The feeling of calmness was in the air as time started to pass. The city was unaware that it was ground zero for a massive grudge match. Oliver grew more and more paranoid as time passed about the possible danger that the city was in. Between Tobias Church and this Dark Angel vigilante, the city had become too crowded for his taste. It didn't help that he was also now dealing with this Prometheus character and this wildcard in the Vigilante. He and his team have been doing their best to combat them but the sheer combination of them all together at once was starting to weigh on them.

It was pretty safe to say that the group was in need of a vacation, but Oliver did not want them to get soft or lackadaisical. As he watched them train though, he started to lean more towards giving them a break. They all were working extremely hard to get better in combat which made him proud as their leader. Their progression could be most attributed to his friend Diggle. After breaking him out of prison, Oliver did not hesitate to get his help in training the recruits. It was Rene impressed Diggle the most. It wasn't that he suddenly became an elite fighter, but his willingness to humble himself and listen more was a welcomed sight. It probably started to happen after he was rescued from Church. Even though he wound up disclosing their identities, his resiliency and determination to make up for it helped prove him to be a valuable member of the team.

After they all finished their sparring rounds he called them over to speak with them. "Guys, I know that lately we've been in overdrive with all of these new players, but it isn't lost on me just how hard you all have been working to improve yourselves. It really makes me proud so as a reward I'd like to invite you all to a family get together that's being hosted by my sister and me."

Of course it was Rene that was the first to answer, "I mean if your sister is gonna be there then you know I'm in." But he immediately had to do a double take when he realized he said that out loud to Oliver when he meant to just think it.

"What the oaf means to say is we're all happy to attend boss." Curtis said trying to bail his partner out of the jam he got himself into.

"Yeah what he said Oliver." Rene quickly piggybacked on. Artemis chuckled and Curtis smiled as their friend kept digging himself into a deeper and deeper hole. Rory was more on the reserved side. He didn't feel comfortable with the idea of them socializing while there are dangerous people that still needed to be stopped. "I don't know Oliver. Are you sure we can afford to relax with all of the loose ends running around free in the city with the most dangerous one being Tobias Church. He's been too quiet for my liking."

"I understand where you're coming from Rory, but trust me when I say that we need this time to lay back and relax because overworking ourselves only plays into their hands. This is coming from the guy who regularly puts too much of the weight on his shoulders as I'm sure Felicity and Dig can attest to."

"He's right, I think this is what's best for us," Dig added. "And since everyone has been so quiet, now might be the only time we get to relax so come on and stop worrying Rory," Felicity said.

"Okay, I'll go then, but I don't dance."

"Does it look like any of us dance? We can just all try and fail and look silly." She said with her usual quirkiness.

Oliver turned to Dig who had a sad look on his face. He technically was still a wanted fugitive so he knew he had to be confined to this cave. Dig missed his wife and son and no matter how hard he tried to push pass it, the distance was starting to really weigh on him. "Hey, don't worry man. It'll all workout in the end just have faith."

Diggle nodded his head at his friend and brother in arms. Oliver made large strides since they first started doing this. They've been through hell and back together so when he said it would be alright he tended to believe him. But this is one of those rare occasions where he didn't see how this could end well for him at all.

"Alright guys, it's been quiet so far tonight. Let's call this one in early and get a good night's rest. The party is in two days so if you have anyone you'd like to bring as a plus one then go ahead because there is going to be a lot of people attending since its happening at City Hall. Good work team." Oliver then started to head to the elevator with his team as they left the cave.

In truth, he really wanted to have the team get a good rest, but secretly he agreed with Rory's sentiments but he knew that the oncoming battle they were about to face would be their biggest test yet. Tobias had too much power for them to be caught slipping which is why he added extra security for the party. If something were to happen none of them would be able to fight them without causing people to ask question about them. He just had to hope that Church stays quiet just for two more days.

Sin was with Thea and Maxine as she waited to Christian to make his way up to their room. Yet again, Christian hadn't been over to visit in a while and it was starting to trouble her. He had been a lot more distant ever since he met Thea's brother. He didn't respond to her texts or calls and it seemed like he was trying to phase her out.

