And we're back with Mystical Digisoul, so sorry about the late update but I had things to do so I forgot to do it but now I'm back and feeling better than ever. Going over the reviews and the PM Luna is wind, Colin is thunder, and for dark is the PM from my fellow fanfic author and amazing moonrose221 which is going to be a female and for ice I'm thinking Catherine to try and balance the gender. Man, it's going to be hard not to type Jake after months of doing so, now besides the whole, I don't own anything let's start.
"Time for your big brothers to head back to Hogwarts," Draco told Shino as she begging them not to go.
"He's right imouto we have school to return to," Koji said wearing the present from Relena which was a jacket with the symbol of light with Draco getting the same but with the steel symbol on it. "Remember to give the other's theirs ok," Relena told her boyfriend receiving a nod.
"Remember to give this to Severus got it Koji," Tharja said getting a nod.
After saying the final goodbyes the pair left for the Hogwarts train whereupon stepping onto the station where they hastily boarded the station when they ran into the rest of their group, "Hey guys how was your break?" Andrei asked after fist bumping with Koji. "You mean besides me finally having a Digimon partner," Draco told them introducing them to Dracomon. "Congrats," Neville said patting him on the back. "Welcome to the team," Palmon waved getting a nod in return.
"Koji," Renamon said getting his attention, "Flamel," she reminded him. "Oh yeah guess what we found," the British-born Japanese raised teenager told his other four companions, "So you're saying that the stone that grants immortality is in a school full of teenagers," Neville repeated getting nods. "This is a test Dumbles wants to see how strong you are," Andrei told Koji. "We figured," Draco said. "Oh this is a Christmas present from the warrior of water," Koji said handing out the boxes to Andrei and Neville; "Man these are nice," the warrior of Wood states trying it on. "Yes these are nice but out of curiosity why purple?" the warrior of Earth asked.
"When I asked she said brown was too overused," Koji answered.
"So are we going to get the stone when we get there?" Gotsumon questioned.
"The sooner we get it away from Hogwarts the better," Renamon said getting nods. "Then it's decided, we'll get the stone as soon as we enter Hogwarts," Koji announced getting agreements. Just then the sliding door slid open causing the Digimon to hide, "Hello dear Harry did you miss me," Tonks said ignoring the other three.
"Japan was a wonderful experience," Koji told her getting a frown from the older girl. "Well if you to experience the wonders of your true home then just tell me," she said leaving.
"Man I feel she's going to be even more annoying," Andrei said getting a snort from Neville, "You don't need to be a seer to know that." Nodding the door opened once more to reveal the lady pushing the cart full of candy and after getting their favorites discussed how they're going to get the stone, "Thanks to Koji we already have info on most of the challenges," Andrei said. "Just lull Fluffy to sleep," Draco said, "The plants you mentioned were called Devil's Snares and one way to beat them is with fire," Neville said. "Match the key to the door," Renamon said next, "Followed by the chess game," Palmon said. "With the last two possible so-called challenges being the troll and the potions puzzle," Gotsumon said.
"So each professor contributed to the protection," Dracomon said since Koji and Draco updated him on what's going on in Hogwarts. "We can't forget Dumbledore placing his own protection," Koji added getting nods.
"We are getting closer to Hogwarts, please be dressed," they heard through the speakers.
Feeling the train, they stepped off the train catching the boats to school. Reaching the shores they stepped into the Great Hall before eating their dinner Koji remembered the letter, "Excuse me but I have something to do," after seeing them nod the Japanese raised teenager walked up to the head table. "Yes, Mr. Fujieda?" Snape asked when he saw Koji walk up to him. "This is from an old friend of yours," he said handing the letter to the potions master.
"Is that all?" he asked getting a nod, "Then you're dismissed."
Returning to his table he was asked about what he gave Snape but all he got was, "Just gave him a way to talk to an old friend," so they just left it at that. After dinner, they returned to their common room when Cedric asked Koji, "Are you going to watch the Quidditch game this time?"
"Who's playing?" he asked.
"Lions vs puffs with Snape as the ref," Susan said.
"Yeah and this time Dumbledore is going to watch as well," Hannah informed him.
"This could be a good time to get the Stone," Lobomon told them, "I agree," Steelmon added.
"Not today we got plans," Koji said getting nods. But Tonks had to be stubborn, "Common how can you not like Quidditch if you don't watch it or even better play it." But those were the last words she said as Cedric dragged her out.
