Hey Guys! So this is a new project I'm starting that will probably be my main focus for a while. I just went through and deleted a couple of my incomplete stories. I just don't have the plot bunnies for those stories anymore. I will keep my Biggest Wish Rewrite and Adventures of Agrabah on hiatus. One day I hope I regain the spark I had for them. But for now, I just don't. So instead, I'm moving on to bigger and better things!

For those of you just joining me, I'm XxRebelWriterxX. My real name is Jessica. I won't tell you anything passed that in case you all try to steal info! The beginning is a little rough, so I apologize for that. But I'm excited to write this and see where it goes! Hope you enjoy the journey.

Disclaimer: I no own.

Chapter One:

Moving to Jasper, Nevada was one of the last things I had wanted to do. However, despite my age, I needed my parents to help support me. I was well aware of the fact that a twenty-one-year-old girl shouldn't still rely on her family, but I honestly wasn't ready to move away, mentally or emotionally. My parents understood this, and they used this as an argument to get me to move a crossed the country.

So the morning of the move, I quietly packed my stuff into the moving truck and before I knew it, we were leaving my home town goodbye. I couldn't help but shed tears as I watched the only place I had ever known, disappear behind me.

"Cheer up, darling. I'm sure you'll like Jasper just fine. Jasper University is supposed to be a really good school too." My mother tried to soothe me from the front seat. I sighed and pulled my legs up to my chest, wrapping my arms around them. I didn't reply to her because I didn't care. I had loved my old school, and I really did not want to transfer.

The reason we were moving was because my dad got a job opportunity as a professor at Jasper University. He would be making almost double the pay there than he did at the little Community college he worked at back home. My mom got a job at a daycare center there and I was enrolled at JU. My parents also tried to tell me about how we were getting a house now instead of the two-bedroom apartment we had always lived in.

I didn't care. I wanted my old home back.

So I protested the entire drive by not saying a single thing to either of my parents. I knew it wouldn't make a difference, but it made me feel slightly better. It was a long, fourteen-hour drive and I slept through most of it.

Soon enough, the small town of Jasper, Nevada came into view. I frowned when I realized just how small it was. There was only one grocery store, and only a few different shops for other things. I saw the local hospital as well as the Junior/ High School. There wasn't really an elementary school, per se, most of the kids got their education from the daycare. I also noticed there was only one fast food joint in town in the area that we lived in. Something told me I would get sick of that food after only a day here.

Finally, we pulled into the driveway of our new home.

I got out of the car and looked up at the place I was being forced in. Begrudgingly, I admitted that it looked pretty cool. It was a two story, red brick building, with a double door entrance. Walking inside, there was an open living room with a fireplace and the staircase leading upstairs. I walked towards the kitchen and noticed it was quite bigger than the one at our apartment. The whole house had hardwood flooring. I walked back into the living room and went upstairs.

The upstairs area was pretty big. My bedroom was the first door on the right. It was of decent size, with a walk-in closet and a door leading to the bathroom beside my room. I also had my very own balcony. There wasn't much of a view, unless you counted miles of sand. But I did notice that if I carefully climbed onto the railing, I could get onto the roof. So that's what I did.

I laid down and looked up at the sky. It was about seven o'clock, so the sun was slowly sinking into the distance. We had started the journey at a little before five in the morning. It was a long, boring drive and I didn't want to move.

"Jessica! Come down here and started bringing your stuff in the house!" I heard my mother call. With a sigh, I climbed back down onto my balcony and exited my room. The movers were just now pulling up. The started taking in all the furniture while I helped my parents with the rest of our items.

The whole process took another two and a half hours. It was nearly ten o'clock when the movers left us to settle into our new place. My parents ordered a pizza less than an hour ago, and it got there as the movers left.

I grabbed a plate for myself and a can of Mtn Dew before heading up to my new room. Carefully, I climbed back onto the roof with my dinner. I sat down and looked up at the sky. I had to admit, it looked beautiful. There wasn't as much light pollution here as there was in my hometown, so I could see a lot more stars.

A shooting star shot past and I sighed wistfully. "I wish that something exciting would happen. Something that will make this trip actually worth it."

