Cirque de faires

A/N: Hey everyone this is my new story that I'm working and I wanted to let everyone one know that this is rated M for a reason. First there is language, second there is an abusive relationship, third there may or may not be a lemon (that is still debatable). So please take caution as this story will have dark moments and I don't want to cause any triggers. Also note that if you or anyone you do know is in this kind of relationship that there is help and there are people who will help you. And to also know that ALL of my upcoming stories will be updated once a month due to life. Now that I've got the warnings out of the way enjoy!

"THAT'S IT! I QUIT!" Milianna screamed as she stormed outside of the large purple and white circus tent holding up the remains of her torn purple bikini. Ringmaster Makarov and Lion tamer Gajeel ran after her, behind them was a very amused Panther Lily holding a piece of torn purple cloth in his mouth.

"Wait Milianna! I thought you said you loved cats?" Makarov yelled as he chased the furious women down. Gajeel was running after her because Makarov had told him to come. She stopped and turned on her heels to face the two men who ran into each other.

"That was before that one," she whined pointing to Lily, "decided to make me his new scratching post!" She ripped open the door to her train compartment and slammed it shut.

"Go find another girl to be your damn assistant working with those cats! Cause I'm going back to Mermaid Heel!" She screamed from the inside. Makarov looked at Gajeel with a sigh of defeat.

"Gajeel you can't keep chasing away people, you need someone in there with you when you are work with those cats!" Makarov scolded Gajeel like he would a child, Gajeel face twisted into annoyance "This is the third girl this month and tomorrow we will be leaving to Oak Town to perform there. You have to find someone or you can't work with the cats at all!"

"Tch, it ain't my fucking fault this time! Lily was the one who decided to pounce on her like that! I warned her that he can be temperamental and not be fond of people." He growled Makarov sighed once more. Gajeel was right, he had seen the whole thing, from Lily stalking her, to him pouncing and grabbing her top off like it was a chew toy. Makarov looked up at the sky and noticed dark clouds rolling in.

"Looks like we will need to start bringing everything in it might rain tonight," he said more to himself then Gajeel.

"Tell everyone to bring in horses, elephants and other animals inside also bring in the equipment that the rain can ruin. Then you and the boys make sure that the tent is locked down tight."

"Yes Ringmaster," Gajeel said and turned to leave.

"Oh and Gajeel," Makarov said.
"Yes sir?"

"The cats can go in the big cage tonight, do not bring them inside. They'll spook the other animals," Gajeel cursed under his breath, he was hoping they didn't have to be outside but he didn't have a choice in the matter what the Ringmaster says, goes.

Levy tried hard not to cry out at the throbbing pain in her shoulder as she was cleaning the house. It was from earlier when she hadn't made breakfast in time for her "boyfriend". She been with him for five years and for the past three he had been nothing but a monster to her. It all started the night he began to drink and the moment the hard liquor touched his lips the man she had loved was gone and replaced by a monster.

She dusted the bookshelf that was once full of books, now full of rums and spirits. Jet had told her that books were worthless and threw out most of her books. She had kept a few hidden under her bed but if he so much as saw her with a book he would beat her senseless. As she cleaned the last bottle she had caught her reflection in the glass. Eyes once full of light and life, were dark and lifeless. Creulem hair once full and buoyant with soft ringlets that bounced when ever she laughed, laid limp and bleak around her face. Under her right eye, a black and purple bruise from yesterday was now in full bloom, throbbing every time she blinked her eye.

Outside the dark clouds were beginning to cover the city, thunder and lightning could be heard from the distance. She went to the window and looked out at the city, in the far distance she could see the purple and white big top that stood out against the grey city of Magnolia, well to her everything was now gray. Nothing had been happy or even remotely colorful but the only thing that ever was colorful was the large big top that stood out in the distance calling her.

The door opened with a start and she jumped in fear, he was home.

"LEVY! Where are you?" He yelled. She stood up and made herself presentable. She smoothed out her orange dress and fixed her hair back. She knew that he wasn't drunk if he was drunk he wouldn't have made noise. He would slither in like a quiet snake and jump her from behind to catch her if she was doing anything he deemed "wrong".

