A/N: Damn this story got popular quick. Thanks for the support! I do hope I don't disappoint you all. Like seriously, 200 follows and nearly the same amount of favorites in a little over a week?! That's mindblowingly amazing.
Fun fact, I am a great lover of music and movies. Because I can, I've decided to include a theme song for each main character at the end of some chapters. Sorta like a tiny Omake/song recommendation. We'll be starting out with our heroic stripper, Naruto.
Nonetheless, let's get this started!
By the way, you are just gonna love how Juvia gets introduced in the story. You'll just have to wait until next chapter. Like I said last chapter, Naruto won't be completely involved in all of Team Natsu's missions, and he won't be involved in most of the Eisenwald incident. He will, however, take part in the final fight with Lullaby in this chapter.
[Opening Theme: Asterisk by Orange Range]
[Disclaimer: I don't own anything aside from the can of vanilla flavored Monster Energy coffee that's in my gullet and Halo on my Xbox One]
[Arc 1: Comrades]
[Chapter 2: The Black Reaper]
When Naruto finally fell asleep, he awakened not even a moment later, looking through the eyes of another man. It was almost like one of those movies shot in a first-person point of view, as he could only observe the man's actions. It was through this that he became aware that this was a really lucid dream, or possibly something stronger.
Looking around his surroundings, a bustling port city in the midst of a vast desert landscape, the man could understand why the people back home referred to Vistarion as the Gem of the Desert Country. Despite the heat and the near hostile conditions, Vistarion had plentiful water and food, and the business in the capital city of Alakitasia could rival that of the prosperous Kingdom of Fiore.
A toothy grin covered the man's face as he disembarked from his small boat, the gentle ocean breeze making his striped black and white scarf flutter slightly. "Geez, I'm glad to be off that thing. Another five minutes and I swear I would barf!" He complained to himself.
"Then maybe you should learn some Teleportation Magic. That would rid you of your motion sickness and it would make things much easier on you while traveling long distances." A soft, effeminate voice chuckled behind him.
The man turned around and took in the woman's appearance. Short scarlet hair that left a few fringes covering her forehead, warm black eyes, a small and dazzling smile, and an attire that consisted of a white and red tunic with a long white cape draped over her form.
It was in that moment that the man decided that the stranger was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, so he decided to give her a smile of his own. "No thanks, I only need one kind of magic for the things I do." He replied with a grin as he lovingly patted the katana strapped to his back. "So, what's your name?"
The woman's onyx-colored eyes twinkled bemusedly. "Our world is locked in a Civil War, y'know? We don't know who's an ally or a foe. Therefore, I can't give you my full name just yet. But for now, call me Belserion. You?"
The man's grin widened slightly. "Surnames, huh? Fine by me, Bels." He replied, making her scowl slightly at the unsolicited nickname. "Call me Dragneel!"
The scene warped around Naruto to where he found himself standing in the middle of a serene garden, and across from him was a very slightly aged Belserion, garbed in a white wedding robe. 'What is this? Why am I seeing this?'
The man tenderly grabbed hold of his betrothed's hands, never once letting go of her loving gaze. "I do." He responded resolutely to the minister's speech.
"And do you, Sarai Belserion, take...to be your lawfully wedded husband, in sickness and in health, till death do you part?" The minister asked the woman as she shed joyful tears, making Naruto wonder why he can't hear the man's name.
"I-I do!" She replied.
The minister smiled and as he was about to finish the wedding ceremony, the new spouses engaged in a rather heated liplock, making the sole attendant, a red-haired man with black eyes and a tan complexion, howl in laughter and applause. "I now pronounce you both Mr and Mrs. Dragneel. I would tell you that you can kiss the bride, but you seem to have that part down already."
The attendant began to hoot in a rowdy manner and yelled "Come on, take it off! Make this wedding something to really remember!"
The man shot his best friend a glare and threw a glass bottle of champagne at him, hitting the rowdy person in the head. "Oi! Don't talk to my wife like that, you perverted lizard!"
"I was talking to you, Mr. My Big Ass Sword Compensates For My Lack Of Penile Length!" The 'lizard' shot back with his fists on fire.
"Fuck off, Igneel!" Sarai hollered in a completely unladylike manner, just as the surroundings began to fade away once more.
Finally, Naruto found himself sitting in a hospital room, next to an exhausted Sarai, who joyfully held a small bundle in her arms. The dream began to feel much more realistic, as tears fell from his own eyes at the happy scene.
