This is a direct continuation of the last chapter!

Day 7 – Change/Beginning




Shiro was pacing desperately. It was something that he did when he was deep in thought.

Except his mind was blank.

Well, maybe not entirely.

Shiro was thinking about a faint brush of lips, soft hands on his chest, and hushed excuses from both parties explaining that they needed to go to bed. They had a busy day tomorrow of training and… stuff.

The black paladin was anxiously clenching the front of his shirt to keep himself from furiously running his fingers through his hair. His chest was vibrating with every quickened heartbeat. His fingertips and lips were on fire. He felt like there was a possibility of actually combusting right then and there in his bedroom. Shiro wondered who would be the first to find his remains.

His eyes landed on the door of his bedroom briefly. He could go to see, maybe talk…




This was a slippery slope. A long fall.

Who was he kidding? He already kissed the Altean princess. At this point, he had practically willingly thrown himself over the ledge.

How did this happen? How could he have let it get so far?

Shiro admitted to being… attracted to Allura from the beginning. But, honestly, how could he not? But then she saved his life, on numerous occasions now since that first time when she threw him into an escape pod at the expense of her own capture.

She was powerful. She was weak. She was kind. She was frigid. She was beautiful. She was clumsy. She was Allura, only princess of Altea.

And Shiro, the black paladin of Voltron, was irrevocably and forlornly in love with her.

Shiro took a deep breath and let it out with one shaky blow.

Admittedly without thinking, Shiro sprinted to his door. With a tap of a button, the metallic door slid open. A choked squeak from the hallway didn't disrupt Shiro's hasty dash in time. His body slammed into a smaller one, taking both of them down. He wrapped his arms around the smaller body, and he managed to twist during the fall so he could land on his back. He hit the ground hard, with the added weight only further pushing the air out of his lungs harshly.

He gasped and coughed. It was only then did he notice the shining silver hair sprawled out across his chest.

"Allura?" Shiro gasped between coughs.

The Altean princess didn't move. Her hands had gripped the front of his shirt during their fall and were now covering her lowered face.

"Allura," Shiro asked again, worry bubbling in his chest, "Are you alright? Did you get hurt?"

Allura shook her head but didn't lower her hands. Shiro lifted his torso off the ground, propping himself up on his elbows and forearms. He tilted his head to try to peek at her face. He whispered her name once more.

Slowly, Allura lifted herself. She was facing him but her dark hands were still obstructing the view of her face. After a beat, her fingers parted, revealing her multicolored eyes and a glimpse of a blush on her cheeks.

Shiro was now very aware of their position. On the floor. With her on top of him. Her thighs straddling his waist. Her hips locked perfectly against his.

He choked back a moan and instead blubbered for words, sputtering out sounds.

"I am so sorry," he managed.

Allura shook her head once more. "N-no. It was me. I mean, I am at fault. I was, um, at your door a-and um… I was just… I wasn't there for long! I just wanted…" The princess uncharacteristically prattled, her hands finally leaving her face to gesture wildly.

Neither made any indication of moving.

Shiro swallowed harshly. He cleared his throat and opened his mouth to speak. He was abruptly cut off when the princess shifted.

She put her hands against his chest, using him to push herself up and put her weight on her knees. She bit her lip and shifted her eyes away, the markings below her eyes quickly gaining luminance.

Shiro grit his teeth and tried to hold back the noises boiling in the back of his throat. He told himself to take steady breaths. Keep… thoughts out of his mind. But the fact that Allura still wasn't getting up wasn't helping. The fact that her hips found an even more… comfortable position against his wasn't helping. The fact that she never took her hands off of him, only slid them downward to rest on his lower stomach, wasn't helping. That fact that she was softly, slowly, sighing his name. Was. Not. Helping.

"Allura," Shiro growled, shocking himself at the hoarse sound of his own voice, "please…"

Allura's eyes widened, her blush riding up her neck to the tips of her ears. "Shiro," she murmured, "why did you kiss me?"

A smothered groan escaped his lips. "Allura, you know why." Shiro squeezed his eyes shut, still trying to keep some semblance of control.

"No," Allura leaned forward, "I don't. Please tell me."

"Are you just forcing me to say it?" Shiro kept his eyes shut, afraid of the tantalizing sight that was literally lying in front of him.



Shiro bit his lip. "I'm in love with you. God, I'm so in love with you, Allura."

Allura slammed onto him, lips messily crashing onto his. Sick of holding back, Shiro gripped her waist, pulling her as tightly as he could against his body. His body fell back slightly, back now fully pressed down on the metallic floor of the castle.

It was absurd, objectively. He, a man who through unfortunate circumstances was captured and tortured by an unforgiving alien race, was now kissing a princess on a very public floor of her castle in the middle of the night.

But the ludicrous circumstances didn't matter when Allura was gasping against his lips, running her hands through his hair, down his neck, and across his chest.

Allura pulled back breaking the kiss. Shiro let out a vague whining sound that only made Allura's smile widen.

She cupped his face between her hands. "My paladin… Shiro, I love you."

"Takashi," Shiro rasped, "Call me Takashi."

Allura smirked bringing her lips teasingly close to his. "Takashi."

Shiro lunged, pressing his lips hungrily against hers once more.


Allura and Shiro jumped, pulling apart.

By the time they turned to see who had so rudely interrupted them, they only managed to see a blue robe and some lion slippers swiftly disappear around a corner.

Shiro groaned and threw his head back, hitting it softly on the floor.

Allura giggled behind a hand before sitting up, moving to stand. Shiro bit back a complaint and watched her rise to her feet. She held out a hand to help him up, and he gratefully took it. After he stood though, he was sure not to let go.

"I suppose we were asking for an interruption," Allura laughed, glancing down at the floor where they had been.

"Next time we'll be more careful." The words flew out of Shiro's mouth before he could even stop them. A blush blossomed on his cheeks. "I-I mean-"

Allura squeezed his hand. "Yes we will." She smiled at him, face about as red as his.

Shiro thought that he probably looked like an idiot, grinning down at her.

The harsh sound of hurried hands knocking on doors interrupted them.


Whoooo! This was a blast. These seven chapters have made me write more than I have in a long time. I couldn't make the deadline with a chapter a day but whatever. Every week is Shallura Week.