After 30 minutes passed, they set off to the third floor, "So it's the three-headed dog first," Andrei said after using the unlocking charm on the door. Putting the mutt to sleep Neville opened the trap door where Palmon used the vines to bring them all down, "With the plant out of the way flying keys is up next," Gotsumon said bursting the door open revealing the keys fluttering around. "There," Palmon announced pointing to the key that's the same design as the door so using her vine hands she took hold of the key before throwing it into the keyhole, "Nothing but basket," she cheered. The next room was the chess game, "Isn't the youngest Weasley a boss at this game?" the rock Digimon asked getting nods.
"But we won't have time to play," Draco said.
"Let me try something," Andrei said, "Stone Shot." Blasting one of the pieces they all saw it repair itself slowly, "Light Barrage," Koji announced blasting beams of light destroying the statues, "Quick before the finish repairing," Renamon said causing everyone to run across the floor. "Cover your eyes," Koji announced after Dracomon bashed Andrei rammed the door open and as everybody did he yelled, "Blinding Light," unleashing a flash of light that blinded the troll. "And now Severus' challenge," Draco said opening the door to reveal the table with the potions and the dark fire covering the doorway behind it taking the parchment he read it out loud.
Danger lies before you, while safety lies behind,
Two of us will help you, whichever you would find,
One among us seven will let you move ahead,
Another will transport the drinker back instead,
Two among our number hold only nettle wine,
Three of us are killers, waiting bidden in line.
Choose, unless you wish to stay here forevermore,
To help you in your choice, we give you these clues four:
First, however slyly the poison tries to hide
You will always find some on nettle wine's left side;
Second, different are those who stand at either end,
But if you would move onward, neither is your friend;
Third, as you see clearly, all are different size,
Neither dwarf nor giant holds death in their insides;
Fourth, the second left and the second on the right
Are twins once you taste them, though different at first sight.
"Everything we need is here on this paper. Seven bottles: three are poison; two are wine; one will get us safely through the black fire, and one will get us back to the start," Koji said taking a look at each potion before returning to the tiny one. "So who goes past the flames?" Neville asked seeing as it was enough for one person. "Koji goes we'll stand guard," Andrei said pulling out his weapons followed by the others. Returning Renamon to the digivice, Koji drank the potion then stepping into the flames. Entering the room he quickly summoned Renamon to only see a body mirror at the end of the room; stepping forward he saw something that made him let out a tear.
For the image in the mirror were his adopted mother and his birthparents with all his friends and family together. Staring at his double he revealed the stone and when he put it in his pocket Koji felt a weight in his own pocket so reaching down he saw that it was the stone. Nodding to his double he and Renamon exited the room. "Got the stone?" Andrei asked seeing the two exit the flames.
"Yeah, let's go back to the dorm."
Returning to the dorm, they now wondered what to do with the stone. "The only thing we can do is return it to the Flamels," Draco said getting nods.
So after writing a letter, Jake placed both the letter and the stone in the envelope then raced towards the tower with all the birds, "Tenshi come here please." At his call, the bird landed on his arm, "Think you can find the Flamels and give this to them?" Koji asked getting a nod then took off.
With the excitement over the group of four returned to the normal school routine when one dinner when the students were getting letter Tenshi flew down towards Koji. Opening the envelope they were surprised to see the stone roll out, "What the hell is the Philosopher Stone doing here? I thought we returned it to the Flamels," Neville asked out loud catching everyone's attention. At the head table, Dumbledore thought worriedly, "When did they go after the stone?"
"Dear Koji Fujieda,
Thank you and your friends for sending us our stone. We were puzzled when it was returned to us because we gave it to Dumbledore to destroy for we don't want it to fall into bad hands. Besides keeping the stone we will split our will along with the four of you along with giving you, Koji, possession that originally belongs to the Potter clan. Once more we sincerely thank you for getting the stone before anyone with horrible intentions did.
Sincerely, Nicholas Flamel," Koji finished reading out loud.
"Wow we received personal thanks from the Flamels themselves," Neville said.
Before anything happened they all heard, "Give me that stone for my master" turning to the voice they all saw Quirrell glaring at them with his wand pointed at them. "And who is your master?" Koji questioned and answering that question was the man himself taking off his turban to show another face, "Ah Mr. Potter nice to see you after what you did to me all those years ago," the thing said.
