"Dean is three years old. And he is mommy's big boy. And he can prove it too. He helped her with things in the house when he isn't playing . He even didn't come close to the oven when his mommy asked him not to do it. He even put his toys away like a big boy. And don't let them lay around. Dean loves his mommy.

;"Dean is three years old. And he is daddy's little champ. He helps with daddy's car and wash it to when daddy asks him. He is even careful to not make any scratches in it. He even gives daddy his tools when daddy asks for them. Dean loves his daddy.

"Dean was three years and a half when mommy's belly began to grow. When he asked why. His mommy and daddy said it was because a baby growing inside of it. And the baby would be his brother or sister. He was happy because he would be a big brother to the baby inside mommy's belly . He was very happy.

"Dean was four years old when they went to the hospital. Because the baby was being born. He was scared because she screamed a was till screaming when the doctors put her into a room. He heard her screams through the door. But daddy said to don't worry that everything was alright that she was screaming out of happiness. Then in a moment everything was quiet he couldn't here mommy anymore but then he heard a quieter and tinier wail. It was the baby. He and daddy can be inside now because a doctor that came out of a room told them so.

"When he went inside with his daddy. He saw mommy lying in a bed with a moving bundle in her arms. When he moved closer daddy picked him up and put him beside mommy In to the bed. When he looked into bundle in mommy's arm he saw a baby with a bit of brown hair.
""Hey dean "mommy said" here is your brother Sam ." Dean looked dawn at Sam and said "Hey Sammy this is big brother Dean". Dean looked up at his mommy and asked: "Mommy why is he so tiny?" "Because Dean he just came out of mommy's belly." His mommy said."But he has still a lot of growing to do until then Dean will you protect your little brother?"His daddy asked."I pinky promise mommy and daddy that I will protect Sammy."Said Dean. He then leaned forward and gave kiss to Sammy forehead to seal the promise he made to him.

"Dean was four years old and he was good big brother . His mommy and daddy told him. An he could prove it calls mommy when Sammy need to have a change and even give her things when she needs them. He even helps her with the diaper changes. He even helps her feed Sammy his bottle. And he even soothes Sammy when he is crying. Dean loves his little brother Sammy. His mommy and daddy are proud of him.

"Dean was almost five when every thing changed for him.