"You did well, Sarai." The man replied in a much deeper and mature voice than before, though it still held the love and warmth he'd only give to his wife.
The woman smiled back and extended the bundle to her husband, who carefully cradled it and gazed upon his son's sleeping face and small tuft of black hair. "What shall we name him?"
Sarai looked that the child lovingly. "I thought we could name him after your father..."
The man shook his head with a chuckle. "Natsu? That doesn't fit well with this little one. No, let's call him Zeref. It's a strong name, fit for a special boy like him."
"'He Who Conquers Heaven and Earth'? I never figured that your first pick would be a traditional Alakitasian name." Sarai teased, though her smile was approving. "But I do love that name. Our next child can be Natsu."
The man gazed down at the slumbering child lovingly. "You're gonna grow to be an even better Mage, a better person than your old man. I just know it... And your mom and dad will always love you, no matter what..."
And just as the man finished speaking, Naruto found himself in a completely white room, inhabited only by a black flame cloaked in a transparent crimson light.
"FIND ME!" A loud voice boomed out, and with what felt like a huge push, Naruto was ejected from the dream.
[Fairy Tail Guild Hall/Infirmary/One Week after the Hargeon Town Incident]
Naruto leapt up from the bed, gasping and drenched in a cold sweat. "What the hell was that?!" He panted, adrenaline making his heart beat faster than usual. Since he joined Fairy Tail, Makarov had allowed him to sleep in the infirmary, at least until he earns enough Jewels to get his own place. The blond definitely appreciated the old man's kindness as well as the wisdom he provides for the guild. Makarov definitely had the same air about him as the Third Hokage, in Naruto's eyes.
Naruto nodded to himself, deciding on his next course of action. Throwing on his clothes, he left the room and went towards Makarov's office.
[Makarov's Office/Five Minutes Later]
The elderly Master remained silent for what seemed like an eternity. Naruto had told him nearly everything about the dream, though he kept the information about the mysterious man's second son a secret, as it might cause a bit of trouble for his friend, Natsu.
"I think you should go to the East Forest and meditate for a while. I suspect that this vision is linked to your natural magic, and it isn't unusual for novice mages to receive such things as they are about to activate their latent power." Makarov suggested with a grim expression.
Naruto gave him a confused state and replied "Aren't the Ice Magics my natural abilities?"
"No, I don't believe so." The elderly man said with a negative shake of the head. "You received those magics by absorbing the future Gray's magical power, which jumpstarted your own reserves. Therefore, you still haven't awakened your own magic judging from the vision."
"Then how will meditating help me?" Naruto asked.
Makarov got up from his chair and began to stare out of a window that showed a picturesque glimpse of Magnolia. "By meditating, you reflect upon all of your qualities. It clears the mind and helps one grow spiritually, and magically. Meditating might reveal your true power. But I must warn you..." The elderly man spoke in foreboding tone. "Beware of these visions. That child you mentioned may very well be the same Zeref that terrorized the land with his evil magic. Legends say that his magic was just as deadly to him as it was to his victims. If you inherited that magic somehow, let me know immediately so that we can find a way to either control it or get rid of it... Because if it doesn't kill you, the Magic Council most likely will to prevent another potential Black Wizard..."
"Will do, Master. Is there anyone that might help me out with this?" Naruto asked, causing Makarov to shake his head.
"Unfortunately not." He answered. "Our only reliable S-Class Wizard won't be back from her mission until later in the evening. I can't help you out because I have to go to a Masters Meeting in Clovertown. Besides, this is a personal experience that only you should go through."
Naruto frowned in annoyance, but gave an accepting nod to the old man while simultaneously stripping out of his shirt and jacket. "I understand. Well, I'll be off!"
"Oi, put your clothes back o-" Makarov was interrupted by the door shutting, making him growl. "Annoying brat. At least he isn't as destructive as the rest of the kids..."
[East Forest/Magnolia]
For the last several hours, Naruto sat on the soft grass and meditated. It was a nice little spot, a large area of flat land surrounded by various trees and flowers, some of which had old beat up drawings stapled to them, mostly depicting Gray and another red-haired young lady. It was during this time of reflection that he began to think back on his experiences in Earthland.
In Fairy Tail, he became friends with nearly everyone. He had the closest relationship with Natsu and Gray though, to the point where he openly refers to them as brothers, and they reciprocate the affection. Granted, those two still went at each other's throats as much as ever, though Naruto could see that it was a thinly-veiled act of friendly competition.
