Fallowing the Past Ch. 7 Oracion Seis 2.0: Date Time

It took me several minutes to convince Luce that I wasn't joking. She was shocked at first, then laughing she said, "nice one". I frowned at her and asked why I would joke about that? She blushed, which made her look even cuter, and she bit her lip. I smiled and asked, "So?", She nodded. I took her hand and dragged her into town.

I remember she wanted a certain book in this time but she did not have enough money to buy it at that moment and then the shop was destroyed in one of the future attacks on the city. We walked into the store holding hands. Luce was still blushing, refusing to face me. She looked around amazed at seeing her favorite store again. She released me and danced around the store, jumping from shelf to shelf.

"Ah! Natsu, I can't believe I'm in my favorite store again! This is amazing!"

I laughed and watched her run around for a bit. She then catches a glimpse of the book she wanted. She sighed, "After all this time I can actually buy it, and doesn't it figure I left my wallet in the future." She smiles and laughs sadly. "Oh well," She walks over to me and grabs my hand again, smiling, "Thanks for bringing me here, it means a lot. Let's go finish our date."

We spent the rest of the day going to several of our old places that we loved to go to. It brought back a lot of memories, which we talked about while I held her hand. She jumped and started walking on the ledge of the canal. The boat man grinned and hollered and waved causing both of us to blush at the same time. One of them yelled "Since he is being careful of you not falling into the water, you now have to be careful of your heart too!" They laughed at that and continued floating on. She breathed out a small laugh and tried to jump down but I caught her and set her down gently.

Luce looked up at the twilight sky and sighed. I continued to hold her for a minute and then grinned. "I have a surprise for you, close your eyes." Lucy closed her eyes and I leaned forward. I put my lips to hers. She froze in surprise for a second and then leaned in, kissing harder now. I slipped the book into her hands while she wasn't focused. She wrapped her arms around my neck, book still in hand.

We broke apart but stayed just as close. I laugh and breathed in her scent. She smelled of Strawberries. She smiled and hugged me closer. That's when she noticed she was holding something. She unwrapped herself from around my neck. When she saw it was the book, her eyes got wide and she jumped up and down, clutching the book to her chest. "Thank you! Thank you so much! I love it. I love you. Thank you." She started crying tears of joy and hugged me, still clutching the book between our chests. I hugged her back and kissed her again.

We parted and started walking back to the place we landed. Erza decided that was a great place to stay since it would look weird to stay in a hotel, and there's still the possibility of running into our past selves. When we got there Luce went to read under some trees and I went to fight Gray. It was nice to not think about the war for a night. I, like everyone else, don't want to think that we can't go back to our time, or that we could die any second if we don't stop Acnologia.

I look over at Zeref, who was sitting close to Luce, sleeping. What is going through his head? What in our life got us to this point? Why can't I remember anything from our past? Maybe if I can remember I can contribute to the possible periods that Acnologia is trying to get to. If Zeref doesn't know where Acnologia is heading, then me remembering won't help either. Maybe he is lying, and he does know. But why would he do that? He wants Acnologia stopped too. Maybe he forgot in one of his mental breakdowns. Or he truly doesn't know. And where is Acnologia now? What is he doing? Ahh! I'm getting a headache. I don't trust either so that's what I am going with. I don't care about the rest, we just need to keep Zeref at bay and stop Acnologia. I've been looking at Zeref this whole time. I look away now, If I keep staring I would want to go over and ask questions I don't want answers to, I don't think I do anyways.

By now It was late at night. I look around and see most everyone was asleep around us. I went to the tree Luce was asleep beneath. I dropped down in-between her and Zeref. I watch her sleep for a bit then stare up at the sky. I can't sleep. My mind keeps going back to what's happening. I turn my head and look at Zeref. He is like a log on his back. How can he sleep so peacefully after over 400 years of trauma he's seen and caused? I remember him sleeping like this on Tenrou just the other day. Or years ago, I am very confused with my days now that we're going backwards through time.

I start to stand but a voice stops me. "Just go to sleep already. All this shifting and turning around is getting on my nerves. Not to mention your constant sighs." Zeref himself sighs, opening one eye to look at me. "Why can't you sleep?" So, he was awake.

I stop and stare for a second trying to decide whether to tell him all the questions swirling in my head. I know he's my brother but with no memories and the only knowledge of him being evil comes from everything he's done as seen through other people's eyes and ears, doesn't leave much room for trust. Apparently, we have a brotherly connection I never knew about or I just don't have a good poker face because he sits up and looks pointedly at me.

"Talk." He states. "You apparently want to ask questions about all this. It's alright, everyone is asleep if that's what you're worried about."

I open my mouth to refuse but instead other words come out. "I am so confused! Why would you help us out with Acnologia? Who is Acnologia to you because you obviously know him, He kept looking at you like you would help him out back there at the gate. I was too focused at the time to realize it but I can recall those looks when I think back to it. You've apparently met him before, and not to try to defeat him but to chat I bet! That's the only reason I can come up with from those looks. And what about us, huh? Where do I fit in? Where did I turn from your brother to your killer? Huh?"

