It's been a couple of days since Gumball had found out about Snowflake's pregnancy. Ice Queen calmed down a lot since the big news, all while Marshal kept a close eye on Gumball. Snowflake had begun staying with soon-to-be-husband by then to help ease the transition between just boyfriend and girlfriend to husband and wife. All-in-all, things were going pretty smoothly, and Fionna was even helping Cake and Snowflake with the wedding planning. They already had Marshal doing the music, Peppermint Maid would be the priestess,Ice queen will give her away, and Cake will be in charge of the food and the dress- which was currently being fitted.

"Wow! Cake, the dress looks amazing! I can't wait to try it on. I hope Gumball doesn't see it." Snowflake exclaimed, happily twirling around with the dress in hand.

"Why?" Fionna asked, looking up from the tissue paper flower she was currently trying to glue to an invite.

"Because it's considered bad luck if the groom sees the dress before the wedding day." Cake explained, taking the dress out of Snowflake's arms in order to sew back on a button that had come too loose for the cat's liking.

"Oh," That's the only thing that Fionna could say, taking very little interest int he technical bits of the wedding planning part.

"Speaking of which, have either of you talked to Gumball yet?" Snowflake asked suddenly.

Suddenly, Then there was a knock on the door. It sounded frantic and was all too perfectly timed for the girls to just simply ignore. Fionna got up quickly and climbed down the ladder and down to the living room. With gluey, papery hands, she furiously attempted to open the door. As soon as she opened the door, Marshall Lee all but pushed his way inside.

"What's up?" She asked.

She looked closely at his face to try to find an emotion when she didn't get a verbal response. He looked like he was mad and wanted to kill someone. For a moment, he looked like he also had forgotten the layout of the house, as he was just stomping around.

"Gumballs gone." He said finally.

"What, how is he gone?!" She exclaimed, causing both Cake and Snowflake to rush downstairs.

"What do you mean he's gone!?" Snowflake exclaimed.

"I left for a moment, and when I came back, he left a note." He explained, handing Snowflake the note.

It had Gumball's perfect handwriting on it. It said:


Please forgive me, for leaving so abruptly, but I need to figure out somethings right now.
I promise that I will come back for you. Please. I hope that you will be able to
forgive me. I truly am very sorry for leaving you like this. I love you, my sweet.

Truly Yours Forever,

-Bartelby Gumball

P.S: I tried to leave a few grammatical errors for you to correct (since you seem so fond of doing so), but it irritated me too much to look at them, so I fixed most of them myself.

"Oh glob, what am I to do!? Now I'm pregnant and my fiance isn't here! What the glob is wrong with him? Is being a father really such a burden that he would run off like that?" Snowflake looked hurt, angry, sad, and scared all at the same time.

"Alright, what about this, I will hunt him down and kick his..." Marshall began.

"There will be no cussing in this house, Marshall." Cake interrupted, "I know that you mean well, baby doll, but I think that he just needs to clear his head."

"Bull crap, did you even read the note?" He countered, getting right up into Cake's face.

Cake wasn't even scared of him, and she stood tall and firm. She didn't tear her eyes away for even a second. She made her self taller to look him right in the eyes. They both made their eyes in to thin lines. Fionna could literally feel the tension in the air.

"Alright, let's break it up. There's no need to fight." Fionna said, stepping in between the two.

"Shes right..." They both looked at the petite 16 year old and both of their eyes softened when they saw the determination in her eyes.

"We still have a wedding to plan. And Gumball did say he would come back. For all we know, he could be back within the hour." She explained.

'Of course. Fionna would think that Gumball could do no wrong,' Thought Marshal as he smirked at the young girl.

"Why are YOU smirking, Vampire King." She huffed, annoyed by Marshall.

"Because you can be funny when you're mad." This made the teen girl blush. "You sure blush a lot too."

"SHUT THE GLOB UP, BUTT!" She yelped, clenching her hands into fists and closing her eyes.

"Alright, stop it you two! I don't need two weddings and two babies to worry about, so save your flirting for now." Cake said, causing both teens to groan in embarrassment.

"Alright, what do we do now?" Snowflake asked, biting down on her lip.

"I don't know, girl, but we'll figure something out." Cake sounded sure, but she wasn't one bit. "Right now we got other things to worry about."

With that, Cake stretched her arm out into the shape of a chair, and used her free arm to gently push Snowflake to sit. The pregnant Ice Sprite sighed gratefully to the cat, and settled back into the make-shift chair. Reassured by her friend's words, Snowflake finally seemed able to relax again.

"Can't be worrying about possible nonsense with that little thing in there." Cake said, keeping her voice soft and sweet. "I don't care if he takes an hour or a month to come back, Snowflake and the baby are coming first."

"Thanks Cake." Snowflake sighed, smiling just a little. "As always, you're right."

"Of course I am, baby." Cake smiled, quickly sending both Snowflake and the chair back up the ladder and turning to Marshall Lee and Fionna. "You got five minutes to find his ass before I find it and kill him."

"Got it!" Both exclaimed happily, grabbing their respective weapons and rushing out the door."

"You realize I can still hear you, right?" Snowflake called down the stairs.

And his five minutes starts now.