arriving in their house they checked the clocks. Gone for an hour. They both climbed up the stairs, changed into pajamas quickly, and laid down on the bed. Neither of them said anything at first as they got into their resting positions. Just smiling. Finally Kara sat up, using her elbow to hold her up, and looked at Barry. "Just think, if evil or even the real Harrison Wells never made that particle accelerator, this family wouldn't be here."

"And if Krypton never exploded and if you never saved Alex from the plane—thus showing your powers to the world and becoming a hero, which means less time at work and more time for Siohban to get there and then red Kryptonite made you bitchy and evil then Siobhan screamed out out of a window, this family wouldn't be here." Barry chuckled as he sat on his elbow. "Remember what you said at our wedding? Being stuck in the phantom zone for a reason?" Kara nodded. "I agreed with you then, but now I really do believe you were just meant to be in that phantom zone."

Kara released a large smile hearing what was written in her heart (and vows). "I love you Bartholomew Henry 'Barry' Allen."

"I love you Kara Zor El Danvers Allen."

She asked, "You ready for another hundred years together?"

He told her, "Anywhere you fly, I'll come running after you."

So sweet! See what I did from the First Birthday chapters? ;)

Thank you all so much for reading and reviewing this. It was so much fun writing it. Now I'm getting ready to draw out the plot lines for the third installment of the series. It has a couple of different directions in storylines but super great (pun intended).