After I made my wish, I finished my meal in silence. It was just after eleven when I went back into my room. I decided to put my room together the next day. However, I did have to put my bed together, so quickly I did just that. Afterward, I plugged my phone up and changed into pajamas. When I finally got beneath the blankets, I couldn't stop the tears that once more began making trails down my cheeks as I thought about the life I just lost.

"Jessica, come on! We have to get to the castle! The princess needs rescuing!"

Two little kids ran through a forest, laughing and playing merrily. One of them was a young boy with red hair and a freckled face, the other a pale face, pigtailed, brown haired girl. They looked to be about seven or eight years old.

"Kyle! You know I'm a girl. I don't want to rescue a princess. I want to rescue a prince!" The girl, Jessica, giggled. Her blue eyes sparkled playfully. A twig caught her and she fell forward, but was able to catch herself with her hands. She stood back up and wiped her hands on her white shorts before once more taking after her friend.

"Come on, slowpoke!" Kyle teased. Jessica huffed and used all her energy to catch up with a boy. She couldn't help but jump and tackle the boy to the ground. They rolled down the hill they were on, barely missing the trees, and came to a stop in front of a lake.

"Whoa, look at this place." Kyle remarked, despite his position. Jessica had him pinned to the ground. However, she stood up quickly when she realized she had never been here before. "Where are we? I've never been here before?"

Jessica shrugged. "Me neither. Your mommy and daddy told us to always stick to the path." The two of them looked towards the trees they'd come out of. "I think we might have done so."

Kyle shot her a look. "Duh. Still though, mommy and daddy take me off the trails all the time. We've never been here before. It's really pretty though! We should show them it sometime!" He grinned as if he'd come up with the best idea ever.

"And tell them about how we went off the path. I don't think that would be a good idea." Jessica reminded him. Kyle pouted, but he knew she was right. The two of them began to explore the area.

The lake was roughly the size of a football field, and the water almost seemed to glow. Jessica didn't think she'd ever seen water quite that blue! It almost looked unreal. She walked to the water's edge and looked inside. Something sparkled. Curiously, she reached inside and gripped the item in question. She pulled out what looked like a piece of metal.

It almost seemed to pulse as if it were alive. She stroked it, noticing the strange markings it bore. It looked almost alien to her. "Kyle, check this out!" She called to her best friend. He quickly ran over to her side.

However, right before he got to her, the shard grew hot against her skin. She yelped in pain and tried to drop it. It stuck to her skin, burning the flesh. Tears sprung to her eyes and she screamed. "What's wrong!" Kyle shouted. He finally reached her side and he noted the smell of something burning.

The shard melted, and then seemed to sink into her very skin. Jessica gasped and the pain melted away, leaving only a faint scar to be the only proof something had happened. "What, was that?" Kyle asked, looking concerned for his friend. She didn't answer though. Instead, her vision went dark and she fell to the ground.

Vaguely, she could hear Kyle screaming her name.

I shot up into a sitting position when I woke up from my dream. My heart thumped against my ribs as I remembered the dream I just had. It wasn't just a dream though, it was a memory. On my right hand, there was a faint scar that had been there since that day.

I remember how I had come to in a hospital, my parents by my bedside. They told me that there had been an accident, Kyle had told them I fell and hit my head. They had believed him. So no one knew what had truly happened.

That day had basically been the end of a normal life for me. Since that day, I've had strange visions of an alien world. I'd see symbols that shouldn't've made much sense to me, but I knew exactly what they meant. It was as if the knowledge had been programed into my head.

I would go through fits where I would black out. When I would come to, I would have drawn those strange symbols all over the place. My parents told me stories of those moments were I would start talking in clicks and beeps. Literally. They said my eyes would almost glow brightly and I would stare blankly at nothing.

It scared them so much that they'd have been put into a mental hospital when I was twelve. I was there for much of my childhood. However, as I got older, I would slowly be able to control those fits. Soon enough, I was released back to my parents.

I never saw Kyle again after I was committed. His family had moved away in fear that their son would start having the same fits I was having.

It took me a moment to catch my breath. When my heart finally slowed down, I stood up from my bed and stretched. Looking around my room, I remembered that I had to eventually unpack and put everything away. "Bleh, Ill deal with it later tonight." I decided.