I shake my head; no, my head isn't the only thing shaking, my whole body is shaking. I am pissed and I can't stop. This is why I didn't want to talk. I didn't even get to my real questions yet but I already feel like I'm going to explode. I can't let myself. We are in the middle of a war. There is no room for family drama in a war. I was already up on my feet from the tension I am feeling.

"You already know those answers, what do you really want to ask?"

"I don't know those answers, you made sure of it by playing god. I don't remember my past. I've tried elixirs and hypnotizing, I've tried everything, but I can't remember the past. The last four hundred years gone out of my head."

"Do you think that's because your brain couldn't handle that much information instead of blaming it on me?"

I gave him a hard look. Does he think I'm stupid?

"I don't think your dumb, your quite smart, you just have a different way of thinking. I can't give you these answers you have to find them yourself."

"Why? And how do you know I'm not dumb?"

Zeref shrugs, "Because I know you."

Frustrated with that answer and everything going on I turn and head into the forest. I go deeper into the trees to cool off. I walk faster and faster till I'm running. I really needed to clear my head or else I won't get any sleep, but at this rate I ain't gettin' any. At first, I heard Zeref following me but as I went from walk to run, he stopped.


As I thought; I didn't get any sleep. I spent the rest of the night training. Eventually Gray and Lucy came to get me. We decided when we arrived that it would be safer to continue sending a few of us to town at a time. Bixlow and Lisanna went out to gather information today, along with Mira and Laxus. I think it's just a double date but we'll see. I don't know but something about being so close to home and seeing the town like it used to be, just makes all of us want to go and relive some memories or make new ones like me and luce did yesterday.

Everyone else decided to split up and train. Team Natsu began to set out but we were stopped by the spriggins. "May we join you?" Invel asks. After a moment of staring from both sides Luce smiles, "Sure!" We head back into the woods.


After a bit of walking I lead them to a meadow I found last night maybe a mile away from camp. We decided to team up. We started to stay in our groups, Fairies vs. Spriggins, but Larcade suggested one of each of us. No one liked this but we're going to be fighting together for who knows how long, meaning we have to work together. So, with some grumbling on Gray's part; Gray ended up with Invel, Erza with Irene, Lucy with Dimaria, Wendy with Larcade leaving me with Zeref seeing that August decided to train on his own. This was going to be fun.

We started with stretches and a bit of running to kickstart our hearts a bit for the rest of our exercises. I threw in 60 deadbugs, 50 crunches, 70 planks with kicks and 80 pushups in between my laps, just some light exercise for me. It is kind of funny seeing the Spriggins exercise though. I mean, who would of thought that they exercised? They seem more of the behind the scenes people, giving instructions more than taking them. So why would they bother to train? But then again, I suppose they would have to if they are the strongest mages in Alverez.

Once we finished we spaced out and faced each other. "Ready?!" Erza yells. "Begin!"

Colors exploded all around. Blues, reds, yellows, purples, everyone's powers going off at the same time. I didn't care though, I had my sights set on Zeref. Unlike the others who started right when Erza declared a start, we stood frozen, studying each other. I know, right? Not like my character at all. But this is Zeref here, I can already see some of my group slowing down, so I have to rethink my usual process to win this brawl.

I don't know what Zeref is doing or thinking. Probably about the same thing. I watch his body language carefully. He is just looking around the field, like he has no worries in the world. Well, I guess if you can't get close to anyone it does lessen the amount of worries you have. But then again, He is the ruler of his Empire and has deadly erratic magic that kills anyone he feels something for. Yeah, maybe he does have some problems, but if he's worried about them it sure doesn't show.

He whirls his head at me, eyes determined and pounces. I am taken off-guard by this and stumble back. He takes this opportunity to swing his arm up, punching me in the jaw. He doesn't stop there though. As I am still falling and he is pulling back from his previous swing, he uses his other arm to hit me in my left side and as I land on my ass, he pounds me in the stomach.

He aims for my face again but I catch it this time. I grin, my turn. I light my fist on fire, but with no surprise on my side, I just go at it. I do the same moves he pulled on me, except for my fire and the fact I was faking some punches of course. We go at it this way for a while, each getting and receiving some pretty bad blows. Then I decide to use my feet. I always use my fists when fighting. With this I can surprise him more. I pretend to punch his jaw again but instead start to wind my leg around Zeref's to pull him down.

He jumps back, in the process grabbing my foot. He holds me in the air like I was some prized fish he just caught. He smiles and leans close, "You always did this as a kid. I thought you grew out of it when I watched you fight over the years. I guess when you know you're going to lose you resort to throwing a hissy-fit."

He drops me and stands back. I get up with a growl and face him. He grins making a come-at-me motion. Bastard. I run at him with full force.