Even though her pride would never let her admit it, her feelings were hurt by this. When she did finally get a hold of him, he expressed great remorse and gave her half thought up excuses that she knew were lies, but since she knew he was a private person she decided to let it slide. But then he made it to the loft and she saw how he looked like he had been beaten up which was not okay with her.

"Why does your face look like that GA? Did you fight every crook in the city or something?"

"More like half of the crooks," She then gave him a stern look which made him recoil. "Okay, bad joke. It's not that bad, I just have been trying to find an old acquaintance of mine from Bludhaven and it seems like it's going to be harder than I thought it would be."

"And is this acquaintance of yours the reason why your face looks like it's been made a doormat out of?" She asked.

"No that was me. I've gotten back into doing mixed martial arts and my defense has been rusty that's all. Don't worry."

"Don't tell me not to worry Christian and don't lie to me. Lies get people killed in this city and I don't want you to die so whatever it is that you are doing needs to stop now!"

Christian felt like he was having a case of déjà vu. Kate had this same conversation with him years ago and she wound up being right in the end. Lies got people killed, but they also saved lives so even if Sin hated him for it, he'd lie to if it kept her out of it.

"I'm sorry, Sin. I'll stop I promise." She then punched him in the shoulder playfully. "Good, I'm not afraid of you punk, remember that."

"Okay, okay just don't punch me like that you jerk." They then went inside to where the other girls were. Thea and Max both greeted him and they all sat down and chatted. Christian knew he should have come by more to visit, but he kept getting leads to Tobias's base. It was just too bad each one lead to a dead end. He mowed down bad guy after bad guy, but either none of them knew anything or they are making better goons here than they ever did back in Bludhaven. Just like in Bludhaven, Church made sure to weed out all of the weak men in his gang which meant he needed to be creative about getting information about him. He needed to find someone who was at that meeting and get them to talk.

But he also had to keep up with his life as Christian so no one would begin to question him. Sin couldn't be involved at all in his war against Church. There have been enough casualties and he refused to see someone else he cares about be harmed because of Tobias. So to keep her away from the battle, he knew he needed to stay close to her just long enough to quell all of the unwanted questions.

"So Sin, have you invited Christian to come with you to me and Ollie's party yet?" Thea asked. Sin gave her a bewildered look for actually saying that out loud. "Um no, I actually wasn't planning on going."

"Oh come on, you know you wanna go. What, you'll only go if Christian goes too?" Max added teasingly. Sin started to blush embarrassingly while Christian looked on at the scene stoically while trying his best not to laugh.

"You guys are the biggest jerks ever! Did you all really just say that?" Sin shrieked. Thea and Max laughed in response. Sin wanted to absolutely clobber them but stopped when she turned and saw Christian give in and start to laugh as well. She then punched him in the shoulder hard.

"Ow! What was that for!?" He asked while rubbing his shoulder. The other girls laughed even harder at seeing him get hit. "That was for laughing at me."

"But they laughed first though! Wouldn't you hit them before me?"

"You were the closest target GA, sorry." She answered. "But look on the bright side; it'll give practice for when you go to mixed martial arts again."

Christian knew he wasn't going win this battle so he threw his hands and conceded. Thea watched the exchange and thought they were cute together, but they both seemed to skirt around it like dating was the plague.

She tried to push them together but yet again they find a way around it. "So Christian, what's your answer? Are you going to the party with Sin in?"

Christian deep down wanted to go, but he knew that he still needed to find Church as quick as possible. They had been quiet recently which worried him because he knew Tobias was only quiet when he was scheming for something even bigger. He's looking for something in this city and if I don't figure out what and stop him before he gets it, then this city will pay the price for it. But I need to take of the distractions like Green Arrow. Maybe if I show him we want the same thing he'll back off.

"I'm sorry maybe next time. I'm going to be reconnecting a long lost friend for the next few days so we can reminisce about the past." He lied though. He really was going to stay in the city to search for a lead on Tobias. It hurt to lie to her, especially when he saw how her face deflated after hearing his answer.

"It's alright GA, I understand." She said trying to mask her hurt. Christian felt it was time he made his exit. "I think it's best if I go now. It was fun ladies."

