A/N: Yo!
A while back, I used to write nothing but Naruto/Fairy Tail crossovers, but for a few months I had lost all interest in writing these stories.
But as you can see, it's back. And this idea hit me in the face like a sack of bricks!
I should start off by saying that this story was inspired by Apprentice of the Fairy Queen by fairy tail dragon slayer. It's no longer around, as they've rewritten it and took the original story down. In that story, Naruto fails to summon Gamabunta in the ravine and ends up reaching the bottom without much injury. And what does he find there? A graveyard holding the Fairy Tail characters. Long story short, he meets Erza's ghost, who decides to train him in her ways.
In this story, Naruto discovers the graveyard but instead of finding Erza's ghost, he finds Gray's tombstone who, unknowingly to Naruto, is the ancestor of the Namikaze family. Naruto touches the tombstone and absorbs Gray's magical power, which leads to another unforeseen consequence.
Needless to say, Naruto will have access to Ice-Make and Ice Devil Slayer Magic. He'll gain two other kinds of magic in the story, one of which is the Soul Reaper powers from Bleach. That's the only other crossover element in the story, so don't expect any more.
Pairing is Naruto x Juvia. I love that pairing and any story that is solely NaruVia gets an instant favorite from me. And no, it isn't incest. Juvia isn't Naruto's ancestor, as Gray married someone else. I should also mention that obviously, Naruto gets teleported to Earthland. He's gonna land there at the end of the Hargeon Town incident at the beginning of FT. For the sake of plot and character convenience, Naruto will be 18 years old in the beginning of the story. The drastic difference between his age here and that of his canon counterpart will be explained in the story.
And this will be the only Author's Note that'll be long. The first one always lays down the basics for my readers, and after this there won't be much to discuss in my A/N's.
So, I do hope you enjoy!
[Part 1 Opening Theme: Jack by Yutaka Yamada]
[Arc 1 Opening Theme: Asterisk by Orange Range]
[Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto, Fairy Tail, or Bleach]
[Arc 1: Comrades]
[Chapter 1: Fairy Tail]
[Konohagakure Canyon]
Cerulean eyes slowly opened as their owner groaned in pain. Bones snapped back into place, muscles knitted back together, and cuts healed with steam leaking from the closing wounds as Naruto Uzumaki got up to his feet. "Stupid Pervy Sage, what the hell was he thinkin'? Throwing me down the damn canyon like that... Didn't he know what would happen?" The young man grumbled as he slowly, painfully, walked over to a nearby puddle.
The blond looked down and took note of his physical condition. All the wounds had healed up, leaving behind nothing but jagged tears in his blood stained orange and black tracksuit, though some minor bruising remained. Naruto glanced around the dark abyss, noting that there was a cave nearby, which seemed to have a little light leaking from it's depths. "Maybe there's a way out over there?" He murmured while walking into the cave.
Upon reaching the end of the cave, Naruto's jaw dropped at the beautiful scene in front of him. A lush field, full of flowers and happily playing animals, sat untouched by the progress of human civilization, save for a single large castle-like building and a serene graveyard behind that building. Naruto looked upwards, seeing an old orange flag draped down the building's front wall, with a white emblem proudly decorating the cloth's front. "That's a weird symbol..." Naruto said to himself as he approached the building's doors. "It kinda looks like a fairy, but with a tail. Come to think of it, this whole place is weird. There's light in here, even though there's no opening to the outside world and the plants and animals are really alive, even if there isn't anything to keep them alive in here..."
As he entered the building, he noticed that as he expected, it was empty. The interior greatly reminded him of a bar, with dusty tables strewn all throughout the wooden floor, a large stage at the back of the room, and the actual bar off to the side, where there was a staircase leading to a second floor. Naruto couldn't help but imagine all the things that went down in the silent building. Merriment, celebrations, fights...he could picture it all with his mind's eye. And for some weird reason, Naruto has never felt more at home than he does now.
After taking some time to explore the building's interior, and taking two cool-looking books from the office on the second floor, Naruto felt a strange pull towards the graveyard. Walking out into the serene field, he glanced at some of the tombstones as he passed them by.
Lucy Dragneel
Natsu Dragneel
Erza Scarlet
Happy Dragneel
Wendy Conbolt
Juvia Lockser
For some reason, Naruto's gut wrenched upon seeing Juvia's tombstone, but he shook off the feeling as he came to the source of the pull.
Gray Fullbuster
Gazing at the tombstone, he saw that a silver necklace with a cross pendant hung off of it's upper right corner. Naruto, as if possessed by something, put on the necklace and placed his right hand onto Gray's name, his eyes dull. And in that instant, the Uzumaki knew pain. Pain the likes of which he had never experienced in his life. It was like someone had set his brain and arm on fire, and as memories that weren't his own flooded into his mind, a black tattoo began to from on his right arm.
