AN: I've skipped the whole thing with Dyaus Pita fight because I wasn't able to think of anything for that whole thing. Claire is also using the blue version of Alisa's God Arc.
Claire sat in Sakaki's lab with Shio sitting right next to her looking at the book in Claire's hand. Claire was reading a book Sakaki suggested which was mainly meant to teach Shio more and she gladly accepted since it meant helping the Aragami girl. Sakaki was currently working at his desk but stopped when he observed the two for a little bit. "I'm glad you're able to help. Shio has learned quite a bit thanks to your efforts." Sakaki said.
"I'm glad I could help. Shio's fun to be around." Claire said as she patted Shio on her head which she let out a delighted giggle.
"I'm glad to hear that," Sakaki said as he turned back to his work, but stopped again. "By the way, how are you doing? I've heard that battle with the Aragami that killed Lindow was quite gruelling."
"Well, that definitely could have gone better, but I'm just glad we were able to avenge Lindow's death, and nobody got hurt too, so that's a plus."
"I see. I guess everything worked out in the end."
Alisa stood nervously outside of Sakuya's room for who knows how long, but eventually worked up the courage to knock on the door. When she heard Sakuya telling her to come in she opened the door to see Sakuya looking at her from the couch. "Alisa? Is there something you need?"
"Uh, yes. I was hoping maybe you can help me figure something out."
"Okay, what is it?"
"I've been... feeling strange lately, in my chest, it feels tight for some reason and I don't know what's causing it."
"Really? Do you know when it began?"
"I think I started to notice it after dealing with Lindow's killer."
"Okay, when does this strange feeling usually happen?"
"It's odd... I noticed that I only experience it when I'm with Claire."
"Ooh," Sakuya said in realization.
"Hmm? Did you figure it out?"
"Yes, and it's rather a simple answer too."
"Really? Then what is it?"
"I think you're in love with her."
"What!?" Alisa said in complete shock. "N-No! That can't be."
"Trust me, Alisa, I know how you feel, I've also had a similar experience. Although, here's one piece of advice for you. I would tell her how you feel, you'll regret it if you don't because you won't know when you'll lose her."
"At least think about it, okay, Alisa?"
"Okay, I'll think about it."
Alisa roamed the Den ever since she got back from her mission mainly because she had something on her mind. She took Sakuya's advice and seriously thought about her inner feelings for her captain, for Claire, and the more she thought about it the more she knew Sakuya was right. Alisa felt more aware of everything Claire did, like how she carefully dodged the Aragami and counterattacked them, or how she would save one of her teammates if they were in trouble. One of the moments that helped convince her that she was in love with the captain, was one of the moments she saw Claire without her coat to see her toned muscles and quickly realized that she was staring a little bit too long. She didn't know what to do about her feelings for her since she never had them before especially with another girl. Alisa jumped when she felt a hand on her shoulder and she looked to see who it was, it ended being the exact person she was thinking of.
"Alisa? You look troubled. Is something the matter?" Alisa blushed a little from how close she was with her and quickly composed herself.
"No. I'm fine."
"Okay, good. There's something I would like to go over with you."
"I'm sorry, but I have something I need to do." Alisa lied, not yet wanting to talk with Claire.
"I-I see. Next time then?"
"Yes, of course."
Claire watched as Alisa left with a slightly dejected look in her eye and she let out a sigh before sitting down on the couch. Not long Claire noticed someone sit down next to her and she looked to see Kota looking at her with a concerned look in his eyes. "Is something the matter? You look down for some reason."
"Alisa has been avoiding me for a while now, and I don't know why. I hope didn't do anything to offend her in some way."
"I'm sure it's nothing. I doubt Alisa could ever hate you."
"You think so?"
"Yeah! Just look at all the stuff you guys went through! You helped her through tough times. Helped her become a better God Eater, and I'm pretty sure you're the only one who helped her open up to everyone."
"I guess you're right. Then, what's bugging her?"
"Who knows?"
Alisa stared at the terminal in front of her but she didn't get anything done since she was still preoccupied with herself. She sighed to herself before shutting down the terminal since it was currently a waste of time to use it. Before she could do anything else, Alisa could hear a voice calling out to her, and it belonged to Kota. "Hey, Alisa!"
"Oh, Kota. Did you need something?"
"Yeah, so what's up? What's gotcha ya all bothered?"
"What do you mean?"
"Oh, it's just Claire. She thinks that you don't like her anymore."
"What brought that? I could never hate her."
"Well, you have been avoiding her lately. That's what started it anyway, but now she thinks something is wrong and she's worried."
"She is?"
"All I do is cause trouble for her." Alisa thought. "Kota, maybe you can help me?"
"Sure, I can help you. What do you need?"
"You've been around Claire longer than anyone, right?"
"Yeah, we became God Eaters around the same time."
"I was wondering if you could maybe tell me more things about her?"
"I think I can do that? Maybe?"
"Maybe? What do you mean by that?"
"Hmm... now that I think about it I don't know that much about Claire. Now that I think about it again, I think you're the only one who knows her the best. Besides, you two experienced Resonance together, remember? She told me that she experienced your life, and I'm sure it was the same the other way."
"It was..." Alisa said as she recalled some of her memories and he was right about, she learned all the stuff about her life from Claire, from either her telling or through Resonance. "Thank you, Kota."
"No problem."
"There's another thing I would like to know? Has she ever shown any interest in anybody."
"Uh, no. Why?"
"Look, I'll tell you the reason why I'm asking if you don't speak of this to anyone!"
"Okay, I promise."
"I... I think... I'm in love with... Claire."
"What!? Really!?" Kota shouted in complete shock.
"K-Keep your voice down." Alisa whisper shouted. "Now, don't mention this to anyone, especially Claire."
"What are you two talking about?" The voice startled them since they didn't expect the person they were talking about would be right behind them. Alisa looked to see that she is wearing something else than the usual blue thermal coat, it was a blue and white uniform that Fenrir provided. (AN: It's pretty much the blue FSAT outfit.)
"N-Nothing," Alisa said nervously.
"Oh, okay. So, how do you like my new look?"
"So, what's with the new look?" Kota asked.
"Oh, my old clothes were starting to get tattered from all the battles we had. I thought to go for a new look, you know, something a little more professional."
" looks great on y-you," Alisa said.
"Aw, thank you," Claire said with a smile that made her heart skip a beat. "Now, for what I'm here for. Alisa, we were assigned a mission. It'll be just the two of us this time."
"We'll be going after a Chi-You, and we'll have to watch out for the small horde of small Aragami. Luckily, we don't have to worry about them and we can focus our attention only on the Chi-You."
"We're leaving in ten minutes." Alisa and Kota watched as Claire walked to the elevator and the moment she was gone Kota decided to ask the question he wanted to ask.
"So, when are you going to tell her."
"I-I don't know."
"oh, okay."