Then, there was Laxus.
"Nice Ice sculptures. That's about all your magic's good for anyways. Weak trash like you shouldn't have been accepted into the guild."
Naruto frowned, even though he never broke the trance of meditation. The blond promised Natsu that they'd beat his ass one day, and he never goes back on his promises.
Naruto also found that he hasn't lost his ninja abilities, but it's definitely going to be much harder to improve upon his Jutsu when there's no learning material. 'Maybe the Nine-Tails might know something? I should figure out a way to talk to the fuzzball...'
The jobs in Earthland were much easier than in Konoha, Naruto soon found out. Unless one gets sent to an S-Class job, there's usually no real threat to a mage's safety. A quick scuffle with a monster? Possibly, but it's rare to encounter another mage that's trying to kill you. Even though it's only been a couple of weeks since he arrived in Earthland, Naruto felt very protective of his guild.
Makarov wasn't lying when he said that Fairy Tail was a family.
All of his guildmates treated him like another brother, except for Laxus, and they were genuinely glad to see him. When he returns from a mission, they celebrate his return. When he's feeling hungry, Mirajane is more than happy to feed him like a doting big sister. It was like nothing the young wizard/ninja hybrid had ever experienced in his life. It only increased his desire to protect his new home with every fiber of his being. However, he knew he needed more power. How could he ever hope to protect everyone if he's only barely stronger than Natsu?
'I need...more power. The power to protect my Fairy Tail...' He thought as consciousness fell away from him.
Next thing Naruto knew, he found himself standing in the middle of a barren wasteland, the borders of which seemingly stretched beyond the horizon of the endlessly setting sun. However, another person stood in front of him. This man was rather tall with long, flowing brown hair, a thick stubbly beard, sunglasses, and a flowing and tattered black and white robe.
"So, it was you..." Naruto remarked slowly, realizing that this is the being that called to him from the vision.
"Indeed. I know who you are, Naruto Uzumaki. My name is..." The figure spoke in a deep voice, though the blond couldn't hear his name at all.
"Could you repeat that? I didn't hear you say your name." Naruto asked, making the man chuckle lowly.
"There's no point, you aren't ready." He replied. "In this form of magic, names are extremely important. You won't be able to learn my name, or your true magic until you've passed a test."
Naruto tensed as a katana materialized at his hip, and many different blades began to rise from the soil. "And what test is that?"
The man gestured to the hundreds of blades littering the wasteland, all of which looked similar to a giant Khyber knife, yet each blade had slight differences. "The test has two parts. See that blade on your hip? That is my sealed form, which has very little power by itself. The blade is known as a Zanpakutō, or Soul Cutter. Each Zanpakutō has two releases, Shikai (Initial Release) and Bankai (Final Release). Out of all of these blades surrounding us, one of them is my Shikai, which is activated upon speaking my name and activation phrase. The first part is to find my Shikai."
Naruto smirked as the katana disappeared once more and randomly grabbed a blade, only to quickly block a powerful strike from his Zanpakutō spirit.
"The second part of this test is to impress me. While you try to obtain my Shikai, I will attack you relentlessly. You must think under pressure, while simultaneously following your heart. That is the true way of life for a Death God Slayer. Never let your emotions control you, but never let cold logic define you." The spirit instructed as he relentlessly barraged the struggling blond with various swipes.
Naruto grinned, even though his Zanpakutō was definitely not showing mercy to it's wielder. "So that's my magic? Death God Slayer Magic?"
The spirit shrugged with an aloof expression, letting up just enough for Naruto to grab another blade. "One of them. Enough talking, more searching. Should you pass this test, I will grant you access to my power. If you impress me enough, I might just teach you a special spell of mine..."
Naruto's grin grew much wider and he shouted happily, attacking the spirit with a newfound vigor. "Alright! You just gave me the perfect reason to kick your ass!"
[Two Hours Later]
Naruto regretted that statement shortly after making it. Innumerable cuts littered his body, a long strip of blood covered the left side of his face, and exhaustion was making itself known through his heavy breaths and shaking body.
Meanwhile, the Zanpakutō spirit looked calm as ever without even a single scratch on his person, though he was surrounded by dozens of Naruto's broken blades. "Would you like to rest? We can always try again later."
