The Escape: Chapter 1: Walk from it all

"Things can get a little tense around here from time to time" Lincoln explained to the audience. And he wasn't lying.

Things were getting rough in the Loud house. It felt like everyone was fighting just to fight. Lori vs Leni, Luna vs Luan, Lucy vs Lynn.

You get the point. And everywhere he went, It was as if he was disliked for not taking sides or being bias. It was aggravating.

"Just give everyone time and I'm sure it'll work itself out champ." Lincoln's dad would constantly tell him. But to Lincoln, Time doesn't seem to heal all wounds.

"I mean, How is this all..." Lincoln was interrupted in mid-thought by a glass being thrown his direction. Reacting too slow, It hits him in the leg and he goes down.


A voice is heard trailing from the other side of the hallway.

Lincoln looks up to see where the glass came from when Lynn crashes into him from the other direction.

"OUCH!" Lincoln yells out as Lynn bowls him over.

"HEY WATCH IT...Lincoln.." Lynn stops her yelling in reaction. Lincoln looks over and watches Lynn turn the corner of the hallway with impressive speed.

"This is too weird.. She looked scared, Which is rare for her" Lincoln said as he limps back to his room. He closes the door and lays down in his bed, Only to be interrupted immediately by Lucy.

"You need to talk to Lynn" Lucy said with a cold frown.

"Talk to her? She almost KILLED me in the hallway" Lincoln says, annoyed.

"Yeah but she's been fighting with Lori, who is also fighting with Leni, Who is..."

"Alright I get it...Wait, Why is Lori fighting with Lynn?" Lincoln interrupts Lucy.

"Because Lynn took Leni's side in an argument that Lori and Leni were having about who owes who money for some bet. Lori felt attacked so she fist-fought Lynn and beat her by threatening to throw glass." Lucy explained.

"Well. That explains the glass thrown at me..." Lincoln said with a wince.

Lucy looked at his leg, And there was indeed a big bruise. "You need to get that treated" Lucy said with a blank face.

"I'll be okay" Lincoln states.

"Well talk to her, Because i'm still mad at her using all of my nail polish as face paint" Lucy said as she walked away.

Lincoln sat on his bed and started thinking. "Lynn got in-between something involving Lori? Yikes. That's just scary."

"She was just trying to do something to end all of the arguments" He says to the audience. "You would think someone else besides Lynn would try." "It could be worse, At least nobody messed with my stu..."

He stops and sees one of his favorite comic books is missing.

"No...No.." "This can't be.." He runs out to his room and find his sisters all turned against Lynn.

"WHY ARE YOU TAKING SIDES!" The girls yelled at her.

"BECAUSE ALL OF YOU ARE FIGHTING EACH OTHER EVERY DAY!" Lynn screams back almost in tears.


"That's it"

Lincoln clutches his fists. "Leave her alone..." he said

"ARE YOU TAKING HER SIDE?" Lori said in anger.

"You know what...Yes I am" Lincoln said not backing down to her.

"Lincoln, You don't want to interfere." Leni tried to warn him.

"Hush Leni. This is personal now.." Lori said angrily. "Look twerp, If you don't wanna get pummeled, I advice you go back into your room and take this" She throws back his missing comic book.

But Lincoln throws it down.

"Lori, If you wanna put hands on Lynn again, You're gonna have to get through me" Lincoln said looking at the ground.

"Are you seriously gonna defend her? pshhh, Move" Lori pushes Lincoln down to the ground.

All of a sudden, Lynn jumps and punches Lori in the face. Lori holds her nose and yells in shock.

"LINCOLN MOVE!" Lynn yells as she pulls Lincoln into Her and Lucy's room.

Lincoln and Lynn lock the door while Lori pounds on the door with extreme pressure.

"I'M GONNA MAKE YOU REGRET THAT LYNN!" Lori says in the most threatening voice possible.

"Lincoln, help me grab that dresser and move it to the door!" Lynn says, in panic.

Lincoln jams the door with his comic book and helps Lynn get her dresser in front of the door.

After 15 mins of trying to knock down the door, Lori lets out a scream of frustration and goes to her room and slams the door. The other sisters walk away and do the same.

Lynn takes her head off the wall and lets out a sigh of relief. Lincoln gets a good look at his sister. The right side of her face is running with some blood from her right cheek. Her right arm sleeve is torn and her hair is straight down.

"Look Lincoln..I know you might be mad at me for even asking this but.." Lynn trails off, struggling to find the words she should say.

"I know you didn't mean for me to get hit with the glass Lynn." Lincoln says with a slight chuckle.

"Oh, ha ha.. yeah I'm sorry about that" Lynn laughs back. "But Listen... I need to know something."

"What's that?" He asks

"If I ran away..Would anyone notice..?"

Well that's the end of chapter one.

I feel like this is a good stopping point.

I know this is a little more serious for a cartoon, but I wanted to put a little more of a spin to it. Chapter 2 should be up shortly after this one goes up.

P.S I'm not trying to picking on Lynn or anything, I just needed to give her a purpose to want to run away. She won't be buried I promise

Alright folks, Y'all stay awesome. Titan out! :)