"No, you don't have to go Christian-" Max tried to make him stay but he had already made up his mind, plus he didn't want to keep looking at how he hurt his friend just now.

"If it means anything to you, I would have really liked to dance with you Sin." He then left out to go on patrol.

Sin sat back and started to sulk. Her friends immediately were by her side and trying to cheer her up.

"Don't worry Sin; it's not the end of the world. There will be plenty of other chances for you."

"Yeah, I know. I just wish I knew what he does that's so important that he blows off his friends so much. Plus, did you guys see his face? He had all kinds of marks on them that look to be old and half way healed."

"Yeah I noticed and to be honest I'm also curious as to what he's doing in his spare time. This city is not the play to be playing hero in." Thea added.

"Hey cut the guy some slack girls. Sure, it is weird how distant he's become and probably should be addressed in the near future. But don't forget that he is still a good person deep down." Max said while defending him.

"He wouldn't be the first person I've met that I thought at first was a good person but wound up being some sort of psycho in the end."

"Geez, who have you been dating?" Max asked. "I was talking about my father."

They all then burst out laughing. "You see Sin; you have nothing to worry about. If it's really bothering you, then just tell him."

"I already tried asking him what was up but he pretty much lied to my face about it."

"Then don't ask him what up with him. Just go ahead and tell him what's up with you and I know he'll clean up his act."

"Oh really, and what makes you so sure about that Max?" Max smiled at her friend as she grabbed her hand. "Cause you're not the type of person to spill your guts out for no reason. When you do, it's only for those you care the most about. He'll see that and change for you."

Sin gave her friend a skeptical look before smiling back, "Okay, if you say so. But in the mean time it looks like I'm staying home from that party in a few days."

Thea got up and protested, "No, you are going. I don't care if we have to drag you there kicking and screaming. You need to live a little."

"I live a lot, first of all. And second of all, I will not be the only person to go alone because the person they wanted to take said no. My pride just won't allow it."

"Then take a friend genius. What about Sam? It's been a while since we've all hung out. Call and ask him, I'm sure he'll be happy to see all of us again."

"I heard he got a place of his own. I feel bad that after you were kidnapped we both kind of just left him by himself." Sin said somberly.

"He's doing well now and he said he understood. Just ask him to go with us and stop being so dramatic. You're making me nauseous."

Sin threw a pillow at her friend before going to another room to call Sam. Thea was still in thought about Christian though. What does he do that cause him to have so many scratches on his face? I'll have to tail him one day to find out. I just hope for Sin's sake that he is who he says he is.

A few hours have passed and Christian was out scouting a compound full of men who could possibly give him a lead on Tobias. There weren't that many men there so he figured it shouldn't be too hard to incapacitate them. There were only about six guys so he got his axe out and went to work.

He kicked the front door down and threw his axe at the closest guy to him. It dug right into his chest and killed him. He then blitzed toward the next thug who was still fumbling around trying to get his gun out and hit him with fierce corkscrew kick to the side of his head. Having seen this, his partners got their guns out and started firing and Dark Angel. He thought fast and used the guy he just kicked as a human shield and he pushed forwards as they shot at the makeshift shield until he was about to reach the others. He then threw his dead shield away and threw a throwing knife at one of the assailants for a quick kill. The other two, having run out of bullets, decided to engage Dark Angel in hand to hand combat. They were quickly dispatched when Christian threw down a smoke bomb and cut off their vision. He delivered a running superman punch to one of them and the other he landed a solid spinning back kick on which thrust him out of the smoke.

Dark Angel emerged from the smoke after he used his hidden blade to slice the throat of the crook he superman punched open. The last criminal, having seen all of his allies now dead, started to weep for mercy. Dark Angel went and retrieved his axe from the first one that he killed and then made his way to the last guy left alive.

"I came looking for information on Church. Now I know you are loyal to him, but I'm going to need you to reconsider that loyalty. You see, I need you to fear me more than you do Church. So, how do you suppose I go about achieving that?"

