Meet the Villians

Lovino grinned at a passing gaurd, winking, "hey~ I would really appreciate it if you let me out. I could make your day at least a little more interesting~"

The guard looked at him, skeptically, "I heard the last guard who let you out got his dick chopped off. Now shut up and go back to filing your nails, your dirty whore," the guard snapped.

"Well fuck you too, idiota bastardo."

The guard banged on the bars to Lovino's cell, "speak English, you're in America, you fucking Mexican trash. This is why we shouldn't let immigrants in, they're all fucking stupid weirdos."

"I'm Italian, you uncultered swine! And does knowing two languages make me stupid, do you know two languages you piece of shit!" The guard chuckled at Lovino's outburst and kept walking. Lovino wanted to go beat the shit out of him.

That was kind of sad, the guard really wasn't awful looking. He was lean, with short brown hair, striking blue eyes and porcelain skin. He somehow even pulled off those god awful, navy blue uniforms. Lovino licked his lips, it had been awhile since he had gotten any action. The last time was probably the incident with the guard who got his dick chopped off. Sure, he chopped it off, but he certainly showed that man a good time before he did it. He wasn't that cruel.

Lovino didn't want to admit it, but he was actually slightly hurt by the confrontation. He heard the term "whore" plenty of times, there was even a point in his life where he was a consort for some big mobster. Apparently, he wasn't exclusively his consort and spent a lot of time in other people's beds.

Lovino was pretty sure he was a sex addict at this point.

Even though Lovino was a guy, he was still pretty good at attracting men. He had a very small, petite, frame, give him some boobs and he would easily pass off as a girl. Of course, at first it bothered him, but he learned to use it to his advantage. And advantage it was.

Lovino huffed and sat down. He didn't want to think of the past, not right now. Because, in Lovino's surpringly extensive past, there was a man named Antonio.

A man Lovino longed to see everyday.

Matthew hated wearing this stupid outfit.

One of the biggest issues that came up when he was caught was, "how do we watch a guy we can't see?" So, after three months of testing, they created an outfit that couldn't turn invisible, like most clothes. So, Matthew was stuck wearing the most hideous, bright yellow, jumpsuit. Beyond unfair.

"Martin," a guard said, sliding open the small window where they usually slid food in. Of course, he got stuck in a cell that was completely covered, no bars or anything. And of course, the guard got his name wrong. Again.

They slid in a block of brown... Meatloaf perhaps? Matthew stared at it, but didn't have it in him to complain. He didn't want worse food and he didn't like actually confronting people. He picked up the plate and stabbed a fork in it, noticing it was still mostly frozen.

It was days like these where he regretted ever trusting Alfred F. Jones, the brother who supposedly "cared" about him.

Funny, "caring" apparently meant throwing the person into a prison to rot.

Gilbert began laughing when the guards entered his cell wearing blindfolds.

These idiots still hadn't caught on that Gilbert's trick wasn't the hypnotism they thought it was. He couldn't make anyone do anything, not with his eyes anyway. He simply trapped someone in their own mind, tortured them with their deepest fears that lurked in the furthest corners of their brain. It was truly the ultimate torture, and he didn't even have to get his hands dirty!

Suddenly, they tackled him and wrestled a blindfold onto his face. Ow! That hurt, the fat, bald one tackled him! Why couldn't have the brown haired one done it?

"So, now what?" Gilbert asked

"It's dinner time," one replied

Ah, dinner time. That's when they opened the small window on the door and let Gilbert get relatively fresh air, and he got to eat. Unfortunately, he had to do it blindfolded so he wouldn't peak out and hypnotize some poor guard. It was very irritating.

Of course, it wasn't an ordinary blindfold, but a metal one that wrapped around his head and couldn't be taken off unless you had the remote that unlocked it. Sometimes, just to be assholes, they wouldn't take off the blindfold for days at a time. It unlocked automatically after three days though, thankfully.

"Well eat up, you nazi trash," one of the guards sang, opening the door and exiting. Gilbert growled.

"You probably don't even know what a nazi is, you idiotic piece of scum."

Gilbert scowled, cursing America to the grave. The asshole just had to catch him!

Leon fiddled with his hands, getting more and more irritated by the second. He just wanted to feel some type of contraption in his hands, maybe even build something. Everyone seemed to think he could only build bombs, which he was extremely good at, but he could pretty much make anything else too. With the right materials, of course.

"Kirkland, eh? Like, the writer?" A brown haired guard asked, clearly trying to make conversation. At least it wasn't the fat one asking for relationship advice for his failing marriage.

"No, the one who works at Walmart," Leon said flatly, glaring at the man. Of course his dad had to not only be a successful writer but a super hero too! Leon wished he had been adopted by some crackheads sometimes. Actually all the time, because if he had he wouldn't be sitting in a fucking prison.

"Mmm, does your daddy ever visit?"

"He doesn't give a damn, so no, you won't be getting an autograph. Sorry," Leon said flatly.


Leon wanted to get out of this damn place, but he wasn't stupid, unless one of his dads busted him out he would be stuck here. And for one of his dads to get him, they would actually have to find a heart, which was never going to happen.

At least they had his perfect, super hero brother, Kiku. I mean, no one wants to admit their kid is the villian of the story.

Leon stared upwards, towards the windows that were covered with steal bars. He wondered how Emil was doing.

Elizabeta continued filing her nails with her fork, not sparing the block of sludge a second glance. Like hell she was going to put that monstrosity anywhere near her mouth. She actually had class, thank you very much.

"Crazy Bitch, you gotta eat!" The guard shouted, waving his pudgy arm in the air.

"Wow, your head is brighter than my future! I can't believe I never noticed!" Hungary retorted, trying to check her reflection on the man's shiny, bald head.