"No..." Naruto growled and got to his feet, grasping another blade that looked like a more refined version of the rest, but it's handle was wrapped in a long white cloth. "If you really are a piece of my soul like you've been telling me throughout our fight, you should already know that I never give up!"
The spirit smiled. "If that's the case, what does your heart tell you in this moment? Don't think about it, just roar it out to the heavens. Let me feel your resolve!"
Naruto took a couple of deep breaths and as if possessed, he tilted his head back and screamed "PROTECT, ZANGETSU!" (Slaying Moon)
Suddenly, Naruto was shrouded by a black energy that erupted from the blade, and a few seconds later, the cocoon shattered, revealing that Naruto was now clad in a black and white kimono with a white cloth belt, white tabi socks, straw sandals, and a thin red cord that held the large cloth-covered blade against his back. "Wow, this really is something else. I can almost feel the raw power bursting from my body..." Naruto murmured as he brandished his new Shikai, pointing it at the smirking spirit. "Looks like I passed the first part..."
"Now for part two..." Zangetsu, the spirit, remarked while readying his own weapon. However, in an instant, Naruto vanished from his sight and the spirit suddenly felt a slight pain on his left cheek and looking over, he saw a small cut that leaked a little blood. "What?"
Naruto, having appeared behind Zangetsu with his blade held out to his side, grinned. "Part two, complete."
'Not even a minute after awakening his power, he instinctively performed a perfect Shunpo! (Flash Step)' Zangetsu thought in amazement. "So it is..."
Naruto willed his Zanpakutō to disappear, causing his new attire to vanish as well, and asked "So, what now?"
"I have a powerful sensory ability that can cover quite a bit of Fiore. Right now, I sense that your friends, Natsu, Gray, Lucy, and another mage are battling an extremely dark source of magic in Clover Town. You should head over there and put me to good use. But first, I'm going to teach you my signature spell..."
[Clover Town/30 minutes later]
Contrary to what they had originally thought, Lullaby was giving Team Natsu the fight of their lives. The demon shattered several mountains with a single blast of magic, a good part of the town was destroyed by the gales caused by a swipe of it's hand, and earthquakes caused by Lullaby's march tore the earth asunder.
For Gray, it was especially haunting, bringing back old memories of a very similar demon named Deliora.
All hope seemed lost. None of them had much magical power left, and to Makarov, it definitely seemed as though he would have to step in...
Then, a confident chuckle rang out through the area and Naruto out from the dark woods nearby. "Oi, who the hell do you think you are? Beating on my family like that, sounds like someone needs a lesson in pain." He insulted the demon, who growled and glared out at the blond.
"You dare insult me?! A great Etherious of Lord Zeref?!" Lullaby roared indignantly.
Meanwhile, all of Team Natsu began to panic as Naruto took his spot directly between them and the raging monster. The red-haired young woman, Erza Scarlet, gave him a worried look. "Listen, this monster is on a whole other level! It would be best to just step back and let Master Makarov handle it!" She told him, recognizing him as the new guy that the others told her about.
Naruto said nothing at first and just activated his Death God Slayer Magic instead, causing him to assume his kimono and wield Zangetsu in his right hand. "Don't worry, I can take out this big bastard in one move." He finally replied with utmost confidence, somehow making the others believe in his new power.
Upon seeing his new appearance, Makarov just smiled proudly and nodded at the recovering team. "Don't worry. Naruto gained a new kind of magic that's hard to beat. He'll handle it."
Meanwhile, Lullaby screeched loudly, causing a nearby small mountain to crumble. "You arrogant prick! I'll reap your puny soul!"
Naruto scoffed as a bright blue light appeared on Zangetsu's tip, which he raised high in the air. "You'll reap my soul? That's hilarious..." He swung the blade down, sending a gigantic arc of blue magic soaring towards the demon's head. "GETSUGA TENSHÔ! (Moon-Fang Heaven-Piercer)"
The Etherious didn't even have the opportunity to scream before the spell cleaved his head in half, resulting in a massive explosion that left no trace of the once-feared demon behind. Now, there was only a great crater, the admiring gazes of the present mage's, and a hidden magazine reporter chanting about Naruto's 'coolness'. "Master... Just what the hell was that?" Erza whispered in awe, mirroring the thoughts of everyone present.
Makarov smiled. "That was the fabled Death God Slayer Magic, possessed only by those who are blessed by the ancient God of life and death, Ankhseram. Nobody has ever seen it's full glory and lived to talk about it. This is truly something to see, no?"