Naruto screamed so loud that it could be heard all throughout the canyon, even on the outside as well. The bangs of his medium-length blond hair turned black, and the grass below him froze into ice. And just as the pain ended, Naruto fell backwards unconscious, not aware of the wormhole that had formed behind him.
By the time Jiraiya came down to investigate his apprentice's screams, Naruto would be gone and the wormhole would have disappeared, leaving behind no trace of the would-be future Hokage, and he knew in his heart that Naruto would most likely never return.
But even though the Elemental Nations may be missing the man who could've been it's savior, Earthland has gained one of it's own...
[Hargeon Town, Fiore/Earthland/Year X784]
Naruto awoke to the sound of explosions in the distance. He groaned as he sat up, rubbing his forehead with a scowl and said "Goddamn, what a headache..."
Immediately, his eyes widened upon hearing his voice, noticing that it was deeper than before. He looked around, seeing that he was in an alleyway in a city. That instantly set off some mental alarms, since he knew that he had passed out in the ravine. "What the hell..." He murmured, looking up to the sky and seeing two orange and purple flames clashing. "I better see what's going on... And if it's a fight, I need to test some things out..." Naruto spoke to himself while unconsciously removing his jacket, leaving his toned torso exposed.
[Hargeon Town Marina]
Luckily, it didn't take him more than a minute to reach the center of the action and upon arriving, he noticed that a blonde-haired woman along with a blue cat stood by and watched the fight going down. "Yo! What's going on here?" He called out to the blonde as he approached.
She turned and gave him a slight smile, and a little flush on her cheeks. "You see him?" She asked, pointing at the pink-haired wielder of the orange flames. "My friend there is beating up that pervert with the purple fire. Dude tried to kidnap me!"
Naruto growled and looked over to his right side, where both combatants had landed with a slight sheen of sweat on their foreheads. "Hold on, I'll finish this..." He spoke to both the blonde and the salmon-haired young man, who glared at the Uzumaki.
"Hey buddy, this is my fight! I'm gonna finish it!" The flame-user shouted.
Naruto just smirked tauntingly and stepped in front of him. "Why don't you chill out and let me do it? I haven't fought anyone in a while and I've got some new moves to test out. Is that a problem, matchstick?"
The young fighter growled for a moment, then gained a feral grin. "Alright, but if you win, I wanna fight you!"
Black markings spread across Naruto's face as he gave the fiery young man an equally ferocious grin. "Deal. You look strong enough for it."
The other combatant, a man named Bora, yelled "Hey, quit ignoring me!"
Naruto merely gave him a deadpan stare as a pink ice covered his right fist. In a blur of motion, the Uzumaki appeared right in front of Bora with his fist pulled backwards. "Ice Devil's Chao's Fist!" He roared, and with a powerful punch, knocked his enemy high into the sky.
As Bora flew away, the other three observers gaped at the power behind the punch and while the blonde and the cat were slightly scared, the salmon-haired warrior could barely contain his excitement at the thought of his promised spar.
Naruto looked at his fist and smirked, impressed by the power Gray left behind for him. And as Bora came back down into striking distance, Naruto took a deep breath and spat out a massive blast of icy pink energy that slammed into his enemy, dragging him through half the marina sector in a glorious display of strength that left half the sector destroyed and frozen. "Ice Devil's Rage..." He murmured in slight shock at the attack's power. 'Note to self: sort through those memories and determine which moves would actually be safe to use...'
"AWWWWEESOME!" The fire-user and the blue cat screeched in unison as the trio ran up to him.
"Yeeeah, but I'm pretty sure the cops around here are gonna be really happy with me." Naruto replied sarcastically.
The other young man just grinned and slapped the blond on the shoulder. "Man, I'm all fired up for our fight now! I'm Natsu Dragneel, what's your name buddy?!"
Naruto paled significantly upon hearing that name, and even further upon seeing that old building's symbol tattooed on Natsu's shoulder. "...Naruto Uzumaki. And you two?" He answered in a quiet tone while looking at the woman and the cat.
The blonde reached out for a hand shake and gave him a smile. "Lucy Heartfilia, nice to meet you Naruto."
Naruto took it and shook firmly. "A pleasure."
Finally, wings sprouted from the cat's back and it cheerfully exclaimed "And I'm Happy, aye!"
It was at that moment that Naruto realized that it wasn't a matter of where he was transported to, it was a matter of what time... 'These guys are all dead, I saw their graves! Gray's leftover magic sent me back in time! Is there even a way to get back home?!' The Uzumaki thought in panic before Natsu shook him out of his half-hyperventilating state.