The guy looked petrified. On one hand, he had Tobias to deal with if he ever snitched on him. The last guy who did that had to watch his wife and son being buried alive. That night he held his family as close as he could. It was a harsh lesson everyone was taught that day, but on the other hand if he didn't tell he would die for sure. Hell, he was sure he would die even if he did tell him how to find Church and there lies the problem; he didn't know a thing about Tobias's plans which meant more likely than not, he was going to die.

"Look man, they don't tell me nothing. I'm just a grunt so I couldn't help you even if I wanted to and trust me I don't want to. So there is nothing you could do to me that would make me more fearful of you than I am of Mr. Church. Do your worse!"

"Well, can't say I didn't give you a chance." He then raised his axe slowly to deliver the final blow. The whimpering man now was kneeling defiantly, ready to embrace his death. To his shock, the axe went back to Dark Angel's holster as he started to turn and leave.

"W-What? You're letting me live? Why?" the man asked now genuinely confused. "Yep, I'm letting you live. I mean there's no point in killing you if you don't fear me. There's no fun in that. As to why, well it's like what you just iterated to me before. There is nothing I can do to you that could conjure up enough fear to make you talk. So I might as well try elsewhere."

He then gave out a sigh of relief that he'd live to see his family again but that ended when Christian started talking once more. "It'll be a shame when Church finds out what happened here. You being the only survivor won't look good at all. After knowing him as long as I have, my guess is that he'll start to wonder why I decided let you live. I killed everyone else here so why is it that you survived."

The man started to sweat again and fear came crashing back, "I bet he'll even come to the conclusion that you're a mole and that you gave me sensitive information that could undermine his entire operation. Boy, I wonder what he would do to you, or to your family."

He finally figured out why he was being spared. Just the appearance of him being a snitch would get his family killed. He had to act soon or pretty much kiss his family goodbye. "Wait! Don't do this please! I'll tell you what I know just please stop!"

Dark Angel then turned back and got his axe back out and swung it down on the man's forearm. It wasn't deep enough to warrant amputation, but it still hurt like hell. He screamed out in pain and agony from having his arm cleaved into. "Then next time I offer you a mulligan I suggest you take it. I know how Church operates. Moles get to watch their family's burn, drown, or get buried alive. I take it you don't want to see that, so talk now before I walk away for good."

The crook was getting scared and nervous. He didn't know anything about the plans but if he didn't tell him something useful then his family would pay the price for it. He had to think quickly to save his wife and son. After what seemed like an eternity, he remembered something that could save them. He may not have the information Dark Angel was looking for, but he knew who did and where he could be found.

"Okay, I don't know anything specific about Church's plans but I have a way you could find everything that you're looking for."

"I'm listening."

"Finn McIntyre, the leader of the Irish mob. I heard he was pissed off about how Church took over and has been looking for a way to dethrone him. He'll be more than willing to give you whatever you need to stop him."

"Where do I find Mr. McIntyre?"

"He's at Star Cross Hospital. His son is sick so he goes there every day to see him. That's where you can find him."

Dark Angel then removed his axe from his arm and returned it to its holster. Christian made sure his arm wouldn't need to be operated on; it just looked really messy and would need stitches. He was about to leave when the man cried out again.

"Wait! I told you what you wanted to know. Don't leave me like this!" Christian laughed at him. "You'll live. There are plenty of productive people that only possess function of only one of their arms." He said while trying to scare the man.

"I'm not talking about that. I need you to kill me." Christian raised an eyebrow at him behind his helmet.

"If you don't kill me, Church will figure out that I sold out. He'll harm my wife and son. I only started doing this because I wanted a better life for them. They are everything to me and if I have to die so that they can live, then so be it. So do it, please." He begged.

Dark Angel took his words to heart and for the first time in a long time, felt remorse for his actions. He started to remember when he came home and got the news from his mother that his father had been in a horrible accident. In his crusade against Tobias Church, he had forgotten why he first became Dark Angel; to make sure another little boy would never have to see his father being lowered into the ground in a box. He was becoming Church, or worse he was becoming his mother and that was unacceptable. Church isn't the only one who has sins to pay for. I'll never become my mother…ever!

