The bar was dark and hazy, filled with the last patrons of the evening. Alba sat on one of the high stools in front of the bar, swirling a glass of white wine and looking off into space.

What a shitty night.

It all started with that damn cocktail party. She knew her ex, Marcus, was going to be there. I mean, they were both lawyers. They worked for partner firms. The whole point of them moving out to New York three years ago was to get jobs that would allow them to work closely. Except now, Alba wanted to be as far away from him as possible.

The cheating scum actually brought his side piece to the work function. It didn't matter that Alba caught them having sex in their bedroom. No, he had the nerve to stand there and telling anyone who would listen about his new girlfriend. His new girl, who was nearly ten years younger and hadn't even finished college.

Yeah, Alba was pissed. But on the other hand…she understood. Marcus had always been the weird one in law school. She was the fat one. Their camaraderie grew into a relationship eventually. Now that they'd both passed the bar and acquired flashy jobs in the city, things were turning around. Marcus hired a fancy chef and a personal trainer. His yellowed smile had been covered by perfect veneers, and he had finally mastered the easy confidence of someone who didn't give a damn. Plus add in the hundreds of thousands they made each year, and he was practically a gold-digger magnet. Too bad he couldn't see the money signs shining in his new girlfriend's eyes. Hopefully he was smart enough to sign a prenup.

She finished gulping down her glass and signaled for another one. The bartender came back and promptly topped off her glass.

She stayed his hand before he walked away. "You know what? Just leave the bottle." He hesitated, but eventually left it and went to attend another man at the end of the bar.

"You gonna drink that whole thing by yourself?" Alba almost rolled her eyes at the intrusion of the masculine voice. This was not the time for some sleaze to try and chat her up. She took another gulp of wine to comfort herself before turning to face the incomer.

He was not a sleaze. Jesus.

The man sitting a few seats away was…perfect. He wore a casual button-down shirt that'd been neatly tucked into his black pants and carefully cleaned shoes. It was a simple combination, but the strong planes of his body made it the perfect canvas. His strong, broad shoulders gave way to long arms corded with muscle. Alba was sure this guy was one of those people that had like 0% fat on his body. But damn, he looked good. She glanced at the five o'clock shadow on his jaw and ignored the appreciate clench coming from her ovaries.

He met her gaze and gave her a genuinely friendly grin, gesturing at the bottle of wine in front of her. "Rough day?"

Alba stared at him like an idiot before remembering how to speak. "You can say that." She glanced at the beer in front of him. "Same for you?"

"No, not at all. I had a very productive day." The way he spoke, so matter-of-factly, made Alba grin.

"If your day was so great, why are you drowning your sorrows with the rest of us?" He made a touché gesture, angling his head toward her, and took a pull of his beer.

"I guess I'm not ready to back home."

"Too far?"

"Too empty." He clarified. "Sometimes home doesn't really feel like home, does it?"

"You're right." Alba agreed. Alba motioned the man to sit beside her and extended her hand. "I'm Alba."

"Steve." His large hand engulfed hers in a searing heat. Alba made sure not to look like an idiot by clinging to his manly hand for too long. After all, men like him do not make passes at women like her. He was probably just bored and wanted someone to talk to.

They drank in silence for a moment. Alba glanced at Steve to find him giving her red dress an appreciative glance. She resisted the urge to grin, I guess men like him do make passes at women like me. Hell, at least someone noticed it. I mean, the whole reason to buy it was to get Marcus to eat his feelings. This dress is probably the best thing she's ever worn. It was a bright red sexy slip dress that clung to her overblown hourglass figure but shied away from the softness of her stomach. In her office suits she looked chubby at best, but this dress made her look like a caribbean pinup. Not skinny or toned by any stretch of the imagination, but sexy nonetheless.

Steve finally looked up and froze, realizing he was well and truly caught. He stared at the floor as the tips of his ears turned bright pink.

God, this man was unbelievably adorable.