"We gotta get out of here!" Natsu hollered while pointing at a stampede of Rune Knights. "You guys wanna come with me?"
As the group began to run away, Lucy asked "Go where?!"
In response, Natsu shot them both a toothy grin and said "To Fairy Tail!"
[A couple of days later/Magnolia Town/Fairy Tail HQ]
Everything was just as Naruto had imagined it. Everyone in the guild drank together merrily, sang songs, and with Natsu's arrival, they erupted into a sibling-like brawl. The blond recognized the building immediately as they approached it, and it solidified the conclusion that he had somehow been sent back through time.
Sad thing is that he had no idea how to get back home, and he only gained precious little information from the memories Gray's magic had left him. He knew how to use Ice-Make Magic and Ice Devil Slayer Magic, he knew how to read and speak Earthland's language, he knew about guilds, He knew how magic worked, and he instinctively knew that he would love Fairy Tail. Aside from those things, he had no idea how the ancient world worked. But Naruto hoped that Fairy Tail's Master would understand his plight and help him adjust to this new world, should he be forced to stay in it.
"So Natsu finally made it back, huh?!" A male voice growled, snapping Naruto from his mental deliberation. Looking at the source, Naruto saw a young man with spiky black hair about the same length as his own, a Fairy Tail tattoo on his right pectoral, and the same silver necklace he wore.
"Hey dude, you're naked." Naruto spoke out in a bored tone, as a random guild member sailed over his head, already knowing that the guy was Gray Fullbuster, judging from the necklace.
Gray turned to face the newcomer, only to stare at him blankly. "You're one to talk, blondie."
Naruto quirked an eyebrow and looked downwards, noting that he was missing his new blue leather jacket that had black fur lining it's inside as well as his black t-shirt, leaving him only in a pair of black leather jeans and pointed-toe leather boots, with his necklace hanging over his heart. "You got a problem with it, asswipe?" Naruto sneered while noticing that the guild's women were not so subtly eyeballing his chest. Putting on a show, he grinned while flexing and slightly thrusting his hips out, causing some of the women to turn away with nosebleeds. "The ladies don't mind, I guess that means that you don't either."
Gray didn't even give any warning before he decked the jeering blond, sending him tumbling across the floor with a red mark on his cheek. "I dunno why you're calling me a woman, since you're the one who just got hit like a little bitch..."
Naruto immediately leapt to his feet with his hands in a position that was too familiar to the Ice Wizard. "Wanna take this up a notch? I'll show you who's the top dog now!"
Alarmed, Gray put his hands in the same position. "Another Ice-Make user? It's been a while since I've fought one..."
However, as they were about to launch their spells, two giant feet stomped on them both and in a demonic voice, their owner shouted "Alright brats, enough!"
In an instant, all the fighters froze in place, recognizing exactly who the new arrival was. "Hello Master! Back from the council meeting already?" The white-haired barmaid, Mirajane Strauss asked in a melodic voice.
Suddenly, the giant creature shrunk into a tiny elderly man, who stood on the groaning bodies of Gray and Naruto with a frown on his face. "Listen up, do you even know how many complaints the council got this week?!" He shouted while floating up to the railing of the second floor, holding a large stack of paperwork.
"Loke, you slept with the clients daughter AND wife! Cana, you drank all the liquor in that warehouse you were supposed to protect! Gray, you streaked through that all-female village!" Makarov Dreyar, the Third Master, listed off in annoyance before shooting a glare at the groaning Naruto. "And you..."
"Me?" The blond questioned weakly.
"The Hargeon Rune Knights heard you agree with Natsu to come here, so they decided to send me your complaint. You caused massive destruction to Hargeon Marina, completely obliterating all the docks as well as a good portion of the historical district nearby, including a clock tower that was there since the founding of the town! And to top it off, you froze a good portion of the debris in ice that the Rune Knights are still having trouble melting!" Makarov hollered in annoyance. "And I'm assuming you and that blonde lass over there want to join the guild, right?! Why should I let you do that?!"
Naruto grinned as the old man let him and Gray get up. "Because you love me?"
The guild was absolutely silent for a few moments, which seemed like an eternity to our hero, then they all burst into laughter, including the Master himself. "I can already tell I'm gonna like you, brat! Giving the council hell and having the balls to crack a joke when I make it seem like I'm gonna throw your ass out!" Makarov chortled before gaining a serious expression. "You can't ever let the council bully you. None of you can! Magic is about free expression, the creativity to bring imagination to life! It is human spirit incarnate! The council tries to control every aspect of what we can and cannot do in pursuit of our dreams, well I say screw them!"