Instead I went downstairs where my parents were located. The smell of eggs and bacon greeted me as I descended. My dad was seated at the table, reading a newspaper, while my mom was alternating between dealing with the food, and unpacking the kitchen. "Good morning, parental units." I greeted them.

My dad shot me a stern look, but didn't reply. My parents didn't like how… unusual I could be. I just liked to think I had a special charm. I was weird, I was random, and I was just a little bit childish. But hey, I had fun and enjoyed doing what I do. So with that in mind, I joined my dad at the table. Five minutes later, my mom put plates of food in front of me and dad. "Thanks momma! Smells amazing." I grinned before digging in.

It was silent for several minutes as we all enjoyed the food. However, neither of my parents could have quiet for long. "So, Jessica, what do you plan to do today?" Mom asked me curiously.

I shrugged. "I don't know. I figured I could go out for a little bit and explore Jasper. Maybe stop by the university or something. After that, I was going to work on my room."

"I have to go out to the university at two to fill out some paper work. You're more than welcome to join me if you want." Dad offered. I told him that sounded perfect. First though, I wanted to go and see a bit of the town.

So after I ate, I went back into my room and picked out my outfit for the day. Then I went into my bathroom and took a quick shower. Once that was completed and I was ready, I went back into my room. Looking into the mirror located on my dresser, I couldn't help but admire myself. I didn't think I was in anyways a model, but I was pretty in my own way. I grew my hair long, reaching just to the middle of my back. Sometime after I got released, I had dyed it a deep red color. My face had lost its baby fat and I had distinguished cheek bones. I never wore make up because I looked better without it. My teeth were a little crooked, but for the most part, they were white and strong.

I wore a long dark red shirt, with a v-shaped neckline that went down the middle of my thighs with a thick black belt around my waist and black leggings. Then I also wore black combat boots. I had put my hair in a ponytail then braided it. I finish my outfit with a pair of black sunglasses.

"Alright Jessica, let's introduced Jasper, Nevada to the awesomeness that is you." I grinned at myself before grabbing my phone and heading out. "By mom! Bye dad!" I called over my shoulder as I went out the front door. It was just now ten o'clock so I had about three hours to explore before I needed to meet my dad. I didn't think that would be much of a problem with how tiny Jasper was. Something told me it would only take an hour to see everything this place had to offer.

And I was right. An hour later and I had traveled from one end of Jasper to another. There wasn't much to see really. The only park they had was run down and was in serious need of a gardener. There was one movie theater and a bowling alley. That was the extent of recreational activities available. I hadn't even seen a swimming pool.

Sometime told me I was going to get bored of my new town pretty quickly.

With a sigh of disappointment, I began the journey back to my house. On the way, I stopped by the local fast food restaurant. It was called KO burger. It kind of reminded me of the Rally's we had back in our hometown with the way it was set up.

I walked up to the window to order. A boy who looked to be about sixteen was standing in the window. He looked completely bored with his job, but he tried to hide it with a smile. "Hello. Welcome to KO, where every burger is a knockout. What can I get you?" He asked.

"Something to do in this boring town would be nice. You know of anything fun around here?" I asked him. He chuckled and shook his head.

"You must be new around here. Jasper, Nevada is literally the dictionary form of boring. There is a picture of Jasper, beside the word boring to describe what it truly means. So no, I don't know of anything fun around here." He replied.

I huffed. "Great. I was forced to move to the most boring town in the entire world. Just my luck."

"Well, at least you didn't grow up here. You could probably still escape its dark clutches." He joked. I giggled and shook my head. "Unfortunately, I'm stuck here, at least until I finish school. But maybe not even then."

"Where do you go to school?" The boy, whose nametag said Jack, asked curiously.

"Jasper University. I'm transferring there from my old one back in my home town. I'm a sophomore this year. Would be a junior, but I had to take a year off for personal reasons." I explained to Jack.

"Hmm, well I hope you enjoy it there. Aaand did you still want to order something?" He asked with a grin. I chuckled, having completely forgotten that was the whole reason I was here. "Yeah. I'll take a small order of fries, and a small coke, no ice."

I paid for the items and waited over at the nearest table. After a couple minutes, Jack brought my items to me. "By the way, can I know your name? It'd be nice to actually have a friend here." He asked.