"Heh, so who's the reaper now?" The blond mockingly remarked to the empty space in front of him.
And nearby, watching the back of Naruto as he observed the fruits of his labor, a maroon-haired man dressed much like a jester scowled hatefully, seeing that his guild's rival gained yet another legend in the making.
And a legend in the making, Naruto truly was. After the Lullaby Incident and the demon's final remarks, Naruto gained a title of his own that quickly spread across Fiore like a wildfire.
Fairy Tail's Black Reaper.
[One Month Later/Oak Town/Phantom Lord HQ]
Master Jose Porla couldn't get the image of the Black Reaper standing tall out of his mind. That incident has haunted him ever since the Lullaby Incident. Fairy Tail's popularity has soared to new heights, with most of the area's jobs going their way, leaving Phantom Lord for the buzzards. If this didn't work, then he would be forced to take very drastic measures...
"As you both know, the Magic Council Wizard Tournament is coming in a week. Do you know the purpose of this tournament?" Jose questioned two wizards that stood in front of him. One was a young woman with slightly curly shoulder-length blue hair, blue eyes, pale skin, and a conservative blue outfit lined with white fur and brown boots. The second was a tall man with long black hair, a black and white kimono, and a white haori that added to the aristocratic air that followed him everywhere. And at his hip was a plain katana with a grey hilt.
The woman, Juvia, shook her head. "Drip drip drop, Juvia doesn't know anything about this tournament other than its name, drip drop." She answered in a monotonous, depressed tone of voice.
"The Magic Council Wizard Tournament is a fighting competition between all the legal S-Class wizards of the nation, with the winner getting a recommendation to join the Wizard Saints and some prize money. If they are part of a guild, then that guild would most likely receive an influx of job requests. Essentially, it is a variation of the Grand Magic Games that determines the strongest S-Class wizards rather than the strongest guild." The male, Byakuya Kuchiki, also answered with a stoic expression.
Jose smiled at his Ace. "Correct, young Byakuya. It is customary for each guild to send one or two of their S-Class wizards to participate. If they don't, then it would be considered very rude and they might lose jobs or social standing. Dreyar, without a doubt, will send two wizards of his own. About a week ago, that Black Reaper brat was given a field promotion to S-Class so that he can participate in the tournament. I assume he'll be sent along with Titania. So I have a mission for you two..."
Juvia gained a slight tint of pink on her cheeks, though her face remained emotionless. She read about him in Sorcerer Weekly and she can't deny that Naruto Uzumaki was a very attractive and interesting man. "What would you have us do, Master?" She asked.
Jose leaned forward and sneered darkly. "Cripple the brat, make sure his days as a wizard are cut short before they can begin..."
Meanwhile, a certain blond sneezed and got a chill up his spine. "Heh, maybe someone's talking about me. Or maybe I have a stalker somewhere..." Naruto muttered, unknowingly making Juvia sneeze too.
[To Be Continued...]
[Ending Theme: Sky Chord by Shion Tsuji]
[Character Theme Omake 1, Naruto Uzumaki: New World by Tom DeLonge]
[Death God Slayer Magic Technique Files 1:
Name: Shunpo
Functions: High-speed movement
Description: User channels magic to the bottom of their feet and as they take a step forward, they simultaneously release their energy in a burst, sending them forward in speeds near untraceable to the human eye.
Pros: Extremely fast to the point of resembling teleportation.
Cons: Can only travel in one direction per step. One must be exceptionally skilled to use it effectively in combat situations.
Known Users: Naruto Uzumaki, Byakuya Kuchiki]
And that's that! I loved this chapter, and the Tournament Arc is going to be even better!
Oh, and don't get your hopes up about additional Bleach characters. I only plan for Byakuya and one other person to be a part of the story.
And Naruto has Ichigo's (Bleach's main character) original Shikai appearance. I stopped paying attention to Bleach after Aizen's defeat so I'm just going with it.
And Naruto isn't necessarily OP. He may have more raw power than everyone in FT barring Gildarts and Makarov, he has little finesse and skill. They'd be able to soundly defeat him due to their own experience and power. Right now, I'd say that Naruto is about even with Laxus.
And next time, Naruto will address the vision in further detail with Zangetsu.
Don't forget to follow, favorite, and review!
[Next Time: The Maiden of the Rain!]