The entire guild cheered at that, and Naruto cracked a smile. "Magic is creativity without rules, and that philosophy of ours is why Fairy Tail is number one!" Makarov roared while sticking his index finger in the air, an action that everyone mimicked with a great applause.
"Now, Naruto, I need to discuss something with you in my office, if you don't mind..." Makarov murmured in a low voice so that only Naruto could hear it.
"Sure..." The Uzumaki replied uneasily as he followed the serious elder into his office.
"So, mind telling me who you are? I sense a terrible darkness in you, and I can't let that go without answers." Makarov questioned gravely.
Naruto smiled sadly while looking downwards. "I knew this was coming, and I had to speak up about this anyways. Listen carefully..." He looked back up with a melancholic frown. "I'm not from Earthland. To be more specific, I'm not from this time period."
Makarov flinched in alarm. "Not from this time?! What are you talking about?!"
"Since I arrived in Hargeon, every thing I've seen has led me to the conclusion that I have been transported hundreds if not thousands of years into the past. Everyone I've met in the guild so far were long dead in my time." Naruto admitted. "To be honest, every instinct I have is telling me to keep this to myself, but you're the only person I can talk to about this. The only hope I have for returning home."
From there, Naruto explained his past to the shocked elder. From the Nine-Tails incident to discovering the remnants of Fairy Tail in the canyon, he spared no details. In the end, Makarov just sighed sadly and gazed out through a window that gave him a view of the guild's main room. "I believe you. There's no way to fake the sadness and longing I see in your eyes. Not to mention the fact that you know Gray's Ice-Make style and have his necklace, which I know was specifically forged for him by his father. And I'm sorry to say this, but..." He turned to give Naruto a sympathetic look, "...there's no known Magic in the world that'll allow someone to travel so far through time. Unless someone in your time figures something out, you're stuck here."
As he heard that, tears began to fall from Naruto's eyes as he thought of all his friends and surrogate family. 'Iruka, Kakashi, Sasuke, Sakura, Old Man Hokage... I'm never gonna get to see any of you again...' Naruto thought as he silently wept. He held no hope that he'd be able to return home. As far as he knew, there was no such time travel Jutsu in his time either, so he knew he'd have to stay in Earthland.
Makarov used his magic to grow to Naruto's tall height and gave the young man a fatherly embrace. "It must be hard, growing up like that only to have your few precious comrades snatched from you like that. But it doesn't have to be so bad. Here, look." He spoke while directing Naruto to look at all the merry guild members. "Nearly every single one of them has endured tragedy like that, but under different circumstances. Gray lost his whole family and his teacher to a demon, Natsu was raised by a dragon and was abandoned by that dragon at a young age, and the Strauss siblings were orphans for nearly their entire lives. But here, they found a new family in Fairy Tail."
"What are you getting at?" Naruto asked with a sniffle, causing the old man to smile at him.
"Join our family. We all come from different walks of life, but we are all family to one another and each one of you are my children. Here, you won't be judged for what lies inside of you, you'll just be our Naruto. Your old life may be lost to you, but I promise that we will all help you build a new one with us. And maybe, just maybe, you might find this life better than your old one." The Master spoke kindly while grasping the wide-eyed blond's shoulders. "So what do you say, son?"
Naruto thought hard about it, but in the end, he just smiled tearfully and pointed at his right pectoral and asked "Can I get my mark here, in blue?"
"Of course!" Makarov replied happily and stamped the mark onto the newest Fairy Tail wizard's chest.
Naruto gazed down at the symbol with a hint of love in his eyes. 'I may not be coming home, but I'll keep on going. I'll never back down or give up, cause even now, that's my ninja way! That's how you guys would want me to live. From now on, I'll protect these guys, my new home...my new family...my Fairy Tail!'
[To Be Continued...]
[Ending Theme: Sky Chord by Shion Tsuji]
So that's that. I hope you all enjoyed it!
Next chapter is the start of the Eisenwald arc and things should get real interesting after that.
And also, Naruto will be awakening his natural magical affinity next chapter, which should be cool. And yes, it's gonna be the Soul Reaper magic. I wonder what his zanpakutÅ(s) will be...
One last thing. Naruto won't be involved in all of Fairy Tail's arcs. Sometimes, he'll be on his own missions while Team Natsu's doing their thing. For example, Naruto's gonna be on his own missions when the Galuna Island and Edolas arcs happen. Just a heads up. He's still involved in the majority of the FT arcs though.
Remember, reviews help me improve, so if you have any suggestions or advice, just leave me a review or PM me if reviews aren't your thing!
[Next Time: The King and The Steed!]