"Voldemort," he said causing people to panic. "How did you survive?" Koji demanded questioning his birth parent's killer, "That does not matter all I want you to do is give me," Voldemort demanded. Summoning their weapons Koji said, "So you can get a body no thank you. Andrei destroy the stone," tossing the stone to the Russian he smashed it turning the legendary stone to pieces. "NO all those plans ruined. Die Avada Kedavra," Quirrell said sending the killing curse.
Redirecting the curse, Draco sent it towards the ceiling followed by Andrei throwing his hammer making it connect with Quirrell's wand arm. Dropping his wand in pain Quirrell didn't see Koji Spartan kick the possessed man sending him flying then landing at the head table. Sending vines Neville restrained the man, "Susan you think you can get your aunt here?" Koji asked the girl.
"You'll never get me," Voldemort yelled leaving Quirrell's body flying out the wall. "That was something," Neville said, "Made for a nice breakfast entertainment," Koji said waving his hands towards the mouth gaping students and staff. "At least no one will ever use the stone," Andrei said smashing the stone further into pieces.
Getting out of their Dumbledore announced, "After what happened this morning I declare all classes canceled."
Snapping out of their shock the entire room let out a cheer while the group of four set off towards their dorm room to rest. And for the rest of the week after that was the whole school talking about how the four fearlessly faced the man possessed by He–Who–Must–N –Be–Named; however, this caused a reaction to where all four were chased by people asking how they felt and from the girls if they were single or not. "I'm going to be happy when we finally leave Hogwarts," Andrei said lying in his bed as the Digimon resting in varies places in the room.
"You guys packed?" Neville questioned. "Yeah now we have the end of year feast to finish then we're done," Koji said getting nods. "We should head to the Great Hall if we don't want to miss it," Draco told his group getting nods.
Walking to the Great Hall there was still people pointing and whispering. Sitting at their table they saw it full of silver and green signaling that the Slytherin's winning the house cup, the only ones pissed were the lions who were glaring at the table of the snakes, "Another year come and gone," Dumbledore announced, "But now the house cups. In fourth place, Gryffindor, with three hundred and twelve points; in third, Hufflepuff, with three hundred and fifty-two; Ravenclaw has four hundred and twenty-six and Slytherin, four hundred and seventy- two."
"But with the recent events must be taken to account," the headmaster added making the snakes frown. "For working as a team I award 38 points to Hufflepuff. But for individuals I give Neville Longbottom 20 point for quick thinking; 40 points to Draco Malfoy for wishing to get out of the shadows of his families past and I finally give Harry Potter 50 points for facing his parent's killer," the cheer in the room probably made people death as everyone, besides the snakes, cheered for the throne the Slytherin's sat on was toppled and in its place was the badger. Looking at the table Koji saw Severus' handshake with Sprout after the cheers finished they all ate dinner.
"Hope you're ready for the exams," Andrei said to his group.
After cursing, Neville said, "Did you have to remind us of that shit. I just want to go home."
"Speaking of home I won't be able to return to the Malfoy manor with my dad still there," Draco reminded them. "You can stay with me again bro," Koji told him getting a thankful nod.
The exams weren't as bad as they thought because they passed with ease they can practically feel the smug look Hermione has on her face when she found that she was in first. "Hey keep in touch ok," Koji said while they were on the train. "Yeah the phones we got over the last break can work in magical areas," Andrei told him, "Yeah thanks for giving me one," Neville said as all their phones have their warrior symbol on the back.
Reaching the train station, Koji felt himself get caught by the arm and get dragged off. "You won't get away with taking my former student," Glynda voiced stopping him and Koji; turning his head he saw that it was Sirius who was about to kidnap him. "Thank you Ms. Goodwitch," Koji said after she gave the man a stern arguing too.
"I take it Draco is going to stay with you once more," she said seeing the blonde-haired teenager standing next to Koji. "Yes mam," Draco answered, "Then let's head back before anything else happens," Glynda told them.
Grabbing on to Draco Koji teleported back to Japan; however, as they stepped out of the teleporter pad they were hugged. "Nice to see you both," Koji said as Relena and Shino release them.
And that's a wrap, sorry once more for not updating in a long time but with other fanfic ideas and school things like this tends to get away from you. Now with me trying to update my old stories my new plan is to update Prehistoric Magic then update one of my old stories, see you later.