"It's okay to look, you know." Alba assured him. He glanced up in surprise. "I mean, I think that this is the best I've ever looked. I was trying to get someone's attention. Not you. But someone. Didn't work out. He didn't really care so uh,"

"He must have been out of his mind."

"I'm sorry?"

"The man you wore the dress for. He must be crazy, because you're the most beautiful woman I've seen in—a long time." He took another glance at the dress, his eyes trapped at the place where her hips flared from her waist.

Alba paused. Where she would normally feel uncomfortable from men's leering compliments, Steve was nothing but respectful. The fact that he was trying his hardest not to stare at her ass proved it.

"Thank you."

"Who was he?"

Alba hesitated. Did she really want to open up to a complete stranger? But she was already in a bar, already pretty drunk. Fuck it.

"My ex-fiancee, Marcus. I caught him cheating on me two months ago. We had this work thing tonight, so I knew he was going to be there."

Steve looked at her curiously. "Did you want him back?"

"God, no! I don't know, I just wanted to make him regret it a little. He always acted like he was doing me a favor by being with me." She explained.

"I take it didn't work?"

Alba sighed into her glass. "Nope. He brought the other girl to the work function. Acted like I never even existed, right up until he cornered me at the open bar."

"What an ass."

"Yeah, he is. Wanna know what he told me?" She didn't wait for him to answer, instead turning in heat seat to huddle next to him. "He said 'If you'd just kept be satisfied maybe I wouldn't have had to look for sex elsewhere'. Like he couldn't just keep in his pants!" Steve's eyes widened, but Alba was too caught in her rant to notice.

"I mean, I'm not the one who couldn't last longer than two minutes! He graduated from law school, and I bet if you gave him a diagram of a vagina he'd hardly be able to find the right hole to stick it into." Steve sputtered his beer mid-swing, holding back a chuckle. He forgot how forward women could be these days.

Alba poured herself another glass of wine and turned to meet his gaze. "Can I tell you something?"

He nodded. "Please."

"He never managed to give me an orgasm." Steve decided to put down his drink before accidentally choking on it.

"What? I'm sorry, how long were you together?"

"Nine years."

He cringed. "Jesus. A decade of bad sex. And you were gonna marry this guy?"

Alba shrugged. "I know. It seems kind of crazy. But the physical stuff isn't everything."

"But it is a big part of it." Steve insisted. "He must have made you very happy for you to put up with that for so long."

He observed his companion as she took a sip of her drink and stared forward resolutely.

"Actually…" She began, "He didn't make me that happy. It was just…routine. But I couldn't very well just break up with me because he couldn't keep me satisfied!"

Steve couldn't help but point out the irony. "…Isn't that what he did with you?" She thought it over for a minute.

"Huh. I guess you're right." The realization was freeing. "If he went to hook up with other people, I can too. I can have sex. Good sex." Steve grinned at her tipsy rambling. She gazed into his eyes, and he felt as if he'd been punched in the gut. They looked like pools of melted chocolate, and even Steve could understand the flash of desire in them.

"…You seem like you know what that's like." Suddenly he understood where this was going. Part of him wanted to pack her into a taxi and have her delivered home. This wasn't what he had in mind when he set out for this pub. He just wanted companionship. The lull of conversation to distract him from the sense of loneliness he felt. But now he had a beautiful woman looking at him like he was the last man on Earth…

He wanted to be selfish.

Alba awoke the next morning with a splintering headache. She shielded her eyes from the sunlight pouring into the bedroom and turned in her bed, away from the windows. What she wasn't counting on was hitting the hard, muscled body next to hers.

What the hell…?

She glanced at the person beside her slowly and froze. It was Steve. From the bar. His perfectly chiseled chest rose and fell as he continued to sleep peacefully. She watched his illuminated, upturned face for a second, sure she had seen him before their previous night. There was something so familiar about his features. The only thing that seemed to be out of place was his disheveled bed hair…and Alba suddenly remembered who turned his hair into the disaster it was. Their previous night began to race across her mind.

