It did not take long for Solstice Modeling to get off the ground. Winter's business acumen and the beauty of the models made that certain. Velvet's industry contacts helped too. Success in business was something Winter had come to expect, but that was not the case for the others. It was a strange situation for most involved in fact. For the first time, Yang had a job that actually paid a decent wage. For the first time, Blake had a job that was not painfully boring. For the first time, Nora had a job.

That was not to say it was an easy transition for everyone. Pyrrha was a bit bashful in front of the camera, and her relative prudishness initially limited the sorts of shoots she would take part in. She still had her career as a psychologist, so it was not such a big deal. A fear of flying did limit Blake however. It was a phobia she had not known she had until her first attempted plane journey. She had ended up shaking and crying so much she had to be removed, and that was before they left the gate. It was just another aspect that had to be added to her therapy. She would miss out on some location shoots, but it was not a terribly big problem.

At first Winter's obsession with running the business had worried Yang. Winter could be very intense and she spend many long nights working on contracts and various plans. Yang's concerns turned out to be unfounded, as Winter never became so swept up in it that she forgot to take care of herself...or her girlfriend. It all seemed a bit insane for Yang. In such a short time she had gone from a life of solitude, destitution and despair to one of love, wealth and joy.

Follow the continuing story of On Thin Ice in it's sequel Solstice, out now!