I smiled, knowing exactly what it was like to not have any friends. Most of the people back in my hometown knew about how I had been committed all of my teen years, so no one wanted anything to do with me. They all thought I was just some crazy girl. "Yeah, sure. My name is Jessica."

"Jack." He stated simply and offered his hand. Something told me that, despite our age differences, we were going to become really great friends.

I was about to return home when it had happened. Jack, who had just got done dealing with a bully, had come out for his lunch break. He waved to me before pulling out his phone and answering a call. I couldn't hear him, but I assumed he was talking to his mom.

I couldn't stay any longer after that, so I left towards my house. As I walked down the sidewalk, I thought about what my life would be like after today. It was only day one and I'd at least made a friend. That's more than I was able to accomplish back home. But still, Jasper was a small, boring town with absolutely nothing to do.

The sound of screaming suddenly filled the streets. I frowned and looked behind me, just in time to see Jack racing past me on a motorcycle. Only a second later, two purple cars sped after Jack. It looked as if they were trying to take Jack off the road.

Jack turned into an alleyway and I quickly ran after him. I turned into the alley and ran to the end, turning the way I figured they went. Suddenly I bumped into something, or should I say someone, hard. "Ow!" I yelped.

"Jessica?" He asked, his eyes widening in surprise. "What are you doing here?"

"I saw you getting chased by those cars. I had to make sure you were okay." I replied. The sound of revving engines prevented him from reply. We looked behind us to see one of the purple cars. It started driving forward.

Thinking quickly, I grabbed a piece of pipe laying nearby. "Run Jack!" I shouted and he wasted no time in doing so. I waved the pipe at the car. "Stay back! I'm not afraid to use this thing!" I threatened. The person wasn't too worried about me, seeing as how they were in a freaking car. So I tossed it at the windshield and took off. The sound of shattering glass told me I was successful. Hopefully it would slow them down.

I quickly caught up to Jack, "I don't even know her!" He shouted behind him, and I instantly felt hurt. He must've noticed, because he quickly corrected himself. "No, I wasn't talking about you! I promise! It's a long story."

I nodded, believing him. That was when we were suddenly stopped by the other purple car appearing in front of us. We turned around, but the car I hit was there already. "Jack, there's no one in the car." I gasped, pointing into the empty car.

Jack gulped. "I see that."

That was when I heard the sound of a motorcycle. The one Jack was on earlier came driving over the car with the broken window and stopped in front of us. "Hop on!" It yelled, the voice was feminine. Jack did so without question, so I figured she was the safer option. The motorcycle took off, once again jumping over the cars.

I held on to Jacks waist, screaming in fear. I'd never been on a motorcycle before, especially not one that seemed to be sentient.

The mirror of the motorcycle turned to face me. "Friend of yours?" The motorcycle asked Jack. He simply nodded, the words probably stuck in his throat. "The name's Jessica." I smiled slightly.


After that, the purple cars that didn't have drivers started shooting at us.

"Holy shit!" I gasped, not even caring about language in that moment. This was not how I thought I would die. "Why are those guys shooting at us?" Jack asked fearfully.

"There's no us, kid. And they're no guys." Arcee replied. She swerved, barely avoiding a shot and I could help but scream once more. A honk distracted me. It belonged to a yellow and black muscle car that began knocking into the demon purple cars, knocking them off course.

"Friend of yours?" Jack asked, repeating the motorcycles earlier question.


I started screaming once more and when Jack figured out why, he started to as well. We burst through a railing and went over a large drop off. We landed on the concrete hard, and I was sure my stomach dropped.

Jack and I quickly got off the motorcycle. "Whoa." We turned to see a young boy, who was playing with a toy car, looking up at us in awe. "You have no idea, kid." I stated simply.

The revving engines of the demon cars was heard once more. We watched as they transformed into giant robots. Then Arcee did the exact same thing. "Holy mother of cheese. Please tell me I'm not the only one who just saw that." I gasped.

"You're definitely not. What are they?" The boy asked. Jack and I shrugged, neither of us really knew. "Talking cars that turn into robots… or the other way around," was Jack's reply.

"I think it's the latter. Either way, this is freaking awesome! And absolutely terrifying." I remarked. I hadn't expected my exciting wish would include giant robots that were locked in some kind of death match. But hey, I'll take what I can get!