"There you are," He said softly as he came into the living room, in his hands he held a brown bag undoubtedly full of booze. He walked slowly as if not to scare her, reached into the bag and pulled out a book.

Levy's eye widen and her heart began to pound as he came over and placed the leather book in her hands. The leather was soft like velvet however it didn't feel warm it felt cold and held sinister contents. He wrapped one arm around her and pulled her in close, she tried hard not to shake from fear but something was not right. He was up to something.

"I'm sorry for what I've done, can you ever forgive me?" He asked softly as he placed his lips to her hair, kissing the limp blue hair. Levy knew something wasn't right, this wasn't him. She pulled herself away from him. Her back was now towards the large booze wall, she was trapped.

"Levy come here, I want you to forgive me," he said softly, but there was a dark undertone to it. Levy kept her distance away from him, she was scared of him more so than ever. Before she knew what happened she was shoved back towards the cabinet and his furious eyes met hers. Glass cut into the back of her leg but she didn't feel it at all as booze and hard liquors ran down her back. A hand tightly gripped her hair, forcing her head up as she yelped in pain.

"Levy. What did I say about listening to me," he growled staring down at her furiously gripping her hair tighter. Levy didn't know what made her do it but in one swift kick, she kicked him hard in his manhood he let go of her hair and sunk to the ground. Without thinking Levy ran, she couldn't take it anymore, the torment, the pain, and the fear!

"LEVY!" Jet screamed behind her but that didn't stop her, she bolted out the door, down the stairs and into the dark cobbled streets of Magnolia. Her whole body hurt from the adrenalin and the ground cut her bare feet as she ran, but she didn't care. She was finally free, free from him and place she had once called home. She didn't know how long she had ran but soon the pain in her leg soon began to appear and her body once again began to ache. She went into an alley and leaned her back against the wall trying to catch her breath. Her whole body hurt, even breathing had began to hurt as well. She looked down and noticed that her right leg was now covered in blood and a large shard of glass was stick out of it. She tried to pull it out but yelped in pain when she did.

"Hey she's over here!" She recognized it as Droy's voice, Levy felt her skin prick and once again ran for her life, no doubt he had his drinking friends now after her. As she ran rain began to pour from the heavens, she pushed herself harder until she felt her foot hit something cold and hard and she landed hard on rough gravel, sending needles of pain through her hands and legs. She looked up to see a large railway cart covered up in a tarp. She lifted up the tarp and noticed iron bars and straw covering the ground of the cart.

"LEVY WHERE ARE YOU!?" Jet's voice screamed into the hellish night. It was much closer than she had wanted it to be, but right now she would rather die by whatever was in the train cart then ever be in his hands again. Lifting herself into the cart she pulled herself through the bars and thanked her lucky stars that she was this thin enough to slip in them.

She scooted back as far back as she could as the voices came closer and closer. As she moved back she bumped into something large and warm. She lifted her head up and nearly screamed, behind her was a black panther.

"Check under there maybe she's hidden under there!" She heard Jet's voice, she felt the blood leave her face. But before she could do anything the cat pounced on her, pinning her to the floor and placed a paw over her mouth shushing her. He bent his head down and pulled a soft blanket over her covering her completely.

Lily gathered himself, ready to pounce as another hand appeared under the tarp. As soon as he saw the man's face he leap at the fence, and let out roar that scared the man. The man quickly dropped the tarp and ran off screaming and saying that she wasn't there.

Pleased with his work he went over to her and lifted off the blanket revealing the beaten and battered girl. He had no idea why she was running but he knew that she needed help the moment he saw her so he did. Her face was covered in tear stains and she was soaking wet, she looked up at him begging to be spared, not realizing that he had just saved her.

"Please *hich* Please don't hurt me. Please *hich* I want to live!" She cried, Lily once again pulled the blanket over her but didn't cover her face and laid down next to her. He wrapped his body around her and laid his head on her stomach and his tail on her leg, he began to purr as if to try and lull her to sleep. Levy had no idea why this cat hadn't killed her or why he had saved her but for once in her life she felt that she was safe, next to a sleeping panther. Soon she felt her body sur come to the need for sleep and felt her eyes grow heavy and she fell asleep next to the cat.