Christian decided to have mercy on him. He was going to give him a chance to take his family and go. "Go home, pack your bags, and get your family out of this city. I won't kill you tonight but if I ever catch you out here again, you will suffer."

Christian saw the man stumble in confusion as to why he decided to spare him. "Why are you letting me go?"

"No son ever deserves to see his father lowered into a hole that he knows they'll never get out of. Your family needs you and that's why you're going to stop living this life and start fresh. I suggest you go to Keystone City; it's quiet there and you should be out of Church's reach."

"Okay but I'm not going to be able to leave. Church will eventually find out that if I did. These bodies here are going to give away that I either flaked out or gave you intel on him. He'll send men after me and my family to kill us."

"Don't worry about that. He won't know that you told or that you're alive. I have a source that'll take care of all of that. All I need you to do is to wait until tomorrow to leave the city. Church will be so busy trying to stop me that you'll be able to slip away undetected."

"Thank you. My name is Thomas Blake by the way and I am forever in your debt. If you ever need anything at all, I'll be there." He then held his good hand out.

Dark Angel slowly and reluctantly shook his hand, "Yeah, don't mention it Thomas. Just make sure I don't regret this, or you will."

Afterwards after Thomas left the compound, Christian called Patricia about having a body sent over to him. He was going to use one of the corpses from the meat packing facility as a stand in for Thomas.

"Wow, you really do have a heart Christian." The detective said using Christian's headset. "I just felt for the kid he had is all. I remember getting the news that my dad died and it devastated me. It's why I'm wearing this suit now."

"I thought the reason you are wearing this suit was because of Church."

"No, I do this for the five year boy that I was back then that wished he could have saved his dad. Church is why I'm here in Star City though. After what he did to me in Bludhaven, it was too painful to stay there and be constantly reminded of how I failed. I can't let him do that to me again in Star City. The mercy I showed to Thomas will not be shown to Church because his transgressions must be paid for. And I know just how he's going to pay for it. But that will be for another day; tomorrow my focus is on Star Cross Hospital."

"How are you going to go about getting into the hospital? There's no doubt that this McIntyre fellow will have plenty of protection shadowing him so it's going to be hard to get a private audience with him."

"It's a hospital; I can just walk through the front door. I'll need you to hack into the security cams so that when I change into my suit, I should already be on the same floor as his son. He visits him everyday according to Thomas so I can just wait for him in there."

"Okay, but remember it's a public hospital. If you are seen it'll cause massive widespread panic and you'll be public enemy number one."

"Then I guess I need to make it a point of emphasis to not be caught. Don't worry I got this."

"You have my complete faith and support Christian." They then ended the com link. Christian rode his bike back to his base while Patricia delivered the body and sanitized the area to make sure nothing led back to Thomas or his family. She still was iffy on why he was shown mercy but if Christian decided it was for the best then she wouldn't question it. After she was done she alerted the police so the investigation could begin. This is how their partnership worked; he finds, interrogates, and kills them while she cleans the area of clues leading back to him so that it looks like someone else did it. When the investigation was over she came back to base and saw Christian resting up. He's going to need it if he is to succeed in getting into that room undetected.

Sam was elated to get the call from Sin inviting him to go to a party. It has been too long and he truly missed his friends. It was unfortunate though that he also had to report this to his boss. Tobias Church would want to know that the mayor is having such a public get together. Everyone who's anyone in the city would be attending including Mayor Queen himself. When he made the call to give him the news, Church was so pleased with him that he wired five grand into his account.

He didn't know why or what Church had planned, all he knew was that yet again he put his friends in danger but he had no choice. He was already in too deep with no way out. All he could hope for was that one day his friends would forgive him for betraying them.

Church grinned at this. Just when he was about to give up and make a new plan, the mayor gift wraps himself for him. Now when that party happens, he'll be sure to send specials guests of his own to attend and if everything goes according to plan the Dark Angel will be one of the guests. "It's time the whole world knows of your existence punk. There will be no escaping me. It looks like my future is looking up after all and after the big reveal happens; the real games can begin."

Sorry for the long wait on the update. The holidays came by so I wanted to spend time with my family. I'll be sure to update May I live Once in Peace by next week. Till next time guys and gals!