I gasped when one of the demon car robots shot Arcee in the chest. "No!" I screamed. I may not know much about who or what Arcee was, but I knew she was the good guy. And lucky for us, the yellow and black car appeared, transforming and immediately much one of them in the face. I cheered as Arcee stood back up, groaning.

The yellow bot got pretty close to where the three of us were standing and accidently stepped on the car the boy had had with him. The bot looked at the boy and began making strange clicking and whirring noises. I gasped, recognizing the sound. It was the exact same noise I made when I had one of my fits.

I didn't have much time to contemplate on that, however, when one of the demon bots powered up his gun and shot the bot, sending him flying back. The one who fired approached the poor bot and put his foot on his head. He pointed it to his face.

"LEAVE HIM ALONE!" The boy and I shouted simultaneously. They both turned to face us, and I shivered. "Please." We added meekly.

"Bad call." Jack stated, laying a hand on both on shoulders. We made a run for it, heading straight for a drain pipe. I could hear and feel the demon bot running after us. We helped the boy up first and then I went up and we pulled Jack up. Then quickly we ran into the sewer pipe as quickly as possible.

The clawed hand of the demon bot followed after us and we ran as fast as we could. Lucky for us, right before it was able to grab us, it was dragged back out. The yellow bot appeared once more. Once again, I heard the familiar sound of clicking and whirring.

"Thanks." The boy smiled before we turned around and continued running. Jack shook his head as we went, a look of disbelief in his eyes and told us to not look back. "What did we just see?" The boy asked.

"No idea." I shook my head. Jack copied what I did. "I'm not sure I want to find out." He added.

The sewer pipe went on for some time, but we eventually made it to the other side. I turned to look at the boy. "My names Jessica, what's yours?" I asked with a smile. He smiled right back and me and told me his name was Raf.

"Jack." Jack told Raf simply.

After that, we all split up. I looked at my phone and saw that it was 1:47. Dad was going to leave me. I dialed his number. The phone rang twice before he picked up. "Hello, Jessica. Where are you? I had to leave."

"Sorry dad, I got a little lost. I'm trying to find my way back home." I answered him. I hated lying to my parents, but there was absolutely no way I could ever tell them the truth. They would just have me committed once more!

"Well okay. Call your mother if you need a pick up. I'll just bring you out to campus tomorrow. At least you don't start school for a week, unlike the high school kids." Dad joked. I chuckled and said goodbye to him. Then I began my walk to my house.

By the next day, I had all my stuff unpacked and officially moved into my new room. I had to admit that it wasn't a bad room at all. The balcony especially was a great addition to my new life.

Then I thought about the events from yesterday. I didn't know if I would ever see Arcee or the yellow bot again, but I honestly really wanted to. I also wanted to see Jack again. Before we had separated the day before, we had exchanged numbers. We had been texting all day.

We decided to meet up when Jack got out of school. So about a half hour before his classes were over, I left my house and ventured towards the high school. I wondered how Jack was feeling about everything that had happened the night before. It had certainly been quite the day. Not at all how I expected Jasper to be.

I got to the high school right as class was letting out. I noticed Raf standing by a tree nearby so that's where I went. "Hey Raf." I smiled and leaned down to hug him. After all, if you survive a weird robot attack thing, then you tend to become good friends.

"Hey Jess. Here comes Jack." He said, waving over the other member of our weird little club. Jack waved back and joined us. Just as Jack joined our side, a familiar yellow vehicle pulled up beside us. The door lifted up and we heard clicking and whirring.

"He wants us to get in?" Jack asked, frowning slightly in confusion. Raf shook his head. "Just Jess and I. Your ride is over there." Raf explained.

"And you know this how?" Jack asked, glimpsing over to where Arcee sat on the curb.

"He told me so." Raf replied and the two of us climbed into the car. Jack started protesting, but we ignored him. the door shut and the yellow bot took off.

"So, since you can understand him, mind telling me what is name is? All I hear is clicking and whirring." I pouted. I wish I knew what he was saying. It sounds so familiar though. The sound was exactly what I would make when I was in one of my fits. My mom had videotaped me once and showed me. It was a weird coincident.

