Author's Note: Hey guys, so this idea jumped out at me and I wanted to tackle it and see how I could do. I have been through the entire fanfiction archive for Blue Bloods and have not found anything using this, which surprises me, but so I figured I wouldn't be stealing any ideas. I'm not sure how long this story will be yet, but once I get a little bit deeper into the writing I will be sure to let you know. Alright everyone, here goes nothing!

Disclaimer: I do not own Blue Bloods or any of the characters.


When Jamie Reagan made the official decision to get an application for the New York City Police Department, in some ways he knew what he was signing up for and in others he did not.

He knew there would be encounters with people he would consider undesirable, which was most of the people he put away. He knew there would be moments of sheer terror and moments of extreme danger.

But he did not know the extent some people went to. Or that in those moments of terror, there very well may not be a way out.

It's not as if Jamie signed up thinking like a naïve kid, that the world was a happy place filled with rainbows and sunshine. But he did believe that there was something good to be found in everyone, some quality that deep down made them a truly good person. As a cop, that was a liability. And unfortunately, it put him in the situation he was in now.

He knew that going to see both Bianca and Noble was wrong, but part of him wanted to believe that they were good people deep down and would appreciate the help he was trying to give him. That was not the case.

However, he didn't fail to notice the sympathetic look that Noble had given him as his uncle's goons stuffed him into the car. Trying to fight back was useless, it was one against an entire army of Cappezari wise guys who didn't give a damn whether or not he looked pretty still when he arrived wherever they were taking him.

That being said, Jamie couldn't remember a time in his life where the amount of fear he had come even remotely close to where it was right now. He had seen the pictures and heard the stories about what Uncle Philly did to people who crossed him, especially cops. Now he wished he hadn't.

Saying yes to the assignment had been the easiest thing in the world. He wanted to help and make a difference, it was in his blood. Now Jamie wished that he could take it all back, and he could be a little kid again safe in his mother and father's arms.

The car they put him in smelled like alcohol and weed, not that he was surprised at all. Jamie couldn't make out the faces of anybody else in the car. He knew better than to ask where they were going. This was the second silent car ride he had ever experienced in his lifetime, at least with other people.

The first had been a couple years ago. 'Jeez has it already been that long?' Jamie thought, turning his head to look out the window. It was a week after Joe died and he and Danny were returning from their brother's funeral. He had just told the one family member still in the dark that he was joining the police academy.

After he made the announcement, Danny had refused to talk to or even look at his little brother, which prompted an emotionally charging car ride for both of the men.

The memories from that car ride made Jamie half wish that there was some type of noise, talking, music, something to keep his mind from the disturbing visions of what may lay ahead for him. The other half of him was grateful that there was no noise of his screams, gunshots or of him taking his last breaths.

Jamie couldn't help but assume that his cover had been blown. But if it had, did they really know exactly who he was? He supposed that if they did, he'd be dead by now. But if they did…would they go after his family? He couldn't bear the thought of anything happening to any of them because of him. He could already hear Danny chastising him.

"My family is dead and it is all your fault." The words stung in his mind and gave him a headache.

He did his best to try and relax, checking the clock on the dashboard of the car. It had only been like five minutes. To Jamie, it felt like five hours.

He had to remain positive. He still had his phone on him, and it was on, so he knew that if necessary, anyone could trace his phone for the time being. But if they did, how would they get him out without his cover being blown if it wasn't already? It would flush all of the work he had done down the drain. But how would his family react if he just disappeared? Would his body just be found like Johnny Tesla's? He couldn't put his family through losing another, not so soon.

Looking out the window again, Jamie noticed they were no longer in the city, but on what appeared to be an interstate. The highway was busy, at this time on a Saturday night, and Jamie considered trying to escape the car and get some help. But he knew it was more than likely that Sanfino's men wouldn't waste any time shooting him right there.

After another ten minutes of driving, the car pulled over into the grass and came to a stop. Jamie's stomach dropped in fear as one of the men in the backseat with him began digging in his bag.

'This is it.' He thought 'I'm going to die right here and my family will never know what happened to me.'

Panic raced through his body as the man finally found what he was looking for and started pulling it out. Jamie closed his eyes, preparing to feel a sudden pain or feel the barrel of a gun pressed against his temple. But he didn't. What he did hear was the sloshing of a liquid and the opening of a container. After another moment of the same noise, he felt a tiny prick in the side of his neck.

A needle. 'Oh god they're going to poison me.'

His eyes shot open again, but it took a lot more effort than he ever remembered it being before. The lines of his vision were getting blurry, and he was starting to feel sleepy. Jamie tried his best to fight it, but eventually the drug was to strong and he gave in to the darkness, the last thing he hears being a gruff voice whispering, "Night night."

Author's Note: Hey guys, thanks for reading! This is so short because it is just the prologue, I promise the chapters will be longer. Let me know what you guys think and if I should continue with this story I've got rolling.

Up Next: The Reagans find out about Jamie's eventful night and the investigation begins.