"Do you put shoe shine on it?"

The man's pale, chubby face turned red. Wow, he had more chins that she had friends. Impressive.

"Well your future isn't that bright anyway, you'll be in here forever, hon."

"Call me hon again and I'll wear your skin like a costume. Then again, I could probably use your body to house a small family, since your body is SO big!"

The man sputtered and turned, straighting the navy blue tie that matched his navy blue button up and navy blue slacks. These uniforms were so drab.

She stood up, brushing off her short, white, dress, "can you go now, your existence is irritating me."

Surprisingly he left. Elizabeta sighed, picked up her plate, and chucked it at the bars. It didn't break, but the sludge flew through the bars and landed with a loud SLOP. She smiled, and sat back down.

"Her husband must be crazy," one guard whispered.

"So, what do you think?"

Vash looked at the man like he just suggested they nuke themselves, "we can't control them, if we let them do any hero business they will destroy everything in their path. Romulus, please think about this clearly."

"England, America, France, Russia, Germany, and Japan are all missing. That leaves China, and Italy, and those two aren't even on the same team! Until the missing heroes are located, we need a back up plan!" Romulus shouted, slamming his hand on the table. People looked over, whispering. Vash nearly facepalmed, this is why he never went anywhere with Romulus.

"Is this some plan so your grandson can get some type of retribution? Because I've seen the reports, that kid needs a life time of therapy before he'll even consider trying to fix himself. He chopped a guard's penis off, Romulus. Chopped it right off, and he's one of the better ones! This will never work," Vash snapped, reading through the worn, leather journal Romulus had handed him.

Romlulus's eyes visibly darkened at the mention of his grandson. The stain in the Vargas family tree, "I don't care about him, he made his bed, now he can lie in it."

"Harsh," Vash said as he looked through the page regarding Canada.

"Trust me, I would rather he move to the other side of the world, but this isn't about him. I still think my idea is a good one, and I'm sure we can get them all to agree."

Vash raised a brow, "fine, let's say I consent to this plan and it gets passed. Then what?"

"We can use the superheroes left to help guard them, some of them have spectacular abilities, we threaten them a bit into going and possibly agree to some demands. They'll definitely be interested."

"Fine, tell me about each of them. In your words," Vash said, with holding the journal. Romulus sighed.

"So there's Lovino "Romano" Vargas, who also happens to be my oldest grandson, he's twenty five years old. He grew up with a mobster since age eleven and picked up a lot of tricks. He's skilled in the art of deception and good with guns. He's usually "a man with a plan" and is extremely intelligent," Romulus said with a dark expression. He really didn't like being associated with him. Not any more.

"You forgot about the prostitute part," Vash said in an uncharacteristically teasing tone.

"He's a sex addict."

"Next there's Matthew "Canada" Williams, he's twenty three. His brother is Alfred "America" Jones. He has the ability to become invisible and used it to steal. He was a doctor when he wasn't out stealing. Bit of a kleptomaniac. America caught him."

Vash raised a brow, "his own brother caught him?"

Romulus nodded, "he's a quiet kid, he's got rapid healing too. Biggest shock of the century when he began stealing, I think it was to get attention since Alfred surely has most of it. But, nonetheless, he stole too much and it was game over."

"Next, we have Gilbert "Prussia" BeiIschmidt, he looks like he's twenty five years old. He can hypnotize people, though we suspect it's more of a torture method. He's a big time Sadist, throughout history he's always been on the bad guys side. He's immortal, said he was actually at the Battle of Bunker Hill. America caught him but he's Germany's older brother."

"Then there's Leon Kirkland, seventeen years old. Could probably build a nuke with stuff he finds in a candy isle. He's a pyromaniac too. He started building bombs and selling them, so one of his dads Arthur "England" Kirkland caught him. He can also control fire."

Vash nodded at Romulus to continue, "Lastly there's Elizabeta "Hungary" Héderváry, twenty eight years old. She's got super strength and she's also impossibly flexible. The best fighter of the group, when it comes to hand to hand or melee. She's got a husband, Roderich Edelstein who she's still married too. She turned herself in."

Vash nodded, "nothing too bad. Could've been a worse group."

"So, you in?"

Vash thought for a second, "I'll send the super hero division to help."

Romulus internally cheered.

Vash handed Romulus the journal back, "how come Romano doesn't have an entry?

Romulus gently put the journal back in his bag, "he does, but it's code. This journal actually belonged to Romano, so he wrote his own file in a weird way. If you look through the rest of the journal, you'll see all kinds of different codes. We suspect he has a lot of different things written here, things we don't even know about. We've got experts working on it. Once we decode, we replace the page with the uncoded version."

Vash nodded, "if he wrote his in a different code, perhaps he's hiding something."

Romulus looked to the side, "that's exactly what I was thinking."

Excerpt from Lovino Romano Vargas's Journal:

"Heaven and Hell #43"

We tried to help Feather 2 today.

It was stupid, why would we want Feather 2 to have any power? It was an abomination.

The other scientists seemed to agree. The test subject was damaged, quite badly.

Feather 1 wasn't happy, and went into a blind rage.

Feather 1 did what Feather 2 couldn't, figured out how to use the experiments we had put it under. It was a glorious day.

But, now the other scientists are dead and Feather 1 and 2 are gone.

My children, gone.

My hard work, destroyed. I could restart, but Feather 1 and 2 weren't dead yet. They could still be used, monitored.

They truly would be amazing weaponry.

Dr. Native America

A/N I'll be updating daily :3 WARNINGS mentions of torture, rape, pyromania, ect. Ahead so be careful, I don't know how to tag quite honestly