"His name is Bumblebee." Raf answered. I hummed in acknowledgement. It made sense that his name would be Bumblebee, it suited him.

We drove out into the desert, and I watched as the town of Jasper sank into the distance. It was the second time in less than a week that I watched someone grow small. However, this time I was excited rather than sad. I could see Arcee behind us, with Jack and what looked like another girl. That was weird, but I suppose I would find out why soon enough.

Then I noticed we were driving straight for a cliff. I had to prevent myself from closing my eyes. Bee wouldn't've just gotten us only to kill us by driving into a cliff. He clearly had a plan. And I was proven right when the face of the cliff opened, revealing a tunnel.

We entered into a large room and I couldn't help but look around in awe. It was like nothing I had ever seen before. Raf and I climbed out and allowed Bee to transform. There were two other bots in there, one was huge and green, while the other was red and white. They both watched us curiously, though the latter had a frown on his face.

"I thought there was three?" The red and white one asked, surprised. I looked over to Jack and Arcee and saw the wild looking girl. She looked like a rock and roll star and something told me we would get along just fine.

Arcee transformed and deadpanned, "Haven't you heard? Humans multiply."

"I'm pretty sure the phrase is rabbits multiply. Because they do, like crazy. Never get two bunnies of different genders or else you've end up with all kinds of little hoppers. Hello! I'm Jessica." I introduced myself with a smile.

"I'm Raf!" Raf waved shyly. The rock star girl grinned and waved enthusiastically. "I'm Miko!" She ran over to the green robot. "Who are you?"


Miko gasped. "Are you a car? I bet you're a truck! A monster truck! Do you like heavy metal? How much do you weigh? Ever use a wrecking ball as a punching bag?"

Bulkhead seemed incapable to form a reply as she rattled off question after question. The rest of us just ignored her and turned to Raf, who spoke up next. "So, if you're robots, who made you? Raf asked.

The red and white one scoffed. "Ugh, Puh-leeze."

I frowned. "Not nice, dude. He was just asking a question. I'd like to know how you guys came to be as well." The bot gave me a look like he was trying to figure me out. I looked away though and focused on the new voice.

"We are autonomous robotic organisms from the planet Cybertron, also known as Autobots." The final bot arrived to the party. This guy was seriously large, like larger than the others. I felt like a tiny ant. He was red and blue and something about him oozed authority and leadership.

"Why are you hear?" Jack asked curiously.

"To protect your planet from the Decepticons." The red and blue bot replied. Arcee added in that it was the jokers who had tried to bump us off the road the day before. Jack then asked why they were here. "A fair question, Jack." He got down onto one knee. "In part, they are here because our planet is uninhabitable. Ravaged by centuries of civil war."

"Why were you fighting a civil war?" I asked, concerned. We've had plenty of wars here on Earth, but none of them had been bad enough to destroy our planet. I couldn't imagine what these bots were going through.

"Foremost, over control of our world supply of energon. The fuel and life-blood of all Autobots and Decepticons alike. The combat was fierce and endured for centuries. In the beginning I fought alongside one who I considered a brother. But in war, ideals can be corrupted. And it was thus that Megatron lost his way." The bot explained, his voice growing sad as he explained the past. My heart ached for him and everything they all no doubt lost in the war.

"Is there going to be a pop quiz?" Miko asked, bored, as she twirled some of her hair in her fingers. I frowned, irritated with the girl's immaturity. Perhaps we wouldn't get along as much as I thought we would've.

Jack shook his head before turning back to the big bot. "So what does Megatron, or any of this, have to do with us?" Jack asked.

"Megatron has not been seen nor heard of in some time. But if his return is imminent, as I fear, it could be catastrophic." Big bot explained grimly.

And that, my friends, was a huge 'oh shit' moment for all of us. Something told me things were about to change quite a bit. I wasn't sure what to expect, but I knew that I was definitely getting the adventure I had always wanted. Perhaps moving to Jasper wasn't such a bad idea after all.

Alright twenty pages later, and we have the ending of the first chapter! Yay! The word count before all these author notes ended up being exactly 5,555 so that was fun. Anyway, more chapters to come soon enough! Until then, please A.R.F.! That means to Alert, Review, and favorite! The R is my favorite!