Alba flushed as she remembered how they stumbled into her apartment sometime after the bar closed. She didn't hesitate to jump Steve's bones. His strong arms carried her as if she weighed nothing, only to set her out on her kitchen island to work hot kisses down her neck.

Another memory replaced the old one, only this one featured Steve laying on her bed as she moved over him.

Had she really done that?

She glanced at Steve once more and this time took her time, silently congratulating herself. This guy was the definition of a beefcake. Even now, Alba resisted the urge to run her hands along the firm muscles of his biceps and give them a good squeeze. She'd never seen guns that big before up close, and he wasn't even flexing!

He was leagues better than Marcus. And in the sack? Forget about it. Let's just say she now knew what it was like sharing an orgasm with her partner. Multiple orgasms. This dude had the stamina of an animal. It was a whole new world, and she was never going back.

Alba quietly put on one of her oversized t-shirts and crept into the bathroom. Once she was safely inside, she carried out her morning routine, throughly washing her face and brushing her teeth. At the last minute, she decided to hop in the shower, making sure to exfoliate and shave…just in case. Okay. Who was she kidding?

She was going for a second round as soon as Steve woke up.

Once everything had been shaved and moisturized Alba gave herself a once over in the mirror, deciding to put on a bit of makeup. She was pretty sure it was completely unnecessary, but part of her was scared of stepping into her bedroom. I mean, what do you say to the stranger that just happens to give you the best sex of your life?

She'd never done this before. One night stands had never been her style in college. What was the proper one night stand etiquette? Did she make him breakfast? Coffee? Did she hide out in the bathroom to make the morning after less awkward for the both of them?

Fortunately, the question had already been answered when Alba entered her bedroom.

"So he just pulled a fuck and run?" Alba put her face in her hands and convinced tried to convince herself that inviting her best friend over for dinner had been a good idea.

It wasn't working.

"I guess? I don't know, Lorrie. One second he was sleeping next to me and the next there was no trace of him ever being there."

"Did he at least give you his name?"

"Steve." Lorie scrunched her nose.

"Sounds so…vanilla. Missionary style Steve."

Alba grinned despite herself. "Trust me, there was nothing vanilla about it." Lorrie snorted.

"Please. You've been having sex with Marcus for the past nine years, and I'm pretty sure anyone is better than him." They both laughed over their glasses of wine. Alba sighed happily, finally glad to laugh over her ex than cry about him. Yeah, the sex with her ex sucked, but it wasn't everything. She really thought their relationship was going to end in marriage. Stability. But the more time passed, the more Alba realized she was better off without him.

Lorrie's face sobered, and she peered at Alba seriously. "How are you doing with everything?"

"Fine. It doesn't really hurt anymore. If anything I'm just…disappointed by all the time I wasted on him. I can't believe I actually thought having a family with him was a good idea. We had been trying for like, two years." Lorie nodded understandingly, remembering all those days Alba would beat herself up after not managing to get pregnant.

"Just…think about it as a blessing in disguise."

"Yeah. But now here I am back at square one with no hope in sight." Lorie reached out to the girl beside her and pulled her into a hug.

"Oh, Alba. There's always hope. At the risk of sounding like a corny bastard, sometimes you find love when you least expect it." Alba grinned and leaned into her friend's embrace.

"I don't care how corny it is, I hope you're right."

A/N: Hey everyone! Welcome to my fic! I've honestly been playing this idea for a long time now. I've always thought Steve would make a wonderful father, and now I get to write about it :) I mean c'mom…Alba is about to win the baby daddy lottery. There will be lots of awkward, sweet, fluffy, (mildly) angsty, and lol moments so make sure to stay tuned.

P.S. I have yet to be pregnant to if any of you mommies or expecting mommies out there wanna share some of ur fave (or worst) moments throughout your pregnancy I would really appreciate it!